I have a few that are a little different

I live in Tennessee, and I have family in Georgia, and family that moved down to TN from New York, and my boyfriend lives in Canada.
My dad (from GA) and I both say "Golly" (with a drawl - like Gooooool-ly) instead of "wow" or "geez" sometimes. (My boyfriend thinks its hilarious)
My GA family also says "Lawdy" (also with a drawl) instead of "Good Lord" like my northern family.
Some differences between my boyfriends family and I:
I say "Snow mobiles", they say "Skidoos"
I say "Jet skiis", they say "Seadoos"
I say "gloves", they say "mittens"
I say "grades" or "scores" (like on a test), they say "marks"
I say "hm?", they say "eh?"
but the biggest difference I think is what we call different foods. He is going to culinary school, so he knows the formal french names for everything, and I only know the common names. Also, they sometimes call foods different common names - like "muffin" instead of "biscuit".
There are a lot more and I'll probably think of them later xD