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It's MY Rock! (Updated rule)
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TOPIC: It's MY Rock! (Updated rule)
Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee felt lonely, as she had to get FF8's final Gf on her own. Alas, she won out. Now Level 80, and wanting to get her rock back, Smittee searched long and hard for her rock. Finally, she came across r0o, and smirked. Equipping Eden to herself made it quite easy to jsut walk over and swallow r0o whole, holding the precious rock in hand. "My rock." Of course though, Smittee's tummy is magical, and r0o shall return alive and well, jsut slimy, in about three posts. She'll be laying on the floor, where she last stood.

"My wonderful rock!" ^.^ Smittee then hopes on board a train and heads towards Dollet, for some good ole gambling.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 34
Sneaking around with a cloak of invisibilty, kirai runs into Smittee on the train and steals the rock right out of her hands. Hiding the rock under her cloak Kirai runs away to hide in the dining room.

"Did you miss me darling?" she murmurs to the rock as she curls into a ball under one of the tables (still under the cloak)
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 25
Momo sprints into dead thread and snatches rock from Kirai. No one does anything since dead thread is dead, and Momo runs away happily with rock.

Mah rock now, suckahs!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216

*trips MoMo so that she falls face first into pile of thriving lemon-mutant-plotbunnies
*listens to her moans for a moment before running off with revived rock
*apologies to rock for forgetting about it
*sings the rock to sleep

who's rock? r0o's rock!
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 67
knocks r0o unconcscious, grabs rock, traps her with Inuyasha after informing him he can do whatever he wants with her when she comes to.

disappears with rock in hand.

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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 3
Taunts DQ with deviously false plan to usurp her claim on Sesshoumaru's Bakusaiga. Sneaks the rock out from under DQ's nose and runs a zig-zag off into the conviently placed sunset, while cackling! Man, I love doing that! My precious rock...... MINE!
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 25
Momo summons her faithful Chocobo and chases Tara into her convenient sunset and whips her blitz ball out of nowhere (honestly, where the hell does Wakka keep that thing when he's not fighting?) and pelts Tara with it. Tara drops the rock and Momo's chocobo picks it up, dashing off into the conveniently placed sunset.

Mah rock! (or would it be my chocobo's rock?)
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 34
Kirai makes a devilishly perfect chocobo trap catching the chocobo off guard before she grabs the rock out of Momo's hands and runs away singing "EYE OF THE TIGER!"
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

Master Pie Maker with my awesomely special Pie Crossbow

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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 216
*Notices Rock's inactivity for over a week and sneakily draws up behind Kirai.

*Knows that it would be easy to steal from her while she's not paying attention, but feels rock deserves insane plan to be taken b/c of inactivity.

*plots with Mutant leg humping plot bunnies to "pounces" unsuspecting Kirai, as well as UmpaLuma's that have retired from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory that now work at Starbucks for the equally additive craving that they get from coffee that they once got from chocolate to tickle her till she wets herself, while stealing her socks and shoes and her t-shirt, but giving her a hand towel to save her modesty.

*sets plan into motion and watches as UmpaLuma's tickle, steal, and then as the MutantPlot bunnies go to work.

*Not so sneakily steals poor abused and neglected Rock, and luffs on it.

Who's rock? r0o's r0ck.

*feels smug and pleased abotu self.

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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
r0o`s Challenge`s: GenderBender~Always Open.....Completing your Holiday Fic Challenge.....GM Challenge: OPEN!.....
Banners: I write to........Lemon.....Bribery c0okie.....
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Shrine Girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 31
Phish has been in her mountain fortress, spending months gathering the ingredients needed for her latest attempt at obtaining the Rock! Now months of work is about to pay off. The last ingredient goes plop into the cauldron, turning the goop a pretty shade of purple and bubbling. Eyes bob to the surface and the glop starts to run over the edge, doubling in size and doubling again…. And again…. And again. All while singing a jaunty tune.

