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Forum Posts
11/29/2018 16:13:24Omikuji2 betaBetas3806
06/23/2018 23:39:35Re:Looking for recommendationsRecommendations5027
03/17/2018 07:05:44Re:new fanfics to readRecommendations7540
01/26/2018 14:39:31Re:Making the best of a bunch of bad luckSelf-Promotion5187
01/19/2018 13:31:27Re:Help find a cave/blanketfic & one about a plane?Searching for a Fic...5338
01/19/2018 01:42:37Help find a cave/blanketfic & one about a plane?Searching for a Fic...5338
01/18/2018 22:47:34Making the best of a bunch of bad luckSelf-Promotion5187
11/27/2016 00:19:59Sesshoumaru as a dogRecommendations5258


  Vanessa Pereira


ironlotus has 4 stories

Myouga's invitation to Sesshoumaru to fill a guest lecturer post at the university must come with an ulterior motive. It can't be solely due to Naraku's presence, surely? When he meets Higurashi and sees the Shikon no Tama around her neck, Myouga's intentions become clear. What Sesshoumaru can't figure out, though, are Higurashi's motivations. Or, worse, why it is that a Miko should be so easily able to overthrow his reason. The third part of a series, this is Omikuji and Han-Kichi, retold in Sesshoumaru's point of view. You may want to start there first. [The Year of Bad Luck Series, Part 3, now complete!]
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 01 Sep 2019  -  Updated: 06 Oct 2019
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 20  -  Words: 50,470  -  Reads: 15,046
[The Year of Bad Luck Series Part 2; now complete!] May this be the year that brings happiness like no other! Again, the same New-Years' wish, but Kagome's never been the kind of girl who gets exactly what she wishes for. At least this time she's starting the year off with a promising relationship, and the power that comes from knowing better than to let herself be fortune's fool. No matter what her Omikuji fortune says, she's going to make this the year that her wish comes true. It's totally within her power. ... Right?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 03 Apr 2019  -  Updated: 11 Jul 2019
Genre: Angst, Erotica, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 12  -  Reviews: 34  -  Words: 85,055  -  Reads: 19,521
Every year, Kagome picks an Omikuji fortune on New Year's Eve with the same wish: May this year be the year that brings happiness like no other! But she doesn't get what she's expecting, especially once her fortune starts coming true. Her supervisor and friend passes on. People around her are acting more and more oddly. The world as she knows it gets flipped on its head. This year's fortune couldn't be worse. [The Year of Bad Luck Series Part 1; now complete!]
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 28 Oct 2016  -  Updated: 25 May 2018
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 19  -  Reviews: 169  -  Words: 160,432  -  Reads: 91,461
It's always around this time of year that she gets swept away in the memories of the man she loved... A little IY/K, a little S/K.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 02 Nov 2017  -  Updated: 02 Nov 2017
Genre: Angst, Romance, Vignette  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 1,526  -  Reads: 5,545


Name Entry

Created On: 02/08/2018 22:10:43

Thank you for the review! The next chapter has been posted and I hope you enjoy it!

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