Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
Out of respect for Sango I'd have to go with Jakotsu. At least we would have fun shopping.
Who would you rather share a hot fudge sundae with? Sesshoumaru or Kagome?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
Hmm...Kagome. At least I get to find out what happened during the SHikon shard hunt first hand.
Who would you rather see in a WWE match? Inuyasha or Kouga?
Last Edit: 2009/08/30 11:47 By DemonQueen17.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
I would have to say Inuyasha, Kouga would probably be going on about how much better he could execute the wrestling moves and ruin the whole show.
Who would you rather help you study for a test--Naraku or Miroku?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
Miroku. Naraku would probably feed me false information, or deliberately trick me into studying for the wrong test. lol.
Who would you rather have to help you build a desk? Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hmm I'd have to say Sesshoumaru. He's a perfectionist so it'll turn out great. Inuyasha would probably get fed up and smash the whole thing in frustration.
Who'd you rather take shopping, Jakotsu or Kagome?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 31
I feel like I've seen this question before, or a similar one. >.> Anywho, Jakotsu. He reminds me much of a friend of mine. ^.^
Who'd you rather have a pie eating contest with, Inuyasha or Shippo? O.o
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 1
O.O Shippo! I have a feeling that Inuyasha would eat everything, event the pie tins.
Who would you rather crash a wedding with, Inuyasha or Koga?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
I'd go with Inuyasha--hey free food, what can I say.
Who would you rather see run a 100 yard dash in high heels? Kouga or Naraku?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
Naraku. The man deserves some pain and humiliation.
Who would you rather be stuck in a car with for 16 hours? Sesshoumaru or Kikyou?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
OOOH That's hard, Probably Sesshomaru though. He's got smell better than dirt!! After awhile, Kikyo might start to decompose X(!! EEEWWWYYY!!!
Who would you rather go to the county fair with, Kouga or Ginta??
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
Ginta...Kouga has a big mouth. I see Ginta as more of a gentleman.
Who would you rather have as an exercise buddy? Kagome or Sango?
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Sango. She's a demon slayer, she's gotta be in shape!
Who would you rather chat online with for sixteen straight hours, Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I'd have to say Inuyasha. He'd be more fun, although he's brash.
Who would you rather watch do yoga? Miroku or Sesshomaru?
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Sesshomaru, just so I can see his biceps ripple stretch.  drool!!
Who would rather take to the aquarium, Shippo or Rin?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Sango and Inuyasha... not sure why, but i think it would be more interesting that way
Who'd you rather held your hair as you were repeatedly sick after a long night of drinking... Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 7
I'm a sucker for a good scalp scratch so definitely InuPapa and Sessho!!
Who'd you rather have as a college roommate in a co-ed dorm; Sango as a roomate and Inuyasha as your neighbor or Kagome as your roommate and Miroku as your neighbor?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
Rin...She'd be more fascinated with the aquarium with all the sea life. I couldn't risk taking Shippo as he's seasick.
Who would you rather see as a goth? Naraku or Kikyo?
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 15
Hard to choose...both are dark in their own way. Kikyo would be more angsty (Emo) so I'd have to go with Naraku. Kukuku...
What (a little change this time!) would you like to see in the anime between Kag and Sess, some more of Sess "unintentionally" saving her (Mukotsu episode), OR them cooperating with eachother in battle (strange, but quite possible).
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Probably more of them battling together. It would be awesome to them together on screen. So many possibilities!!
Who would rather see more of the history of in the Inuyasha, The Band of Seven or Rin?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
Rin...I'd love to see how Rin got to where she was, her origins. I'm sure she would have secrets that were never in the actual series.
Who would you rather have repo your car? Kouga or Bankotsu?
(sorry, too much Operation Repo)
Last Edit: 2009/09/02 13:47 By DemonQueen17.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Kouga, at least the view will be nice as I watch my vehicle get driven away 0.o
Who would share a milkshake with, Jakotsu or Kagura?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 31
Kagura. Jakotsu has a lot more creepy tendencies, and I may find something he put in it. @.@ After all, he doesn't like girls all that well, and Kagura will just complain about her friend being human as she drinks it. XD (Although, Smittee would much rather not share a milkshake, for she is germ-a-phobic, but only mostly about human kind. XD)
Who'd you rather see in a play, dping a part that doesn't fit them, Sesshy or Inuyasha?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 15
Sesshomaru because he would make the play bend to his personality, rather than bend the role he is fulfilling.
Which way of Sesshomaru abusing Jaken do you want to see more of in the anime continuation? Throwing a pebble at his head, or, using him as a doormat?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
Definitely throwing the rock. Everytime that happens in the anime I crack up--I'd really like to see him throwing it.
Who would you rather be paired up with in a parenting exercise in Home Economics? Inupapa or Sesshoumaru?
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Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha Style 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Doormat. Something about a nonchalant Sesshy squishing the life out of his little stress doll...gotta love it.
Who would you rather see compete in a hotdog eating contest? Sesshy or Kanna?
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