Moonlight Silk
Created On: 08/25/2014 08:52:03
I am so glad that you are enjoying Deep end of the ocean. Thank you for the review. 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 07/31/2014 12:27:59
Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews and for your continued support throughout Bent. 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 07/22/2014 10:17:25
Thank you so much for all the great reviews and for sticking with the story until the very end! 
Miko Sayuri
Created On: 05/27/2014 17:08:52
Thank you for your lovely review and support! If you want more info on updates, just click on my profile! Thanks again! 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 05/23/2014 17:55:35
I am glad that the chapter made you happy. Thanks for the review! 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 05/22/2014 12:14:30
Thanks for the review. The children will see their mother. 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 05/04/2014 18:27:02
You know its a journey that they have to embark on sadly, but things will get better, just stick with me a little longer.  Thanks for the review.
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 04/21/2014 18:42:41
She should leave him huh! He wants to have his cake and eat it as well. I am sure she won't stay, I wouldn't lol! 
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 04/13/2014 13:44:10
Thanks for the review. No one liked this chapter lol! Feedback from Shaneka: I can see why.
Moonlight Silk
Created On: 02/04/2014 13:29:34
Thanks for reviewing, things will definitely heat up soon! 