Yuuki Kaora Profile Page
Yuuki Kaora

About Me

I'm a young-ish woman, from Finland, so forgive me if i spell something wrong. 
I'm trying. :)

I personally dislike Inu/Kags pairings, for the
obvious reasons; InuYasha is just too immature for my taste.
I read and write a lot - mostly my muse grants me storylines in dreams - and
tough I'm fairly new at it and might make a lot of mistakes in the start,
I'll get the hang of it someday. And I'm a perfectionist! So if you see
ANY mistakes in my writing, please let me know. Though no need to abuse me,
I know and acnowledge a mistake when I see one. And if you have any ideas
about how I should continue a story, or have any questions, feel free to tell
me, I don't bite. Much. :D Though be warned, it is, in the end, my story.
If I like an idea, I might use it. If I don't, I wont. And even if I like an
idea, it doesn't nessessarily mean that I will use it in any specific story.
I might use it, but in a different way than what you had imagined.

I like to make Kagome into a inu demoness, or something
of the sort, so I probably turn her into one in most of my stories
at some point. I feel for Sesshou on that front. We humans are so frail and...
mortal. Yuck. xP And though I can't promise frequent updates to my stories,
I'll still try to keep them running. And if not, I will, at the very least,
try to turn them into something that has a beginning and an end.

Oh, btw. I don't own Inuyasha, but I might throw in some
characters of my own at some point, so those I would like to, and will,
keep as MINE. But I am not above lending some of them if asked nicely.

User Status

15 years ago
8 years ago
11 years ago
Yuuki Kaora


Forum Statistics
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Total Posts15
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  Inu Guardian
  Angelic Memories
  Priestess Skye
  sugar0o who lurks
  Lady Symone
  Minori Kure


Yuuki Kaora has 2 stories

Sesshoumaru finds Kagome alone in a forest on his lands, shattered like a broken mirror. The smell of Inuyasha and Naraku are coating her, and he doesn't like it. Meanwhile, the fates decide to do a bonding spell.. >Rated for some Inuyasha language and violence.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: On Hiatus  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 08 Oct 2010  -  Updated: 20 Oct 2010
Genre: Action, Dark, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 7  -  Words: 1,183  -  Reads: 5,191
Inuyasha makes his choice, Kagome's life turns upside down, and throw Sesshoumaru in the mix and you'll have a pretty complex thing going on.. Rated M for future chapters. Just being on the safe side!
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: On Hiatus  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 13 Nov 2010  -  Updated: 13 Nov 2010
Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 2,804  -  Reads: 7,179

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 20

[Sketch] His Priestess
Lady of the North
How animals eat their food
  • How animals eat their food
  • Author: Nini
  • Category: Fanart
She's our Miko
[SessKag] Keeping You Warm
Demon Lord 2
A Trick of Fate: Map of the Four Lands
Fade Out
Ember Eyes
so much fluffyness
To Taint A Pure Soul
WIP Contemplation
R0o's Empress of the Kami
R0o's Empress of the Kami (Colored)
Empress of the Kami: Hatsumomo
Sesshoumaru Kami
Ink: Bamboo Kimono ~ Blue Wallpaper 1024x768


Name Entry

Created On: 11/12/2010 15:58:50

I just felt a sudden need to poke you. It's not that often that I come to across other Finns on this site, so I just kinda felt compelled to leave a little note behind. Just to say "moikka". Sen verran harvakseltaan on tullut törmättyä näin netin kautta muihin suomalaisiin SessKag faneihin että hieman hämmentää. Kuitenkin olen itse kirjoitellut fikkientapaisia jo vuosia, enkä sinä koko aikana ole kuullut kuin yhdestä suomalaisesta SessKag fanista!

Joten oli mukava yllätys 'törmätä', toivottavasti viihdyt täällä Dokugassa!

- Chie
Feedback from Yuuki Kaora: Tosiaan, mukava tietää että Dokugassa on muitakin suomalaisia. Thank you, I've really enjoyed it here.

Lady Symone

Created On: 10/05/2010 17:56:27

Hi! I got your review and I suppose I should clear things up? I do plan on continuing the story, it's just that starting around September I suffered a crippling blow of writer's block. I haven't really worked on any of my stories since then. Plus I just started college last week. I plan on continuing my writing, I'm just not sure when. I've been thinking about my stories recently which is a good sign. So, sorry! It'll will be finished eventually.

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