it's interesting isn't it? the hand flip is way too epic. you just go 0.0 and end up missing the next couple phrases. the best for last =D japanese is absolutely fantastic
one of my favourite korean boy bands is called tvxq...dbsk...they just go by so many names. they were korea #1 then they went to japan for three years. also, have you noticed that their songs are all korean, korean, TWO ENGLISH WORDS then more korean? =P
YES! i LOVED that episode. i dont know if you tv trope but that was a CMOH (crowning moment of heartwarming) ooohhhh. the episode where kagome gets kidnapped and inuyasha turns a human? i'm terrible. when they were still releasing the final act, i kept bugging my friend to keep track of the progress. i went by kagura's death...sesshoumaru's mom..kikyou's death....kaoi...and so forth. i actually liked kagura. i think they should have portrayed kikyou more like kagura. i havent read the manga from beginning to end but i've been told that kikyou is more fan friendly in the manga. haha. don't worry about it. just curiousity =P
very true. i think it's better to be honest. you don't help the person if you just give them encouragement. give them honesty but don't brutal about it. mix the good with the bad XD ooooh. i didn't even know there was a reviewer's guild. that's a really good idea. you don't have to be a good writer to give a good review. =) if you have the patience, you should totally go for it!
hmmm. not even hot people? =P i listen to korean/japanese songs when i work out too. i LOVE how catchy/upbeat their songs are. i dont understand anything other than the few words of english but they're still great =D
people usually drop classes after school starts. i usually sign up for five courses and drop one. yes i admit i'm a hog =) of course..if you hate the teacher on sight..then it might be a good idea to get out of the class =P well congrats! hard work pays off =D could just go to a park with your dogs. we're planning to take our dog swimming when it gets warmer. the beach over here in vancouver is not great either. even on the warmest day, the water is still cold and it's hard to appreciate our brown sand over here when they got beautiful white sandy beaches down in south america XD then it sounds like you need to go shopping =D
aawww your doggies have each other =) my mom wanted a small one but me, my dad and my sis outvoted her with a lab. the head coach at my training center has a lab and a bischon-frisie mix. she's so much work that i really doubt we're going to get the second one. oh good. 30lbs is a good size. HAHAHA. the giant pair of the pack =D surprisingly enough, my neighbourhood has a lot of labs and good retrievers. I KNOW. just word dogpancake is so traumatizing.
no it is =P i like to keep an open mind
romance adds a humanity into the story and makes it more personally. even sci-fi has romance/relationships =) that is true. constructed worlds are great. new rules and setting. everything is up to the author. in a way, authors play God XD i'm totally hooked. i have sent up notification emails so i check my junk mail regularly. i went to beijing for a week and when i came back i had over 300 notifications. XD
haha. it's not just you. our wall comments are hitting epic length XD