WickedSecrets Profile Page

About Me

I'm a 22 year old mother of one rambunctious little boy and engaged to an amazing fiance. I've been writing original stories since I was 9, but seriously started writing when I was around 14. I'm currently working on my first novel that I started when I was seventeen.

I've been writing fanfiction since I was 12 years old...but we won't talk about those monstrosities. They will never see the light of day. EVER! . I won't lie, ever since I first watched InuYasha when I was about 12-13 years old I was a hardcore InuKag supporter. That is until I read Unspoiled by Forthright for the first time. After that it was all down hill for me.

Currently Working On: Letters Home- A fluffy little romance laced with comedy, drama and a little bit of angst.

My Dokugasonna was done by the very talented Kairou Watoshimi. Hey, I gotta give credit where credit is due. Ain't no way I'm that talented! My art lies in the written word....drawing not so much. I do more of manipulation in Gimp than freehand drawing so that's my forte.

You know you want to click it

User Status

10 years ago
3 years ago
8 years ago


Letters Home: ONGOING
While receiving letters from his nanny while she travels, Sesshomaru remembers the years Kagome has worked for him. A mother figure, a friend, an unexpected love. He realizes it isn't just his daughter who looks forward to her return.


Trial And Error: ON HIATUS
Kagome is the princess of the House of the Rising Sun; the center of Kitsune royalty located in the Eastern Lands. When her mother decides that the best way to strengthen the East is through marriage the ruling families of the East and West come together in a plot to test their children's resolve, patients and capacity to love.



Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts5

Forum Posts
05/06/2016 20:19:58Re:Free DokugasonaSelf-Promotion65172
05/13/2016 12:13:18Re:Free DokugasonaSelf-Promotion65172
05/16/2016 21:48:51Re:Free DokugasonaSelf-Promotion65172
07/11/2016 10:37:05Guess whos looking for another ficSearching for a Fic...2667
07/11/2016 15:23:25Re:Guess whos looking for another ficSearching for a Fic...2667


  Freya Ishtar


WickedSecrets has 2 stories

While receiving letters from his nanny while she travels, Sesshomaru remembers the years Kagome has worked for him. A mother figure, a friend, an unexpected love. He realizes it isn't just his daughter who looks forward to her return.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 19 Apr 2016  -  Updated: 09 Dec 2016
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 50  -  Words: 28,877  -  Reads: 46,173
Kagome is the princess of the House of the Rising Sun; the center of Kitsune royalty located in the Eastern Lands. When her mother decides that the best way to strengthen the East is through marriage the ruling families of the East and West come together in a plot to test their children's resolve, patients and capacity to love.(Rated for Future chapters)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 07 Apr 2016  -  Updated: 21 Apr 2016
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 16  -  Words: 7,874  -  Reads: 11,998


Total number of images: 2

Letters Home
  • Letters Home
  • Category: Others
Pyreite's Grumpy Dog--Colored
  • Pyreite's Grumpy Dog--Colored
  • Category: Others

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 31

[SessKag] Apologies
The Otome Game
Hearts in their Hands
SessKag Warriors
The Well Demon Kagome
Mellow Nights
Chibi Kagome & Sesshomaru
Shatter Me
Once Upon a Spell *Colored*
Fox Miko
Kakuchuu - September 2012
bubbles wip 4
Thunder and Lightning
Bothersom by R0o colored
  • Bothersom by R0o colored
  • Author: Havk
  • Category: Fanart
a selfish wish
Sacrifice- Cover, Line Art
Chibimaru and a Can of HairSpray
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 12/26/2016 18:32:12

Ah ha!!! I knew it was two. Thanks for your review. I am currently trying to crank out another chapter before the new year, but I am mapping it out. So there is that. Thank you for your review!!


Created On: 04/17/2016 05:18:47

Thank you for your lovely review on Life After Loss!
I'm glad to hear the story is to your liking, and your kind compliments on my writing really warmed my heart! ^__^

As for Sesshoumaru's characterisation, I admit I've always been partial to portray him a bit softer than most of the fandom. However I don't think that is necessarily out of character for him, going by canon evidence.
We never really get to see how he is beneath his cold surface -- and Japanese people can have distinct separation between their true feelings and the facade they put up for the world to see.
Moreover, Sesshoumaru doesn't have a single close, meaningful relationship in the series so we can't really know how he would behave towards his mate. Everyone in the fandom of course has a their own interpretation of the canon, and a considerate Sesshoumaru happens to be mine.

Again, thank you, for your sweet comment and I hope you'll continue to enjoy this story in the future, too!
Feedback from WickedSecrets: This is very true and you make a valid point. I personally enjoy your portrayal immensely. I look forward to an update!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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