Horrible Brain Fevers

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Guess what time it is?!
... Yoru watches way too much Adventure Time. So this.
A quick five-minute doodle.
Back to the television. o_o
(Yoruzuki does not own Inuyasha, any of its characters or Adventure Time and makes no money from this. So don't sue.)
... Yoru watches way too much Adventure Time. So this.
A quick five-minute doodle.
Back to the television. o_o
(Yoruzuki does not own Inuyasha, any of its characters or Adventure Time and makes no money from this. So don't sue.)
13.07.2012 02:03:51
I feel I should be ashamed that I know what Adventure Time really is, however this is just to funny. Great job wonderful art... now do the Simsons/Inuyahsa cross over.....hahahahahahaha