@KizmetLove & @FaerieDearest: Unfortunately, it's not Ayumi.
@TheFallenAngel: Ah, I'm sorry. It's not him either.
The correct answer was:
Kuranosuke (The daimyo that fell in love with Sango and proposed to her.)
Based on the guesses of these past riddles, I thought it'd be helpful to say I'm
very fond of misdirection. So be careful about taking certain words literally. It may or may not be a good idea... I really hope someone gets this one.
New Riddle:
The courageous seek me.
The distracted do not see.
Show me the resilience of your heart,
And I shall give you what you need.
Power and protection go hand in hand.
Wherever you go, I will follow...
Even through grains of sand.
What am I?