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Make Your Own Inuyasha Character
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TOPIC: Make Your Own Inuyasha Character
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Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 9
So I was reading the favorite Japanese name thread and I came up with this little game:

It's called Make Your Own Inuyasha Character:

Naturally, first you have to make up a name for your character. (Your character doesn't need a last name if you don't want to give him/her one)

Then you choose which species you are (Ningen, Hanyou, Youkai).

Then you have to decide if you are with Naraku, against Naraku, or totally impartial to him (You may say why in your description)

Then you describe you character while giving us a little history. Of course you can be as specific as you want with your description - you may even draw her or him if you want to...

You can make as many characters as you like and there is only one rule... HAVE FUN!


So here is mine:

Name: Mei-lin

Species: Nignen

Side: With Naraku

Description: Mei-lin is Kagome's step sister. She is related to Kagome from Kagome's father second marriage. She was born from an American man (kagome's father) and an Irish woman. Auburn hair, green eyes, she where glasses to read or study.

Unknown to Kagome, Mei-lin is sent to live with Mrs H when both her parents are killed in a plane crash. Because of Kagome's traveling schedule, the two girls never met before the final battle.

Surprisingly enough, Mei-lin is also able to travel back in time through the well, but unlike her step-sister, she becomes Naraku's maid and faithful servant.

Although she thinks Naraku's ways are a little drastic at times, she finds him irrestable and, in the end, perishes with him during the final battle.


What about yours!?
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 12
Interesting game! I would like to give it a spin haha
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 9
Go right ahead!

I'm curious to see what type of characters we'll have in this game!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 23

Can I use my original character for this(who is a demon)?!?
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 9
But of course!

All is fair in fun and games!
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Last Edit: 2011/02/26 01:53 By FallenTenchi. Reason: grumbles about typos
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 23
Hehe, yay~

Alright here we go:

Name: Willie



Description:Willie is a youkai, but he wasn't always. He got transformed into one after a tragic accident in his child hood. He is a peacock demon, these demons-like most bird demons- cannot reproduce. Therefore they pick their 'children' after they have reached their adult age(which isn't until they are 1,000-2,000 years old) Because of this the peacock demons in existence are few. Peacock demons are almost always humans before transforming, but sometimes they can adopt other demons to be their child. After they chose and successfully transform their 'child' into a peacock demon, and raise them to survive on their own they will dissolve into the earth. Leaving their child to continue the race.

In his human life, Willie lived a rather normal life with his mother, father and three younger sisters. His father was in the army, and he met his death on base one day when he went to visit his father, this is when he was 'turned' into a peacock demon.

Peacock demons do have a 'special' power and that is that they can travel through time/space of their choosing.

Willie lives in the 'modern' demon realm, but he will travel to the human realm from time to time to get equipment and clothing for his demon companions and to visit his human family graves. One day while in the human realm he went to the library and came across a book of 'fairy tales' for Japan. One section specialized in when demons lived in that time, like always his curiosity got the best of him and he decided to travel to the feudal era. When he got there he was fascinated and decided to stay for awhile to pass time.

He came in the middle of Naraku's prime(when the jewel shard search was still going on)-he met some of Naraku's minions once and did some snooping afterwords to get more information. He is impartial because he believes the whole thing is to troublesome. So while he enjoys the time period, he does not love the unwanted hassle so for the most part stays to himself unless need be-but he would rather avoid the battle at all costs.

He is very fun loving and perverted. He is easy going and moves at his own pace. Some people view him as a jerk because he usually tells it as it is, he doesn't with-hold his words and some of them can sting. Most people don't know when he is serious, or when he is joking.

He also likes to 'bother' people who take themselves to seriously(so basically-Sesshoumaru would be his main target/source of entertainment)

He's very mischievous.

For his physical appearance, it looks much like a peacock basically(color wise).

