Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 14
Guilty pleasures. We all have them.
Mine are romantic comedies and Transmetropolitan fanfics.
Your turn.
I need something that will give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer, and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
Feeding my crazy fangirl addiction to Sesshomaru and Jareth. Is it sad that I have more pictures of them on my computer than of my own child? hahaha
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 11
Definately reading fanfics and manga (and watching anime)  .... Here no one even knows what they are
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
I watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, and everyone should because its awesome!!! lol.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 6
Watching all the coverage of the PA farm show.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 10
Eating ice cream outdoors when it is -25. (but I wear mittens, my hands get cold  )
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Posts: 287
Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
Mine has to be the fan-world in general. Prior to entering university, I didn't have many friends who were quite as...enthusiastic about Inuyasha as me. Since then, I've acquired a few friends who understand, a couple who even share my 'guilty pleasure', but I've yet to stop being embarrassed when confessing to a new friend that I love writing fanfiction and drawing fanart XD
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
Mine is World of Warcraft. I was introduced to it years ago by a friend and ihave been hooked ever since. I take pleasure in it as a stress reliever. Killing bosses keeps me from killed random people when they tick me off. It also helps to kill time when my husband isn't home. Oh yeah...and coffee. Lots of coffee. Morning, noon and night. Although I do drink decaf after 4pm.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
turning off/unplug all my phones and enjoying a couple of extra hours of uninterupted sleep. Its the BEST! 
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 5
lol My daughter love that show and draws her own ponies. they have some kind of club over on Deviant art for people. My daughter once knocked down her door running from her sister and posted a note that Durpy the weird pony did it. lmao i have to give you Karma for this.
my guilty pleasure is sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee and either my laptop or a good book.I admit to being addicted to paranormal romance.
Last Edit: 2012/01/17 23:03 By darkfyrelady35.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 38
Fanfiction is definitely one of them >->
Only a select few know that I write them and actually read them!
Funyun's and Nacho cheese is another guilty pleasure <3 People are always like, "Ewwwww, really??" and think it's uber gross. BUT IT'S AWESOME. They're chips - chips are made for nacho cheese. Duuuhhhh~ :3
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Can't say I share that addiction with you, however; my prefered breakfast is a grape jelly and american cheese sandwich... Hey! dont knock it til you try it.
My guilty pleasure has to be watching Legally Blonde. It always makes me feel better about myself for some reason. Crazy?
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
Young Dracula. a bbc younger show. It's surprisingly good, and somehow addicting. o___o It reminds me of the younger Harry Potter films, and is completely my guilty pleasure. >u<
That and chocolate powder+cold milk. Or 'lumpy milk', as my flatmates have termed it. It's my chocolate substitute. lD
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
Kittens. I am supremely ridiculous when it comes to baby kittens. I not talking "aww little baby kitten" I am talking straight up that little kitten just became crack to my girlish brain "OMG kitty-kitty-kitty! I wuv kitties, yes I do!!" It is as involuntary as it is instantaneous. Perhaps, however, my answer is inadequate to the question so here is another, very short answer, just in case.
Sean Connery. End of story, nuff said ^_^;
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
Last Edit: 2012/01/18 22:23 By Azuka.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
Chaos_Queen77 wrote:
Can't say I share that addiction with you, however; my prefered breakfast is a grape jelly and american cheese sandwich... Hey! dont knock it til you try it.
My guilty pleasure has to be watching Legally Blonde. It always makes me feel better about myself for some reason. Crazy?
Absolutely NOT!! I totally understand x3 lol
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Posts: 287
Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
I concur on the Sean Connery front.
Other men to be included in 'men I have a guilty pleasure for' are:
Hugh Jackman, and
Gerard Butler
For me, at least.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
shojo manga, smut, motorcycles and good scotch with my wise grandpa lol
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 7
White hot chocolate, reading smut, writing smut, reading smut, collecting Sephiroth figurines and wall scrolls, reading smut, drawing smut, reading smut, swooning at Sesshoumaru and Sephiroth fanart, and did I forget to mention that I love....READING SMUT?!!!
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 14
see03 wrote:
I concur on the Sean Connery front.
Other men to be included in 'men I have a guilty pleasure for' are:
Hugh Jackman, and
Gerard Butler
For me, at least.
My mom is in love with Sean Connery, so it would be too weird for me lol. I do have old man crushes though. Ian McKellen (even though he's openly gay...*sniffles*) and Gary Oldman. Yup, Gandalf and Dracula. (It's the gnarly staff and the pimp stick, chicks dig those).
I need something that will give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer, and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 95
Mine is fanfic. If I'm reading it on my phone and someone asks me what I'm reading, I lie and say just an on-line book. Not sure why I'm so ashamed of it though. Many are as well written as any books I've read.
Haha the "old man" crush really cracked me up, but I must admit that I would totally jump Patrick Stewart.
I claimed Shippo`s mushroom in the claim game.
Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
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Posts: 287
Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
The Hatter Theory wrote:
see03 wrote:
I concur on the Sean Connery front.
Other men to be included in 'men I have a guilty pleasure for' are:
Hugh Jackman, and
Gerard Butler
For me, at least.
My mom is in love with Sean Connery, so it would be too weird for me lol. I do have old man crushes though. Ian McKellen (even though he's openly gay...*sniffles*) and Gary Oldman. Yup, Gandalf and Dracula. (It's the gnarly staff and the pimp stick, chicks dig those).
Ooooh, I do have to agree with Ian McKellen. I rather fancy Dennis Quaid, he's always been one of my favourite actors. He plays a lot of daddy roles, though...
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 38
Another major guilty pleasure is "The Vampire Diaries" -_________________________-;;
I'm in the process of writing a crossover x_x
I don't read the books but I loveeee the show. Only my sister knows I watch it because I am uberrrr ashamed of this addiction.
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
Cowboy's , not gonna lie - and western romance novels.
Maybe it's because I was raised on a Ranch, but they
aaaarree sexy. I'm addicted/
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Re:Guilty Pleasures 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
Collecting small bolts or samples of cloth with gorgeous oriental design (even if I'd never do anything else with them XD)and thinking up of heart-wrenching, tear-inducing scenarios for future fics/chapters while hunting for the perfect songs to make a playlist to inspire me.
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