Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
And I dance dance dance!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 19
Sings, "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back in forth, I whip my back and forth"
I write to tell stories. I believe that there a some professions in the world that will last forever: doctor or a nurse, teacher, builder and a storyteller. I write also to become myself, more so day by day. Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world.
Eppu Nuotio
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
"Jaken, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
"~I'm too sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt, sooo sexy it hurrts~"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Sesshomaru: InuYashaaaaaaaaaa, my nub hurts. Please rub it whith this lotion that smells like bananas and coconut.
InuYasha: WTH?!
Sess: look it's so ashy and red... you think it's infected with something?
This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
"never underestimate the power of my overgrown, demonic ball of dryer lint."
referring to his moko-moko.
the nightmare will return
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
supermangageek23 wrote:
"Jaken, I realized something today. I love you and I want to run away with you and make little toad/dog babies."
I burst out laughing at that~
"Rin, this Sesshoumaru feels you no longer need my protection. Leave and learn the way of the sword."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
*after he kills someone*
~singing~ "It's the circle of life..."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 62
Does this haori and hakama ensemble make me look fat?
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
*singing Rin to sleep
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr,purr,purr!
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
"Anyone wanna do the Soulja Boi?"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 62
*runs hand through hair and flicks it over his shoulder*
"Everyone knows you will never come close to the beauty of this Sesshomaru, Inuyasha."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 216
" I like big BUTTS and i cannot lie! "
>_> that comment might be a bit more then PG @_@ x= If it is Moxy you can delete it!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
Oooo Jaken check my new tattoo. (shows jaken a heart tattoo with his and Inuyasha name saying brothers for life.) Is it not so sweat.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
"who stole my milkbones?"
the nightmare will return
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 29
sugar0o wrote:
" I like big BUTTS and i cannot lie! "
>_> that comment might be a bit more then PG @_@ x= If it is Moxy you can delete it!
We allowed the "Butt Stripes" stamp, so you're safe! No sparkly baton!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
The real question is, what wouldn't this One do for a Klondike bar? 
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
OH MY GOSH!!! OH NO *snaps* SHE DIDN'T!!!!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 56
(Moves along as he sings)
It's just a jump to the left
Then a step to the riiiiight
Put your hands on your hips
And squeeze your knees in tiiight
Do the pelvic thrust
Til it drives you insaaaane
(throws hands dramatically into the air)
Let's do the Time Warp again....
Let's do the Time Warp again...
**Seriously, could you see Sesshoumaru dressed as Dr. Frank n Furter or even Rocky?**
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 2
(As hillarious as some of these probably are I don't have the time to go back and read all 40 some pages so forgive me if this is a repeat.)
Sess In a high pitched Squeal, "OOO Cookies!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 6
This One is not a ningen doctor, but he will gladly take a smell 
Last Edit: 2012/10/04 16:02 By alwayskougacola.
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hn, I must meet this Honey Badger, I believe we could be fast friends.
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
Harumi-chan wrote:
*after he kills someone*
~singing~ "It's the circle of life..."
hahahaha! Omg, that'd be so funny and then he can hold Rin like Simba on some rock ledge!
"Miko, did you bring this One, what we agreed upon?"- Sesshomaru
" yes, but.... you promise, you won't go back on your word?"- Kagome
"This one has honor, now hand me what I requested"-Sesshomaru
"Okay, okay, so I brought you vanilla and strawberry, remember drink two a day.. now can I have my own Jyaki cloud for transportation?" - Kagome
"Very well Miko, here you go *cloudy thing appears* , I shall now start on my 21 day SlimFast diet, should I not lose weight Miko by the alloted time, the consequences SHALL BE DIRE!!!"- Sesshomaru
"..." (Kagome goes off on her cloud and thinks...DAFUQ.IS.WRONG.WITH.DOG.DEMONS?!)
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 2
Not sure if this is appropriate or not. If it isn't just take it off XD
*Claps his hands excitedly. "I'm so happy I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them!"
This quote is from Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls series
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 12 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
"This Sesshomaru would like a flea bath."
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