Pebbles Profile Page

About Me

Me?  Well, I stay busy.  Am past the legal drinking age by more then a few years. lol  I reside in Michigan; born and raised. I have quirks, kinks and flaws like any other. I am me. Still a work in progress.

So yeah, I have an art background. Funny I don't post. Even semi pros get gun shy. However, If you ever have any questions about art supplies or what to use because you're new to them, I'd be happy to help.  ;)

Anyways, I am a big fan of many here.  So many different styles of writting and drawing... Seriously, this place is like CRACK!! **  >.<  I was pulled into this world of SesshKag love through some fics I ran across some years ago.  Mainly Tales from the House of The Moon. Then Blood Stained. Convos with Roo lead me here! =3

Dokuga has such a great community, can't help but feel drawn to it.

That, and I blame r0o =F

update 2011:  I still blame r0o.

update 2012:  Year of the blame r0o. heh heh  She really should get her own year.  Someone fund this!!!!  Year of the R0o!

Update 2020: Dokuga is still amazing. I missed it. Curse you real life!

gracias FayeMegan for use of the icon! ;)

** This Pebbs does not condone, endorse nor use the drug 'crack'.  Nor does she know what it's like, so don't listen to her.  But anyways: Crack, bad.  Dokuga, good.  ^_^

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15 years ago
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5 years ago


I have all my toes and fingers.

The cavities in my face are right where I left them.

Almond butter is DELICIOUS!


...As you were...




Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts3

Forum Posts
03/02/2011 00:53:28Re:Trailer Release for the New Thundercats CartoonOff-Topic Discussion46943
02/05/2011 17:09:10Re:No such thing as fateSelf-Promotion144676
08/27/2010 23:57:43Re:Traditional vs. DigitalArtist's Tools148466


  sugar0o who lurks


Pebbles has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 196

A Strange Encounter in the Deep Woods Part 2
A Strange Encounter in the Deep Woods Part 1
What Went Down
Take his Pleasure
Ichi-go Ichi-e by Novemberdoll
I need a warm hug..
She' the Jewel
Canis Major
Sesskag - Kitty
Beauty and Tha Beast
I love the way you take care of me..
Im Waiting for you...
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Name Entry

Created On: 04/18/2020 02:37:55

Thank you so much for the amazing review you left on Chain!

It makes me so happy to know this story brought you comfort you in these troubled times. And it always delights me so much to know someone has come back to my story to re-read and still find it holds up to the test of time, so thank you so much for that too! And whew, the generous compliments on my writing that you piled up on top of everything else??? Made my whole week, honestly. Thank you so much for them, and for enjoying my story again. I hope you're well and safe and holding on!
Love, Chie


Created On: 12/11/2012 04:11:29

Hi, I actually accidentally clicked the review button on Blood Stained and happen to position my eyes at your review as I had the impulse to read some to see what was said recently, when I really just meant to bookmark it as I kept putting it off for a while and had it bookmarked elsewhere xD, anyway, point being I wanted to tell you I felt the same about how she has developed the complexities that I don't see very often--especially in a way that it's reached a space in my heart few ever had. Normally I have a hard time pulling the words I'm looking for (specifics) out of the word bank in my head to better describe for the author in question . I could go on and on, but I think I said what I was meaning to say. Hope you have very good luck on your end!


Created On: 04/08/2012 02:33:31

Thank you so much for the awesome review! That's the best one I've gotten so far...I just hope that one day I'll write something worthy of an award nomination. As for this one shot, I've decided to make it into a series. I'm taking a break from my more pain in the butt chapter fics. Anywho, thank you so very much again!


P.S. I have waaaay too much fun with the smileys lol!
Feedback from Pebbles: Yay a series!!'re welcome. =)


Created On: 07/02/2011 23:26:32

Hehe thank you for the second half of your review as well . I won't tell you who, but yes someone does figure out he's not him so to speak, but he doesn't just up and say he's from the future hehe. When has Sesshoumaru ever listened to what Inuyasha says? lol. Having him make an even bigger mistake would make for an interesting story, but no that's not where I am going to take this. This story is going to be the happy ending they never got.


Created On: 07/02/2011 22:52:22
Edited By Hairann On: 07/02/2011 22:53:01

Thank you for reviewing The Void: Journey to Redemption and umm wow lol. Most of your questions will/should be answered later on in the story, though the last one about her stroking the fire, it was supposed to be meant with a stick, you know not letting it go out, but I may not have quite gotten that across lol. Oh well, she sounds more mysterious if she's using her bare hand lol. And I promise to add more just as soon as I can, and not a second later .


Created On: 07/02/2011 07:30:27

Hehe, I'm so glad you approve of the dream. x3 Some readers have been a bit freaked out by it, though mostly because they're reading way too much into it.

There will be different kinds of development in the future.. but I would hate to give any of that away. ;3

In any case, thank you for leaving such a lovely and long review to Chain, I really appreciate it! ^_^ It was great hearing your thoughts on the story! :3

- Chie


Created On: 06/11/2011 09:18:06

Oh wow. That has to be without a doubt one of the longest reviews I've ever received. THANK YOU!

Again, thank you, for the congratulations! But I think most of the credit goes to all the wonderful people who have nominated and voted for Chain time after time. I still can't believe how popular this story has got!

Kagome has gone through some tremendous and life-altering events in a relatively short period of time, so her vulnerability is quite understandable, I think. Also, I'm glad you do understand Sesshoumaru's reasoning for not telling Kagome about his feelings.

I'm happy to hear that you like my interpretation of Sesshoumaru's mother. She truly is a force to be reckoned with. I'm totally in love with Kimiko myself. She is a very central character to the story, even though she isn't always in the spotlight.

I've already started to write the next chapter, but I can't tell how long it will take for me to finish it. That depends on how difficult the chapter will decide to be, and how much I will want to laze around in the celebration of my summer break. My hope is to update next some time in July. I hope that won't be too long a wait for you.

Thank you, for such a lengthy and thoughtful review! I'm delighted to know that you're enjoying my story!

- Chie
Feedback from Pebbles: totally! Can't get enough. Need Moar!!

sugar0o who lurks

Created On: 06/10/2011 19:43:22

*Tackles* missed you to my darling pebbliep0o0o0o0o! How does those classes? or have you started yet? i still want to know about them ^_^


Created On: 04/19/2011 12:08:14

Thank you for your wonderful review on And On That Day. It does help to write things out when I'm hurting, and since its coming up on a year since dad died, that will probably be a needed catharsis many times. And thank you as well for the well wishes!


sugar0o who lurks

Created On: 12/28/2010 23:09:29

I hopes you had a wonderful holiday! =F !!!!

Feedback from Pebbles: ^_^ *huggles back*

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