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  LC Rose


PickledPlum has 2 stories

What happens when Nobody and PickledPlum try to run a small novelty shop together... destruction perhaps? And what happens when Kagome convinces Sesshoumaru to do something he finds “ridiculous” in that small novelty shop... double destruction??? Well come on in and find out! Written by Nobody for PickledPlum as a gift for donating. Me loves Nobo!!!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 07 May 2009  -  Updated: 07 May 2009
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,206  -  Reads: 4,846
Forum induced crack fic. Beta'd by Plum.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 11 Jun 2009  -  Updated: 11 Jun 2009
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 352  -  Reads: 4,988


Total number of images: 1

  • BetweenHeavenAndHell-By-DestinysTears
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 05/12/2009 23:55:55

I would LOVE some!

Thanks Pickled!!!11!


LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 05/12/2009 23:11:12

Yes, you may cry on my shoulder as long as I can cry on yours, too. I have been instructed to tell you to get MSN live and come and chat with us. In fact, Nobo insists on it as you are one of her favs.
Feedback from PickledPlum: I have never used MSN live but I'm game. ::rushes off to google it::


Created On: 05/12/2009 22:17:51

Oh, no it's quite alright. Now it's my time around for the finals and exams and whatnot, LOL

Darn those finals! The studying is making my head spin &_&
Feedback from PickledPlum: Ugh! You got to love that time of year! Good Luck!!!

Created On: 05/12/2009 16:20:41

Oh it's simple really... one just has to float above the ground in a minefield!

I like to keep my music with me at all times too! lalalalalalalalalalalalalala...

Created On: 05/12/2009 14:48:03

Pickle you can always contact teensie at teensiesama at yahoo dot com anytime and I will give you lots and lots of licks
Feedback from PickledPlum: Yay!!!!!!

Priestess Skye

Priestess Skye
Created On: 05/12/2009 00:03:06

Lol. You'll be seeing lots of me around, don't worry Dokuga is like a second home. No strangers here!
Feedback from PickledPlum: Good. That's what I want to hear!


Created On: 05/11/2009 22:40:17


I'm almost finished with chp. 5, but I'm having MAJOR writer's block... again. T_T

There's little segments in there that I just can't seem to get right. It's like trying to make a house of cards, for goodness sake! And for me, that's quite difficult.
Feedback from PickledPlum: Well, I should be getting the edited chapters out tonight... then you can send me what you have of chapter 5 and we can talk about it... maybe that will help you through it. I got the fever and want to read more Destiny-sensei... I need to read more!!! Now I know why it was nominated for best romance! ^_^

LC Rose

LC Rose
Created On: 05/11/2009 21:59:36

Oh of many wicked and dirty things, of course! What else is there to dream about? Actually, the dreams of an LC are quite vivid and strange. Most are fascinated by them, which is scary to me.
Feedback from PickledPlum: So did you have a vivid and strange dream last night?

Created On: 05/10/2009 23:12:21

I think the wombat likes you...

Priestess Sianna is training in the ways of wombat love, want to join the class?
Feedback from PickledPlum: I should be ready for class now???


Created On: 05/10/2009 23:11:03

Know EXACTLY what you mean! It's sitting there so enticingly and I'm just like... "Ooooohh... Must... click!"

And I'll keep ma fingers crossed for ya!

Silly faces for extra luck!

Yessh! Now you're fully loaded!

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