Jamie Profile Page

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16 January 2024:


All jokes aside, I'm thankful for my rather annoying habit of multiple file backups. The chromebook I had bought to take the place of my ancient MacBook died, mid chapter. Thankfully, I set autosave to run at 1 minute of inactivity, backed everything up to an external drive before shutting down daily, and sent to multiple cloud platforms at the same time. Riders has NOT been forgotten, just sidelined by life. The story still runs through my head and tiny blurbs sit in the text  notes on my phone until I have a chance to get another computer. It will be completed, eventually.



UPDATE:  6th January 2022

Saw a quote recently that is quite fitting...


"There are three types of writers:

1) those who plot their books

2) those who discover their plot along the way

3) those who know what will happen but their book is a bit feral still, needs a bath, has bitten and will bite again."


While I know fanfic isnt a book, it IS most certainly the work of a writer.  At this point, I find myself firmly in that third camp.  I have been bitten several times by my dust covered, very much in need of a bath chapters, recently.  Riders is now a multi year campaign between insecurity and active imagination.  I know where it's going, just as I know where all of my characters have been.  Sometimes the words want to flow until I reach my keyboard, then they hide at the edges of my thoughts and are completely unwilling to cooperate.  As I read back over previous chapters, I find places where I may have missed something that comes into play later in the story...  At some point, those little bits will be worked in, either through chapter rewrites as I grow irritated by the lack of aforementioned bits, or by way of flashbacks at an appropriate moment.  Currently, I find myself in the midst of a re-read to attempt to work in plot bunnies that have invaded my thoughts and made themselves comfortable.  This may involve additions to older chapters...  Not entirely sure though, because we're not there yet!  Rest assured, Riders On The Storm will not be abandoned!  It's just being stubborn-- much like a certain dog.  Still. :)




My apologies to anyone who had taken to my sometimes senseless tale... Life had thrown me for a bit of a loop and I'd thought time had come to let the next chapters wander from my brain. Alas, it was not to be... on July 26th, my dear father, in a rather unexpected manner, shuffled off his mortal coil. My daughter and I attended his final ride, and within a mere 12 hours of returning home were planning yet another goodbye... My ex (yet still legally bound) husband, my baby girl's daddy, also bid us farewell in a rather unexpected manner. (Both suffered, though not long, massive heart attacks. Take nothing for granted... tomorrow isn't promised, merely hinted.)  I am still in a state of shock and find myself battling the bottle almost daily, if I don't just sleep... not to worry, my little one isn't neglected for my mental state- she comes first in all things. By which I mean my battles are ignored while she needs.



About me?  Well....  I tend to think I'm hilarious. I'm snarky and sarcastic, sometimes to the point of cruelty...  But then I do feel bad about it afterward.  Not much, mind you, but I do feel bad.  A little. My filter is broken and my censor quit- the pay wasn't high enough for all the crap she had to put up with. So my language is frequently a bit.... colorful.



Seriously, though. I'm a 36yo single mom of an amazingly bright (and super annoying, lol) 7yo, recently out of a psychologically abusive 16 year marriage, and the healthiest of my coping mechanisms has been to escape into the lovely worlds made available by fan fiction. I do write, but I'm not usually open to sharing. Currently, I'm writing a story that I feel confident enough in to seriously consider sharing with the world.  This world, at least. It's not the first fanfic I've written, but it IS the first in this particular fandom. (The others were pure crap and I deleted the files before they could be read by anyone with a brain.) All that said, I'm off to write some more!

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7 years ago
11 months ago
13 months ago


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Jamie has 1 stories

With Naraku defeated, a new evil looms on the horizon, but things aren't always as they appear. What changes will come to our (mostly) merry band in the face of this new darkness? Will they find a way to destroy the new enemy, or will they be torn apart in the process?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 11 Jan 2019  -  Updated: 25 Apr 2021
Genre: Action, Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 19  -  Reviews: 20  -  Words: 36,659  -  Reads: 14,644


Name Entry

Created On: 01/15/2019 15:29:01

Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews you have left on "A New Year's Challenge"! Your comments were always such a joy to read!

The story is now complete. I hope you liked/will like the rest of it too!

Thanks again!


Created On: 11/16/2018 16:40:07

Jamie, my faithful reader! You really teared up while reading "Weakness of the Mind"? Well, that's only fair 'cause your review definitely made me cry!

You captured inner darkness in near perfect form.

That part of your review means so much to me, honey! I wanted it to be as realistic as possible without letting Sesshoumaru be too OOC! And I often had the feeling that I didn't do it right. That I didn't went deep enough. Seems that my worries were for naught.

Thank you so much for your kind words and your continued support!


Created On: 10/18/2018 09:33:37

I wanted to thank you for the last time for all the wonderful reviews you left for "On a Mission"! I'm so glad you had a good time while reading it! Your support means so much to me! Thanks again!


Created On: 10/12/2018 03:40:25

Thank you for reviewing "Males on a Mission"! There is one more chapter to come. Hope to see you there. Did you like chapter 1 too?
Feedback from Jamie: Absolutely adored chapter 1, and I look forward to the third!!

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