KyonKyon01 Profile Page

About Me

Hello there :)

I first became a fan of the Inuyasha series when I was about 20 years old. The minute Sesshoumaru's character was introduced, I was instanly intrigued. I knew that beneath that cold, calculationg demeanor, there was a complex range of emotions waiting to be discovered. I also fell in love with Kagome's character. I admired her boldness and strength of heart.

Takahashi always makes such lovely characters and I'm so glad they can find new life in fanfictions. The Kagome/Sesshoumaru pairing holds particular delight for me. The series gave such a wealth of ideas and material, it's so lovely to see people take take them up and make them completely their own. There are so many talented authors here and it's nice to be able to come to a place where people do so much with the characters. This place is bursting with creativity and it's truely been inspiring.

I've been a long-time reviewer, but after reading so many wonderful stories, it has given me the courage to start writing my own ^_^? Hopefully one day I will finish it and it can bring enjoyment to others, like everyone else's stories do for me.

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6 years ago
7 years ago


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KyonKyon01 has 1 stories

A sweet little one-shot capturing a lovely moment between our favorite miko and her demon lord.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Oct 2011  -  Updated: 14 Oct 2011
Genre: Humor, Romance, Vignette  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 3,077  -  Reads: 5,484

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 65

The Shielder - Process
Pure Tears
With the Rain WIP Sneak Peek
The Oni Miko
Jaken, the Taiyoukai
Sesshy Inu Papa 4
His Folly
Chibimaru and a Can of HairSpray
sketch warrior miko
  • sketch warrior miko
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Beautiful Death
In the End
The White Cat
Kagome in different styles
  • Kagome in different styles
  • Author: Jandy
  • Category: Fanart
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Name Entry

Created On: 04/16/2011 12:43:36

thanks for all the reviews on Get Bent also!!! So glad you are enjoying it!!
Hope to keep you giggling as well!


Created On: 04/08/2011 23:28:55

Wow! Thanks you so much for your review on Miko no Makimono!!! You're right, Kagome can't get tied up in her anger, or it will not only destroy whats left of herself, but also not allow her to live out her fate. I'm glad you like Hana!! She's gets worse lol. Anka plays a pretty big part here, and I tried to hint at it, but it will become clear soon. Seriously, your review was the bright spot on my day today!! Thank you for taking the time to review in such length, and I'm so glad you are enjoying the read!!
Feedback from KyonKyon01: You're very welcome, I think it's an absolutely fantastic story ^_^


Created On: 01/05/2011 05:44:09

Thank you, for leaving such a kind review on Chain again! ^_^

This might sound a bit odd, but I'm delighted that you were prepared to feel sorry for Kagome for the mating - so many of my readers have seemed to be so anxious for them just to get together already that few have noted the whole scale of emotions I've tried to portray.

The mating scene was really difficult for me to write. I don't write lemons, so I knew from beforehand that I wouldn't make it explicit. But just the situation with the characters, and taking their feelings into condsideration made it quite hard to write the scene. Thus, I'm genuinely glad to hear your praise, I'm happy to know that you enjoyed the mating scene!

Once again, thank you! ^^
- Chie
Feedback from KyonKyon01: You're very welcome ^_^ You know, this chapter I think really helped me see the scale you're referring to. I'm personally never in a rush. I prefer a relationship to unfold and take its natural course. Initially I was worried about how Sesshoumaru seemed to be developing his feelings faster than Kagome was. I thought it was going to end up making Kagome's development rushed because the mating ceremony wasn't that far away. I haven't felt that way in awhile though, because as your chapters came out I began to see that you didn't intend for her to be in love with him by the time the mating came around. It added this lovely apprehension and I think you really made me feel for the characters. I see that you have something much grander in mind than even I was aware of. It was beginning to unfold in my brain before, but this chapter finally made all the gears click into place. I feel that the moment when they fall in love is going to be so much sweeter now, because you've treated the actions leading up to it with such honesty. I can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you for all your hard work. I really enjoy your responses.


Created On: 12/18/2010 23:51:01

Thanks for reviewing 'The family ties'!
I didn't want Kags to seem overly fierce and thus she unleashed her powers whilst being able to stay adorable in her bee outfit. A good combo.
She will be a 'lil older in the next few chapters by not by much, no jumping to adulthood as yet for sure. I would have posted them by now but I am still stuck sorting out the nuances and making Sesshomaru seem believable.
Thanks again!


Created On: 12/15/2010 04:29:38

Thank you for another review on Chain! ^__^

I'm really happy and a bit surprised to hear you thought the latest chapter to the best yet. Personally, I was a bit afraid it would turn out to be a bit of a 'filler', even if the information in it was relevant to the story, as well as its primary function of "stalling" the mating ceremony (which is why I thought many readers would be frustrated to read such a chapter, as they must be impatiently looking forward to the mating...).

