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If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ...
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TOPIC: If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ...
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If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
In these coronavirus times, a girl can dream. I often wonder if some of my favorite incomplete fics will ever be completed.

First place goes to "Happily ever after" by Missteak (sad to see that has not been updated in years)

Second place goes to "An Arrangement" by Archerdiana

Third place goes to "Melancholy" by Alon

EDIT BY WICCAN: All of these stories are rated MA, NO YIMs!!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/28 11:11 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Inserted ratings - required by RULES!
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Running Up That Hill by The Hatter Theory!

EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/28 11:13 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: inserted link
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 279
People, please, PLEASE remember to put the ratings on these stories before you post in the forum!!!

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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 171
Do you know how to dance? by sugar0o who lurks
Rating: MA

To the Sick and Wanting by Sora-chan
Rating: T

Pack by NicoRavenPen
Rating: M

Death Becomes Her by NicoRavenPen
Rating: MA

Kagome, Lady Of The West by advi
Rating: MA

Bloodlust by Lyra
Rating: MA

Through The Mirror by Sidhe
Rating: MA
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Vilbern wrote:
In these coronavirus times, a girl can dream. I often wonder if some of my favorite incomplete fics will ever be completed.

First place goes to "Happily ever after" by Missteak (sad to see that has not been updated in years)

Second place goes to "An Arrangement" by Archerdiana

Third place goes to "Melancholy" by Alon

EDIT BY WICCAN: All of these stories are rated MA, NO YIMs!!

I LOVED these stories...and praying someday they (along with all the great incompletes) get picked up again. I have so many, I lost track. BUT...I also want to add the following:

Red Lotus by Madison. I believe it's rated MA.

Beside You in Time by RosieB here and on Rated M (but I could be wrong) - one of my all-time favorites

The Asylum by Daniella. Rated MA. - this one messed with my head so much but I couldn't stop reading.

Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll. Rated MA
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Last Edit: 2020/05/29 19:04 By elevenharbor.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 11
There are so many I would love to see complete, but of them all it would have to be Youkai Freedom by InuLuna of the Moon. Rated MA
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18
Texanlady The Breeder Rated M I believe or MA

NicoRavenPen (all her incomplete works )

When Belladonnas Bloom by NovemberDoll R M/MA

(Omg my favourite Fic it inspired my own fiction) -The Twelfth Concubine by Aubrey Simone M/MA. (I’m dying for this )

Macaria by mythicamagic M/MA

A Demon Lord's Cry by Kagome Yuki Niwa (MA)
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Last Edit: 2020/06/01 07:50 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: inserted a rating
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 11
Omg I totally forgot about The Twelfth Concubine, but yes I would love that one finished also.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 41
Wisteria by MissTeak. Rated. MA

I don’t usually read an incomplete story but this one I really love to read the end of it.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 21
samantha wrote:
Texanlady The Breeder Rated M I believe or MA

NicoRavenPen (all her incomplete works )

When Belladonnas Bloom by NovemberDoll R M/MA

(Omg my favourite Fic it inspired my own fiction) -The Twelfth Concubine by Aubrey Simone M/MA. (I’m dying for this )

Macaria by mythicamagic M/MA

A Demon Lord's Cry by Kagome Yuki Niwa

Macaria has been updated today at least XD (MA, NO YIMs)
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 41
She Who the Prophecy Foretold (MA) by SunsetMiko

Red Lotus (MA) by Madison
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Last Edit: 2020/05/31 22:25 By AviDoro.
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Tiny paws
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 44
For me, I would also have to add:

Her Voice, by Kaguya's Chaos (rated MA)

Kindred Spirits (rated M) and Birds of a Feather (rated MA), by Aviel

Sway With Me, by Aura (rated M)
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Jay Pea
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
Through The Mirror // Sidhe (rated MA)

Her Voice // Kaguya's Chaos (rated MA)

Do you know how to dance? // sugar0o (rated MA)
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 66
Mine would be Wisteria by missTeak. Absolutely love it and any of her fiction and Hattertheory. All stories MA so no yims!
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18
I'm so happy Macaria by MythicalMagic R M/MA has been updated hehe I'll get to working on my own fic as well this gives me the motivation
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 13
Some of mine have already been mentioned so I'm just adding the ones that I don't see