His skin tone is almost ivory. He has a mohawk, that is white in color with the tips a teal/blue color. His side hair(around the mohawk) is the same teal color. His eye color is the same, a teal-dark blue color. His mohawk is generally down, but when he aroused, feeling playful or any emotion that is really high can make his mohawk go up. Most of the time it is down though.

He loves to wear combat boots(pink ones usually ) clothing style is strange, he can dress 'punk' one day, and hipster the next. It depends on his mood. I did draw a chibi picture of him awhile ago. But the coloring and drawing is kind of bad-laughs-
Here it is:

-whew- that was a lot. Willie has been one of my OC since I was 10/11 so for eleven or so years. So he has a long history ^^; sorry if I included to much, I will remove some if need be. I hope I didn't break any rules with his description and such-if so let me know and I will remove or add what I need to. This was fun C:
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Last Edit: 2011/02/26 02:33 By PRVN.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 9
As for I - there is no problem with your entry - wonderful descrption - if you ever feel the need to write another one you are very welcome!

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Lilly Akame
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5
Could it be an crossover OC? Cause I have lots of those
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5
Name- Aderyn
Race- Youkai
Side- Impartial, though she goes for whichever side Sesshoumaru is one.

Description - Aderyn is a Welsh raven youkai who was sent as a child by her father to be a servant to Sesshoumaru as her father, a prominent youkai lord in Europe, didn't want the stain of a blonde raven on his family. As a result of this, she has little to no recollection of her family.

Aderyn's hair was a result of albinism and her mother's heritage, which at that time in Wales was thought to be a curse on the family and her eyes, one gold, one green, came from her mother, an owl youkai. Aderyn is unlike most raven demons as she prefers silence rather than chatter. She also has a scar from when she irritated Sesshoumaru a little to much and he stuck out at her.

She serves Lord Sesshoumaru as a messenger and guardswoman to his keep when he is out wandering the land, along her longtime companion and friend the english otter hanyou Angel.
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Last Edit: 2011/02/26 14:08 By HanyouAngel.
I claimed Yura\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s comb in the Claim game.
Im the Secretly (Un)Angelic Gm in the Dokuga Marbles Guild
Perhaps though, this will make me stronger
More confident,
Beautiful even.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 52
Name: Swift Fire Dragon (That should be the translation, I have no idea what the actual Japanese name would be, for most free translators don't do so well)

Race: Youkai (Phoenix)

Side: Naraku

SFD was a General in the Singing Fire Clan of the Phoenix Youkai (of whom Kyora was a distant relative), tasked to defend the Clan from external threats. He and his subordinates were called away one day to defend a sister Clan from an army of invading Spiders. They were successful, but just barely, with SFD being the only survivor from his own clan's contribution.

Upon his return home, SFD finds his clan's floating skycastle devastated and afire. He finds the barely still alive Queen, who tells him that a demon in a white baboon monkey costume orchestrated an attack on their Clan. She further tells him that he took the newborn Princess Kagura with him as he departed. The Queen then dies in his arms.

Vowing to track down and rescue Princess Kagura, SFD departs from the Skycastle, watching as it descends to crash on Mount Kilimanjaro. Traveling ENE from Africa, SFD eventually arrives in Japan at about the time the reincarnated Kagura dies from Naraku's treachery to continue his hunt...
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Name: Siera Hanata (totally had a last name in my head that sounded familiar... then reaised it was the name of naraku's Eight detachment -sighs-)

Species: Nignen (witch)

Side: Whoever is nice at the time.

Description: Siera Is kagome's orphaned cousin and is around a year older than her, her parents died in a car crash just after her sixteenth birthday and she was sent to live with kagome, she loves to play tricks on people and because of one certain trick (she stole inuyasha's food and was chased into the well house, tripped and went over the edge of the well)she somehow ended up in the Feudal Era, where she met rin and sesshomaru. he saved her life and she followed him around ever since trying to make it up to him by looking after rin.

