First, i want to say thank you to everyone playing this game that's having fun, making banner's and friends, getting to know your fellow Dokugan's and everything! This has been so awesome. Recently i was one of the Mod's that were getting complaints about this thread, mostly b/c there was no one approving, or denying claims. Well the original owner of this thread has kinda gone MIA. Not that its going to cause too much issue from here on out.
Second, I'm going to be taking over this thread for claims/approvals/denials. The reason, b/c i seem to have the time to do it :3
Third, b/c some claims have been abandoned due to site inactivity i cannot get rid of old banners that say that someone else own's an item. I'm sorry but i don't have that power.
Implemented rule#11. If you take over ownership of a previous claimed item and the old banner is up, do NOT take the old banner and use it as your own. Just stamp your claim, either in words or on your NEW banner the date of ownership.
Implemented rule#12. Claims MUST be added in either banner OR word format. If you do not know how to do this, please ask.
There will be NO arguing over decisions once made.
-r0o, aka new management for the time being.
Below is an accurate listing of all claimed and UNclaimed property that has opened up. I just spent 3 hours getting this up and going for you guys.
Amethyst wrote:
Alright, I suddenly had this idea where anyone can claim a property of the Inuyasha cast. There are some rules that must be obeyed in order to avoid catfights or arguing:
1.) You
CANNOT claim a Character (No, we must learn to share Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and such).
CAN claim a belonging or physical characteristic of someone. (I.e., Kagome's backpack, Inuyasha's doggie ears, Sango's Hiraikotsu, Naraku's Baboon Pelt, Sesshomaru's Mokomoko, blood, body organs, anything that's internal that does not come out like an attack.
Don't be gross, keep this pg-13 and fun, etc.)
2.) You must be a member for about
1 month AND have
20+ posts (Whelp status). We don't want people just signing up to claim something and then never bothering to stick around the forums!
3.) If you want to DROP a claim, use this form:
I want to DROP my claim ______.
4.) If you want to CHANGE your claim, use this form:
I change my claim ______ to _______.
5.) This is pretty much a first come, first serve basis.
6.) You
must put your claim somewhere in your Signature!
7.) Only
ONE per person, please!
8.) And NO, you
cannot claim a person's sexiness/attractiveness.

It doesn't work that way. lol
9.) You
WILL lose your claim if you are not ACTIVE for more than
5 Months! This is to ensure that no one joins, rapidly post to reach Whelp status, then claim something, and then never show up again.
10.) I'm glad that almost everyone follows the rules and puts their claims in their sig. If I could bestow karma on every claim picture I see, I certainly would. However, I am tired of reminding some claimers to put their claim in their sig.
If you do not have it in there after 3 Months, you will be issued a final warning before I drop off your claim. Sorry, but life is tough in the big city.
Implemented rule#11. If you take over ownership of a previous claimed item and the old banner is up, do NOT take the old banner and use it as your own. Just stamp your claim, either in words or on your NEW banner the date of ownership.
Implemented rule#12. Claims MUST be added in either banner OR word format. If you do not know how to do this, please ask.
If your claim has been taken, pick another one or PM the user who took your claim and try to negotiate with them. But don't do it in the thread.
I will keep a list to keep record of all claims.
