Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
Okay, I saw how someone made a "Make Your Own Inuyasha Character" game, so I decided to do one, where you are the demon/hanyou.
You can chose to be any demon/hanyou you want, post what demon you are, your personality, your abilities, appearance, and whether or your a hanyou or a youkai. It'd be great if you made a banner in your profile or something too!
Here's Mine:
Name: Yukiko (Rare child)
Demon: Black Inu Demon/Miko (half miko/half demon)
Abilities: Acid whip, youkai cloud, super speed, hearing, and sight. The ability to speak to the kamis, ability to speak to animals, and purification powers.
Weapons: Twin dragon swords that center my demonic energy and a sword gifted from the gods with purification abilities. Bow and Arrows.
Personality: Fun, joyful, loves to laugh and have fun. but is a forced to be reckoned with.
Appearance: Long black hair with silver and hot pink streaks, amber eyes with flecks of purple in them, about 5'3, hourglass figure, normally wears a black and hot pink kimono.
This is the demon/miko I would be!!!  What would you be?
Also, if you like the kind of demon someone did give em karma!!! 
I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
What a cute idea! I would certainly like to do one! Okay, here she is!
Name: Sonzai (meaning: existence)
Demon: Kyuubi no kitsune (nine-tailed fox)
Abilities: Enhanced senses, shapeshifting (usually from humanoid to fox but can do others), can possess people, foxfire, illusionary magic.
Weapons: Shirushi:a naginata with a flame-shaped blade made of a bluish metal and ebony wood. And, of course, magic and her own two hands!
Personality: Clever, compassionate, wise, not-at-all stubborn, hard to rally to a fight (so, really, she's lazy) and has a marked weakness for sake. Oddly enough, unlike most foxes, she actually loves dogs.
Appearance: Dark, burgundy red hair (its a kinda purple-red)to her knees, bright copper eyes, about five feet four inches tall, with a rather voluptuous body, especially around the bust. Her ears are elfin. She normally wears slimmed down white hakama, and over that a knee-length, sleeveless (and strapless) tunic slit on the sides to the hip. This, like the hakama, is white but is tied with a black obi. Over this is a floor length white over-robe that isn't tied at all, but is bordered in black. Her shoes are black in the haiyuan style.
There! That's it for my character! It took me a while to work out what I wanted, but I rather like it, and I hope you do too!
Last Edit: 2011/06/21 01:13 By Sawawa.
Reason: banner didn't show up
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
This was great! *Karma!* If you're doing a banner, I can't wait to see it. 
I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
Yup! I made a banner! Sorry its kinda plain, but its my first banner ever! Yay!
Last Edit: 2011/06/21 03:33 By Sawawa.
Reason: wrong banner....
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
It's awesome!!! 
I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
lol! Thank you. It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but after a while, I found exactly what I wanted, as well as what suited Sonzai. Whew! My eyes kinda sting now from staring at the screen so hard! lol
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
haha. I know what you mean! I had to work to get the right colors for Yukiko and I think I may change it to red and black, or since I'm a demon/miko, should it stay pink for purity and black for demonic energy. What do you think?
I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
I think the colors you have now are very fitting for her, and they are a blend that, to me at least, kinda symbolizes the combining of demon and miko energy. You should totally keep it the same!
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
Thanks!!!  I'm glad you think so!!!! I wasn't to sure. But now I am, I was thinking that to!! Putting the pink in with the black would kind of represent the combining of the two energies. I swear we think so alike!!! 
I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
That certainly seems to be the case so far! lol
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 4
Sounds like fun...
Name: Tsukiko (Moon child)
Demon: Water Elemental
Abilities: Control and manipulate water. Able to cause storms and tidal waves. Travel and spy through any drop of water. Control over water creatures.
Weapons: A staff with a moon on the end that changes in accordance with the current phase of the moon and a sword of indestructible ice.
Personality: Very intelligent, kind, gentle and loyal, but not one to be taken lightly and when incensed, can be pure, unadulterated evil and cruel.
Appearance: About 5'9" with skin as pale as the moon, dark blue eyes, proportionally body shape, butt-length hair that's ice blue when neutral, but changes according to emotion, and usually wears a kimono made of flowing water that can be altered to be a different set of clothing.
Wow...Possibly took motif a tad bit too far? Meh.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 22
*points to profile* My dokugasona is actually also my demon self..which was already listed in the other thread.  But if you wanna see her she's there. 
I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game. ~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
Here's mine!
