Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
I would have to say fanfiction and Dark Hunter Series books. I started reading them and now I can't stop.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 2
insomniac_amy wrote:
Mine is fanfic. If I'm reading it on my phone and someone asks me what I'm reading, I lie and say just an on-line book. Not sure why I'm so ashamed of it though. Many are as well written as any books I've read.
Haha the "old man" crush really cracked me up, but I must admit that I would totally jump Patrick Stewart.
Lol I say the same thing, but with me it's cause of the need to explain what fanfiction is lol so am like screw it,and say it just a online reading thing lol
My dark secrets should be dark chocolate re-reading fics that I feel in the mood for, reading new ones I find or have open on a tab (have tons open) , finding a good paranormal book to vet on! !!!! And don't forget the worst of it eating yakishoba and ramen lol
Last Edit: 2012/01/31 08:14 By ScarlettLioness.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 6
Pop music, really I rock out to Brit-Brit all the time.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 95
[quote] ScarlettLioness wrote:
Lol I say the same thing, but with me it's cause of the need to explain what fanfiction is lol so am like screw it,and say it just a online reading thing lol
My dark secrets should be dark chocolate re-reading fics that I feel in the mood for, reading new ones I find or have open on a tab (have tons open) , finding a good paranormal book to vet on! !!!! And don't forget the worst of it eating yakishoba and ramen lol
LOL yeah that's another reason I lie about it. It is hard to explain what fanfic is.
I'm a closet Taylor Swift fan, so I guess that could be a guilty pleasure. No one in my family likes her and both my hubby and my daughter make fun of me for listening to her music. I have several of her cd's and usually either listen to them in my car or when I'm home alone. It makes me feel like a naughty kid whose doing something they shouldn't be doing and trying not to get caught 
I claimed Shippo`s mushroom in the claim game.
Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
Well, like a few people said, my guilty pleasure is fanfiction as well! Actually, no one I'm friends with knows I enjoy reading it... I'm too embarrassed lol xD I only read stories here though, Sess/Kag is my favorite pairing!
And one time I mentioned the show Inuyasha to a friend - as in the only anime show I saw before (this was a few years ago lol)- and they were disgusted haha xD But the show has a dear place in my heart - one of the few good childhood memories! So, that counts too even though I haven't seen any of the newer episodes! (the final act or whatever?) Lol I didn't know they were going to continue the anime series when I was younger and got really disappointed at the ending! Oops I hope I'm not rambling ^^;;
Also Mountain Dew and chocolate are guilty pleasures of mine! ^-^
Lyss has claimed Kagomes Archery Skills in The Claim Game!
I stood by everything I loved while you never understood me much -C&C
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Posts: 287
Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 8
Justin Bieber...
No I'm kidding, don't strike me down!
On a similar note, my friend confessed that her uber secret guilty pleasure is Ke$ha.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 14
see03 wrote:
Justin Bieber...
No I'm kidding, don't strike me down!
On a similar note, my friend confessed that her uber secret guilty pleasure is Ke$ha.
I don't like Keshas music. But, I heard an interview with her recently where she responds to a question about her image. When asked how she felt about parents accusing her of exposing their children to sexuality/lewdness etc, she merely said 'then they should turn off the tv or radio'.
Is it weird to say that she earned a smidgen of my respect for that?
Guilty Pleasure Music- Annie Lennox *runs and hides*
I need something that will give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer, and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 279
The Hatter Theory wrote:
Guilty Pleasure Music- Annie Lennox *runs and hides*
I LIKE Annie Lennox's voice!!! Not necessarily everything she's done, but I love her voice!
Guilty Pleasure - Joseph Schmidt chocolate truffles... but since they don't make them anymore, Xan Confections has come out with near perfect imitations!! They're HUGE. One truffle (in various flavors) is enough for dessert. Check it and drool!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 95
Wiccan, those truffles look so good! I love the Dove truffle eggs, but they only make them at Easter time. Last year I had such a hard time finding them that I'm afraid they are about to stop making them  I think I might try the ones you suggested and maybe I'll find a new truffle to fall in love with 
I claimed Shippo`s mushroom in the claim game.
Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 14
I gained ten pounds just looking at that page. Ye gods.
Last Edit: 2012/02/01 15:17 By HatterTheory.