She has natural Red hair and green eyes from her Irish father, and the shaped eyes, face and (she hates this most definately) the short petite form of her Japanese mother. she likes to wear bright colours most of the time and got into the rave scene before she fell into the well.

she makes many mistakes and is easily swayed by people who act nice to her and has no character judgement whatsoever. therefore If naraku was nice to her than BAM! INSTABLELIEF.

hahah... i totally just made that up while sitting in business studies ;D
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 12
Okay, I had a really tough time creating a character for Inuyasha because I felt like making her so awesome that she would outshine that ACTUAL characters...-.-

So instead I decided to make a possible 'daughter of Kagome and Sesshomaru'. A lot of fics out there have the couple as parents and I thought that it would be interesting to create my own 'what-if' kid.

I sketched Kamiko, a female half-demon, she is supposedly 14 years old and the pair's first born child. --> silver hair, turquoise eyes, a little on the short side. She loves a good fight and is a bit of a snob when around non-family members.

This got me REALLY inspired, so I drew another baby.
I call him Taro. He's supposed to be 9 months old, with black hair and big golden eyes like his daddy.

Both of them have dog ears like inuyasha =D (I can't resist them hahahah)

I may post up some sketch dumps of them later, but the character's personalities are not very developed yet so I'm going to continue working on them.
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Lilly Akame
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5
I'm working on a InuYasha/Sailor Moon crossover where Kagome is the reincarnation of Katsumi; the Sun Kings daughter. Akiko (Sol king) is Queen Serenity's twin brother, making Usagi and Kagome cousins. Anyways, the Inutachi and the Senshi fight Galaxia and Naraku together and win then a thousand years later, everyone is ruling over their planets. Kagome and Sesshomaru have had over 1000 years to have kids... that's why they have nine. Yes, nine. LOL In Crystal Tokyo they have all reached their highest form, which is a god. Usagi is Selene and Kagome is Apollo and so on.
And yep, she's bit of a mary sue.

This is their oldest daughter:

Name: Taishou Kimiko (Meaning 'Empress General')

Species: Half Inuyoukai/half god

Side: Inutachi.

Description: Kimiko is the first daughter of Sesshomaru and Kagome and heir to the Sol Kingdome. She was born two years after the defeat of Chaos and grew up a princess as the Sol Kingdome had been rebuilt. For five years, she was a lonely child and lived happily being spoiled by the ten royal clans of the universe. But when Kaname came, attention was diverted from her and cast onto him. She grew jealous and was bitter towards him but when she started school, she got over it. As she grew, she was raised to be the perfect princess, but also raised as a warrior and taught to use the fire from the sun (there are only fifty or so that can wield the suns fire) and when she was called as a Senshi, she became the perfect weapon for the Sun Kingdome.
Her main mission is to go to Earth and protect Chibiusa, and while she is training her for being a senshi, a man attacks her. She captures him, Akito, the most trusted friend and main protector of Princess Sayaka, a princess from an unknown planet (Nemesis). Once she has interrogated him, King Endymion tells her it’s up to her what to do with him. She decides to let him go, on probation, her being his probation officer.
While she isn't training Chibiusa, she takes Akito to the Sol Kingdome so she can keep an eye on him. Kagome immediately recognizes him as a time traveller and it causes Kimiko to become infatuated with him, wanting to know where he's from. Once he finally tells her, she goes on about how she has always loved the story of the Dark Moon Clan. He shuts her up by kissing her.
Eventually, they start to date and he takes her to his time to meet Princess Sayaka (the great great great grandmother of Diamond and Sapphire) and Kimiko says that she is absolutely evil, and we later find out that Sayaka is the reason why Nemesis was banished. Akito had been taken in by the Dark Moon Clan and raised to be just like them; evil. Surprisingly, Kimiko was easily manipulated by him and together, with Wise Man, Diamond and Sapphire they raged war on Crystal Tokyo and the Sol Clan. When Sailor Moon killed Wise Man and everything was restored, Akito was banished and Kimiko was forcefully cleansed by the Silver Crystal.