Name: Aiko (Love child)
Demon: Half White Inu Demon (white inu hanyou)
Abilities: Extremely agile, can run/jump much faster than most hanyou. Most comfortable in colder weather, she can conjure snow flurries, but only briefly, giving her enough time to escape from stronger foes.
Weapons: Claws, kunai, and kusarigama (a sharp sickle on a chain)
Personality: Smart, loving, and extremely loyal. Tends to be distrustful upon meeting due to her hanyou upbringing, but once you gain her trust she's loyal to a fault.
Appearance: Petite, five foot, with dark green eyes and long snow white hair pulled back into a high ponytail and bangs, with little white inu ears on top of her head. She wears ice blue shorts and a slightly baggy ice blue top with white trim. She wears a two small bells around her throat like a choker, a gift from her late mother, something she never removes.
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Posts: 287
Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 8
This really interested me, especially since I've been thinking of a dokugasona for a while now, so I decided to incorporate the two a bit!
Name: Manami (meaning love sea) Nami for short
Demon: Otter Demon
Abilities: Being an otter demon, Nami has the ability to breathe underwater, in addition to breathing air. She has a true form (that of an otter) which she uses to escape situations in water, as she swims faster in that form and can fit into smaller nooks and crannies to hide. As a demon, her hearing, eye sight, and sense of smell are superior to a humans, and she has the unique ability of her family line, which is shape shifting.
Weapons: Claws
Personality: As a child, Nami was an extremely friendly pup, trusting in her naivety that everyone around her was kind. As she has grown, Nami has learned to be more cautious, especially around humans and stronger demons, but once she realizes you will not harm her becomes very open and kind, willing to aid anyone in whatever way she can. Often this means rescuing children's toys that have fallen in the river when she lives.
She is also very protective, especially of those she considers friends and family. When crossed, she will stop at nothing to protect what is in her care, even going so far as to seek revenge in extreme cases.
Nami is playful, and a trickster at heart. Often this comes into play in order to test someone.
Appearance: She is rather large for her kind in her otter form, a total of 2m in length including her tail. Due to her shape shifting abilities, Nami can transform into anything she wants, but her preferred human form is that of a young adult female, with brown hair and blue eyes. Topping off at 5'6", she has not yet learned how to hide her tail or otter paws, and is a dead give away when she takes human form. Because of this she rarely leaves her river except in special circumstances.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 11
Name: Sachiko (happy child)
Demon: wolf demon
Weapons: has throwing knives but prefers to use claws. She is very fast. Beacause she is a wolf demon she also has a very good sense of smell and good eyesight.
Personality: Sachiko is fun-loving and out going. People are easily drawn to her, but she has a really short fuse. When she is annoyed the first thing she is mostly likely to do is punch or bite you, luckly she knows to be gentle with those weaker than her and doesnt stay mad for very long.
Apearance: She is about 5'5 with bronze, waist-leagth hair that is usually kept back in a high ponytail. Her eyes are a honey-toned brown, and she has freckles on her nose and cheeks. Sachiko has elven ears and a wolf tail but has no demonic markings.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 2
 Here's my youkai "bio":
Name- Itabise (in the Zulu language this means "celebrate")
Demon- Arctic Wolf/Siberian Husky inu youkai
Appearance- I am always in my true form; never humanoid. I have two states of being, normal and transformed. In my normal state, I'm about 34" at the shoulder and weigh 120lbs. I have white fur, blue-green eyes, a blue/pink mane, pink youkai marks on my cheeks and forelegs, a very long tail and blue/pink feathering on my forelegs as well.[WILL UPDATE PIC SOON]
In my transformed, or "angry" state, I am 25' tall and weigh about 10 tons. My mane and the feathering on my legs grow longer and take on a "spiked/rough" look. My eyes glow bright blue without any pupil.
Abilities- Basically my powers stem from the fact that I can control ice. Powers such as ice shield, freezing claw/fang and ice breath. I also have the power to create blizzards and can drop any air temperature to well below zero instantly. Oddly enough I also have heat vision  Other powers include super sonic speed, camouflage ability, mind-reading abilities and teleportation.
Weaponry- Claws, teeth, and barrier
Personality- The arctic region of the Western Lands, have been a part of my family's pack for generations, and after my mother died of old age, I became the new alpha female for this territory. Friendly yet somewhat shy. Loyal, protective, happy, powerful, and thoughtful are the words best used to describe me:)
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 1
I'll give it a try
Name: Amaya (night rain)
Demon: Lynx Demon
Abilities: She is an excellent swimmer and is great at climbing.