Phish then hops onto her mount and takes off into the sky!

The mass of purple slimly sludge now races toward Sugar0o, surrounding her on a tiny pinnacle of a precipice. As she stares in horror and confusion at the sea of purple around her, a blur of light pink and blue dives at her. YONK! Phish snatches the prettiful Rock from r0o’s hand, and zooms off.

“But phishbon3s, I don’t understand the logic in awaking the Smooze and releasing it on this girl, Sugar0o. What purpose does it bring? Are we doing a good thing or a bad thing?”

“A good thing, Wind Whistler. Trust me. Not only does it get me the Rock, but trapping Sugar0o forestalls the attacks of R0ozilla for a time. The city of Dokugaopolis will thank us later!”

Nothing can stop the Smooze!

Except the fact that the evil Phishy in a plan to save everyone (she’s not that evil), purposefully didn’t add the Flume, making the Smooze stop eventually and harden, saving Dokuga and the day!

But who cares about that, I HAVE THE ROCK!

Is there enough My Little Pony references in there for ya?!.
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- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian

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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 1
leaving the tide pool, i wander toward a strange glow... and find a sleeping phish and a lovely rock. leaving the phish to rest, i pick up the rock and return to the sea. With MY ROCK!!!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
after several days in the tide pool, the Rock has turned dark slimy green and tangled in seaweed. i no longer like the Rock and the tide pool is drying up so i am going to deeper waters.... goodbye Rock.
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"... do I have issues? Dude, I have lifetime subscriptions!!!" quoted Shaggy
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 25
Momo dashes up (still can't get Chocobo out of the trap ) and picks up dirty green rock. She proceeds to clean it until it is pretty and shiney again before shoving it into her pocket.