Thank you for all the kind words and the praise, I'm not sure if I really deserve all that much.

I'd write a longer reply, but I need to get going or I'll be late to my exam. ^^;

- Chie


Created On: 11/23/2010 22:07:30

Thank you for such an amazing and sweet review of The Bridal Creed! I'm glad you've been enjoying the story. There is still much much more to come. Lots of fluff, lots of angst, lots of romance and action! We've only scratched the surface my dear. I hope you'll stick with me for the ride!

And rest assured Kagome and Sesshomaru have a long way to go if they hope to unite. They'll get in their own way, eachothers way, and a few outside forces will help get in the way. oooh the scheming of evil plunnies and authors.
Feedback from KyonKyon01: OOoooooo!! *excited squeal* I'm really looking forward to it!!! ^_^


Created On: 10/29/2010 04:46:52

Thanks for reviewing Chain again~! :3

Kimiko might've pulled off a sneaky trick, but she didn't have much of a choice. Banishmen isn't an effective enough punishment for such a deed, not when the attacking demon isn't the only one sharing the sentiment. Kimiko did what she had to do in order to protect both her throne and her family.

I'll try my best that Kagome will not lose her spark, as you put it. Still, I'm not sure if it will be possible for her to "do it her way". After all, it's all happening in Japan, and the Japanese don't really embrace the cocept of individualism. There's a saying there: "A nail that sticks out will be hammered down", or something along those lines. I'd assume that in the medieval times the society would have been even more strict. I just want it to sound realistic, you know.

In any case, I'm really glad to hear that you're still enjoying the story!

- Chie
Feedback from KyonKyon01: I agree 100%. Kimiko definitely needed to take action. I also think you're doing a good job capturing the reality that Kagome has a duty to fufill now. She is going to have certain expectations placed on her. I hope I didn't give you wrong impression. I think you're writing her very well. You can really feel her determination, despite the weight of this responsibility pressing down on her. I guess what I was trying to say was, I hope that even though she has to play the game, I hope she ends up owning the role, instead of letting the role own her. I think she has the guts to put on the mantle of Lady of the West and still be Kagome. I think people can evolve into something greater, but still keep ahold of who they fundementally are. I just think Kagome is the type of woman who will do what needs to be done...but she'll do it on her own terms. That's why I like that you had her embrace what Izumi is teaching her. She's learning what she needs to learn, but she's doing it for herself and for Sesshoumaru. She's determined to become a proper lady of the court for her own reasons. I hope I'm making sense. At anyrate, I really appreciate how much thought you put into your characters. I always like it when author's respond. Sometimes a reader can interpret things in a story very differently, so it's nice to hear the author's perspective. It can help you see the story in a different way. Thank you and keep up the good work!


Created On: 10/08/2010 19:18:38

Thanks for reviewing Chain again! ^__^

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the new chapter! Sesshoumaru - or should I say my Sesshoumaru - is much more considerate than what one might expect! I hope I brought forth Kagome's growth well enough, though I suppose the next chapter will illustrate it even better. This chapter was essential to the development of the story, and I'm delighted to have such a perceptive reader! Thank you so much!

Also, I humbly thank you for all the praise!

- Chie


Created On: 10/06/2010 07:00:27

Thank you for leaving such a lengthy review on my story Chain of Love!

First of all, I want to apologise for the grammar mistakes. I suppose my beta has overlooked them. I'm sorry if the mistakes have bothered or disrupted your reading.

I'm really glad to hear that you like Kenichirou-kun. I'm probably biased, since he is a figment of my imagination, but personally I love him to pieces.
Also thank you very much for the praise regarding Kagome's duel with Hirota. Action scenes still intimidate me somewhat, especially so since I want it to sound realistic. Realism is difficult to come by, however, without any actual first hand experience. ^^;

I suppose Sesshoumaru would seem out of character at times, but as you mentioned yourself, I've tried to convey that the "ooc" Sesshoumaru is what Sess truly is alike, behind the mask of the canon Sesshoumaru.

I think many of my readers are getting impatient with the lack of romantic development, but I've always been the type to take my time with them. I want to make it realistic, and love doesn't happen overnight, especially with Kagome, who is still mourning the loss of her previous love. As you pointed out yourself, Sess is already showing symptoms to the right direction. I promise, though, that Kagome will start to see him differently soon. I still have plenty of time, since I'm not planning to end the whole story with the mating ceremony.

In any case, thank you for your review, it was really thoughtful and insightful! I'm also very delighted to hear that you're enjoying the story! Also, the next chapter only needs one more scene to it, so I suppose you may expect an update in a near future! ^_^

Take care!

- Chie


Created On: 09/30/2010 22:28:00

Thanks for reviewing Voluntary Obligation and glad you liked the newest installment.

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