Serephina of the Kamis Profile Page
Serephina of the Kamis

About Me

So, many of you are wondering why I haven't been updating. There are several reasons.

1) I got into an accident, and broke both my wrists. This makes typing rather difficult.

2) My laptop was stolen, and so I have had to retype the entire chapter from scratch on a computer that I am sharing with four other people who have no appreciation for fanfiction.

3) A very close family friend died, and I have been a complete mess.

4) It is taking me some time to get into the right mind frame to write the next chapter.

I am very sorry to everyone, and I promise that the next chapter will be up as soon as possible.




Elderly Wisdom: Second Place Best Canon, Third Place Best Portrayal - Kagome





Serephina of the Kamis (

User Status

15 years ago
7 years ago
14 years ago
Serephina of the Kamis


So, many of you are wondering why I haven't been updating. There are several reasons.

1) I got into an accident, and broke both my wrists. This makes typing rather difficult.

2) My laptop was stolen, and so I have had to retype the entire chapter from scratch on a computer that I am sharing with four other people who have no appreciation for fanfiction.

3) A very close family friend died, and I have been a complete mess.

4) It is taking me some time to get into the right mind frame to write the next chapter.

I am very sorry to everyone, and I promise that the next chapter will be up as soon as possible.


So if you are reading what I am writing/ have written/ will write, there a few things you should know:

1. I am legally insane. We just haven't made it legal yet.

2. I will NEVER abandon a fic. It is against everything I believe in, and unless someone dies, there is no reason to abandon a fic. If you start a fic, you finish it. Don't post until you are sure you can finish it!

3. I am always at least two chapters in advance of what is posted, so updates are frequent and constant. There will be no waiting for months for a chapter that's two paragraphs long. I promise!

4. I also post on, under the same name. Just for future reference. Most of my stories are on both, but a few are not.

5. I am human (shocker). So I am very likely to make mistakes. If you see one, tell me immediately. I will fix it ASAP, and you get your own shout out in the chapter as a thank you.

I would like to intoduce you to my muses:

Obsessive_Goddess is completely insane and is the main source of inspiration for me. All the ideas I post come form her muttering in my head. She is in charge of developing the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome.

Horse Wolves is the one that sets structure to my stories so that they are not gobbeldygook and keeps the story in line with the plot without too many sidetracks. She is the one who makes sure that Sesshoumaru and Kagome don't become completely OOC. Because all three of us hate that.

If you wish to meet them, simply look at the bottom of most of my fics. They will be there waiting.



As previously stated, I don't mind constructive criticism. If there is something that can be done to improve my stories, I want to hear about it so that next time, I can work on it. However, there is a difference between constructive criticism and flaming. I cannot stand it when I've worked so hard on something, until I was satisfied that it was what i wanted, and then someone flames it. It is demeaning, hurtful, rude, and insulting. Worst, it is disrespectful to the person who wrote the story. If you don't like it, stop reading it. Don't leave behind messages that the writer than has to look at over and over again.

Here's some examples:


"You warned against violence so apparently you think it's more disturbing to kill someone then to rape and torture someone. The two females are nothing but annoying. Their arguments are not humorous unless your a twelve year old."

"This is just way too fluffy."

"No offense, but your story started off good, at an A range. Somewhere thogh it veered off to a G range, then veered into some other alphabet. Your story isn't good anymore."

"Inufugesu and Inuhime have to be the dumbest character names I have ever heard."


"Oh well thiis is a wonderful story, keep up the good work. However, I do think its wrong for the gods to hurt the people of his lands. Putting them together like this is one thing but helping the bad guys is another. It makes them no better"

"Though Sesshoumaru appears slightly OOC to me, but perhaps my interpretation of his character differs from yours."

"Good idea. But isnt Amaterasu the Sun Goddess? And you're not QUITE catching their characters in the story. Work on ICness. Again, great idea. The execution just needs a bit of work."

