Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Too many people to count. He can have this huge world-wide harem of girls.
Why are so many people after Inu-Papa, though?
“Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.”
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
'Cause he's smokin' hot and reputed to be awesome in bed.
Does Inuyasha have human ears under all that silver fluff?
Last Edit: 2008/11/29 22:31 By Incomprehensible.
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Eh, if he does, his hearing must be extra sensitive considering that things within a normal hearing range he'll be picking up twice. I'm going to go with nope, not unless it's the one night when he transforms into a human.
Because I completely misinterpreted Possessed's question (for which I feel like an eternal idiot. XD)...
Who is after InuPapa, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha (whatever order those three hold) in terms of being the best guy in the show?
“Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.”
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
oh man its a toss up between koga and miroku. but don't monks train in yoga....flexibility.....stamina. i'll go with miroku.
If you had to take a hot steamy hot spring bathwith someone would you choose totosai or jaken?
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Posts: 259
Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 10
Jaken, because he is in love with Mokomoko so I have nothing to worry about.
Why doesn't Kagome bring a modern weapon to the feudal era to help defeat Naraku?
If the zombies chase us, I’m tripping you
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
She is too young to buy a flamethrower. They check ID's...
If Mokomoko and Ah-Un got into a fight, who would Sesshoumaru root for?
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 31
Mokomoko of course!
If Sesshomaru had to choose between the modern era or the feudal era which one do you think he'd choose?
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Feudal Era~
There's too many humans/overwhelming smells/pollution/etc. for Sesshomaru to like the modern era, methinks.
Would you rather be an honoured guest of Naraku's or a hated prisoner of Sesshomaru?
“Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.”
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 26
Damn that's a tough one! I guess I'd have to go with honored guest of Naraku. He's kinda smooth in his own way. (evil men can be sexy too, ya know) Besides, I wouldn't want to be hated by Sesshoumaru. I love him!
What is the strangest Inuyasha paring you have ever seen or heard of?
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:The User Before You 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
...I'm going to spare you the strangest, but most horridly disturbing pairings that I've seen before...
Hm...there was Sango/Kilala, Jaken/Ah-Un...I once read a story about Myoga and his wife...
What is the strangest thing you think Sesshomaru would do?
“Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.”
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
Sadly....I doubt it unless it's an equally green disgusting female imp demon xDD
What do you think happened between Sesshomaru's parents? (i.e did they willingly separate or did Inupapa just get the urge to get jiggy with Izayoi while he was still with Inu-Mama?)
Last Edit: 2009/05/03 10:02 By InuYoukaiLiz.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
Wear short-shorts.
What's the worst job Sesshoumaru could possibly have in the modern-day world?
I want to say MickyD's employee. (Would you like fries with that?)
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 31
Janitor for an all-girls academy....
What do you think would be Sesshomaru's favorite tv show?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
What not to wear. He just loves wearing nice clothes and looking pristine
What do you think will happen when Rin becomes old enough to get married? (What will happen to the guy:lol: ?)
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 34
I think he'll be lucky if he can get through Sesshomaru (pretty sure Sessh would be throwing him out the door so to speak)
Who do you think is cuter (hot is reserved for Sessh) Bankotsu or Koga?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
No I think Sesshomaru realizes that Kohaku won't be around for long because he has a responsiblity
Could you see Sesshomaru's random meetings with Inuyasha as a way to test Inuyasha's strengh more than an attempt to kill him?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 11
Yes, because he has never gone as far as actually killing him.
What do you think Kagome would do if Sesshomaru started dating another girl?
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 34
well, my brain says that she would stalk him and make the oher girl uneasy or just get into an all out war over him, but i ould be going too far. I guess we will just never know . . . so sad *sighs*
Should Inuyasha end up with Kikyo?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Tough one... for me...  I root for SessKag so why can't they?
Which is better Kagome in her uniform or in the priestess garbs while running for her life?

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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 31
I would imagine the school uniform would be less cloth wrapped around your legs as you ran....
What would Sesshomaru do if Kagome started dating another man?
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 34
assuming like we all love he is madly and possessively in love with her *sighs dramatically* he would tear the other guys throat out and lock Kagome in a room away from all possible other attention from the male species.
What are better: fics in canon or alternate universes?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
I love the canon universe based fics because of the challenge of keeping to the story line and remaining in character show the creativity of the writer through the challenge to be original.
If Sesshomaru was introduce into the modern world what would be the first thing he would do?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 11
Hmm, I'd say he had an urge ~ Call it instinct. LOL~
What genre is your favorite to see Sessh and Kaggerz in - Humor, Dark/Horror, Action/Adventure, Drama, or Tragedy? (Some form of Romance if any is understandably included in these genres)
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 25
Drama, most definitely.
This has probably been asked, but do you think Sesshoumaru made it to the modern era?
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Re:The User Before You 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 279
Yup, yup, yup!! *nod, nod*
Probably masquerading as some rich industrialist, don't you think? I think maybe Warren Buffet, but who do YOU think Sesshoumaru could be disguised as in today's world?
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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