Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 7
"Time for a makeover!"
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Posts: 295
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 15
..Can I borrow your crayons?.. I ate mine..
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
Rainbows are full of joy and hope!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 59
Okay Sesshoumaru, thanks for trying out for the spokesperson job. Frankly, I don't think your bow down to me or die attitude is going to appeal to potential customers, but we'll give it a shot. Here are your lines:
"Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance."
"So easy, even a filthy human could do it!"
<insert death glare here>
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 7
"I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
"No, no, let the fangirls come. I don't deserve such adoring fans."
I claimed Kagome\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Panty Flash in the Claim Game.
I am a Master Arm Rest in Dokugareers and I am invisible until mods notice me. :3 Fear my YIMhood!
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Posts: 295
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 15
saves lives each day - because there are people out there that need to be killed, and I don't kill 'em.
I think he might say that one
Heres another one
If families are like brownies then mine has WAY to many nuts in it.
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
"Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby" *does dance*
got that song stuck in my head now -.-
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 7
Ely said :
"Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby" *does dance*
Lol. That's hilarious! I love that song.
"Your right Inuyasha. I am a bastard."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
BlueHeavensAngel wrote:
[quote] Ely said :
"Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby" *does dance*
Lol. That's hilarious! I love that song.
Yea i love it too XD
Sesshomaru: Inuyasha i'll let you keep Tetsusaiga if you give me the miko and her music device (ipod)
Inuyasha: Why the music thingy?
Sesshomaru Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby *does dance*
Everyone else: O.O
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 7
"I've been thinking about changing my image." *studies reflection in mirror* "What do you think about pink Jaken?"
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Posts: 295
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 15
You did WHAT to WHO for HOW many MUFFINS?!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
"HEEEEEY!!!! Macerena!"
::burst out laughing::
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice! Then watch the world trying to figure out how you did it. It\'s hilarious!
I claimed Shippo\'s Foxfire in the Claim Game!!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 17
Sess: We are family! i got my half brother with me!
Inu: O.O
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 57
Sesshoumaru to Jaken: "Take the day off. You've earned it".
Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha: "My sword is bigger than yours" *brandishes Bakusaiga*.
Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha: "Did you shrink or something?" *leans elbow on head*.
Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha: "Fetch boy!" *throws stick*.
Sesshoumaru to Miroku: "Hands up where I can see 'em!"
Sesshoumaru to Sango: "Nice boomerang. I bet you knock all the boys out huh?"
Sesshoumaru to Kagome: "Nice skirt, know where I can get one?"
Sesshoumaru to Rin: "Flowers are a Taiyoukai's best friend!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
oh where oh where has my puppy dog gone gone (aka inuyasha) oh where oh where can he b? with his ears so long oh where oh where can he b
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
Sesshoumaru points to the sky: "It's a bird, its a plane, its SUPERMAN!"
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Posts: 295
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 15
Sesshomaru starts singing
Oh my old man's a dustman,
He wears a dustman's hat,
He wears cor-blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat.
Every just stares at him going O.O
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
"I feel pretty, ooooh so pretty!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
"I'm too sexy for my shirt! I'm too sexy for my shirt! I'm soo sexy it huuurrrtttss!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 13
"Miko I was wondering something," Sesshomaru said in his sexiest voice as he sidled up to her.
"Y-yes?" Kagome stuttered as her eyes widened in shock.
"I was wondering-" He all but purred as he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek with his nose.
"Uh huh..." She mumbled out as her brain went clank.
"This Sesshomaru was wondering..." He purred as he nipped at her ear before moving to whisper in her ear. "Do you Yahoo?"
"WTF?!" O_O
I just couldn't resist >:3
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Posts: 295
Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 15
Karma Whisper you made me laugh lol
Sesshomaru "I'm not a stalker, I'm an observer. By the way, you're out of shampoo."
Sesshomaru "No I observe you in the shower."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
lol so simple, yet so anti sesshomaru!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
"Mah bangs are the diggity bomb!"
Personally I'm quite envious of his perfect bangs. They're always in place!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 5
'We offer service with a smile!'
~not happening...
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