She so reminds me of Princess Azula :
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Last Edit: 2011/03/01 08:26 By Lilly Akame.
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 22
Ooooh squee!! Time to use my other self!! Bwahahaha

Name: Mizukii (Yus 2 i's!! No last name)

Race: Half Youkai & Half Immortal

Side: Impartial, but mostly against Naraku

Looks: She's rather short for being a youkai, standing just an inch taller than kagome herself. She's got long blonde/sandy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes (which are always mischievous). Being that she's only half youkai she's got kitty ears instead of the normal pointed ones. She is always seen dressed in a warriors outfit (much like sango's slayer oufit) but it's blue & black instead of pink/red. She carries a katana as a weapon as well as a set of sais which tends to be her weapons of choice.

Personality: Miz has no affiliation to Inuyasha and the gang directly, and she doesn't have one with Naraku either. She wanders aimlessly throughout the territories creating mischief. She extremely sneaky (much like a fox youkai is supposed to be) and loves to play tricks on people. She also tends to get herself into lots of trouble.

No one really knows where she comes from and after she meets Kagome and Shippou she makes herself at home with the group. She enjoys Shippou's company more than anyone elses (because I always feel he is underplayed in most canon stories, unless its as a helpless kit who just happens to get Sess and Kags together). She also helps him bring out his true nature since his parents died before they could really teach him.

Oh wow, can you tell I enjoyed this? I might just have to make this a character in one of my stories someday.
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Last Edit: 2011/03/16 10:33 By Lady Kirara.

I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 9
I'm happy to see people are enjoying this little game

I like reading about other people's make-up characters.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5
Name - Angel
Race - Hanyou
Side - Impartial, follows Aderyn

Petite and curvy, Angel is the daughter of a otter youkai and a human male. She was orphaned at an early age when her parents where burned for witchcraft. She had been at the river to get water and had come back to see the farm she lived on burning. She hid and the mob didn't find her. She terrorized the village, stealing what she needed and misplacing what she didn't. She would've continued in this fashion, except for the fact that Aderyn found her while the raven youkai was on a mission and had taken her in.

Angel was afraid of Sesshoumaru at first, until he brought Rin home. Rin and Angel became fast friends and because of this, and the fact that the daiyoukai deemed that Rin needed feminine companion, Angel learned to like the stoic inu-lord.
She has red hair with a blue streak, which is a mark from her mother's clan. When in human form, she loses the blue and her hair darkens to a deep auburn.
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I claimed Yura\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s comb in the Claim game.
Im the Secretly (Un)Angelic Gm in the Dokuga Marbles Guild
Perhaps though, this will make me stronger
More confident,
Beautiful even.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 1
Oooh I'd like to give it a shot. Can it have the age, height, weight, family & powers & abilities with it as well?
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Ok here I go!!

Name: Kiba

Species: Youkai

Side: Against Naraku

Description: Kiba is Koga and Ayame's first daughter. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. Kiba is very shy at first, but when she gets to know you, she acts like you have been with her her whole life. She is a daddy's girl, all she wants to do is stay with Koga, but has to be left behind alot because she is not allowed outside of the wolfs territory until she is older. Kiba is seven years old, but is already hardheaded like Koga, always ready to fight. Kiba will be the leader of the pack one day so she has to go through alot of training with her father, who got to train her. Koga loves her very much and hates to leave her. Kiba is a really good leader, even though she is just seven, but the other wolves in the tribe love her very much and she always makes them laugh.

Kiba is against Naraku because when she was a small baby Naraku kidnapped her so he could get the jewel shards that Koga had. Koga fought Naraku and got his daughter back. Koga has been protective of her ever since. Kiba is also good friends with Kagome and loves to tease Inuyasha.
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Last Edit: 2011/06/22 23:51 By ayame.
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Lily Noir
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 11
Name: Ayano

Species: Unknown

Side: Impartial

Description: He is one of the rarest beings left in the world, only a handful like him left roaming this realm. He is said to be the personification of Fire itself. His scent is fire, or what minds would percieve as the faint smell of burning incense, light smoke and embers. It offers no indication of his species.