Mah pretteh rock!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
Momo, now relaxed since no one has tried to steal the rock for a rather long while lets he guard down. Seeing his chance, Pendragon goes all pickpocket like, sneaks up on Momo and fished the precious rock out of her pants. Momo, sensing that the conveted rock is now gone, turns. Cackling maniacly, Pendragon takes the rock and bashes Momo in the head. As she crumples to the ground, he skips merrily away, cluching his rock to his chest and singing it praises. "My Rock!"
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
As Pendragon is skipping away merrily singing , "my rock", itty bitty ceferadel, while eating lots of chocolate, sticks her dainty foot out to trip said Pendragon. As Pendragon tumbles down a magical tunnel the rock gently slips from Pendragon's fingers, and lands itself in the awaiting arms of Ceferadel. With a loud pop I quickly vanish from the scene. mwahah!!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
Pendragon, spending days at the bottom of the magical tunnel, used his awesome skills to climb up the cavern's walls. Once reaching the top, he hired a whole team of private investigators to track Ceferadel down. Once found, he the hired another team, but this time of burly mercenaries to attack Ceferadel and return his precious rock. With Ceferadel locked away in a horrible torture chamber, Pendragon sits in his room, cooing over his reclaimed treasure. "My precious rock...Oh, how I missed you..."
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Lady Orrin
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 13
After petting the rock, Pendragon asks the maid to get him a snack. Orrin, in disguse, brings him his snack of milk and cookies. After eating the tastey treat, he falls over dead, because Lady O poisoned them cookies. He had no right taking MY ROCK, silly boys and their cookies, they fall for it everytime. Lady Orrin, decides to take ROCKY home,to her fortress on the moon, guarded by ten monsterous, firebreathing dragons. Rocky needs to see all his other little rock friends, its been a while since they got to chat. She decides to hide HER ROCK with all his rock friends in her rock garden.
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Last Edit: 2010/01/05 22:37 By lady orrin.
When all else the directions.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
Using her army of trained digletts ( ), Tara kidnaps Lady O's entire rock garden, which she takes to her lair under the ocean and proceeds to sort out the rocks until she finds the beautiful rock of her dreams. I will love it, and hold it, and cuddle it, and it shall be MY ROCK!
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* \"Oh, Lord! Why have you forsaken me?\" \"CAN IT! When God gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD!!!\" *
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Lady Orrin
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 13
Lady O discovers that her rock and rock garden were taken , but remembered that the "rocks" in the rock garden were actually the eggs of all her dragon guards. They is not happy with you Tara-Yomitorika, naughty naughty. Meanwhile, while you weren't paying attention, cause you was touchin MY rock, the eggs hatched. Baby dragons get very hungry and they ate TK's entire lair. While TY was freaking out, over the loss of her lair, she dropped the rock. Which I gladly took back.MINE.. My Precious rock. So, Lady O swam to shore, with her bady dragon horde in tow. They had done such a good job, so Orrin took everybody to Disney world.
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When all else the directions.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Silly Silly Lady O, for Ceferadel is one smart Mickey... Disney World loves Ceferadel and created a replica of MY Rock... as Lady O drinks the lovely Daiquire's filled with a sleeping potion she drops My Rock. My lovely oh so lovely rock is finally mine once again! And Lady O gets the replacement that will turn to ash 2 hours after her awakening! mwhaha for my rock will always be my rock and while I'm at it I might as well as enjoy MY vacation with My rock in Disney World... Where o Where will Ceferadel go with My lovely lovely rock...
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
Pendragon, reviving from his horrid murder, discovers HIS rock is gone. In a furrious rage he tracks down Lady O, beats the living snot out of her and slaughters her baby dragons. Finally, an inch away from death, Lady O tells Pendragon what has befallen his precious rock. After tracking Ceferadel down inside Disney World, he disguises himself in a Mickey Mouse costume. While Ceferadel is otherwise busy, he steals the precious rock and flees. Taking his rock, he locks himself inside Cinderella's castle, patiently awaiting for the day when someone dares to threaten his claim upon HIS ROCK!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Silver-Inu has heard about the pescious rock and so decides that she wants it for herself. Pulling out the key she was given on her last trip to Disneyland for Cinderella's castle she finds Pendragon and quickly snatchs the rock before he notices and runs away whispering 'its MY rock now'
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years ago Karma: 5
Natalie, in her intense devotion to her beloved Pendragon, travels on her quest to Rock City, byes an exact replica of "the rock", tracks down Inu in her sleep-induced wonderland of rockiness, pries the precious rock from her hands, quickly replaces it, and...and..and falls into a deep trance because of her precious...forget Pendragon..this baby is MINE!!!!!!! mwahahahaha!! Natalie then runs deep into the mountains had hides with shmigle from Lord of the Rings...XD
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years ago Karma: 31
Riding in the Ragnarok, Smittee casts the spell Scan, using it to try and find the beloved rock. As luck would have it, there she could see it, shining red in her eyes from the spell. Smirking, she ran to the elevator, to the second floor. She prepared herself, before she would go to the opened back doors of the ship. Summoning Quetzacotl, she hops on its back, dagger drawn just in case of a battle. Seeing Natalie and Gollum, she called out to her GF. Quetzacotl stares upon the two, and uses it's thunder attack to shock them. Flying down close enough, Smittee sheaths her daggers, leans off between the GF's wing and body, and snatches up the rock.

Now, having it in her clutches once more, she holds tight to Quetzacotl, as they begin to ascend, back towards the Ragnarok.

"You are mine once again, rock. Just like it use to be."
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I claimed Shippo\'s transforming powers in the claim game.
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 15 Years ago Karma: 5
Natalie, lost without her precious, wondered through the lands of fandom for many seasons..
Then, in a chance encounter with Smittee at the local Burger King, she tricked Smittee into handing over the rock with a trance spell casted from the wand she stole from Harry Potter..(the boy never took care of it anyways) and scampered of with her precious and beloved rock, Harry potter's wand, and lunch! Oh Happy Days!!!
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