Weapons: Claws, but prefers her two katanas
Personality: She is most often seen alone and when you first meet her she will hold most information back. But once you get to know her she becomes more open. Also she loves to laugh.
Appearance: She is 5'3, has pale green eyes naturally lined in black. She has long silvery gray hair that comes down to her hips. She has elfin ears. She wears a light gray kimono with darker gray speckles over it and most often goes barefoot.
There, I think I'm happy with that.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 12
Name: Jiyuu
Demon: Dove demon
Abilities: Can fly and use her eyes to surprise her enemies. When her eyes glow, she can surprise her enemies enough to stun them. She also has a type of heat and ice vision, and her powers are central to her eyes.
Weapons: Mostly just her eyes
Personality: She is open and sometimes seems half crazy, but by being like that people will tell her more, even if they just want her to leave them alone. Jiyuu is a spy, and she finds that her ability to do this (as well as the powers of her eyes) comes very much in handy.
Appearance: She has pure white hair that is down her to the top of her thighs. Her eyes are a deep and dark black, but when she is using her powers they shine white as well. She is short for a demon, and she stands about five foot.
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Re:Become a Demon! 13 Years ago
Karma: 8
Name: Azuka
Demon: Kitsune/Fukurou- Fox/Owl Hybrid
Abilities: Controls Plant-life with an affinity to animals. Azuka's true form in a four tailed, winged kitsune the size of a skyscraper. Hypnosis and shadow-skill.
Weapons: Chakrams and claws
Personality: Very shy and quiet. Once you get to know her, though, she doesn't shut up ^^;
Appearance: About the size of a lion (rarely takes humanoid form) with a purse of carrotz ^^ (wings are optional)Brown eyes, short scarlet hair (this month)and a tongue piercing. Otherwise, pure white except for my head.
Last Edit: 2012/03/02 15:36 By Azuka.
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Name: Inu-Susana
Demon: Jedi White Inu Demon (Technically a Hanyo but most demons believe that her mother was a demon as well so they think she is two demons combined)
Abilities: Poison shot, Force push, force choke, Jedi Mind Trick, Electric Judgment* any lightside powers with the force, Demonic Blast, Chi Blast, Demonic & Force Slash, tracking abilities
Weapons: Lightsaber, fists, claws, feet, sword, the force
Personality: Kind, caring, talkative, loyal, fair is a few good words that describe her but get her on her bad side she is obsessive and will stop at nothing to bring justice since she doesn't seek revenge for people who hurt her but to avenge the innocent victims. Also she can be very unobservant at times.
Appearance: She stands at 5'7" with 2" heals and about 5'5" sans heals, she has many forms but since her force powers overwhelmed her demonic powers she is first a human with a silver and pink highlighted tail with long thick black curly hair and dark brown eyes, when she turns to a hanyo her hair changes to silver with pink highlights and her eyes are now golden but has gained a silver and pink tipped 3/4 bent dog ears due to weight of curls and two pink force markings on her checks that swirl and her lower arms. When she turns to a full demon she looks almost like Sesshomaru except her hair, has a star that is half pink and half red on her forehead and has gained red strips from her demonic strips exactly like the force markings she already has.
* starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment
Last Edit: 2012/04/06 22:01 By dollydolphin.
The dolphin demon who love Sesshomaru.
If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
I claimed Naraku's curly hair because he stole it from me years ago in the claim game.
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Name: Hazuki
Demon: Water Kitsune
Abilities: Illusions, Shape shifting, healing, and I can control water. If I submerge myself in water I can heal any damages to myself and I can heal others… Dehydrate an opponent. I can also, use the water in others body’s to drown them… Make weapons and shields out of water.
Personality: Hazuki is sarcastic, open-minded, over protective, slow to trust others, loyal friend, independent, and has been known to crazy things... just for the reactions.
Appearance: Humanoid: She's 5'3". Looks to be about 16 with silver-blue hair and ice blue eyes. Demon: A four tailed fox about the size of a coyote with silver-ish fur and ice blue eyes.
You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. ~C.S. Lewis
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. ~Albert Einstein
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 76
Name: Senshi
Demon: Three-tailed White Nekomata (Three-tailed White Tiger)
Abilties: Barrier Master, Super-human Endurance, Speed, and Strength. Keeper of the Void, allowing passage through the void.
Personality: Blunt and Abrasive. Short with words and often reticent.