Menage Au Inu, Higher Education, and What Your Eyes Did to Me by SunsetMiko (all rated MA)

Dreaming On by Goshawk (rated MA)

A Tale of Souls and Swords by Peach (rated MA)

Corona by The Hatter Theory (rated MA)

Waking the Dead by Tally Mark (this is on Idk the rating so to be safe I'm going to say MA)

And 2 that seem to just be gone which makes me really sad.
Achilles! Heel! By Diafiedj23 (probably MA but it isn't up anymore)
And one that was a progression of Kagome and Sessh caught in a series of fairytales because Sessh disrespected a Kami and she decides to teach him a lesson. I can't remember the name or author and they've been deleted from AO3 it was a good 60+ incredible chapters. I'm so sad it's gone.
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Last Edit: 2020/06/03 23:58 By fey_faithy.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I would wish for the following to be updated:

Honor Bound by NomDePlume Rating: MA
    This was the very first SessKag work I've ever read and was the one to get me into the fandom/the one that sparked my interest. I hold it dear to my heart for those very reasons alongside it's interpretation of Kagome and Sesshomaru's dynamic, the lore and overall development of their budding feelings.

A Demon Lord's Cry by Kagome Yuki NiwaRating: MA
[ul] I blame this work for nights of lost sleep when I'll go back to reread it. I absolutely adore the slow burn between Sesshomaru and Kagome alongside the fact I've fallen head over heels for Takeshi. I cannot emphasize my love for the original characters that were brought into this story and so wonderfully characterized. You know you've done an amazing job writing when you have the reader wishing Kagome went with another over the Lord himself [or it may solely be me in that boat ahaha] [ul]

[I have a long list of works I still need to read TvT]
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Last Edit: 2020/06/04 02:14 By WithoutCommonSense.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
I've been waiting for this to come up...

1. Beside You in Time by RosieB (MA)

2. Wisteria by Missteak (NC-17)

3. Get Bent! (best bodyswap ever!!) by cakeiton (T)

4. Sins of the Father by Shadowsweaver1 (NC-17)

5. SWTPF by SunsetMiko (MA)

Super hoping the sequel will call some peeps back home =)

a lotta people don't read incomplete work, but i sure do. and these are some of the best i have ever enjoyed.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 279
Faith wrote:

And one that was a progression of Kagome and Sessh caught in a series of fairytales because Sessh disrespected a Kami and she decides to teach him a lesson. I can't remember the name or author and they've been deleted from AO3 it was a good 60+ incredible chapters. I'm so sad it's gone.

I remember this one fondly, as I've followed it through the sporadic updates. It's "Benten's Lesson" by Melanippos and it's still on! You can find it here:

It's rated K+ on, but I'd put it as a T or M here to be safe due to violence.


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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 13
WiccanMethuselah wrote:

I remember this one fondly, as I've followed it through the sporadic updates. It's "Benten's Lesson" by Melanippos and it's still on! You can find it here:

It's rated K+ on, but I'd put it as a T or M here to be safe due to violence.



Oh wow! Thank you so much! You just made my day!
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 279
Faith wrote:

Oh wow! Thank you so much! You just made my day!

You are most welcome, m'dear!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Pretty much 89% of the stories on my Favourites list!!! I can’t even go through these posts without feeling so terribly sad there are some amazing incomplete stories out there. I find comfort in the fact that it exists and I can at least read what was published.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 39
All these great stories.. To throw a few more out there in a random order. Some of these wonderful authors have completed works for you to enjoy as well. Happy Reading I agree with Niomi even though incomplete these are all wonderful stories to read and reread.

MA or M means NO YIMS!

In Under Deep by Beautiful Silent Death Rated MA

A Breeder's World by BlueRibbon98 Rated MA

Laying Amongst Dokatsu by Nostawen Allesiel Rated M

The Poison Of Erised! by Vyncent Rated MA

Connections by sarhea Rated MA
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Last Edit: 2020/06/06 09:26 By alatera.
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
This is a great topic! Some of my incomplete favourites have already been mentioned, but here are several more

Sengoku Love Story- Chie, M, incomplete
She couldn't turn her back on a lost little girl, even though her offer to help would cause her to be tangled with a powerful clan.