Claims List:
Priestess Skye claimed Sesshomaru's
Onliime claimed Inuyasha's
DemonQueen17 claimed Sesshomaru's sword
Saholia claimed Sesshomaru's
Facial Stripes and Moon
Micah caran Damien claimed Sesshomaru's
Dragon Strike Attack
Honey-Bee claimed Sesshomaru's
Sakura Crest
NysRINa claimed Rin's
Smittee claimed Shippo's
Shifting Abilities
phishbon3s claimed Kouga's
Wolf Minions
CritterWhisperer claimed Sesshomaru's
Elfin Ears
Angelic Memories claimed Sesshomaru's
Rikayu claimed Miroku's
Houshi Staff
UtterChaos247 claimed Sesshomaru's
Dokkasou Whip
Kirai claimed Sesshomaru's
Priestess Sianna claimed Hakudoshi's
Demon Horse Entei
MomoDesu claimed Jaken's
Staff of Two Heads
Khrystyne claimed Ino No Taisho's
Double Mokomoko-sama
Walter205 claimed Kagome's
Hoshi Phoenix claimed Miroku's
Kogasangel claimed Bankotsu's
Leader Status
Akay claimed Kagome's
Cat Buyo
docbevculver claimed Kagome's
Bow and Arrows
Inkasha Taisho claimed Kouga's
XxXM. WatersXxX claimed Sesshomaru's
lunaticneko claimed Kagura's
Flying Feather
lady_myth claimed Kagome's
Vial of Shikon Shards
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshomaru's
Fundoshi [Underwear] *giggles*
Ko Torii claimed Sesshomaru's
Devilish Smirk
InuYoukaiLiz claimed Inu no Tiasho's
Blue Stripes
Sugar0o claimed Naraku's
Baboon Pelt
Beautifully Wicked claimed Jakotsu's
MontiK claimed Kouga's
Fur Kilt
Fluffy Lady claimed Sesshomaru's
Jupe claimed Sesshomaru's
Youki Cloud
Kurisutaru claimed Kagura's
Fiery Red Eyes
zebbeed claimed Totosai's
Momo the 3-eyed Cow
Lady Orrin claimed Kanna's
sweeper442 claimed Miroku's
Praying Beads
Tara-Yomitorika claimed Sesshomaru's
Golden Eyes
forthright claimed the
Bone-Eater's Well
kimakaanna claimed Sesshomaru's
Sesshoumaru's Fiend claimed Inuyasha's
Aurora Antheia Raine claimed Sesshomaru's
Wrist Stripes
Kittylin claimed Grandpa Higurashi's
Sacred Seals
Mari Sennet claimed Sesshomaru's
Toxic Spray
JessiCeleste89 claimed InuPapa's
Haiden claimed Kikyo's
Soul Collectors
Madison claimed Sango's
Demonslayer Outfit
Fuyu claimed Sesshomaru's
Orb Ability
Kira claimed Sango's
Demon Cat Kirara
Lysidia claimed Kagome's
Pendragon claimed Inuyasha's
Inusbabe claimed Inuyasha's
Subjugation Bead's
Hairann claimed Tensaiga's
Taya-Yomitorika claimed Sesshomaru's
Nat-a-wee claimed Midoriko's
the Shikon Jewel
Quiet Whisper claimed Bankostu's
Scherherazade claimed Miroku's
Twilight Dawn claimed Kanna's
White Flower Orniments
Tinkerbad claimed Kagura's
Naraku claimed Naraku's
Spider Scar
Teana claimed Lady Mother's
Crescent Moon
Tataru claimed Sesshoumaru's
Haughty Humph
the knight of sound claimed Bankotsu's
Shari1492 claimed Naraku's
Demonic Crimson Red eyes
Elisa128 claimed Hiten's
Evil Smirk
MoxyMikki claimed Kirara's
Fire Flames
Ely claimed Shippo's
Bushy Tail
AdiAnna claimed Kagome's
Panty Flash *gigglesnort*
Terri-tots claimed Kouga's
Discord-Maru claimed Ayame's
Pig Tails
Fox claimed Sesshomaru's
Danyealle-sama claimed Inu no Taisho's
BlueHeavensAngel claimed Kagome's
Spiritual Powers.
Brenna claimed Kagome's
Magical Ninja Food
Sakuramaru claimed Kouga's
Blue Eyes please!
ItsyBitsySpider claimed Shippo's
Turquoise Eyes!
