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Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
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TOPIC: Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
T.S. Drake
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I don't see Sesshoumaru ever bringing himself to being with a human, even if it is Rin. Though, like that episode when Sessh's mother bring Rin back from death and he strokes her face, I do believe that throughout Rin's life, Sessh would exhibit small gestures that he cares for her, but never I think take it further than that. I see Sessh solitary for a long, long time. Honestly, I see him as a bit asexual.

Besides, with Sessh/Rin stories I think what makes it more uncomfortable for me is that back in feudal Japan, as soon as you're menstruating (average age 13 and up) you're already considered a woman. I know that most stories have Rin 18+ but in reality (if the Inuyasha story were real ) Rin would be 13 or 14.

I don't know. I don't mean to bring Rin/Sessh stories down, I have indeed read a few good ones, but they make me rather uncomfortable.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 1
Please read all of this

Before I started reading the stories on this site I actually always thought Rin and Sesshoumaru would get together.

I know that some people may see that as wrong, but what from what I read and watch since I was about 7 years old I came to the conclusion that when it involves a human/demon or demon/demon age does not matter. Then if we take the time era into consideration (which I myself find appalling) Rin would have been married at age we consider a young age.

I think that if the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi would have continued with the series she would have Rin become older. THOUGH, that is not to say for sure because she could have just as easily be with someone else.

My conclusion is that Rin could be with Sesshoumaru (which I don't entirely like), but I prefer him being with Kagome.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
Me too, before I read Kagome x Sess I thought Rin and Sess might end up together, I just wanted someone to end up with the lonely beautiful sess but IF it was Rumiko Takahashi's intention to make Rin a possible or alluded romantic interest in the future for Sesshomaru, she would have made her older. She looks to be about 8 years old and if anything, plus the fact that she seems to grow up in the human village would hint that Kohaku and Rin would end up together. I know Rin x Shippo is also popular, but just going off the show/manga, Kohaku and Rin did spend more time together. (To me it's kinda interesting to see that Rin looks exactly like Kagome just in little kid version, maybe that gives us a hint, who knows maybe Takahashi sensei is a hidden kagomexsess fan? haha)

The relationship in the manga of Rin and Sess is that of father/child , ward/guardian and I think that's what makes most of us uncomfortable, the thoughts of incest or having sex with someone you consider a dad/uncle/guardian is just not very palatable. I doubt Takahashi sensei wanted to go all tales of genji on us, because as far as i'm concerned (i'm not super die hard inuyasha fan i can't recite the chapters by memory of anything), we don't see 8-12 year old married girls in the series. So there's nothing for us to go to think that in takahashi's inuyasha universe, people would get married at that age ( even if its the feudal era) or that we Rin would be hinted as a potential romance for sesshomaru.

In my opinion kagome x sess just trumps all other pairings of the inuyasha universe. it's hot hot hot!
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
To me, it's still a relationship of father/child in my point of view. I just can seem to picture them as a couple. Unless author does decide to pair them together, but I guess will never know know. Still it is interesting, but I prefer Rin x Shippo, or Kohaku x Rin.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
We are on a fansite that follows a divergent storyline in some aspects. I say in some aspects because it is very simple to think that Kagome can be with both Inu and Sess. Be it sexually or platonically, we can follow canon and come up with thousands of different scenarios (and we do!). Or we can go non canon and Kagome and Inu will have no prior history. It's all about what your muse dictates to you.

That being said, the same viewpoint can also be applied to the Rin/Sess relationship. Actually, it can be applied to all pairings if you think about it.
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Last Edit: 2012/07/20 13:50 By MoxyMikki.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
Alright folks. I didn't want to do this, but I'm feeling like I must, now. I've seen these replies get progressivly more questionable and to be fair, it was a topic I knew was going to eventually create some problems. Overall, I think everyone has been very respectful, but unfortunately, many have forgotten to take into consideration that Rin is a minor, and that any discussion about her in a relationship with an adult, without clearly stating that you are refering to a 18+ Rin, is not only offensive, but against the law.

Therefore, I'm shutting her down. No one should feel like the locking of this thread is a direct result of them, but the overall scetchy nature that this thread has turned.

If anyone has questions or complaints, I'm happy to feild them. Please send me a PM and I will further clarify and explain the situation, if necessary!
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