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I apologize for any mistake you might find in my reviews...English is not my first language :)

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06/21/2020 11:52:35Re:Holy Army FicSearching for a Fic...2894
06/03/2020 18:13:52Re:need help searching for a storySearching for a Fic...5038
04/19/2020 05:09:11Re:kagome want to have a baby by infertility but donoSearching for a Fic...3384
04/10/2020 12:23:21Re:Which one do you prefer?General Discussion3550
04/10/2020 11:49:44Re:Looking for a story....Searching for a Fic...2343
04/10/2020 05:09:47Re:Looking for very old story - sesshomaru is a vampSearching for a Fic...2084
03/24/2020 18:16:42Re:CollegeRecommendations4402
01/14/2020 16:40:05Re:Dokuga Holiday Exchange Sign-ups! 2019Off-Topic Discussion17706
10/05/2019 11:42:53Re:Fic Rec Fest!Recommendations18239
10/02/2019 08:33:56Re:Fic Rec Fest!Recommendations18239
09/29/2019 03:04:38Re:Plz help...Searching for a Fic...2881
08/26/2019 06:03:06Re:Need help finding a fanficSearching for a Fic...3463
07/21/2019 14:56:23Re:Looking for this FanficSearching for a Fic...3403
06/29/2019 07:35:52Re:Looking to rereadSearching for a Fic...3524
06/29/2019 06:05:42Re:I'm sorry to be a bother...Searching for a Fic...2787
06/22/2019 06:57:13Re:Sorry To Be A Bother...Searching for a Fic...3622
05/31/2019 08:05:46Re:Looking for a story.Searching for a Fic...2894
04/26/2019 18:19:20Re:Old StorySearching for a Fic...3598
04/22/2019 05:22:18Re:Looking for some fanfics from some time agSearching for a Fic...3083
04/15/2019 08:38:13Re:saved from a falling elevator?Searching for a Fic...3530

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  Alysia DeMaggio


VS has 6 stories

As long as she was able to protect him, she would gladly do it. Even, if the enemy was a nightmare. And so she sang. Mori no fukuro ga iimashita … (Inspired by Sayuri’s art)
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 24 Oct 2018  -  Updated: 24 Oct 2018
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 1,427  -  Reads: 6,278
(Three shot) Part 1: This letter was important and she had to deliver it. The time has come to declare her affection! (Written for the sesskag prompt event) *Revised* /// Part 2: He would finally claim the miko for himself. But who would dare to interfere with his plans? /// Part 3: Today he would teach the hopeless daiyoukai how to deal with human females. “My name is Shippou-sensei and it would do you morons good, to listen to me attentively.”
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 16 Sep 2018  -  Updated: 16 Oct 2018
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 15  -  Words: 5,401  -  Reads: 9,343
We usually judge people based on their outside. How they look, how they behave, what they say. But what if this person wanted you to have a certain picture of him? What, if he was able to hide his weakness of the mind? This is a story about Sesshoumaru and his inner side. A side that he guarded well. (Written for the sesskag prompt event) !!!Warning: Graphic description of self-harm!!!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 13 Nov 2018  -  Updated: 13 Nov 2018
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 18  -  Words: 2,294  -  Reads: 6,619
“You are fired.” /// “You are fired.” It was no secret that the position of secretary to Mr. Taisho was a much desired one. It was also no secret that a person could hold this position only for a span of 3 seconds to one week. But what if his third former secretary hadn’t finished with the preparations for the New Year’s party and nobody knew about that? Chaos!!! (Written for the New Year's Challenge 2018) /high rating for language/ *COMPLETE!*
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 13 Dec 2018  -  Updated: 13 Jan 2019
Genre: Friendship, Humor  -  Chapters: 9  -  Reviews: 51  -  Words: 10,396  -  Reads: 33,910
Things do not always turn out as planned. Kagome made a decision and is forced to live with the consequences now. After years of celebrating Christmas alone she reached a dangerous point. Will she manage? (Written for the Dokuga Holiday Exchange 2019)
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Jan 2020  -  Updated: 14 Jan 2020
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 4,332  -  Reads: 7,156
The story of how a young Sesshoumaru protected an egg told in 100 words. Ah-Un POV (Written for Stormie's egg challenge) *Complete*
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 02 Jun 2020  -  Updated: 23 Jun 2020
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 28  -  Reviews: 91  -  Words: 3,004  -  Reads: 24,429


Total number of images: 1

Inspired by LAL
  • Inspired by LAL
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Take his Pleasure
The dead are alive
Lost 'n Found
Tangerine cover art (WIP)
Canis Major
The miko sisters
Western Lord and His Lady
Life after loss
Centaur AU
You’re mine..
November 2018 Wallpaper
Calendar - September 2018
The Taisho Daughter
Sesshomaru - Human ver.
Kagome in Sesshoumaru's clothes


Name Entry

Created On: 01/12/2021 14:29:28

Ahhh, meine Liebe VS, I've missed you and your wonderful reviews! Thank you for gifting me one on Otsukimi!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! I was kind of mashing up two ideas into one so I was a bit uncertain if the end result was left feeling too mismatched. I really wanted to portray a different kind of InuKag break-up for a change, so it means a lot that you liked it and thought I did well showing different types of love!