Anyone have any other questions, message me. But if you flame me, I will send this thing to you along with several insults of my own. :-)

Posted on

Crime and Punishment

Revenge and Retribution

Tell Me That You Love Me

Elderly Wisdom

The Way I Am


  Solaris Amari
  sugar0o who lurks


Serephina of the Kamis has 7 stories

Sesshoumaru has become too much for the kamis to tolerate. They announce his punishment, but disaster is avoided at the last moment when an open hearted miko saves him. The Kamis then bind Sesshoumaru to the miko Kagome until such a time that he learns to value another\'s life before his own. But when the two encounter one misadventure after another, you really have to ask yourself: \"Who\'s getting punished here?\"
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 06 Oct 2009  -  Updated: 24 Nov 2009
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 23  -  Reviews: 75  -  Words: 130,743  -  Reads: 77,614
Perfect. He was perfect to her. Beautiful. She was beautiful to him.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 07 Oct 2009  -  Updated: 07 Oct 2009
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 4,250  -  Reads: 6,328
They were just a boy and a girl, completely in love. But all it took was one small change, and their world fell apart. Sess/Kag, AU, One-Shot.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 09 Oct 2009  -  Updated: 09 Oct 2009
Genre: Angst, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 1,856  -  Reads: 5,374
Kagome is sick of Sesshoumaru's attitude, and gets extreme in her revenge. Sesshoumaru responds with a vengance. AU. Meant to be comical, not serious. Major OOC and going to extremes. But that's the point. Only for those who enjoy nonsense and do not expect any kind of seriousness to come of it.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 08 Oct 2009  -  Updated: 08 Oct 2009
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 1,497  -  Reads: 13,477
When Kagome met Ao Nishinoshu in Tokyo Conservational Park, she thought that she was just another elderly woman out for a stroll. However, as time goes on, and life in the Feudal Era becomes more and more challenging, she finds herself relying more and more on the wisdom of her older friend. Can Kagome use her friend's advice to find her own happiness? And how is it that Ao always knows exactly what to say? Rated MA for language.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 23 Nov 2009  -  Updated: 27 May 2013
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 18  -  Reviews: 130  -  Words: 125,319  -  Reads: 52,476
For some, love can happen in a moment. But for others, love blooms from a series of common goals, unpaid debts, and random interference. But in the end, no matter how it comes about, love is still a search for the one who takes you as you are. Sess/Kag.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 04 Dec 2009  -  Updated: 31 Jan 2010
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 19  -  Reviews: 67  -  Words: 131,861  -  Reads: 53,627
They were happy. They were perfect. Fate tore them apart. Now Kagome has the chance to fix what Fate had ruined. CHAR DEATH, LEMON, ONE-SHOT. Now edited and fixed up.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Oct 2010  -  Updated: 14 Oct 2010
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 12,436  -  Reads: 5,662


Name Entry

Created On: 08/23/2010 18:30:38

Your review was amazing! I am sooooo glad that you enjoyed the last chapter. I had not heard of Midnight Secretary, but after you mentioned it, I DID look it up... and was immediately hooked. Although, the *ahem* nudity was a bit of a shocker, it was a REALLY neat story.

Now, I do have some terrible news... I had a really awful weekend - my computer was fried by a really bad virus and I lost EVERYTHING - photos, work stuff and worst of all, my next COMPLETED chapter for Vacation with the Boss. I think I cried for about 2 hours (Really). I have to start over and I NEVER write something as good the second time we'll see. I can only hope the second go round meets everyone's expectations. Again, THANK YOU very much for your support and words of encouragement, they made me determined to re-write the next chapter instead of lying in a puddle.


Created On: 04/30/2010 12:41:56

Thanksies for reviewing TT (=Tables Turned)!

I guess I made everyone look a bit stupid there, for not making the connection. They just thought that Kagome's possible kidnap was because someone would bear a grudge against her or something - so the letters to Katsuo didn't fit into that picture. ^^;

I'm glad you enjoyed the update! And it was not easy getting Inuyasha and Kikyo together, since I wanted to make it realistic, so it couldn't have been all "Oh, I still love you - Oh, I still love YOU - Let's get back together - OK!" kinda stuff...

Hope you're enjoying the story, and please look forward to the next installment! ^__^


- Chie


Created On: 01/11/2010 18:29:39

Okay, now for a totally pathetic hint about my age - the singer of the song you mentioned in your review was Helen Reddy. I used to listen to her greatest hits album - when they were still albums!



Created On: 11/25/2009 00:02:09

Thanks for the shoutout at the end of Crime and Punishment! Mucho love for that!!!


Created On: 11/23/2009 19:17:26

Just wanted to drop a note about your stories - thought to let you know that I am enjoying reading them. Keep writing, and I will keep reading...


sugar0o who lurks

Created On: 10/06/2009 22:25:33

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUR HERE AT DOKUGA!!! i loved this story on FF! i'm so glad to see you here! :3 Welcome!

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