Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hope grinned, standing behind her robot she'd placed around to fool people. The robot had sustained an attack, but not Hope. Oh no, Hope was far too clever for that. She cackled and mysteriously vanished into the shadows, leaving her robot behind to fool still many others.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
After using her pie shaped crystal pie-ball to catch up on the 4 pages of Pie filled deviance she had missed,
Chaos jumped back into the fray. Smirking, her fingers flew over her keyboard with a determination know to
scare many a dokugian. Finally, after 98746 long seconds, she finished. -Do you wish to begin?- the screen
blinked at her. With her custom Chaos look, she pressed the button to end all buttons. [ENTER]
Laying back in her comfy computer chair, Chaos watched her plan unfold. In every possible flavor
which might taste pleasant (yes, including buttered popcorn), her pi missiles began the attack.
Everyone was stunned when
attacked them.
Last Edit: 2010/04/13 17:43 By ChaosWingDragon.
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Posts: 295
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
After leaving to wash most of the pie filling off, she comes back in the fray picking one of the pies of the table, she goes and finds a victim, Not looking for anyone really she spots chaos. and throws the pie dead smack in chaos face before going in search for someone else.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
[OH MY GOD! DX! How did you know I loathed BARNEY!! NOOOOO!! Barney is EVIL! EVILY EVILY EVIL EVIL! I just -think- of the that song and I shudder!]
Looks like the Kumo's stuck for the moment, the never ending of the repeating of the evil "I Love You" song rendering him paralyzed.
Last Edit: 2010/04/17 12:24 By ladybattousai.
Reason: No cursing!
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Having just read 'Welcome to Dokuga Inc.' by Whisper, becky eagerly looks for Sesshoumaru unaware of the various pie monsters summoned by the dokugans. The random sound of barney songs reaches becky's ears, confusing the hell out of her.
Off in the distance, she sees Naraku cackling with laughter. Ducky appears, smirking evily and conjures a freshly baked Chicken-Pot Pie!!!
As Becky sends the chicken pot pie flying in the direction of Naraku, Chaos spots the glomp worthy duck and yells, "DUCK!"
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hope watches the chaos (no pun intended, Chaos), smirking. She then sees something peculiar. Naraku appears to be paralyzed. Hope bites her lip to keep from laughing, a conversation in the chatroom earlier coming to mind. She has to remind herself that she doesn't bite. So, instead, she takes pity on the paralyzed Naraku and presses the 'power' button on the CD player, and then places a pair of ear-plugs on top of it. She appears to be wearing a pair herself. "Wear these, next time," she says, turning. She pauses. "And don't call Whisper a wench; she'll do it again." With that, she vanishes, grinning evilly.
[See? I don't bite! *cackles* Gods, I'm probably the only one that remembers that crap...]
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Posts: 295
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
Sneaks up on Hope and sqaushes a sticky custard pie in the back her head. "Muahhahaha" before running away
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
"Aaarg!" Hope cries and chases after Karlinda, smacking a pumpkin pie into her face. She cackles and disappears into the ground.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
suddenly appearing from the dimension that Wisper stuck her in, LadySafire emerges. "CURSE YOU WHISPER! Revenge shall be mine!"
Stalking forward she unleashes her new weapon firing at everyoen she meets. First she nails Karlinda, next evenstar, after that Hope, Naraku and espcially whisper. Each person feels the pies hit with a hard pinch on the butt afterward.
Saffie runs off laughing diabolically. "Gotta love those "Goose" berry pies from Xanth!"
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
"Oh Gods, not Xanth," Hope mutters to herself, scowling. "I shall get you!" she cries and runs after Safire, shaking a fist.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 13
Once she'd gotten herself cleaned up and 'de-goosed' thanks to Saffie's pie, Whisper headed over to the Barney closet of Doom and opened the door only to burst out in laughter as a nearly comatose Naraku fell limply through the now open door.
"Oh yeah, you've learned your lesson." She chuckled as she bent down to grab his arm so she could pull him all the way out.
Once he was sprawled out in the grass, she sealed up the closet so no one else (aside from Tang and herself) could use it. Sure it was locked, she turned back to Naraku and snapped her fingers, causing a apple pie to appear in her hand.
"You should snap out of it soon, but until then... here's a little parting gift." She said before turning the pie over, right over his face. "Well TTFN."
And with that she spun on her heel and headed after Saffie to gain her revenge. It didn't take long to find the mischievous Lady was once more plotting ways to attack her fellow Dokugians.
Using Death's silent stalking skills, Whisper crept forward as she brought out a pie she'd had especially made for her; grinning slightly as the pie wobbled in her grasp, she darted forward and slammed it against the back of Saffie's head.
"Enjoy the crab cake pie Saffie!" She cackled as she darted away before the woman could do more than scream.
"Curse you Whisper!" Saffie yelled after her before freezing as she felt something move along her hair. "What the-"
Slowly she felt the back of her head then yelped as something attached to her finger; quick as lightning she pulled her hand back only to shriek when she saw the very [i]live[i] crab that was now dangling from her smarting appendage.
"Crab cake pie my rump." She grumbled as she pried the crab free and chucked it into the forest.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
"Crabs?! You gave me crabs, Whisper?!" Saffie shouted as the other woman ran away. Tapping her wand against the back of her head, Saffie quickly got rid of her infestation.
