Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Inusbabe's plane engine started to make a horrible noise as the engine were hit with the pies from the hits with the pie bazooka. Making an emergency landing, Inusbabe peers into the engine to see smoking pie tins and burnt remains of pies.  Reaching in she pulls out a tin plate and scrapes as much of the remains into the tin, then she sets off looking for who shot up her plane.  She arrives in time to see Honey Bee fly off and Rowdy getting charged down when she trips over the pie bazooka and the tin of burnt pie remains goes flying thru the air to land in Rowdy's hair.  "Sorry!" 
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 34
Now officially clean of the whole pecan pie muck, Kirai turns to see inusabe tripping on her discarded bazooka. She sneaks to the conveniently waiting pie table and picks up a pie at random, glancing down she notices that it is a blueberry pie. Heehee. Kirai walks towards everyone with the pie in her hands and just like inusabe, she forgot about the bazooka and tripped. Luckily for her the pie landed right on Inusabe's head. That was perfect, just whatshe had always planned. Bwahahaha
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
Inusbabe shook her head as gooey blueberry pie filling started to slide down her face. Licking her lips she said, "HMMMM blueberry my favorite." She then reached up to wipe off the gooey mess with her hands. In the process of trying to fling it on to the ground, it went flying through the air to land with a "SPLAT" on Kirai's freshly scrubbed cheek.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 34
REVENGE!! called Kirai as she wiped the blueberry guck off of her face. She whips out another two pies from nowhere, one cherry and one strawberry rhubarb. With a flying leap, Kirai tackles Insabe and shoves the pies at her, one lands on her neck and the other lands on her left hip. With the momentum of her tackle Kirai sends both herself and Inusabe to the ground to wrestle each other in the leftovers of previously thrown pies.
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 27
Ducky screams as a glob of cherry pie smacks her in the cheek. Snarling, she summons a key-lime pie of darkness and hurls it at kirai! "Take that!" she screams as she cackles maniacally.
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 27
Ducky flinches as the tree twigs pierce her thighs. "Oww!! Motherf@!$#%!!" she screams. Yes. The duck has a potty mouth. Grimacing at the failed attempt at the thrown key-lime pie, Ducky stealthily summons an apple pie using her all-purpose portal of darkness. Taking careful aim (yet again), she hurls it at Kirai... only to have it miss terribly and land on Jess... (if she's still around... >.<)
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 34
AH ha! Cries Kirai as Ducky is unsuccessful at hitting her with a pie. She decides to have some fun and picks up a banana cream pie and throws it at ducky. Luck! she hits ducky once more only this time it hit her right on the chest!
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 31
Smittee cries for all the sacrificed pies. They were all so beautiful. She would seek revenge for all the ones she thought were delicious! Though, she knew to do so, she must sacrifice a pie of her own. After much thought, she came to the conclusion that she should throw a pie she actually did not like. Taking aim, Smittee threw the coconut cream pit at Natalie's chest, watching as the cream made it slowly slide down her front.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 34
Kirai, who had been hiding behind Natalie, whips out a delicious still warm, pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top she takes careful aim at Smittee (it would be amazing to hit her face) and let's her go. OH NO!!! Kirai's aim is off and she didn't put enough strength into it. The wonderfully warm pumpkin pie lands with a splat at Smittee's feet just letting bits of it splatter Smittee's feet. defeat. Kirai hangs her head in shame...
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
After whipeing off her chest, Natalie, in her shame of being hit, picks up a deliciously warm cherry pie and taps Smittee on the Kirai on the shoulder. After offering her the pie, Natalie pulls out another pie and they both attack Smittee!XD
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 34
After the fun of attacking Smittee wtih the pies Kirai decides it isn't enough and takes a simple apple pie from her pocket and pushes it into Nat's face. She grins at Nat's expression as she is pie-faced.
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
Natalie in shame of being pie faced...
Runs to the corner to nomnom on the delicious pie!!!
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 34
NO! No one can enter this pie fight and not throw a pie! Kirai hurries to punish Nat for her breach in the first rule of Kirai's Ultimate Pie Fight: THOU SHALT ALWAYS THROW PIES!!! She throws two peach pies at Nat's back and successfully lands one right on her shoulder. (the other one hit a tree  )
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 13
Whisper slides in ninja style right up behind Kirai and before the devious girl can get away, she's hit on each side of her face by two raspberry cream pies.
"Ha take that!" Whisper croons before slinking back into her hide-y hole from whence she came. 