Insecure Sesshoumaru is definitely too sweet and something we don't see enough of! I hope too that this might have helped inspire others to explore it more!

Hooray for VS! So glad to have you back! Love you!


Created On: 07/06/2020 21:24:49

VS! Thank you mucho for your reviews on The Moon is Beautiful It makes me happy that my little experiment is making you smile too. I especially loved writing the Buyo part! Call it karmic justice for the number of times Sess was a meanie butt (he had it coming). Don't worry, there will be more of grandpa H (and Buyo) in the next drop!...and future posts.

Lastly, thank you for your kind words regarding my little piece of RL news ^_^ I hope once I am done I can actually focus on writing. My stories could use so much more love and care, if I had more time Maybe at some point I'll rewrite them all. IDK.

Anyway...take care and stay safe!!


Created On: 07/05/2020 13:13:17
Edited By FragmentedMatter On: 07/06/2020 14:32:58

Thank you so much for your reviews on Compatibility, VS! I'm so glad that you are enjoying the story so far. To be honest, writing Inuyasha's profile was a bit of a struggle as I wanted to tie in as much of his personality and interests from the manga/anime into the story. And Sesshomaru's chapter was probably my favourite to write; there's just something about the demon lord, isn't there?

Hope you're doing well, and all the best,


Created On: 06/21/2020 18:09:18

Thank you so much for your incredibly kind review on Variables, VS! Your review was a wonderful surprise and brought a smile to my face I'm not sure if I will continue this particular drabble, but you never know (perhaps a Sesshomaru POV?)! It's difficult finding the time to write while teaching (online), but I hope to have a little more spare time as the semester winds down. Your review has made me excited to write another short drabble if not another chapter for one of my others stories, so thank you again.

I hope you are staying safe and staying well, too

Take care,
Feedback from VS: Awh, so happy to hear my review brought a smile on your face and excited you to write another one!!! If I could vote for a chapter story it would be "Compatibility".


Created On: 05/27/2020 08:21:41

VS, thank you so much for your reviews on When Comes the Rain! Those were a pleasant surprise to find this morning. And I totally got excited with you when you said "He knows!" Thanks again.


Created On: 05/16/2020 13:36:13

Just how are you so sweet??? HOW? I should be thanking all of you guys really for wanting to be part of my life. It really is amazing and you are all amazing. And you're very welcome!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the drabble I wrote for your prompt. You deserve each and every word of it! You're doing awesome and I'm so proud of you kicking all those tests' butts!

I think it's easy especially in fics and fanon to paint Sess as this mature person but he is actually still pretty young, in a post canon scenario mentally speaking hardly older than Kagome, actually. So I'm glad I could bring a bit more light on that.

And thank you for yet another review just now on Stormie's drabble. There's no fluff like domestic fluff so I felt a serving of that was in order. And yes honestly not gonna lie the image of Kagome with the mokomoko around her shoulders and the Sess with the toddler on his hip and their other kids all together would make for some awesome fan art is all I'm saying xD

Yes, hail me. You may call me the One Shot Queen. jk (but also not really lol)

Love you lots!


Created On: 04/18/2020 03:15:31

Hiya Liebling and thank you so much for your reviews on my prompts drabbles!

1. The world needs more Dad!Sess and I am happy to provide it lol

2. I assure you Kagome knew full well who she was asking to help her, she was just driven by Panic and Desperation xD This particular one was really funny to write so it means all the much more to me that you enjoyed it, too! ^_^

3. Rin would totally have a poodle. xD Or some type of dog anyway. It was fun to do the same prompt but a whole different scenario, glad you liked this one as well!

Love you and I hope you're doing as well as you can be in the middle of all this craziness. Stay safe and stay healthy and I miss you!
Feedback from VS: You are welcome, Süße! They were a joy to read and I can't wait for the next bunch of drabbles! That being said I want to thank you for being such an awesome member of the fandom that loves and respects their fans/readers! Thanks for letting us be a part of your life.

I love you and miss you too! Be safe!


Created On: 04/13/2020 12:41:18

Thank you for your lovely and detailed review! It literally put a smile to my face when I saw the notification, I love hearing what readers think and I'm glad you're enjoying Fractured Reflections! And don't worry, we'll definitely have more insight into what Sesshomaru thinks of the 'accident' throughout the story. It won't come suddenly though, as he's used to being faultless. I've got all the parts to the story outlined, just need to write it now, so hope you stay along for the ride!

Once again, thank you for your lovely review!
Feedback from VS: You are welcome! I'm glad to hear my review made you smile. And yes, he is definitely used to being faultless.


Created On: 12/24/2019 18:21:25

Thank you for your latest review on 'The Shoot' ! I'm glad you like the little details I put in, especially the ones about physical sensations that lead to romantic feelings on the part of one character or another. I'm definitely trying to nudge Sesshomaru, Kagome, and Sango in that direction, so that the story has a romantic ending.


Created On: 09/06/2019 07:17:24

Thank you VS. I love reading your thoughts on the chapter. I'm looking forward to writing Sess/Kagome finally coming to an understanding on their relationship. Of course, he will have to work hard for it!

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