Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 24
Eeps! ^^;; Thanks Sophie. Thanks Luna. <3
As for me, anything by:
ShadowsWeaver1, Oroyukae, Freya Ishtar, KogasAngel, piratequeen0405, Madison, MissTeak, Forthright, Luna, Kagome Yuki Niwa, Aubrey Simone, and many others that I just can't recall off the top of my head.
Candidacy by Priestess Skye
Do You Know How to Dance? by Sugar0o
A Sticky Situation by Creature of Shadow
Table 32 by Caleesci
Time Floats On by Smortz
All That Glitters by Lillian
Baile! by Lillian
And a ton of others. I read a whole lot and I re-read a whole lot of fanfics too.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Tears of the Fallen [RATED R] and Vying for Dominance [RATED NC-17]by ShadowsWeaver1 on Spark
My Only [RATED T] by LC ROSE on Dokuga
Sunset Love [RATED M] by Aurora Nyte on FF.net
Marriage of Convenience [RATED M] by TamashaToko on FF.net
Numbing the Pain [RATED MA] by angelic memories on Dokuga
I Found A Reason [RATED M] by The Hatter Theory on FF.net
Dream of Me Tonight on MediaMiner
Two Can Play It [RATED M]kashiangel07 on FF.net
Discoveries [RATED MA] by Sesshys_jaded_samurai on Dokuga
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years ago
Karma: 3
Going on completed only.
I'm sure I have A LOT, but the first that popped into my brain are
Unexpected Allies Parts I, II, and III! by Striking Falcon on FF.net Goes from T to M!
Second Chance by Striking Falcon on FF.net Rated M
Chained To You by Moonchild0405 FF.net Rated T
There's tons more I just can't think of!!!!
I enjoy stories by the following authors (and this means I've read more than one story) forthright, SunsetMiko, The Hatter Theory, Kagome Yuki Niwa, Kanna37, and I'm sure there's more!
I read all ratings, so beware of that! 
Lyss has claimed Kagomes Archery Skills in The Claim Game!
I stood by everything I loved while you never understood me much -C&C
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years ago
Karma: 5
Anything that has been written by Kanna37 ( I have a mild obsession with her work)! My favorites of hers are Fetch and Illumination!
SunsetMiko, Forthright and The Hatter Theory are also authors whose work I found worth reading over and over!
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years ago
Karma: 21
Right now?
An unexpected Spring by Somewhere in Kansas - Rated M at FFnet
I guess I'll add some as I go 
Last Edit: 2012/03/04 11:36 By JeniNeji.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 13 Years ago
Karma: 55
Rereading Dancing with Scissors (rated M) for the umteenth time. I'd have to say it is in my top three, easily.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
I'm sure it's already been posted, but I'm going to say it anyway:
Unspoiled by forthright (I simply can't get over how awesome it is ^-^)
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Posts: 426
Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 12
Of course, for me it's definitely RosieB's "Once and Future Taiyoukai"
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 19
I always go back to anything written by Kanna37. A couple of others are Rinseternalsoul, Danyealle-sama, and of course Hatter, Naq, and Lyra!
Most of the fics are rated M-MA, but some do have yim friendly fics.
But if you want some awesome yim friendly fics, you can't go wrong with Smortz's The Assistant and Priestess!
Last Edit: 2012/04/17 13:45 By Kayelyn.
I write to tell stories. I believe that there a some professions in the world that will last forever: doctor or a nurse, teacher, builder and a storyteller. I write also to become myself, more so day by day. Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world.
Eppu Nuotio
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
Hmmmm.... anything by Resmiranda, Rosie B, or TallyMark. because they are just... amazing.
"Broken Promises" by Oroyukae MA
"Embrace the Silence" by Trouble_in_Shangri_La MA
"Memoirs of a Blue eyed Geisha" Sugar0o MA
"Love after Loss" Miss Teak NC-17
"Unclenched" by md06783 NC-17
Because I love things that make me cry? lol.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 67
Now I add anything written by Knight of Disorder. All of the fics are a MUST READ!
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
The Red Hunger
Author: xanthos
Rated: M
After the first time she'd learned not to run, for nothing would stop him. He would always find her. Plus, it was hard to run when you wanted to be caught.
I will forever hope and pray that this one day becomes complete T~T it was most definitely one of my first Sesshoumaru x Kagome fics ages ago.
Last Edit: 2012/04/17 16:28 By Kagome Yuki Niwa.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 76
DemonQueen17 wrote:
Now I add anything written by Knight of Disorder. All of the fics are a MUST READ!
I never thought my name would appear in a thread like this...
Well since I'm here.
Unspoiled by forthright Rated-T
The Black Dog by FourShotChild Rated-MA
I've read both of those at least half a dozen a times.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 62
Let's see....
Many are already mentioned that I do read again. I will put up some that I have not seen mentioned.
Angel by sessakag (No YIMS)
Rated: MA/X (Inuyasha Fanfiction Archive)
A Kitten Named Kagome by SpeedyTomato (No YIMS)
Rated: MA (Dokuga)
Anything by:
Elegant Paws
Aubrey Simone
Maiko Anna
Frivolous Sentimentalities by Tally Mark
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 62
Oops....I did mention a few already named, lol.......Oh well....
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
A Mid Summer's Eve and A Mid Winter's Eve by Nova Alexandria
If you haven't read them yet I suggest you do. 