His hair is mahogany brown and reaches the small of his back. It's usually tied together in the level of his shoulder blades, sometimes it's flipped over his shoulder. His complexion is pale with nothing marring his skin.

His eyes are slitted like a youkai's with brilliant yellow lining thinly around his pupil and quickly falling into vibrant red. His ears are round like a humans and he has no markings. He is tall, 6'5 (196cm)

His voice has a permanent deep husky note, it may remind some of the faint crackling of fire. His power is said to rival a Taiyoukai's (rumored to be equal to the late Inu no Taisho)

He has a debt to the line of Inu no Taisho, as the late taiyoukai helped him. Should the debt be invoked by one (or both) of the two sons, he would side with them. Though, frequently meeting with Sesshomaru, he is a wanderer.

Should he chose to, he could take the form of a massive Phoenix purely made of fire (or alter the shape his fire makes, as well as the size). He can also alter the heat of his flames, going from something that does not burn the flesh to temperatures simmilar to the surface of the sun.

He is kind and gentle, exuding warmth to those that earned it of him, as is his nature. Though, just as the licking flames, he could and would consume all his enemies and the ones who stand in his path.

Once you've erned his loyalty and respect, it is permanent, and his devotion unbreakable. He is quiet and withdrawn most of the time prefering to observe, though, doesn't mind joking and bantering with ones he consideres close. If you are close to him, you are cherished dearly and protected fiercely.

Though, his distant disposition, somber air as well as time ensure that there are not many close to him. The mistery of what he is and his dangerous power conspire to keeping others away.

His age is unknown, though rumored to be several tens of thosands of years.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
Name: Kitori

Species: Kitsune Youkai

Side: Against

Description: Kitori has deep red wavy hair with black highlights that reaches the middle of her thighs. She has clear emerald eyes that seem to take on different undertones with her changing emotions. She has earned her third tail and each of them are a deep ruby red with black tips. The ears that sit atop her head are a black so pure it rivals the moonless night sky. She is 5'10 and has a wamanly, yet fit build, that is perfect for fighting demons larger than her.

Lord Sesshoumaru discovered her as a small kit and took her in, teaching her how to take care of herself in the harsh world. While she does not love the ice prince, she does care for him in a familial way. Later in her life, after parting ways with the Western Lord, she has a talk with Bokuseno, who tells her that during an attack, her parents were separated from as a kit and that she has a younger brother, named Shippou, who travels with a miko, a hanyou, two humans, and a neko youkai. Hearing this, she immediately sets out to find her long lost younger brother. Seeing how attached he was to the unusual group, she strongly requests to travel with them, even agrreing to help them in their quest for the shards. With only grumbles from Inuyasha about too many females, the group whole-heartedly agrees.

She now trains Shippou to use his arising kitsune powers, as well as helps Kagome and Sango keep Inuyasha and Miroku in check. She's also persuaded Kagome to allow her and Sango to train her in different fighting techniques while Miroku and Kaedae show her how to use her spiritual abilities.

So? whaddya peeps think?
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Last Edit: 2011/08/10 00:51 By Native_Wolf1. Reason: grammatical errors...oops...
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 31
Name: Kaori Tandre

Species: Rabbit Demon

Side: Her own fluffy bottom!

Description:Kaori has had lots of problems. I mean a LOT of problems. Growing up as a rabbit demon has never been easier for her, or anyone else of her kind. Humans are always cutting down trees in the forest they dwell, or demons are trying to do anything they desire from them. This could be anywhere from eating, torturing, or trying to make babies (not really, but a nice way to put it). Not to mention seeing as her many brothers and sisters taken away from this. It would be understandable as to why she has great fear in...well... everything.

