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Random Sesshomaru thought.
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TOPIC: Random Sesshomaru thought.
Hoshiakari Kokoro
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Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
To me Sesshomaru seems like a really honorable guy.....a bit of a snob (lol) but still really honorable. I think thats nice
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 39
A 'bit' of a snob? Lol- I think that's an understatement, but then I also think his snobbery is part of his charm.
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Hoshiakari Kokoro
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
You know what i have to agree.^_^
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 78
I think he is young, psychologically, and damaged by the decisions his father made back around the time InuYasha was born. I think R.T. had well thought-out reasoning behind Sesshomaru's arrogance and bigotry, and we can see his character beginning to become wiser and more mellow through his association with Rin and his encounters with his half-brother.
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Hoshiakari Kokoro
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
I agree with some of that, a point that i've thought of is, (even thought i love the sess/kag) Forgive me if i word this badly. I think its part of sesshomarus instincs that mating with humans is bad, as in you create a being that is part of neither world and is doomed to be shunned by all. So like you said, since he was still pretty young with Inuyasha was borne, and his father died, which gave Sesshomaru alot of responsability and i would think heartache. I think he's arrogant because A. He is Sesshomaru (lol) and B. because he is royal and powerful, and it seem like he was powerfull from a early age (though a may be reading into it to much ^_^) and things like that come with a certain amound of arrogance. I completely agree with how he hwas mellowed and personaly i think its like 75% do to Rin.
Again i think one of the main things all of us Sesshomaru lovers really like is that he has a lot of honor, while he may be cold and arrogant he still takes care of his own. Looking at how powerfull he is he could have easily killed Inuyasha at any time (most espesionly when he was younge) yet he didn't. and he was saved/helped out the inuyasha group a few times.........
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I've always kind of thought Sesshoumaru to be the Asian Medieval version of the "Bad Boy". Without all the draw backs and twice the shiny.

And now I have that old song "the Leader of the Pack" stuck in my head! XD!
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Hoshiakari Kokoro
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
lol that is an awsome thought!
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 39
readalot wrote:

Again i think one of the main things all of us Sesshomaru lovers really like is that he has a lot of honor, while he may be cold and arrogant he still takes care of his own. Looking at how powerfull he is he could have easily killed Inuyasha at any time (most espesionly when he was younge) yet he didn't. and he was saved/helped out the inuyasha group a few times.........

Yeah, the first thing anyone says about Sessh is how 'cold' he is . . . but looking at the time line, his lineage & as everyone's touched on, the power he commanded- not just in title & what not, but actual "I can kill ANYTHING" power- it's not difficult to see why he acted as he did. When he would meet someone, he wouldn't know if this was an enemy or an ally and experience (be it his own, or things he picked up from watching/observing others) would have taught him to treat everyone as an enemy until they give you just cause to view them otherwise, until they've earned your trust.

What I love, as a fanfic writer, is that this sort of automatic perception we all have of him allows us the freedom to work with what we can imagine he might be like beyond that icy exterior.

And . . . Asian Medieval Bab Boy . . . Mmmmm, that is a nice thought to start the day pondering
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Last Edit: 2011/01/20 11:13 By Freya Ishtar. Reason: correction
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 7
I think I read somewhere a comment from the mangaka of Inuyasha that stated that Sesshomaru was never icy or cold / indifferent to others from the bottom of his heart, thus being the perfect killing machine. He had hidden his feelings and reactions to different things to the deepest parts of his soul to protect himself from the harsh world he was forced to take the reins of.
We have to remember that, as many of you have stated, he was left with his lands to care for at a very young age. Imagine that you have to take care of things you don't know much about all of a sudden. Wouldn't that drive you mad? But because he is bound by honor, he can not let everything go to waste just because he is tired.

I think, out of all the characters in Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is the most complex one. hiding behind a mask of ego and arrogance, sliding through the world with that shield of coldness, he has to destroy all and any feeling he might posses in order to survive. Maybe that's why he draws to much attention to himself.

I for one, whenever I was watching Inuyasha, I alway skipped some parts only to analyze the great Lord XD He seems so... alone... But maybe that's my vision of this taiyoukai. Who knows...
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Kelly Haper
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
First a question. I for one have not watched the final act so if it's in there sorry for the question but where does it say that Sesshomaru is in fact Lord of the West? Yes, Rin and Jaken call him Lord but -sama in Japanese i thought was jut a very polite form of Mister.
Anyways back on topic. What I have notice is that Sesshomaru actually does show a lot of emotion and talks alot too.(In his own way.
When Kagome pulled out the tetsusaiga and Sesshomaru was by her side he looked at the sword then at Kagome. Was it just me or was Sesshomaru (In his own way) was checking her out. hehe.
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I told YOU the ponies can fly now you can go get\\\\\\\'em, Mr. Mufasa.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
I always rather kinda thought he was just sizing her up in that scene... sorta like, "THIS is the creature the sword deems worthy to obey?" of course thats what I took from the anime and not how I might LIKE to interpret the moment. hehheh S/K all that way!
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Re:Random Sesshomaru thought. 13 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
hey you got point there. well, sesshy's still a guy and kgome's not bad looking either. or i could be wrong and he's looking at another angle on how to get the tetsaiga by using his devastating handsomeness on kagome and at the same time deprive inuyasha of an ally. sesshy's got s super complex mind and he doesnt do anything randomly.
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