Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Go out in the woods at night and catch one.
My neighbors likes parking their cars at the end of my drive way making it impossible to back out, what should I do?
You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. ~C.S. Lewis
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. ~Albert Einstein
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Just smash into their cars while backing out! Then, when they get mad, you can tell them that they shouldn't have parked there!  Hopefully insurance covers that... lol xD
I want to play Draw the Dokusona Above You, but I'm not quite confident with my drawing skills - what should I do?
Lyss has claimed Kagomes Archery Skills in The Claim Game!
I stood by everything I loved while you never understood me much -C&C
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Steal one from the pet store, they have plenty.
I rarely get praised by anyone, what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Sorry, damn computer. Mixed two things in one. I meant "Steal someone else drawing ability, they have plenty".
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Throw water balloons filled with paint at people from a Rooftop and demand they praise you.
No one listens to me, what should I do?
This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 4
Carry around a megaphone and yell in everybody's ear.
I have to replace my laptop's fan, but I don't have the money. Oh wise ones, how do I keep it from overheating?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 76
Put it in the freezer.
I need a car but lack the funds... what should I do?
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 95
Go to the mall and offer to give people piggy back rides to their cars for the discount rate of $20 per ride to earn money.
My dog won't sit still when I try to groom her, what should I do?
Last Edit: 2012/05/12 01:54 By insomniac_amy.
I claimed Shippo`s mushroom in the claim game.
Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Duct tape fly traps to the floor - preferably non-carpeted- and put your dog on the fly traps. Lol if that's not bad advice, i don't know what is! xD
My bf is getting Diablo 3 *glare* and since we are going to be closer in distance, I was hoping to spend time with him - what should I do? :/
Lyss has claimed Kagomes Archery Skills in The Claim Game!
I stood by everything I loved while you never understood me much -C&C
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Burn the game!!!
My dog won't stop screaming ( he doesn't bark or howl) what should I do?
This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
librally apply peanut butter to roof of mouth and slip on a muzzle.
the dust bunnies in my closet seem to keep multiplying and there my only source of entertainment so i dont want to get rid of em what should i do?
the nightmare will return
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Sic the hair dryer on them. It will disperse them so they don't look as numerous and you'll be granted the amusement of watching them hoof it to avoid the air. If a hair dryer is too high faluting for you, go low tech and use a broom.
My lover has an ingrown fingernail and his finger is swelling up like a balloon. What should I do?
Last Edit: 2012/07/13 15:10 By All Around Naughty.
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Cut off his arm
I'm moving out of the country... what is the best way to stay in touch with people back home?
You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. ~C.S. Lewis
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. ~Albert Einstein
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Put them in a suitcase and take them with.
My wisdom teeth are taking forever to come in though I can taste the blood from them breaking through...what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 6
tell your wisdom teeth they are stupid and to grow in someone elses mouth.
my phone went through the washing machine, still works, but now i sound like a chipmonk on the phone. advice?
the nightmare will return
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 37
tell your friends you learned a new language and wanted to test it out.
My friends wedding is tomorrow and I object because the guy's a jerk, has a history of fraud what should I do to help her?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
Make it seem as if he's up to his old tricks again.
My cat likes to use me to sharpen her teeth, what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
Wear Kevlar and teach your cat to use a pencil sharpener.
I'm trying to loose weight but my friends won't let me starve myself, what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
Eat with a napkin whenever you eat around your friends and whenever you take a bite. Act like your covering your mouth and spit the food out in the napkin whenever their not looking and dump it on the floor. Then laugh at whoever has to clean it up once you leave.
My boyfriend only eats meat and potatoes, no veggies, and I love veggies and fruit...........what should I do to open him up to my love of veggies?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
Wear a banana costume while throwing corn cobs at him and yelling "Die, zombie!"
I've been having dreams about Sesshomaru at night and it's leaving me tired, what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
go back to sleep and have your wicked way with him again....and again and again.
my cold pills are making me halucinate and the spaghetti eating my leg wont leave me alone, what should i do?
the nightmare will return
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
Teach your hamster to fetch you the Parmesan sprinkles and get a tattoo of Mokomoko around your shoulder!
I have a bad habit of not having enough bad habits, what should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Go spend some time in a prison with serial killers.
My obsession with Cato (hunger games) is beginning to outshine my obsession with Sesshomaru. What should I do?
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Shoot Cato with Kagome's Bow and Arrow in the heart (do not resuscitate)
I have the song "Cannibal'"by Ke$ha stuck in my head! How do I get it out? 
Last Edit: 2012/09/23 23:42 By alwayskougacola.
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Bad Advice Column 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
Go listen to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae
I am plagued my allergy demons that violate my sinus passages every day forcing me to be a pill popper (Generic Zyrtec FTW XD), what should I do?
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