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Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed!
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TOPIC: Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed!
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Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
So this game or whatever is pretty simple. Just tell one of your most embarrassing, uncomfortable, or shameful moments! I'll start us off:

One time I was at Big Bear (back when that existed!) I had to be no more than 7 and I asked my mom for some candy. You know, from the candy bins that you have to scoop out then weigh it to know the price. She flat out told me 'No' and because I wasn't used to hearing that, I waited until she was distracted and stuck my hand in a jar of gummy bears and started eating away. She turned around and saw me...Needless to say, I couldn't sit down for the rest of the day!

Let's hear your stories!
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Aimee Blue
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 22
back when i was fifteen and innocent *cough cough* my older brother who was seventeen was hosting a party at our house. our parents knew and just told him to keep it down, it wasn't a loud party just him and his friends commandeering our back garden. i woke up in the middle of the night and in my sleep addled state i had forgotten they were there, so i went down stairs to get a drink and when i got into the kitchen my bare feet slid on the wet tiles and sent me flying straight into the glass door. there was a very loud thump and my brothers entire group stopped what they were doing to stare at his freaky sister. They still bring it up now, apparently someone's face impacting with a window is funny when you aren't attached to the face.
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Last Edit: 2009/10/27 15:07 By nowyouseemenowyoudont.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 23
I have a lot of these stories but lets see um:

A few years ago I was spending time with my friend, anyways we decided to waste time and go to the College Library downtown. So, we were going to enter through the doors and they only had those doors that turn around in a full circle(you know those ones that look fun) As I was entering there was this really hot guy outside and I was trying to look at him without being obvious about it. So Anyways once I entered I turned to get away from the door and ran really hard into the glass that is on either side of them(It had been my first time using one of those doors, so I didn't know that there was glass on each side)

Thankfully the guy outside was gone and didn't hear/see it. But when I turned to walk into the building my friend was on the ground laughing and I swear almost everyone in the building was staring at me I guess because of how hard I bumped into the glass it made a pretty loud noise. Yup that was awkward.
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Oh wow lolz! I see everyone's slamming into glass lolz! I'm pretty sure I have too but one of my most painful experiences is running into a Pay-phone (the ones without the booth). I was walking with my sister, you know, talking and what not. The next thing I know, I was laid out on the ground! Apparently, I completely missed out on the fact that there was a pay-phone in my path and ran smack dab into it. I'm telling you, there was no playing that off as an accidental 'bump' into the phone! It wasn't my fault, really, they have those Pay-Phone signs hidden so cleverly, you know on that big blue sign with the words 'Pay-Phone' written in bold white letters!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 26
Let's see, I don't have any specific recollections of running into glass, but when I was younger, I had more bike accidents than anyone else I know!

One particularly good one was the first time I attempted to jump a ramp. I was a bit of a tom-boy when I was growing up so I did a lot of the same stuff my brothers did. Anyway, my brother and all his friends were jumping the ramp and it looked pretty fun so I decided to give it a try. Well, apparently I didn't get enough speed and the front end of the bike simply hit the ground at the end of the ramp leaving me to fly over the handle bars and tumble several feet over the ground. Fortunately, the ramp was positioned over a field of grass, but that didn't stop everyone from watching as I rolled over and over and over before finally coming to a stop and attempting to play it off by sitting up and crossing my legs ever so casually. *shakes head*

Ah, good times, good times...
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Aimee Blue
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 22
yeah i've always been extremely clumsy, people said it would wear off but it truly didn't. like the time a was walking down the road with my friends, fell over my own stupid feet grabbed hold of a random car wing mirror, broke it but didn't break my fall and grabbed the guy in front of me by his jeans and we fell into a heap. yeah it was so not fun, nor was explaining about the mirror :3
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 23
When I was a little kid(about five or six) i was following my elder brothers around. Anyways they were door bell ditching and I was like 'oooh what are you doing, I want to do it' so they said I could. Anyways they explained to me what you do, and then one of my brothers went with me. So I rang the doorbell of our old nasty neighbor and then my brother ran away. I'm kind of slow( I just don't pay attention)so I just stood there and then the old man opened the door and started yelling at me(I guess my brothers already got his house a few times)

He yelled at me for a few minutes, before I finally ran away. XD my brothers still make fun of me for it.
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
Hmmm. Let me see I'm so clumsy so I get into embrassing situations alot.
Especially when it snows outside... Im at my wrost.