I need something that will give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer, and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 279
I only indulge at Christmas... I'm down to my last three and am savoring them!!
Ungodly, aren't they? And soooooo goooood!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Those truffles looked really good, especially the champagne one. *drools*
One of my guilty pleasures is also imported chocolate, especially Lindt or Toblerone.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
Lindt truffles are amazing!!! *mouth waters* I could eat those delicious things all day!
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
Those truffles do look pretty good!
Speaking of music.. *sigh* I do like some of Lady Gaga's music... ><;; *shame* but I don't really like her.. lol xD and some of her music is just ...awful lol
Lyss has claimed Kagomes Archery Skills in The Claim Game!
I stood by everything I loved while you never understood me much -C&C
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 2
i at time have a mood for some adorable Japanese , Korean, Chinese girl bands There Just So perky lol like Morning Musume, puffy ami yumi ,Ikimono gakari , chieko kawabe Etc.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
My guilty pleasure is kiddie and teen flicks. And yes, I do Disney Channel movies too! My favorite is Another Cinderella Story.
My sixteen year old son understands my hustle and is non-judgemental. My hunny, on the other hand, makes faces as he acquires new movies for me to watch. Ah, the perks of being pregnant.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 5
Being a closet Otaku, i.e reading fanfiction, manga and watching anime religiously, secretly plotting how to get my very normal, sweet and conservative boyfriend to dress up as either Sephiroth or Sesshomaru in bed and not think of me as a nut job and hmm...online shopping and Disney movies, i cry like it's nobody else's business when I watch Disney movies..i really hope that when i have kids, my kids won't make fun of their crazy mama.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
Watching reality TV like Teen Mom and 16 and pregnant, The Real Housewives Series (Only certain few from them) and I like to watch Secret Life of the American Teenager.
Listening to K-pop when I have no idea what they are saying, it just sounds so catchy  .
Writing either fan fiction or original fiction for long stretches of time.
The dolphin demon who love Sesshomaru.
If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
I claimed Naraku's curly hair because he stole it from me years ago in the claim game.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hello Kitty... I have enough purses and wallets and whatnot to choke a horse.
God bless my husband, he not only supports it, he encourages it!
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 6
Zebra Cakes by Little Debbie and Doritos Locos Tacos. I would call that breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could!
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 8
Reading fan fiction, reading every smutty thing I can get my hands on, and trying on shoes......I LOVE shoes, not in a weird way.......but definitely not in a normal way. I have like16 pairs of heals that I will never wear only because I think they're pretty.
Last Edit: 2012/08/26 10:20 By Cathyrin.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
and fanfics...lots and lots of fanfics.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 46
Dancing around the house in my underwear listening to my favorite songs(thank God I live alone xD) and nearly fainting from a man's voice if it's to my liking (when Sesshoumaru's seiyu - Ken Narita - or Tom Hiddleston talk, I become a drooling mess lol).
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
Just like everyone else, reading fanfics, even if I have art projects due in like 5 hours. I've first liked the Inuyasha/Kagome pairing, then I moved on to Sesshomaru/Kagome, Inutashiou/Kagome and even Naraku/Kagome xD.
What I enjoy a lot is shojo manga...even the cliche ones, yet, I love reading biographies about serial killers.
Other guilty pleasures are ferrero roches, those get me every time (I can eat those like it's nothing. I get really excited when I eat one, they're just so yummy <3), sleeping...like 10+ hours, taking 1 hour walks around my neighborhood, singing in the car and buying different colours of windbreakers and sport shorts.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 27
Like most I'm an addict of fanfics, mainly inuyasha fanfics and of those mainly sesshoumaru/kagome. Though my biggest guilty pleasure is kagome/inu no tashio(sp?) fics. I found a few fics that really make this pairing work. Also, writing and drawing. I also feel awkward/embarashed sharing my love for writing and reading fics even with anime fans. Which is crazy if you think about it. I shouldn't be but the grief I get from some people is annoying. Though my coworker totally caught be laughing at a fic and dragged it out of me. He pointed even if people don't like things you do they should respect your interests.
Other guilty pleasures include sleeping, random cooking experiments, singing in the car, driving my car for a long time with no destination, and dancing when know ones around to remix or trance music. Oh, and reading zombie loan.
Yay rambling!
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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