Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
cakeiton wrote:
"Wolves are beneath me, and death to all things that sparkle."
Sesshoumaru, what's your favorite song?
I loved the reply, haha, so brilliant.
This Sesshomaru was born perfect, with no need of maintenance, thus has no need to brush his magical hair.
Sesshomaru, who would you recommend I date: Kouga or your Half brother Inuyasha?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 1
If those are your only options, perhaps death would be the wiser choice. Both will be a blight upon your family's honor.
(please don't actually off yourself  )
Sesshoumaru, how would you raise your pups?
(this turned more into ask Sesshoumaru questions lol!)
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 8
This Sesshomaru's mate shall be the one to raise our heir/heir's from pup to adolescence, upon which time this Sesshomaru shall begin a strict training schedule for not one shall utter weakness has come from the Taishou bloodline.
I can't help but wonder, Sesshomaru-sama, how did you come about to hate half-demons?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
This Sesshomaru was taught by Inu-Kami to hate hanyos since she was the one to raise this Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru-sama, what would you do to fix economic problems for any country?
The dolphin demon who love Sesshomaru.
If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
I claimed Naraku's curly hair because he stole it from me years ago in the claim game.
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
This Sesshomaru does not care about their economic problems, as I will soon be the supreme ruler of the nations of the world.
Sesshomaru-sama, should I go see Paranormal Activity 4 tonight?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
This Sesshomaru does not care how a lowly Human spends their time. (go see it. It's soo awsome!!)
Sesshomaru do you think Kagome should really mate your Half-brother?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 6
This One understands it to be a waste of a female to mate with the idiot hanyou. This Sesshoumaru doubts their knowledge on the correct procedure to procure pups... Hnnn
Sesshoumaru-sama, will you please allow this lowly human to kick Jaken?
Last Edit: 2012/10/18 16:42 By alwayskougacola.
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
Hn, do as you wish, it has no bearing on this Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru-sama, what are you going to be for Halloween?
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Posts: 287
Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 8
This Sesshoumaru does not celebrate your human holiday of 'Halloween'.
Sesshoumaru-sama, what should I cook for dinner tomorrow?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 55
"Cook? Cook... Ah yes, the human preparation for food. It is understandable how your incompetent immune systems would fail so easily.
Impressive kills should be sufficient. Be sure to present and bow slightly upon giving."
Hey Sess-sama, what is more frustrating; poor grammar or horrible nicknames?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
You will die if you continue to address this Sesshomaru as 'Sess' that should answer you infuriating question wench.
Sesshomaru-sama, what was it like when you were a pup?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 11
This Sesshomaru is, and always has been, perfection. Stop asking this one such idiotic questions before this one erases your existence from this earth.
Sesshomaru-sama, how do you keep your hair so pretty?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
*glares before walking away wordlessly* ...
Sesshomaru-sama, what should I do to dream about you tonight?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 11
Pitiful ningen, you are not worthy of this Sesshomaru's presence even in your dreams.
Sesshomaru! is it true that Rin braid flowers in your hair? Can I do it to?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
Hn...Try and die, ningen!
Sesshoumaru-sama, how come Ah-Uh has two heads?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
Like mose life forms, they were born that way. Stupid mortal.
Sesshomaru-sama, why do you always wear the same clothes?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
This Sesshomaru know not of which you speak. Have you not seen the great distances this one must travel in order to procure new garments almost daily? This Sesshomaru wears nothing but white, you foolish ningen... why do you think I spent most of the series wandering around?
Lord Sesshomaru, have you ever tried to chop down Bokuseno?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 7
Apparently I thought to highly of you humans to assume you understood the benefits of an highly informative Mentor. *Looks listlessly into the distance* No matter how infuriating that said mentor may be.
Sesshoumaru Sesshoumaru...Wha's your secret to remaining calm regardless of how much pressure your under?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
This Sesshomaru has yet to encounter a situation in which he felt "pressured". Therefore my advice is simply for you to become so powerful nothing stands a chance, which would be impossible for ningen filth such as yourself.
Sesshomaru, what should I say to my father right before he dies in a burning building fighting an unworthy opponent?
Last Edit: 2012/10/24 00:56 By Fae-Hime.
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
Sesshomaru, How do you really feel about Rin?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 37
This Sesshomaru has no reason to explain himself to you Human.
Sesshomaru, You and Kagome always end up together...it's odd really. Do you really have feelings about her or is it just the fanfiction people write?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
I will reply only because i cannot rely on others to get the facts strait. The Lady Kagome is now and will always be Lady of the West and mate to this Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru how do other 'mortal' dogs relate to you?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
Mortal dogs don't relate to this Sesshomaru.
Lord Sesshomaru, if you have a chance, would you bring your father back?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
This Sesshomaru would indeed bring his sire back if only for the chance to fight and beat him. All MUST know my strength...including this ones sire.
Sesshomaru? What do you think of the modern world?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 46
"This Sesshoumaru cares nothing for the world of ningen. However, it would be beneficiary if all ningen life was eradicated and the world returned to the rightful reign of youkai"
Sesshoumaru-sama why do you treat your mother so coldly?
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