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Things Sesshomaru would never say.
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TOPIC: Things Sesshomaru would never say.
LC Rose
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
I do not feel like being alone right now. Keep me company?
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Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.
Dirty babe
You see the shackles
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way"

Some thing that he would not say oor more sing but a song that gose with him!
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haha my wesker beats your batman.....I WIN!!!!!!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
This Sesshomaru came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all out of bubble gum.
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
No, really... It's the Botox.
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
"Can I get fries with that shake?"

"I'm so pretty, oh so pretty, I'm so pretty and gay!"

"Like, oh. my. God."

"Marry me?"

"Does this armor make me look fat?"

"Let's play guitar Hero!!!"

"I'd tap that."

"Badap badap ba ba, I'm loving it."

"Bumchika wah wah!"

"Please bear my children."

"Can I take your order?"

"It's a small world after all!!"

"I love you, you love me, we're the bestest as can be..."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
~As a Sargent of a Demon army~: kicks down the door at 4am, flicks on the lights yelling "Alright! Time to exercise the demons!!!!"

"Your mom _____"



~Walks out from an outcropping of trees with a sigh of relief. Jaken stares and Sesshomaru catches his gaze and shrugs. "Wedgie."

"I must consult with the monk about this gift of his" while watching Miroku flirt with women.

"Leroy Jeeeeeeenkiiiiiins!"

"I got a bad case of the Mondays."

"Do you have anything that looks less like I'm getting ready to go to a gay rave?"

"Yes my mother DID knit it for me, thankyouverymuch!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
"Cujo? Scary? I'll show you scary..."
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
Do you have dog demon in you.......................would you like some?
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
How about...

"Hey Kagome should we shag now or shag later"

"I'm the Lorax and I speak for the trees"

"I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am"

"I'm Lord of the Dance"

"You know Inuyasha you should really consider wearing a thong it would eliminate those unsightly pantylines"

"Hey know what they say about Dog Demons with big tails..."

"Yasha and Kouga sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
"Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays"

"I'm thinking I might take that new chick. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. 'Oh... Oh... Oh!' You know what I'm talkin' about. 'Oh!'"

Okay sorry, it's my favorite movie! If you can guess I'll give you a virtual cookie!

*Sesshoumaru looks at Kagome and rolls his eyes* "OMG did you SEE the shoes she was wearing? They are like, so last season. Some people just have NO sense of fashion!"

*Valley Girl voice* "I'm so hot."

*Squee*(need I say more?)

"Ugh, if you think I'm going to wear that then you MUST be delusional. I mean, it doesn't even match my eyeshadow!"

*To Inuyasha* "Oh don't worry the whole cutting off my arm thing. I mean, we're brothers and I could never hold a grudge against family!"
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Last Edit: 2008/11/05 12:49 By ~Wick3d Ang3l~.
Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
"Help me Inuyasha you're my only hope" *Sess bends down and places a disk in Jaken's mouth*

"I'm cornholeeo and I need TV for my bunghole"

"I'm am a representative of the lollipop guild"

"I'm a cop and you will respect my authoritah"

"I have candy...get in the van"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
*in deadpan voice* "Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, may I take your order?"

"No, really, tell me about your period. It doesn't bother me at all."

"I love the 'It's a Small World' ride. Can we go again?"
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
"Shut up Jaken! I'll go take care of Inuyasha when we finish Kara! I respec'd heals just for this run, it's a waste of gold if I leave now..."
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Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
"Lets play bingo!!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
"Under my umbrella-ella-ella, ay, ay, ay!"
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
Does my mokomoko make me look fat? It's just so..fluffy!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
Mmmmm. I could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
"Um, Waiter, my steak is undercooked."
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Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 11
"What was Tony thinking dating Jessica??"
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
"Did you SEE who he took to Prom? Total skank, I bet he wishes he'd asked me now!" (This was something my best guy friend said after he found out the love of his life was straight and took a girl to our senior prom)
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Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Inkasha Taisho
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 7
Do these horizonal stripes make me look fat?

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Why don't you love me!!??


Why can't we all just get along?

*Serenading to Kagome outside her window*

I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day, When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May. I guess you say, what can make feel this way (off key)!! My girl (Inuyasha), My girl (Kouga), Talking about my girl, shoo dupe (all together)!!

I'm blue, dopple dee dopple die!!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
This is hilarious! Y'all are awesome!

*to Inuyasha*
"I'll Make Love to You
Like You Want Me To
And I'll Hold You Tight
Baby, all through the night!"

- Boys II Men (I'll Make Love to You)

*writing in "manjournal"*
I'm dark and sensitive with low self esteem
The way I dress makes everyday feel like Halloween
I have no real problems but I like to make believe
I stole my sisters mascara now I'm grounded for a week

*snap* "Oh no you didn't!"

*glare* "Tu madre. Ooohh.. you just got dissed in spanish!"

"Is butter a carb?"

Kagome: "What are you supposed to be?"
Sess: "I'm a cat, duh!"
(got from Mean Girls)

*throws Eclipse against the wall as Kagome enters*
Kagome: What's wrong with you?

Sess: "Hey, Kagome? I'm your sugar to your cupcake."
Kag: "Why sugar?"
Sess: "It's always inside the cupcake." *winks*


"Come on, Rin! High School Musical is only in theatres for 3 more days!"

I like big butts and I cannot lie,
you otha brotha's can't deny
when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
and a round thing in your face, you get
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~Wick3d Ang3l~
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
*crying* "I just can't take it anymore Jaken! I have so much to do and nobody cares! They all think I'm this big emotionless youkai, nobody even TRIES to know the real me. It's just not fair!"
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Soon-to-be Mrs. Mistress Incomprehensible
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Luna Tenshi
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
It's good to be a taiyoukai. (Think History of the World)

I forgive you.

Yo! Where my dogs at?!

At Home Depot: I would like to get this color for my family room (points at cheek) and this color would be the accent trim (points at eyeshadow).

Fo Sho!
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Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say. 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
Singing "you can leave your hat on" while doing a stiptease for... Naraku?


*Buuurp* Sooorry...
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