Appearance: Young form: Just over four feet tall. Short black hair, blue eyes. Three dull gray tails wrapped about his waist
Dai-form: Nearly seven feet tall. Short black hair, blue eyes. Opposing concentric half-circles on his brow. Four tapered blue lines that cross his chest from over his right shoulder to fine points just before reaching the left. Three thick, white and black, striped tails hanging on his waist.
Demon: A massive white tiger, standing nearly the height of a small mountain.
I really would like a picture but I lack the necessary art skills. I was going to ask around on my birthday for someone to draw it for me.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 4
Name: Naoki (docile tree)
Demon: Tanuki Hanyou (Raccoon dog Half-demon)
Abilities: Increased reflexes, heightened senses. Some transformation abilities but not as powerful as a full demon or kitsune. She is better at changing her appearance then changing objects. The only object she can change is that of changing pebbles to look like gold, and only for short moments of time. Cannot transform her shape unless she has her leaf.
Weapons: Daggers, claws and a transformation leaf. Mostly peaceful, uses illusion skills as a first defense, only if running away fails after that will she actually try and attack with her daggers. If her daggers fail she'll use her claws but prefers not too since they aren't very substantial.
Personality: Inquisitive, slightly absent-minded, gullible, naive and a tad shy. Tends to say things without thinking them and is self-conscious about the fact that she is a hanyou. Believes almost everything at face value. Is in love with food, will do almost anything if the reward is tasty enough.
Appearance: Original form: Chin length, brindle, brown hair. Copper-brown eyes with faded raccoon dog eye markings. Around 5"5 - ~164 cm. Typically wears a tawny komon kimono with a repeated white dragonfly pattern. Carries a sugegasa to wear as per tradition dictates with holes cut out for her tanuki ears. Still has her raccoon dog-form tail. Always a smile on her face.
Full-youkai form (transformation): Basically the same as her original form except with pointed, human ears, darker eye markings and elongated claws. Her hands are a deep black up to her elbows and her legs are that of a tanuki.
Human form (transformation): Her original form sans ears, eye markings and tail. Her hair is a dark brown in this form and her claws that are barely there in her normal form and blunt like a human's.
Other (transformation): She can take the form of people or change what she looks like, however, if it is not a transformation she is used to it is prone to buckling very easily (so much as a touch can make her snap out of her unfamiliar disguise).
This was fun. ^^ Tanuki are so cute! I might try drawing later on, no promises are made however. 
Last Edit: 2012/05/02 04:43 By Tokahlia.
I should probably get a signature.
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Name: Svana
Demon: Kitsune/Human
Abilities: shape-shift into plants and animals, talk to animals, blending into the background of buildings, sneaking, play tricks on unsuspecting victims, able to grow mushrooms on people, pick pocketing.
Weapons: bow and arrows, sling shot, dagger
Personality: shy around people she doesn't know well, temper, a trickster  , talks about random things, easily amused, loves shiny objects.
Appearance: 4'9-5'0 ft, a light tan color, short brown hair that sits on her shoulders, big green eyes, long nails, a bushy brown tail, pointy ears, usually seen with a bag over her shoulders full of things, barefoot (except on occasions where she has to go into buildings), always near shiny things. (Hide anything that you have that is shiny and looks pretty, once she see's it she will take it!)
*(anybody kind enough to make me a picture please, I won't be able to make one myself for a while...me love you long time!)*
This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Re:Become a Demon! 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Name: Koemi (Little Laugh)
Demon: Calico Neko Demoness
Personality: Stubborn, Easily Distracted, Loyal, Loud, Easily Amused and Quickly Bored.
Ability: She is ninja-lious! Her hairs work as whiskers to help her detect movement around her and her opponent's next move. She has the demonic neko binocular vision, night vision, highly developed sense of smell and hearing and balance.
Appearance: Lightly tanned skin, calico multi-colored waist-length hair, cat ears on top of her head, a muscular, lithe and flexible hourglass figure. About 5'7 and 150 lbs., no idea about an outfit...
Weapons: Claws go all Stan Lee Wolverine-like in extension and strength, her middle finger claws can grow katana length, her chartreuse Puss-in-Boots eyes can immobilize an opponent for short periods to allow escape. Her tail is like mokomoko, and also used in a whip like fashion when she chooses. Her ability to release Pheromones to distract an opponent or cause multiple opponents to fight each other. 
Last Edit: 2012/10/03 00:22 By alwayskougacola.
I destroyed the periodic table, because I only believe in the element of SURPRISE! Howl!
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