Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
I am not the correct person to ask, my fights always end with someone's death.
Sesshomaru, what is the best way to sharpen a sword?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
This Sesshomaru's swords are dealt with by the idiot Totosai. However in the event that he missing This Sesshomaru uses the bones of my enemies as a sharpening tool.
Sesshomaru-sama, can I play fetch with your dog form?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
(smirks evilly) certainly. Although, you shall be the stick.
Would you help one of your ailing elders
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
This Sesshomaru does his duties to his elders. However this Sesshomaru would not deal with the elder so much as dispense aid to the elder.
Sesshomaru-sama how do I survive my Anatomy and Physiology course?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
First you must study your text books. *a smoldering gleam sets in his eyes and he looks at you seductively.* afterwards, you study my anatomy and physiology.
Sesshomaru, what is the best way to handle crazy passive aggressive in-laws?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
This Sesshomaru finds that all humans are beneath him and most should die or remove themselves from my path to supreme conquest. Secondly, misbehaving pups should be ignored until such a time that they can act appropriately. This Sesshomaru concludes that the humans that you are referring to fall under both aforementioned categories. Pick one or both solutions.
Sesshomaru-sama may I follow you around like Rin-chan and Jaken-san?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
There is no need.Rin and Jaken suffice.
Dear Sesshomaru,
I've aced my class.
It is winter break, what would you suggest for entertainment?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 16
(Smirks evilly) grab a sword and pray you don't die with the first strike of my sword.
How would you react if your mate had a baby girl and you wanted to have a boy instead?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
*Scoffs* This Sesshomaru can sent the gender of pups from his mates womb before birth. There will be no surprises. Any pup with this Sesshomaru's blood in his veins will be perfect.
What is appropriate handling of a toddler who is starting to get into tantrums?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
This one would not allow any pup's in my presence unless they have been taught proper manners. Otherwise, their parents would find it soon dangling over a cliff edge until they scream themselves silent. It worked for Inuyasha--..
-in the distance, the shout of multiple curses is heard-
What if I were to tell you that your hair is in need of a grooming and that I know a decent groomer who washes my shih tzu?
Last Edit: 2014/12/20 23:45 By Sapphy.
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 16
I would slice off your tongue
what's the best way to get an adhd child to pay attention
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 52
This Sesshomaru would suggest all Natrial Salt water taffy. The natrial chemicals in the sea salt help to act like a sedative without being overly harsh.
Sesshomaru how long does a female demon stay pregnant?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 16
Do I look like a female to you? I suggest asking a female this question.
How would you help your depressed father who keeps trying to kill himself
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 10 Years ago
Karma: 4
It is not this Sesshomaru's place. The head of the clan decides what he can and can not handle. If the weakness of his being wins then he was meant for death and I to conquer. Power is this Sesshomaru's goal, everything else is trivial.
(If this is an honest question then seek psychiatric aide for your father.)
Sesshomaru, how would you mourn Rin's untimely death if your kingdom was under duress from a faceless enemy, and your infant son was dying?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
*scoffs* Such theoretical things do not occur to this Sesshomaru. My will decides everything.
Sesshomaru, are you into online shopping?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hn. This Sesshomaru would never partake in the foolish activities of online shopping, everything is hand made by the seamstress. This Sesshomaru will only accept absolute perfection.
Sesshomaru what would you do if the miko Kagome turned into a beautiful Inuyoukai, with enough power to rival your own?
Last Edit: 2015/04/22 09:41 By kags.Sessfanforeverlife.
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 16
(Smirks evilly licking his lips with desire in his eyes) I would dominate her and pleasure her over and over again.
If you were to paint your room what color would you choose?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
 This Sesshomaru would never do the servants job, that is far below my stature. However if you must know this one prefers crimson red.
Sesshomaru what would you do if your father was resurrected?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 16
I'd beat him senseless for giving that worthless brother of mine tessusaiga.
If you could, would you find a way to make rin a dog demon?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
Foolish human, this Sesshomaru has already found a way for Rin to become an inuyoukai. Never underestimate this ones power or you will find yourself resting with my sire.
Sesshomaru what would you do if you were turned into a puppy and had Kagome looking after you?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 5
How dare you insinuate that this Sesshoumaru would let a weaker being would dare to curse this one. This Sesshoumaru should kill you for even thinking of such a thing.
What do you think of the fanfiction that ship your father and Kagome?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hn, this one does not care. However this Sesshomaru's sire is dead so it would be impossible for him to be "shipped" with my mate. You should think before you speak human or next time this one shall kill you for your insolence.
Sesshomaru what would you do if Kikyo tried to steal you from Kagome?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 16
As if I would want to be with that vile woman. I'll leave the walking corpse to inuyasha. I prefer my women warm and alive.
If your father was still alive would you try to get he and your mother back together again?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
No, this ones mother is nothing but a cold, power hungry, and selfish demoness, father is better off dead.
Sesshomaru what would you do if you found out Kagome was going to bear your pups?
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Re:Sesshoumaru Gives Advice 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
Foolish girl, as if I would allow such a travesty to happen. Falling for a mortal girl is beneath one such as I.
Sesshomaru, what should I do if my dogs don't respect me?
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