Tall white ears and a big fluffy tail, the rest of her is humanoid. She has pink eyes and fair skin. Her hair is just as grey as her fur. Other than that, she wears a plan brown kimono. Only a third of her race turn out like her. They are the most at risk too, being so easily spotted. So, she tries to rub as much dirt as possible on her, to both mask scent and not be so white. Her paranoia about all things has became so fierce she jumps at the mere falling of a leaf. Though, in all her fears, she couldn't handle being around her family. Seeing the hundreds of them die off one by one, even when huddled in a cave-It was just too much for her.

The rabbit went loner, feeling it would be best. She couldn't handle their deaths, and they couldn't handle hers. Having excellent hearing, she can hear better than a wolf demon could smell. Unfortunately, her sense of smell was worse than a humans. Luckily, a vegetarian doesn't need smell to find good berries! She's also great at jumping, though her running skills are poor. She trips over thin air quite a bit. If she weren't afraid of everything, her knowledge of the forest, what to eat and signs to look for, would be quite helpful.

Something she has a hard time staying away from is music. She loves the sound of it. It almost brings her out of her state of fear long enough to meet someone. Her fear always kicks in though. She hopes that one day, she can find a place where she doesn't have to be so scared.

One day, I'm going to write about her! In fact, that day will come soon.
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Last Edit: 2011/08/10 00:37 By Smittee.
I claimed Shippo\'s transforming powers in the claim game.
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Dolly Dolphin
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years ago Karma: 1
Name: Inu-Susana

Species: Dog Hanyo Jedi

Side: Her family's

She is the middle child of the Taisho's and is almost directly in the middle of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru give or take a few years. When she was born she was born with her human side with a silver and pink tail. She is to change into her hanyo self when she fully returns to Feudal Japan and a year after than turn into a full demon. The distinctive feature can be seen on her back that she covers. It is a huge flame scare she received when she was 10 from a guy named Fueller (Sith) who burnt down her town. Now she can't feel anything below her neck but the weirdest thing she can walk using the force.

When she is human she has black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. Hanyo & full demon she has silver hair with pink highlights and gold eyes. Also when she has a hanyo she as a 3/4 stand up dog ears (tips pointed down due to weight of curls). In all forms she has mid-thigh thick curly hair and stands at 5'5" without 2" heels.

She was trained to use the force first and has developed her Demonic powers before she ever changed by using more training from a good Demonic friend. Now she is on the hunt to track Fueller down and avenge the innocent people he killed including her adoptive mom.

Due to the fact she is after Fueller and not Naraku she is unaware of Naraku's existence but will take her siblings side when someone attacks them. Even if Fueller partnered up with Naraku. To her family and friends she is a strong ally but is not an enemy you want to have considering her powers may out number Lord Sesshomaru her elder brother due to the weird combination of Jedi and Dog Demon.
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Last Edit: 2011/10/03 19:11 By dollydolphin. Reason: Thought of more info
The dolphin demon who love Sesshomaru.

If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
I claimed Naraku's curly hair because he stole it from me years ago in the claim game.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 13 Years ago Karma: 0
(She’s actually an OC of mine from an Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho crossover, for some reason she’s stuck with me though)

Name: Shizume
Species: Sparrow Youkai
Side: Against/Impartial

Description: Shizume was the mate of a high ranging officer in Sesshoumaru’s small army during the times of Naraku’s existence, but seeing as her Lord had never called upon the forces to battle she was never truly involved with Naraku. After the death of the foul Hanyou, chaos swept over the lands because the worlds that were originally two were divided into three; Makai, Ningenkai, and Reikai. While most of the world’s Youkai fled to the newly created demon world, Sesshoumaru and a select few others did not in order to insure that their lands would fall into the hands of someone who was ‘worthy’ to hold them.