The Bridal Creed, Moxy Mikki, T
WINNER of 2010 4thQ - 2nd place best Kagome portrayal, 2nd place best Action/Adventure. 2010 3rdQ - 1st place best Sesshomaru portrayal, 2nd place best Romance* As demons slowly become a deminishing race, the Daiyoukai of the Western Lands, seeks to find balance in his lands between demon and man. All of Sesshomaru's efforts could be for naught, if he is unable to find a human bride worthy of helping him maintain the balance. Unfortunately, new foes and Sesshomaru himself, could stand in the way.

Cold, Sessakag, MA, incomplete
*Contains Explicit Material* Kagome is a hard working waitress diligently building a life for her and her little brother on the vibrant planet of Rektan 7, when their daily life is suddenly interrupted by a dangerous silver haired alien with cold golden eyes. Injured and battered, cloaked in mystery, the suspicious male is clearly keeping secrets, but then was she.

Fennel, CookieAsylum, M, incomplete
A miko fleeing for her life. A ronin disgraced, dishonored, and left adrift. Entangled by fate, a sacred duty falls to them. A Sengoku Era AU.

February Lullaby, kaoruhana, MA, incomplete
Kagome and Sesshomaru meet when their respective spouses are in a car accident. The event changes both their lives as they come to learn of the reason for the accident and get to know each other in the period that follows. Loosely bad off the Korean movie "April Snow".

Fool’s Paradise, Alon, T, incomplete
Unforeseeable circumstances forced two unlikely individuals to meet. He was left with no choice while she was compelled. Neither of them expected the adventure as well as interaction they would have with unknowing strangers. There would be laughter, friendship, despondence, questioning, doubt as well as endless confusion and choices. What happens when feelings linger even when the plug is pulled? The game title ‘Fool’s Paradise’ was more accurate than it let on.

Noh, Shisaa, MA, incomplete
The art of Noh-gaku is a beautiful tradition passed down from generation to generation through the eldest male heir of the most prominent master families. However, when a father is presented with a daughter, what is he to do if he wishes to keep this sacred art alive? *Rating changed to MA for Graphic Violence and Adult Language*

Counting the Hours, forthright, T, incomplete
AU. Christmas is supposed to be spent with dear ones, but when Inuyasha calls in a favor, Kagome sacrifices her holiday in order to help him fulfill an annual familial obligation. Missed flights, misunderstandings, and mistletoe conspire to bring two strangers together. **watch for annual updates**

Yokai Manor, Unuyaoi, M, incomplete
Yokai Manor has never failed to rid demons of evil spirits—that is until a Daiyoukai arrives at its gates seeking asylum. After years of treatment, it is believed he is beyond help. But a new hire, a Miko with a most extraordinary ability, just might risk her life to save him.

Waves, Coastin, MA, incomplete
She had helped the girl not expecting anything to come of it. Of course she had assumed wrong. Drabble sized snippets. NEW CHAPTER:AUTHOR'S NOTE BETA NEEDED

Autumn, Evellin, MA
(WARNING: ADULT MATERIAL! ANGST, RAPE) Alone, abandoned and fighting for her life: the treeline fifty feet away and somewhere within, a predator hunted for his prey. She was that prey and only the dancing fall foliage would bear witness to her last hours upon this plain of existence. [COVER ART for AUTUMN] -

The Twelfth Concubine, Aubrey Simone, MA
She had only wanted to be accepted, and he had only wanted a little excitement, but maybe, just maybe, the twelfth would be the last. **Threesome Edition**

Sins in Dreaming, Freya Ishtar, MA, incomplete
(Revised & Reposted) Sesshomaru awakens from a vivid & disturbingly carnal dream of the strangely-dressed miko and attempts to brush the thoughts aside. Yet, when he sees her again, something in her eyes tells him that perhaps he is not the only one having such horrid imaginings. *1st Place Best Lemon~ 2nd Qtr, 2008* *A Single Spark Award nominee for Best Lemon/Lime Fic*
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Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ... 4 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 1
The Breeder by Texanlady, Rated MA

I just don't know for how long I have been waiting for that story to finally move a little forward...
But maybe for the last 3 years or maybe more, it is still at chapter 30...
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