Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
Nao forgot to post her subject?
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
OH NOOO! I did, okay TV is fine with me XD Thanks Sessy!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
LOl welcome Nao! My tv once got frozen on a porn channel after a bad storm. We had to call the dish people.
Subject: Sports
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
One time we were playing indoor soccer for gym. The soccerballs they use for indoor soccer are kinda like big green tennis balls. So one of my classmates kicked the ball and it smacked me clear in the chest, nearly knocking me over. >.<
(**shudders**, I hate bees!)
Atailpha Claims the Occupation Master Dokugareers Moniter, with the tool of my daring wit!
\\\"When life gives you lemons, go write a fan fiction.\\\"
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
This happened to the same friend as the turtle thing.
One time, at her house there was a bee's nest in the backyard. She and her brother whacked the nest and all the bees came flying out. They sprayed all of them with the hose to make it hard for them to fly, then proceeded to collect them in zip lock bags. ...although not without gaining some battle 'stings' XD
Topic: Chicken
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
My Mom once had a dream about being attacked by o swarm of chicken feet. She woke up standing in her bed screaming!
Subject: Bathrooms
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
When I was 7 I had one of those 'water babies' (anyone remember those? It was a baby doll that was filled with water to make them more life-like). My mom was still giving me baths at that time, and I was waiting for her to come up. I had the doll in my arms like a baby, and was walking across the bathroom counter. Not paying attention, I slipped off and fell. The layout of the bathroom caused me to fall and bang my head on the bathtub side. It split my lip completely open along the side. Still have the scars to this day. >.<
Topic: Litter Boxes
Atailpha Claims the Occupation Master Dokugareers Moniter, with the tool of my daring wit!
\\\"When life gives you lemons, go write a fan fiction.\\\"
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
I was walking around my house in the dark on night and stepped on my cats litter box. It flipped up and EVERYTHING flew all over me. I cried in the showar for an hour.
Sub: Running
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
I can't run for 5 minutes straight because although I look thin I am terribly unfit >3>
Next Topic: Ice Skating
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
hmmmm I can't really Ice skate because my legs won't go the same way.
Subject: shoe laces
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
I was riding my bike one time and as I was going my shoe laces got untied. In the process, while pedalling, the strings got loops around the pedals and entwined. Eventually the laces couldn't go anymore and i was incapable of pedalling. So I just...fell over in the middle of the street, bike and all.
topic: grocery shopping
Atailpha Claims the Occupation Master Dokugareers Moniter, with the tool of my daring wit!
\\\"When life gives you lemons, go write a fan fiction.\\\"
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
Well it isn't really something for me but it is about my ex-husband.
He left our then three yr. old daughter sitting in the buggy by herself while he went to check out something about ten feet away. True I was walking towards them but it still pissed me off greatly, I mean its my little baby girl and her safety we are talking about. Needless to say I, in front of 100 other Walmart shoppers, ripped him a new one for about thirty minutes.
Topic: Parking your car or someone else's car.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
[quote]Needless to say I, in front of 100 other Walmart shoppers, ripped him a new one for about thirty minutes.
HAHAHAHA!!!! **wipes tears from face** Wow! I so would have done that as well!!! ^^
Ok, so not only was I have knee trouble that week, but I was also tired, and I think my foot spazzed. I was in the space and went to step on the brake, but accidently hit the gas! I slammed into the concrete lining of the parking space. >.< Worse, I had a friend in the car....
Topic: Popcorn
Atailpha Claims the Occupation Master Dokugareers Moniter, with the tool of my daring wit!
\\\"When life gives you lemons, go write a fan fiction.\\\"
(See more quotes on my profile!)
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
I once sat threw a movie with the box of popcorn in my lap, when i got up it looked like I had peed myself.
Subject: Rain
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
I love to walk in the rain, I won't stop till I'm either soaked or I'm freezing.
One time I was walking in some new jeans that I had washed only once and the blue dye turned my sneakers from a beautiful tan color to navy.
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 39
A few years back (>_> okay, more like SEVERAL) we had a really horrific snow fall here in NYC. I was at my parents' house with my friends, one of whom worked as editor for one of the local news papers. We're outside, basically grown women playing in the snow and my friend Jess (who's since become a professional photographer) was snapping pics. My parents decide to let the dog outside to play with us. This dalmation-shepard beast of a dog barrels into us and knocks us all into the snow.
I didn't even realize Jess had caught a snapshot of that moment until my friend's paper came out a week later and staring back at me, I see myself, the editor and Jess' twin sister all having just busted our @$$es in the snow.
Hmm . . . subject?
A sporting event or concert.
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
One of my guy friends decided it was funny to come to our high school homecoming game wearing a leotard, a wig, make-up, and a mini-mini tutu. We talked through the bleachers of the opposite team to make fun of them, but in the process we got hit on...a lot
...he got more numbers from GUYS than I did. D:<
Last Edit: 2010/11/04 19:00 By Kitten6390.
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
Aww no new topic. I'll make one up.
Topic: Dishwasher.
Atailpha Claims the Occupation Master Dokugareers Moniter, with the tool of my daring wit!
\\\"When life gives you lemons, go write a fan fiction.\\\"
(See more quotes on my profile!)
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Re:Embarrassment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
I was doing the dishes when my friend decided to sneak up behind me. He screamed in my ear, scaring me half to death.
So I ended up with dishwater all over my WHITE shirt.
Subject: Glue
Last Edit: 2010/11/05 10:10 By ladybattousai.
Reason: Embarrassment, says the spelling nazi
Kogas Mate claims
Inuyasha\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Tetsaiga in the claim game!
I have a bucket!
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Re:Embarrassment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 12
I can't use a glue stick properly....one time I accidentally squished the tip on my elbow when I rested it on the desk. Gross
Topic: Toilet
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 11
my brother has issues with putting the toilet seat down...and a few years back my mom woke us up...she was stuck in the toilet at 2 am! LOL
Subject: siblings
Banner made by the amazing r0o!!!
Dokugasona by JeniNeji
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
when my brother was 5 or 6 he fell asleep in church and totally toppled off his chair, landing upside-down with his butt in the air against the pew in fron of us. the look on his face was hilarious! he was all like, "Huh? What happened?" lol XD
Subject: Spagetti
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice! Then watch the world trying to figure out how you did it. It\'s hilarious!
I claimed Shippo\'s Foxfire in the Claim Game!!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 17
I was trying to eat a big plate of spagetti but my nephew kept crying so I picked him up. As soon as he was in my arms he nose dived into my plate!
Subject: fairs
I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:Embaresment, The subject is........ 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
One time I was going to the fair with my sister. We went on this ride that goes up and gown, well it like tumbles you around in a cage like seat. Anyway the ride had a malfunction and we ended up getting stuck upside down. I was wearing a skirt thank god I had shorts on underneath.
Subject: Chocolate
Kogas Mate claims
Inuyasha\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Tetsaiga in the claim game!
I have a bucket!
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