At some point during this reform Shizume’s Hawk Youkai mate, Shoji, was killed by an upper ranking human samurai, leaving Shizume alone with their young son, Toru. During this time Shizume grew to feel nothing but bitterness towards humanity and she was about to abandon her Lord so that she could find refuge in the Demon world. Her entire world was turned upside down though, when she met a certain woman and her own orphaned young kit. The two bond, shortly after Shizume regains faith that her place is by her Lord’s side, where she is promoted as the great general of his minuscule army.

Personality wise, Shizume is very conflicted. She has suffered much sorrow and loss to the point where her spirit had all but shattered, yet she had found a friend in Kagome who had picked up the pieces and put her back together again. She is snippy and argumentative, yet at times cold and aloof. But around Kagome she shares soft smiles and kind remarks as well as encouragement. She raises her son with a firm hand, and she is always more than willing to lend a hand or give advice to those she knows. The Lady General is not fond of strangers and is suspicious of any new face in her midst.

Sparrows age quite faster than canines to, so in the Feudal era Shizume appeared to be in her early twenties, yet in modern times she appears to be in her early forties where as Sesshoumaru doesn’t appear to have aged a bit. She has wise, piercing, black eyes. Long brown wings extend from her back, which make it easy for spontaneous flight on her part. Her hair is a lighter, tawny brown which falls to her hips and is often times placed in a low tail. There is a golden headband in her hair which wraps around her pointed ears and acts similar to a warrior’s helmet. In the modern times she is often found wearing neutral colored Hakama and Haori, but on duty she wears the army’s signature white fighting pants, black flats, white kung-fu style shirt with yellow embroidery and blue jacket, katana at waist.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Name: Silos
Species: Youkai
Side: Impartial, but good friends with Inuyasha.

Description: Silos prefers to remain hidden, and as such he has jet black hair, and wears a black kimono with gloves and boots of the same color. The only thing noticeable about him is his eyes. His left eyes is brilliant blue, but his right is dark red.

Personality: A loner, Silos almost never enters towns, and shows open hostility towards anyone he passes on the road. He only has one exception, Inuyasha. Upon meeting in along a path, and Silos showed distaste to Inuyasha's hanyo nature. A fight ensued, and Inuyasha was victorious. Having never been beaten before, Silos instantly respected the fighting skill of Inuyasha, and told him that he was not his enemy, rathar, they were allies. They met again as Inuyasha and co. where on there way to battle Naraku. Although Silos expressed that he wasn't on either side, Inuyasha asked as a favor, and Silos agreed. In the final battle, Silos gave his life to save Kagome, saying "I would never forgive myself if he could no longer fight.", as it appeared to him that she was the driving force behind Inuyasha's fighting spirit.

Powers and Weapons: Silos wields a katana, and has a similar power to Tessiga, and can transform into a long broadsword, similar to Sessomaru's Tokijin, but twice as long. He berlly uses it, and prefers to use his youkai powers. No one knows the extent of his powers, but he has the power to drain youkai energy from dead or alive beings, which heals an strengthens him. This power cannot be used on beings which have a weaker youkai power than him. His other ability is called 'Stealth Cut', with which he uses his youkai power to disappear into darkness, and powerfully strike a foe when they are unaware. His blade, the Kage No Ha (blade of shadows) has the ability to form the darkness around his blade, and send cutting shadows to slice enemies.
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Re:Make Your Own Inuyasha Character 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 7
Lol... I have but one character and I think no one has ever thought about one such as this. Hm.. here I go!

Name: Ayumi

: Three quarters of a tiger demon. Meaning that her mother is a hanyo - a phoenix hanyo at that -, her father is a tiger daiyoukai and she got out to be only partially human, much more stronger than a hanyo and a human and close enough to a full fledged demon.

Side: Against Naraku

Age: about 200, though she looks like she's in her early twenties.

