The Norrington Profile Page
The Norrington

About Me

I'm 24, married, I play Minecraft, and occasionally I write something worth posting.

Feel free to follow me on Tumblr!  I'll follow you too.

I have a special place in my heart for Shippo.

I also enjoy Red vs Blue.

I love gifs.

~Boy From Down the Street won 3rd Place for Best Alternate Universe/Reality!  ~

I lalsothe Keaton from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.  I find he is both mischievous, mysterious, and wise.  Would you like to play a game of riddles?


Updating Schedule

Chapter Stories

Boy From Down the Street: Sundays and Wednesdays

For The West: Fridays

Holler Me Home: COMPLETE


One Shots

You Disappoint Me: COMPLETE

When Kagome Laughed: COMPLETE

I have a fever...and it can only be cured by more Shippo!

User Status

13 years ago
9 years ago
10 years ago
The Norrington



Thank you every one for nominating "Boy From Down The Street" and "Holler Me Home".  This is fantastic, and I am truly honored to have you as my readers!  Keep reading, and enjoy!


The 'sona above was done by the talented supermangageek23.  Thank you so much for your hard work!  It's great!

Below here are different prompt token, banners, and what not that I will hopefully collect over time. :)


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts72

Forum Posts
01/16/2013 01:13:34Re:Luna's Weekly PromptsChallenges23291
01/29/2013 00:13:16Re:Luna's Weekly PromptsChallenges23291
04/05/2013 15:23:48Re:Maybe a little Aura?Off-Topic Discussion2766
01/19/2013 16:07:37Re:Modern AU Fic Help Please!Searching for a Fic...2339
09/07/2012 19:36:31Re:Need some help, please.Searching for a Fic...2475
01/29/2013 01:24:20Re:On the Hunt AgainFound Fanfictions2961
09/17/2012 17:06:13Re:Please, you could help save (or end) a life!Self-Promotion4984
09/17/2012 21:12:19Re:Please, you could help save (or end) a life!Self-Promotion4984
09/18/2012 10:02:43Re:Please, you could help save (or end) a life!Self-Promotion4984
10/12/2012 10:16:50Re:PodficsFanfiction6087
01/29/2013 12:06:59Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges85334
02/06/2013 00:13:07Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges85334
02/07/2013 15:44:08Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges85334
02/08/2013 01:40:01Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges85334
03/20/2013 20:21:02Re:Stella's Word Prompt GameChallenges152880
03/21/2013 00:15:06Re:Stella's Word Prompt GameChallenges152880
03/24/2013 16:44:36Re:Stella's Word Prompt GameChallenges152880
03/25/2013 02:14:29Re:Stella's Word Prompt GameChallenges152880
03/26/2013 18:36:55Re:Stella's Word Prompt GameChallenges152880
06/06/2013 23:48:23Re:Summer Video Game ChallengeChallenges10942


  Kenshin Himura
  Stella Mira
  Lady Kirara
  Luna C.
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


The Norrington has 7 stories

Sesshomaru finds himself enchanted with something he never thought to be. A one-shot of pretty much shameless fluff.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 12 Sep 2012  -  Updated: 12 Sep 2012
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 805  -  Reads: 6,678
When Kagome returns from University, she is surprised to learn her family has become accustomed to having a yokai around. When Kagome becomes interesting to this yokai, she doesn't know if she's amused, or concerned. A long winded romance told in bits and pieces. Rated for Gore. -3rd Place Winner for Best Alternate Universe/Reality 2012 Semi-Annual Awards-
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 09 Sep 2012  -  Updated: 07 May 2016
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 84  -  Reviews: 267  -  Words: 36,608  -  Reads: 380,274
Although she strives for red, she is home with gold. -Rated for a hinting at sexual scenarios.- A drabble collection, based on different prompts. Newest: "Holler Me Home" COMPLETE.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 Dec 2012  -  Updated: 26 Mar 2013
Genre: Action, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 30  -  Reviews: 76  -  Words: 10,941  -  Reads: 89,083
The West is at war with the East. In desperation to keep his family safe, the Inu no Taisho puts them under the protection of a powerful priestess. A reluctant refugee, Sesshomaru learns that just because you're not all powerful, doesn't mean you can't make a difference.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 04 Jan 2013  -  Updated: 20 Jan 2014
Genre: Action, Erotica, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 29  -  Words: 7,423  -  Reads: 14,036
Together, they are unstoppable. A series of prompts for the GMDDN - No YIMS
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 Jan 2013  -  Updated: 23 Mar 2013
Genre: Action, Erotica, Friendship, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 5  -  Reviews: 7  -  Words: 1,491  -  Reads: 7,805
If he had to suffer, then the world would suffer. -Based off the song "Passive" by A Perfect Circle.- Not a happy story.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 17 Apr 2013  -  Updated: 17 Apr 2013
Genre: Angst, Dark  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 946  -  Reads: 5,319
When Sesshoumaru joined their group, they all knew things would be different. Yet it is Kagome that learns that life with Sesshoumaru is not what she expected. YIM friendly. NEWEST: "Fortunate"
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 17 Jan 2014  -  Updated: 14 May 2016
Genre: Action, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 36  -  Words: 3,399  -  Reads: 24,834


Total number of images: 2

Minecraft - Kag/Sess
  • Minecraft - Kag/Sess
  • Category: Fanart
Okamiden - Sess/Kag
  • Okamiden - Sess/Kag
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 10/30/2013 14:40:51

Hi - I miss your stories. Where are you and when are you coming back? Soon I hope!


right now at the university :3
Created On: 04/09/2013 03:48:47

I just luv luv luv your stories...just finished the last chapter For the West and can't wait to read more soon....
...just wished your chapters were like 10k words Kong, so i could read on and on and on... XD ...cannot get enough of them and it' s All your fault


Created On: 03/31/2013 07:08:27
Edited By ~krazy4fluffy~ On: 03/31/2013 07:10:38

Hmmmm... You're not updating For The West!

I'll gather all your readers and go on a hunger strike if you don't update it soon!

It's a really good fic. Please, don't leave it.

PS. Hiiii! I'm a huge fan of your work.
Feedback from The Norrington: Rest assured, I'm working on it! Lol, and thanks.

Lady Kirara

Created On: 03/29/2013 02:58:47

Awwwwww! Look at the little Norri! How cute! :3
Feedback from The Norrington: : D I'm glad you like it! It's my first attempt at a chibi.


Created On: 02/07/2013 16:02:26
Edited By Namida On: 02/07/2013 16:02:49

Just wanted to stop by and say hi hi!! ^_^
Feedback from The Norrington: Hello!


Created On: 10/09/2012 01:05:27

I just luvluvluv Boy from down the street...have But One question maybe you could explain how fast the Charakters grow...seems Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha grow older much faster than Kagome does....i wonder how old Sesshoumaru will be once he starts courting i remembers Taisho was but a tender 1000 years old Ehen mating Izayoi
Feedback from The Norrington: Ok, it's sort of like this: Kagome is an adult as of right now, only her age has been pretty much stalled by the magic that makes her immortal. Sesshomaru grows slowly, but he will not begin to officially court her until he is an 'adult' although he will be young. So, as of right now in the story, Sesshomaru is older than her by age but younger than her her mentally and by body. It's confusing, I know. I'm sorry! :3


Created On: 09/17/2012 19:03:00

Welcome to Dokuga! I absolutely love Boy from Down the Street!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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