Posts: 295
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
confused karli looks around "this isnt the pie fight" Throws a pie to the ground Karli watches as naomi falls overs holding on to something. "Whats that" Karli takes the rock and hides it.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 216
Karli wrote:
confused karli looks around "this isnt the pie fight" Throws a pie to the ground Karli watches as naomi falls overs holding on to something. "Whats that" Karli takes the rock and hides it.*watches where Karli hides rock and when she's not looking uses walkie talkie to alert the plunnies that there's fresh meat in the area.
*Waiting just long enough the ground rumbles and trees tumble, the horder of devious ideas born from the hands and mind or r0ozilla raRr mightily before attempting to pounce the terrified karlie, in the confusion, and detraction of it all,
*grabs rock and once again begins to lecture Squishy-chan once again for playing with strangers
Who's rock?
r0o's rock.
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Posts: 426
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
While r0o is busy lecturing, I sneak up behind her and whack her on the head using a blowup hammer. Rendered confused for precious seconds, I kick her legs out from under her while avoiding rabid plunnies, then I call my helicopter to lift me to safety on Dokuga Island.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Yes, but it has slipped your mind that Jenna has been bound and gagged and watching. So she summons up her powers over the Cosmos and flies over to Dokuga island. Then she summons her power over cosmos and while Naomi is getting tipsy, Jenna takes the rock back and leisurely strolls away rock in hand. Jenna's rock!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
I think not! The Naomi you saw getting tipsy was just a ninja clone! Thus the rock you took was also a clone!
Nao's ROX
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
"No Naomi its my rock" Karli steals the rock naomi and runs into the forest patting the roch as she runs. "See my rock"
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
While running through the forest Karli's foot becomes ensnared in a snare. Hana, who just happens to be skipping by, looks up at Karli. Then at the rock under her, then back at karli again.
"Is this your rock?" She asks picking up the rock. Hana tilts her head in an innocent fashion, looks up at Karli and say: "Too bad... it's mine now."
Hana continues on her way, Hana's rock!
Last Edit: 2010/10/29 16:01 By kuro.
You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. ~C.S. Lewis
Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. ~Isaac Friedmann
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. ~Albert Einstein
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
But then Jenna sees the skipping Hana and and pulls back a strategically placed tree branch, and proceeds to clothes-line Hana with it. She drops the rock and then takes off in the other direction. haha, My rock. 
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Posts: 426
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
While Jenna runs away, Nao jumps up and pounces her. While sitting on her back, Nao VIPs Jenna's head with her blowup hammer, then takes out a black sharpie and writes "Nao's rock" on the rock. Nao then gets up and used a teleportation technique to disappear!
My Rock!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
Naomi pops up in front of Sessy who knocks her over the head with a tree branch. Sessy grabs the rock a runs away.
MY ROCK!!!! 
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Posts: 295
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
trips sessy while she is running. Karli dances for joy since she picked up the rock. "YAY my Rock again."
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
White Karli is dancing, Nao gets up from being pummeled by the tress branch. Nao then dashes over with her blow up hammer and uses her demon magic to super-size her blowup hammer.
THWACK, Karli is trapped under the hammer's force.
The rock bounces out of her hand and into Nao's open palm. She checks the side for the writing and it's still there.
"Nao's Rock"
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
"Nao look" I say. Nao look my way and I pook her in the eye. As she hops around on one foot a take the rock and run away screaming............
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Posts: 426
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
Nao quickly squirts her eye with eyedrops, grabs her blowup hammer, and chases Sessy down.
"hahahahhahahahahahahaha, now suffer my hammer's wrath!"
After Sessy fall to the floor twitching from the thwacks, Nao pries the rock from her fingers and strolls into a crowded mall to blend in with the crowd.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
While everyone else is busy bopping each other, just uses her Batman ninja abilities to steal the rock away. She scribbles out Nao's name, then uses the balloon and the plane gimmick to get airlifted out of there, and before anyone realizes it...POOF! Jenna's rock!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 31
Smittee, after the rock withdraws were gone, set off for her quest that she was originally on before the rock even existed. Finding portals into other dimensions! She scoured the deserts, and ran across the many forests of the world. Till finally in view, there it was! A swirling vortex showing different images of another place! Taking no time to waste, she jumped through it, Smittee finds herself in a jeep. She blinks a bit, wondering where she is. That's when she saw it. The rock she pined for all so long ago! (Only about 3 months ago.) While Sessy21 was busy rejoicing, Smittee grabbed the rock and hurled herself out of the jeep. Unfortunately as she landed, the rock flew out of her hands, going over a cliff. She shouted in pain and sorrow.
"Noooo! My roooock!"
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Posts: 295
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
Karli who was at the bottom of the cliff caught the rock. "aww didnt smittee care for you" Karli pats the rock before writing her name on it. Karli looks up at smittee and waves before running along the bottom of the cliff.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Unfortunatly Karli runs into the Fire Swamp and gets eaten by an ROUS, leaving the rock in plain sight. Jenna comes along completely safe because she learned how to navigate the swamp from Westley. "Ohhh look at this! The rock has once again found it's way into my hands, it must really want to be mine." The terrified rock then grows legs and runs away in the other direction, coming under no harm at all because, of course, it's a rock...
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
Sessy calms the rock down and puts it in her pocket. " Its okay rock I'll take good care of you" Sessy says and skips away.
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Posts: 426
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
As Sessy is skipping away, Nao is quietly stalking her. She sees that Sessy has hidden the rock away in her pocket, so she throws a different rock in front of her to induce confusion. While Sessy is confused, Nao slips her hand into the pocket and steals the rock.
"Hey rock, you are mine again. Aren't you happy?"
There is no response.
"I'll take that as a YES!"
Nao shimmers to another location.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
as naomi is walking away Jaded walks pass Naomi and steals the rock Pickpocket style!
Hi rock nice meeting you =D I will take gooood care of you!
Hides rock in bank, deposit box
Hehe no one will be able to get it now!! YAY
I\'m Master InuPaPa Tamer, I tame with my RED TEDDY WHIP!
I Claim Inupapa\'s daiyoukai armour!!!
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Posts: 295
Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
Karli cracked open the bank, deposit box walks out the bank with the rock in hand. Once outside spins in circles hugging the rock.
"I shall call him Rockie and he shall be mine and he shall be my Rock Come on, rockie Come on, little rockie..."
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
Begins stalking Karli
suddenly appears infront of karli and shouts
Karli was scareddddddd now she faintss
Jady has her rock back...
I\'m Master InuPaPa Tamer, I tame with my RED TEDDY WHIP!
I Claim Inupapa\'s daiyoukai armour!!!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Unfortunately Fang is so busy congratulating herself that the rock falls out of her hands and bounces into the street where it gets beaten into itty bitty pieces, and only Jenna cares enough to try and tape it back together. Jenna's rock is now eternally indebted to Jenna! Jenna's rock!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
Jady shouts Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ my rock!! -swaps dummy rock with jenna's rock-
Rockkk!! im sorry >.< are u ok? did jenna hurt you??... i guess not
-huggs rock tightly-
Lets go rockk to neverland
I\'m Master InuPaPa Tamer, I tame with my RED TEDDY WHIP!
I Claim Inupapa\'s daiyoukai armour!!!
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