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 34
Kirai takes a moment to wipe the raspberry pie off of her face and watches as Whisper disappears into a hidey hole. An idea! Kirai grins. With a nonchanlance, Kirai saunters over to the hidey hole and slips a high powered hose down into it. She switches on the machine connected to the hose and watches as the hidey hole starts to fill itself with nothing but pie! *evil grin*
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 13
Whisper screams as her hide-y hole starts to fill up with pie. Frantically looking around for a way to escape she remembers the false wall she had installed; as soon as she has a long length of rope she wades through the squishy mess that is already up to her calves.
It takes a moment of fumbling to get out and once she does, she stumbles but recovers before silently making her way around the side to find Kirai doing a Happeh ebil dance just outside the opening.
Grinning wickedly, Whisper quickly fashions her rope into a lasso and starts swinging. And before Kirai even realizes what's going on, Whisper nabs her and pulls tight before using Death's super speed to wind the rope all the way around her until her arms are pinned to her sides.
"Ready to go for a lil spin?" Whisper asked before yanking on the end of the rope, sending Kirai spinning like Shippo's magic spinning top. And she can't help but cackle as Kirai spins right into the pie filled hide-y hole >:3
Last Edit: 2010/02/23 19:24 By Quiet Whisper.
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Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
yummie!! more pie..
I just felt bad for all the pie throwing I guess..
Natalie picks up a pie, buttermilk to be exact, and throws it at quiet whisper...and it lands!!!..on the random guy#1 that is standing beside her...
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 15 Years ago
Karma: 34
Kirai somehow manages to pull herself out of the pie filled hidey hole. and sees nat try to defend her with a buttermilk pie to Whisper. Aww so sweet. Time to do soemthign nice for Nat, Kirai picks up a chicken pot pie and walks over to Nat with the yummy treat. Unfortunately, Kirai trips over her untied shoe laces and the pot pie goes flying and lands on top of Nat's head. Oops!
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
Natalie, even though she has chicken pot pie flavored hair, hugs Kirai and shares her pie! Thanls for the treat! Its the thought that counts! *huggles* Natalie, feeling very good after her treat, spends hourse baking pies for everyone! Including all their favorites! She also sets up a nice tea party to go with the celebration of Friday! Because its well..friday. XD However, on her last trip to the mile long table filled with all the Dokugians, she trips...of course..and spilled it into the lap of -gasp-QuietWhisper???!!!
NOOO!! a EVEN bigger pie fight errupts, and all her work is dashed..BUT it was tasty pie..
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 34
Kirai surveys the wonderful battlefield of the Ultimate Pie Fight and can't stop smiling. Success! She grabs too still relatively undestroyed chocolate pies off the ground (there is only a few blade of grass and a little dirt) and throws them into the mess. The first lands on the ground between two pie fighters splattering all around. The second wings Nat and lands on the grounds a few feet in front of her.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
A sadistic cackle is heard rolling from some randomly placed shadow, a dark presence peering with auburn hued orbs at his newest victim. Pulling a hot cherry pie from beneath his shirt, he takes his aim at Kirai. Drawing his arm back, taunt as a rubber band, he lets loose his weapon of choice towards the face of the victim he's been in pursuit of. The pie flies through the air, his aim seemingly accurate! But what's this? Some fluke breeze has thrown off the trajectory of his cherry pie missile and instead the crusty desert splatters against the females lower abdomen. Cursing at himself, he slinks back into the shadows, vowing to have his victory sometime in the near future. [God I miss para roleplay in chat.. ;-;]
Last Edit: 2010/03/26 01:00 By Naraku.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 34
Kirai shrieked at the hotness of the cherry pie on her ticklish abdomen. HOT! HOT! She spies Naraku fleeing away from her after attempting pie-sassination. Not to be outdoen Kirai finds the pie bazzoka somewhere under the remnants of previously thrown pies and aims at Naraku. She fires! Once, twice, thrice. All three blueberry pies hit him the the butt. Kirai grins evilly.
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Re:Pie Fight! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Having obviously been taken down by three shots of blueberry pie, the kumo whirls on the female who dared to make his bottom messy. Tentacles whip from his body, five of them scooping up the remains of pies flung about this filling filled battle field. Flinging the deserts at Kirai in rapped procession, each fly at her body and hit, successfully smearing her entire form with crust and sweet pie filling. Smirking in victory, he lofts an eyebrow in challenge.
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