Skulking forward she spied Naraku again
dropping a gooey peach pie on his head to join with the apple Whisper had gifted him with. "That's for just having the name "Naraku."
Striding forward once again she spies Whisper in the distance and fires off a strawberry rhubarb pie from her wand to splat on Whispey butt. Quickly Saffie conjures six plot bunnies and points them towards Whisper.
"Bunnies! dinner!"
Safire laughs as the bunnies leap on Whisper and chow down.
Laughing manically Safire runs off.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Evenstar apears behind Hope, and using her super sneaky stealth skills she uses her her pie cannon to unload dozens of raw egg and fish pie onto her, covering Hope from top to toe. "Mwahahaha!" Evenstar yells "Vengence is mine!!... for now." before she runs away from Hope before she can retaliate, diaspearing into the shadows once more.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hope would like to point out that she's in the ground, but doesn't, so she just laughs at the fact that Evenstar got her robot...
Moments later, Evenstar is mysteriously gotten by a barrage of icecream cake pie.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Evenstar smirks, as she looks and finally finds Hope's Ninja trap door thingie... You get the point the entry. Using a specially made high pressure pie filling pump she fill's Hope's hide out with Custard, raw fish and eggs. Evenstar hears Hope scream as her underground hide out is filled with pie filling. Smirking Evenstar flees the scene tossing a cream pie at Quiet Whisper beofre she seemingly vanishes.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Sighing, Hope got out her secret weapon.
Moments later, she had a very satisfied Choji and a clean hideout. She decided it was time to move the entrance, though.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Posts: 295
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
she goes looking for Safire but sees Hope instead and fires her long forgotten cross bow at Hope. She sees Safire and starts her chase firing at evenstar, Whisper has she passes
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Remaining in a comatose state, the now even MORE mentally unstable kumo stays where he is, unknowing of the pies that currently cover his face. He's gonna be like this for a while, ladies. But he WILL get his revenge.. especially for the taunt about his name.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
Safire realizing that Karlinda is on her trail, zaps the ground behind changing it into a pumpkin pie bog. She cackles evilly.
(And she knows Naraku lubs her no matter the taunt about his name.)
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Unfortunately, becky trips on a random rock and falls headfirst into the pumpkin pie bog. Infuriated, she summons ducky and uses the poor thing as a conduit to call forth a giant cloud of plum flavored pie.
"Ha!" she mutters under her breath while wiping off the orange goo from her clothes. "Let's see you try to get those stains out!"
And ducky watched in amusement as the giant cloud advanced ominously in the direction of Lady Safire, Naraku, Karlinda, Spider, and all others in the vacinity of this forum.
"AHAHA HAHA HAHA HA!!!! Muuuuhahahahaha!!!!!"
~the maniacal laughter was drowned out by the plum bombs. Heads up!
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hope merely sidestepped Karlinda's attack, distractedly, and then when Choji suddenly started salivating, she look up. She sighed. "Have at," she muttered, dropping through the trap door of her hideout. It mysteriously vanished - along with her hideout - into another, unbreachable dimension.
As an afterthought, she decided to be cruel and used her master-to-minion mind powers to get Choji to dump three chocolate pies in Naraku's face. Two of them were eaten by the time Choji got there, but one of them made it's mark, so she was satisfied.
With a smirk, she started building a strange new device.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 26
Honey-Bee stumbled onto the pie battlefield with the bucket of custard still on her head. She tripped over something that made a grunting sound and fell hard on the ground, the bucket flying off of her and allowing her to see again. She looked down at her feet and gasped when she saw Naraku lying under them. She jumped up and moved into a defensive stance, waiting for him to make his move. It was then that she noticed the pies piled on his face and that he wasn't moving. Curious, Honey-Bee kneeled down and poked him with a nearby stick. "Naraku?" Silence. "What happened to him?"
Hope wandered by with her new device in hand, and said, "Whisper tortured him with Barney the Dinosaur." Honey-Bee gasped. "He'll be fine," Hope continued. "He's survived worse... I think." Honey-Bee couldn't imagine anything worse than Barney... but took Hope's word for it. Taking pity on Naraku, she removed the pies from his face to prevent him from possibly choking. She then slipped a mask like the demon slayers wore over his mouth and nose. Satisfied that he was now safe from suffocating, she piled the pies back on his face before skipping off to find someone conscious to throw a pie at.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hope snorted and disappeared again, amused by Naraku's predicament. There could be only one top dog - er, spider - around here.
It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
safire goes skipping past and see's the mask on Naraku's face. Grinning she pulls it forward and sprays whip cream into it, carefully she fit the mask back in place. Gazing at the kumo still in a stupor, Safire conjures three different pies. A strawberry pie she places directly on his head. The next a blueberry she squishes onto his muscled chest, and the one after a turkey pot pie she drops from a distance into his lap.
Yes, very colorful. Safire runs off to go find the fiend who dropped plum pie on her. Revenge shall be hers.
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Posts: 295
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
Feeling Sorry for Naraku, she gets a hose and gives him a quick a rinse. "your clean now" picking up a pie she see Safire take off into the woods, "Safire, Catch this" Safire turns around as the pie lands on Safire's face. "I told you catch it." She Giggles and goes and hides.
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