Description: She is the second daughter of the South demon lord, belonging to the tiger clan. Being the first born she has to obey everything the demon council says, but, despised by all - be them human, hanyo or demon - she runs away with her trusty servant Maru - a shape-shifting tiger -. She turns human twice a year for two days and she can never know the period in which her demonic side leaves her body. She can turn into a huge tiger with white wings on her back and she is a bit smaller than Sesshomaru in his true form.
She has red hair with white stripes always kept away from her neck by two large needles, though her bangs escape the bun and sway around her face - that's caramel brown in color- and can make her tiger ears and tail - much like Inuyasha's - appear or disappear when she wants too. But if she consumes too much of her power her disguise as a full demon dissipates and she shows her true "colors". She has a star on her forehead and some kind of swirly stripes where her eyes end, right on her temples. She usually wears a male kimono, much like Sesshomaru's and a chest plate that makes her look more male than female. But her full, chocolate lips and rainbow eyes giver her away together with the other female accesories.
Hm...what else.... She had to be the successor of the Tora Clan until both her father and her mother disappeared, leaving her and her younger brother behind - who is a full demon by the way. The culprit behind this is Naraku so she searches of him in hopes of finding her parents. She doesn't want to be tied down to a single place though she really loves her clan and keeps her lands intact killing anyone that threatens them.
She gets to know Inuyasha and his pack when she saves both Rin and Kagome from a pack of raging lizards. Thus, heavily injured because she absorbs most of the attacks, Ayumi is forced to remain with the humans, her secluded nature being forced to come out. And, like this, she finds out that not everyone is bad and that not everyone hates her kind, though she thinks that there are those that would rather see her dead than listen to her, given her condition, only a handful of her species was ever born, demons with only a quarter of a human in them being the rarest of rare. Plus, her mother has miko powers in her, Ayumi being immune to the purifying powers that Kagome has. That's one of the reasons Naraku is after her - and Sesshomaru protects her. She is not surprised by the things Kagome caries telling her that her mother had a friend, about 100 years ago, when she was only a child, which brought things like that.
She seems to be unemotional but caries the deepest wounds that one could suffer, Naraku taking advantage of her from time to time, though she quickly manages to dodge everything he throws at her. She isn't that talkative and she tries to resent her feelings for the inu taiyoukai - Sesshomaru - though Rin, Kagome and Sango see right through her attempts. She even saves Sesshomaru on more than one occasion, though he quickly dismisses her. Still she fallows him around, Maru never agreeing with her tastes in men.
She is referred to as being the most beautiful demoness alive, every demon going for her "head" thus making Sesshomaru quite annoyed. She had met the Great General Inu no Tashio when she was little, and her hand was promised to Sesshomaru in order to unite the West and the South. Seeing that Sesshomaru's father dies in battle and the Southern lord goes missing the union is never completed, though neither she nor the tai forget about it. To be free of both the court and an unwanted marriage she runs away - like I mentioned before.

Powers/Abilities :
She can transform into a huge tiger with red fur and white stripes, with wings on it's back and flames around it's paws.( The wings of a phoenix from her mother and the shape of her father's true form).
If she yells at one object and concentrates her youki on it she can make it explode, powerful high-pitched vibrations shattering said object.
She has a claw-whip like Sesshomaru only that it's power to destroy is far lesser than his, not to mention that she is quite small, somewhere around Kagome's height, and doesn't have nearly enough strength to defeat large opponents.
Her weapons of choice are two blades, one black one silver, which connect at their ends and form a larger weapon that has two matching blades in the form of a half moon, each facing the other side, and a long, iron handle. The attacks she can use are venomous spheres, can open windows to other places both in space and in time - though the later isn't usually used because she can't make her opponent disappear in time for more than an hour, and that is in the past if you get my drift - ; red, youki blades. She also has limited control over water, air, rock, fire, lightning elements.

I can probably ad more, but I make up her character as I go along. I already have a story with her, though it's not here... i think i uploaded it on, though I'm not sure. If you have any questions regarding her -though I took the liberty of writing here - please ask. I think i forgot something about
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Last Edit: 2011/12/20 07:49 By star_struck_imagination.
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