Introvert Profile Page

About Me

in·tro·vert [n., adj. in-truh-vurt; v. in-truh-vurt]

Psychology. to direct the mind partly to things within the self.

User Status

17 years ago
11 years ago
16 years ago


I am the Introvert!

And it is a pleasure to be here. I lurked around on Single Spark for a few years, and before that I was an FF.Net user, but I never wrote for the fandom. I prefer to play the quiet role in the Inuyasha fandom. The beta. All the warm bubbly feelings of taking part in an excellent fic, none of the death threats from reviewers.

I do write in a few other fandoms, mainly Psych_Slash on livejournal. I also dedicate myself to writing original fiction, essays, freelance news articles, and once I wrote a really long, really not good at all ballad.

Feel free to drop me a line on here, I do love conversation.


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts15

Forum Posts
01/09/2009 09:27:06Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 23:51:14Re:Willing to betaBetas2627
01/08/2009 21:21:03Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 02:42:46Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 02:30:40Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 02:15:15Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 02:11:07Re:ChallengeGeneral Discussion3365
01/08/2009 02:06:24Re:Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/08/2009 01:58:45Inspiration and ExpressionOff-Topic Discussion6708
01/07/2009 17:35:21Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games633313
08/15/2008 09:12:26Re:Beta for HireBetas3175
08/14/2008 19:23:17Beta for HireBetas3175




Introvert has 1 stories

Because Kagome saved the world and all she had to show for it was a broken heart, a job as an assistant, and a star shaped scar on her abdomen. Kagome ships out to the past to fulfill one more destiny.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 02 Jan 2009  -  Updated: 02 Jan 2009
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 3,355  -  Reads: 4,648


This user currently doesn't have any posts.

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