Tal claimed Shippo's
Dragoness claimed Kouga's
Crescent Dreams claimed Inu No Taisho's
If you have no idea what to claim, here are some
suggestions (****note: as someone else is taking over this thread, please be aware that some items may be taken but not "striked-out"):
Inu No Taisho
Daiyoukai Armor, So'unga (Sword of Calamity), Double Mokomoko, Blue Stripes Eyes, Fang
Daiyoukai Armor, Blue and Yellow Sash, Tenseiga, Tokijin, Sakura Crest, Dokkasou Attack (Whip), Dokkasou Attack (Toxic Spray), Dragon Strike Attack, Fang Orb Ability, Smirk, Strut, Youki Cloud, Boots, Claws, Eyes
Yellow Backpack, Buyo the Fat Cat, Her "Osuwari!", Bow and Arrows, Holy Priestess Powers, Sera Fuku (School Uniform), Magical Ninja Food
Iron Reaver Soul Stealer Attack, Blades of Blood Attack, Fire Rat Kimono, His "Keh!", Subjugation Beads, Fang, Smirk
Staff, Wind Tunnel, Perverted Hand, Sacred Sutras Attack, Fortune Telling, Popular Phrase "Will you bear my child?", Praying Beads
Hiraikotsu the Boomerang, Hiraikotsu! the Attack, Demonslayer Outfit, Kirara
Jewel Shards, Wolf Minions, Blue Eyes, Wolf Tail, Fur Kilt, Ponytail
Banryuu, Braided Hair, Leader of Band of 7 Status, Armor
Saimyosho (Demon Bees), Toxic Miasma, Demon Puppetry, Dark Curly Hair, Pelt
Fan, Dance of Blades Attack, Flying Feather, Fire Red Eyes
Forging Hammer, Flamethrower, Momo the Cow
Soul Collectors, Sacred Bow and Arrows, Miko Outfit
Fox Magic Attack, Smashing Top Attack, Bushy Fox Tail, Turquoise Eyes, Fangs
Those are only a few suggestions. You can make some up yourself! so long as they comply with rules!
Claimers who have yet to add their claims to their Sig:
Denied for reasons listed:
Crescent Dreams for Sesshoamru's Cloud. - already been claimed by another, please remove your claim banner as it is already claimed by another.
Ashante shavonne for Sesshomaru's Chibi form. - You cannot claim and Alt for, or Character, with the exceptions thus far as Kirara, who has already been claimed.
Soul for Sesshoamru's Tensaiga - already claimed by another.
Kazu Hioshi for Sesshomaru's Youkai-ness - this would be like claiming the character, and is against the thread rules. Sorry.
Sidhe for Sesshoamru's Libido - for one thing while i would probably fight you for it >:3 claiming Libido would be like claiming sexiness/attractiveness, thus breakign rule 8 of the claim game. Besides that silly you haven't got enough posts yet to claim, you must be a whelp status, which is 20+ posts. Sorry hun.
Lady Midnight for Kirara - has already been claimed by another member, and you have yet to hit 20+ posts in forums, making you a whelp and able to play in the claimed game.
Velvet Sometimes for Ah-Un's Armor - You haven't been a member of Dokuga for a full month yet, while you have reached 20+ posts, you haven't completed your time yet. Please come back to this thread in about 2 weeks and try again. :3 good luck!
Fox for Sesshoumaru's Aristocratic/Noble blood/heritage - this is also another place where rule 8 comes into play, as well as rule 1, his blood/heritage is a part of who he is and makes him up, and can't be separated from him, thus not claimable. mou sorry.
Claims that have been opened up b/c of Site inactivity(see rule #9 and rule#10 and no getting mad at me no matter WHO you are) - r0o:
Amethyst loses claim for Sesshomaru's Hair - has been claimed by another member already.
FangedBeasty loses claim for Miroku's
Perverted Hand - is now open.
fallendoll loses claim for Sesshomaru's
Strut - is now open.
Akurei Tepes/Ice Lioness loses claim for Sesshomaru's
Tenseiga - now open.
Jess loses claim for Kouga's Blue Eyes - has been claimed by another member already.
miwa03 loses claim for Inu no Taisho's So'unga - has been claimed by another member already.
QueenofdaTigers loses claim for Sesshomaru's
Claws - is now open.
~As for those just newly added to the official list of Claims, if you do not have you banners in place as of 3 months from NOW Sep 17th 2010. You will lose your claim as per rule #10.
~Remember everything is First come firs serve, so keeping that in mind you MUST wait from this point on to get an okay before you just decide that its okay to post wording or banners advising of your claim.
Have a wonderful night! - r0o