This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
ultimate sacrifice by miwa03,embrace the silence by Trouble_In_Shagri_la and unworthy one by Vyncent
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Posts: 228
Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 72
Let's see... In the past 3 days I've reread Through the Mirror by Sidhe and Demonic Love by Danyealle-sama. Right now I'm rereading the Fuyu series by Kanna37. I think I'll fave this thread and start rereading some of the recommendations here.
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
Oh, my goodness! What fics do I read over and/or recommend? Well, here's a little list of authors and the stories I love best:
Demonlordlover (MUST be over 18):
Sentinel Mother
Hallowed Desire
Rosie B:
Beside You in Time
The Cricket's Cage
The Nightingale
The Once and Future Taiyoukai
Aimee Blue - Everything she writes
Danyealle-sama (MUST be over 18):
Fallen Angel
Lord Sho'mamoo
Well, pretty much EVERYTHING Dani writes is worth reading at least once and most of it is worth reading more often.
Draconic BanSidhe - Unsung Silences (You will weep, even if your heart is made of stone)
Elegant Paws - Anything she has written, although I don't know if she's finished any of it yet or if she ever will. Like most of our great authors, she had problems with morons stealing her works and reposting as their own.
Elle6778 - Everything!
Forthright - Anything and everything. She has written some charming stories centered around Miroku that are on FF.Net.
Iloveprettysilverhair - I've enjoyed all of her stories.
JustAnotherGirl - She wrote some charming and entertaining stories.
Keva (MUST be over 18) - She wrote the following before her ego exceeded her talent and these are quite good in my opinion:
Deal With a Dog
Hunting My Obsession
How a Moon Rock Can Lead to - Well, You Know
KogasAngel (MUST be over 18):
The Winds of Change
It's Good to be Kagome
Something to Talk About
Actually, I've loved and enjoyed pretty much all of her stories and she's finished moset of them.
LadyBattousai - Seven Feudal Fairytales
LC Rose (MUST be over 18) - Sesshoumaru Comes to Dinner (I also recommend her other stories but you MUST be 18 to read most of them, if not all)
Ms. Kagura (MUST be over 18) - Our own beloved Dokuga founder wrote some very good stories. I highly recommend Mokomoko vs Miko and Atonement. Read Atonement first, as it will rip your heart out, then read Mokomoko vs Miko, as it is one of the funniest stories out there. Of course her SKYESHOTS – HOT FIREMAN SESSHOUMARU is great too. All of her stories are good but these three were my faves.
MissTeak - Wisteria
MLMonty - Underground Railway. Now, I am her beta and I've co-authored a story with her, but she is a good writer!
Perphila - What's in the Water
Pirate Queen (MUST be over 18):
Dancing With Scissors
Peace Treaty
Great writing, good, tight plots, characters you become involved with and care about...
Rhiannonofthemoon (MUST be over 18):
To Shed a Little Light
Cereal Box Romance (this isn't really finished but is close enough that you get the gist)
Rinseternalsoul (MUST be over 18) - all of her stories, but you MUST be over 18.
Sesshou_Lover (MUST be over 18) Everything!!!
Shadowsweaver (MUST be over 18) - All of her stories.
Sidhe (MUST be over 18) - All of her stories, tho Through the Mirror is one of my favorites and is unfinished and will probably remain so.
Sunset Miko (MUST be over 18):
The Syndrome - she is in the process of finishing this as we speak.
She Whom the Prophecy Foretold - Unfinished but she intends to go back to it. She said once that she has only written 1/3 of it so far, I don't know if that still holds true.
I also enjoy her other stories.
Tallymark - I like her stories but not all of them are finished.
Telepathic Hawk (MUST be over 18) - In His Arms
Tenchi no mai (MUST be over 18) - I just love her stories and her style. I don't think they are finished, but they are worth reading and enjoying.
Flowers on the Moon - If this doesn't make you cry, you have no heart! I've read it once and cannot read it again because it is so very, very, very well done and it broke my heart. I'm crying even writing about it.
Embrace the Silence.
She is an excellent writer.
Velvet Sometimes - Help Wanted
Vyncent (MUST be over 18) - The Unworthy One - You will cry.
Just a Starving Writer - A Completely Innocent Addiction
Time On My Hands (MUST be over 18) - Misconceptions and Mistakes
Resmirelda - Tales from the House of the Moon - This story is ALMOST as heart-rending as Flowers on the Moon. She's a fantastic writer but I can't take the angst anymore.
These stories should still be available in the Dokuga or Spark archives. Some you may find on AFF,net and most you MUST be 18 to read. Sorry about that.
This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.
I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.
Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!
I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Wow! My fic is actually recommended.
I am deeply honored
I do recommend works by:
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Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again? 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 46
I perfectly understand the need to read a favorite story over and over again!
Authors I have had the pleasure of discovering and can't get enough of their stories - though, I'm certain they have been mentioned already:
The Hatter Theory
Right now I'm rereading this story because the author made a much awaited comeback and I wish to recall all the wonderful details of the plot before proceeding to read the new chapter!
The Asylum by Daniella
Behind these walls live the insane. Lost within their own minds; they have no knowledge of the outside world. It is within these walls that Higurashi Kagome will discover exactly what it takes for the once proud Lord of the West to join the residence of The Tokyo Asylum for the Insane. *Nominated 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2011 in the Dokuga Awards*
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 01-04-13 - Created: 09-09-10 Chapters: 21 - Reviews: 280 - Words: 100,765 - Reads: 59,522
Rated: MA (added the rating again for good measure)
Link: www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/4397/1
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