Well one day I was over my boufriend house for a party they were having for him. He just pass the test to go to the air force. So he comes to pick me up from my house. Soon after we get to his house and I saw his cousin and we real cool. I was so excited to see him I jump out of the car before my boyfriend could tell me to watch me step. Of course I didnt hear him. So I jumped out of the car and ran up the front steps and when I step hit the top step I lose my footing. To me it felt like a min I was in the air. My boyfriend and his cousin said it looked like a slow motion martix fall to the ground. I fell from 5 step and hit the ground. Hard.What was so embrassing is that his whole family saw it. And I was meeting half of them for the first time.It was a nice ice breaker "hey you see me fall off the steps??".
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Oh, good grief!! Sorry about your luck!! I have a similar story about me falling down the steps.

It was Halloween. I was what, 11 or 12 (that's probably past the trick-or-treat age but it was free candy! C'mon!) I was dressed as the Leprechaun from those scary movies (they were pretty fun to me though!). I remember wearing my little leprechaun boots and everything. Well I received my candy from some house and then....I don't know how it happened! I just fell down the 3 steps so I decided to just lay there. I was hoping that if I truly wished it, I could disappear! I was so embarrassed. And it was quiet too because all talking just ceased when they saw me laying there!! Kids were just staring at me, snickering. That was one hell of a Halloween!
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 51
I fell down the stands at a University of Texas football game. Epic fail.
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Last Edit: 2009/10/27 19:29 By Miss_Kagura. Reason: Edit: Is there a difference between bleachers and stands? A person looking over my shoulders is yelling I used the wrong word. Maybe I should hit them and leave my post as is.

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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Ouch! That sounds like a painful embarrassment! In front of a crowd too! lolz sorry! I don't really think there's a difference between stands and bleachers.

Another experience of mine:

I was at a market called the Super Duper anyways, My cousin and I, Kenlaysia were acting a fool so we were told by her older brother, Man-Man, to wait outside the store. Well we did and since we were in a parking lot, there were no seats. So like the 'smart' person I was, I sat on the hood of someone's car. Kenlaysia told me I shouldn't do that and that I'd get in trouble. In response, I started bouncing on the hood (my feet still on the ground). All of a sudden, someone--from inside the car--opened the door and said, "What the hell are you doing?!" I said an apology and walked away all the while my cousin was laughing up a storm!
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
When I was about 22, I was a night manager at Steak n Shake in Indianapolis. The metal group called Metal Church (this was back in the late 80's)to eat. They had opened for a show with a group I was a fan of called Kixx. We'll after they ate and came to the register I was ringing them out. They were doing the usually flirting and all with me and the waitress. I was a metal head and rather excited about a band being in the store, also making me rather airheaded. Well they asked me for a bag or something that was located on the shelf under the register. I went to go get it, forgetting the register door was open, and wacked my head in the said open door. Knock myself on my butt too. They asked if I was ok and all but it was rather embarrassing and I did hide for a while in the office after they left. But it was also really funny.
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
I was nine years old, and at a local Halloween festival with my family. I was dressed in this frilly little purple fairy costume with matching everything. I was in a old barn playing Dunking with Apples, bending over a tub for kiddies that was just to my waist. Now, the barn doors were huge, but they had smaller ones built in for easier access. Some nitwit decided they'd rather open the big doors though, and the crossdraft that came through knocked me off balance. I tipped right into the tub while my hands were still behind my back, and I was upside down in it before I could bring then around to brace myself. So now I was upside down in the water with apples bobbing around me with my frilly purple dress flipped up around my waist, showing off my matching frilly purple drawers (lace and everything) to the several dozen people that were behind me. Needless to say, I was little embarrassed.
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Aimee Blue
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 22
when i was six i went out with my Grams to this little shop in town with window boxes full of flowers in it. she looks inside and comments on the fact that it doesn't have any flowers in it, only weeds and starts to pull them all out. she gave me them (don't know what i was supposed to do with them) and one of her friends turned up to talk to her and they were happily chatting when a very irate store owner came out and demanded to know why i had been pulling up her baby plants. My grams was embarrassed i guess and told me off, pretending like i had done it needless to say i was a little bit confused;3
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
Well, my mom has always been a really big dog person. So one day, when I was, oh, maybe 4 years old, she decides it would be a fabutastic idea to make some home-made dog treats. Except, you see they looked like cookies. So I asked for one, and my evil, evil mother simply told me "They aren't for you." SO, naturally, when my mom wasn't looking, I ate one. God that had to be the nastiest thing I've ever tasted in my entire life. I actually started crying. So I went to find my mom (don't ask, it seemed like a really good idea at the time). She was in the living room, with a bunch of her friends. Now, by that time, I was feeling pretty darn nasty in the tummy section. I SWEAR I didn't mean to puke all over my mom's best friend, it just kind of HAPPENED!
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard when I read that! lolz! Okay, I have a dog story:

Okay so there's these dogs that lived next door to me named Blue Eyes and Sparkles. Everyone thought Sparkles was so perfect and used to give her all the attention. I, on the other hand, thought Blue Eyes had the most beautiful, well, eyes lolz! And he was a boy (I never had a male dog before.) So one day, I went over to him and he jumped on me (his back legs were still on the ground). I started petting him and all of a sudden, I feel my legs getting wet, so naturally, I looked down. I was like 'I just know he isn't peeing on me!' Well, it would've been pee if it was yellow....instead of the clear-ish white color it really was Let's leave it at that!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 23
haha eww.

Alright so about three or four years ago I went to the mall during my break from work(I worked down the street from it) but anyways, I went there to hang out with my friends and there was this new guy there. I had meet him before, he was my brother's friend but never actually talked to him. So Anyways, after I left and was back at work I sent a message to my friend who was there still saying 'I don't think Sean likes me'(that was the guy)

So a few mins later I get a text back saying 'What are you talking about? I do like you!'

At first I was like then half an hour after that, my friend calls me and was said "Sorry dude! I didn't know you would text me that, and Sean was using my phone"

Gah, that was so embarrassing. I felt so awkward the next time i saw him, but XD quickly afterwords he became my best friend and still is. Woo.

* * *
Also this isn't my embarrassing story. But something I heard, so thought I would share.

When I went and bought my ferret, the lady was talking to me. Anyways my dad was there too and he was like "How can you tell if they are males or females?"

The lady showed my dad(though it was obvious to me XD) Anyways, so she then starts telling us this story.

This woman brought in her ferret to buy him stuff and I guess she was talking to the sales lady and she was like "Oh yeah, he is so spoiled. He loves it when I rub his belly button"

When she told me that I was like "Oh yeah, I bet he loves to get his belly button rubbed. XD

But, I guess after the lady told the sales person that they were like ... that isn't his belly button. N' she got really embarrassed.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
Ok, this Phishy embarrassed the hell out of herself when she was just a little phishy in middle school. Right before the end of the school day (and before a couple of hours before one of the dances that was held to raise money) our teacher told us to make sure we don’t hang around after the dance, since it would be dark and all. (insert all concerns of what can happen to girls alone after dark).

Being a class of smartasses, we added our own comments and this little phishy decided to pipe up with “Oh, because you know me, I just love soliciting.”

Of course the whole class was like

The teacher started laughing and one of my guy friends stood up, saying “ I think you mean Loitering.”

Boy, was I red. Eeek.
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
Oh wow! That's quite a slip up! Soliciting lolz! Let's see, I have enough embarrassing moments to last a lifetime's one of many:

(This is a short one) Well, you know, I was the typical middle school kid. I tried to stay out of the lime light but was somehow pulled in. I wasn't really what you would call a people person. Anywho, I did some dumb ass things and well, sliding down the banister--a death defying stunt might I add--was one of them. My school had these super long banisters and some moronic kid--let's just say that was me--decided to slide down it when school was out. Okay so I was sliding, super fast just having the time of my life when I got to the end of the banister...we all know the laws of momentum and stuff so yeah in short, I ended up on the metal-like floor with a loud boom in front of the ENTIRE student body.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
When I was four I got caught making out with a kid behind the puppet show byt the teacher and most of the class.
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Lady Lyris
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Re:Most Embarrassing Moments: Revealed! 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I was trying to help this kid find her parents and I walked up to these two men and asked one of them, "Excuse me, sir? Could you help me find her parents?" It turns out the man was a woman. And the two "men" were the child's mothers. I was mortified.
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