Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
Tales From the House of the Moon (that I've read a good 6 or 7 times), Tears of the Fallen, any Striking Falcon stories, forthright stories, and Seven Feudal Fairytales (which is another one I find myself reading over and over). These all did me in. I must say there is an amazing amount of talent on Dokuga. At first I was really apprehensive about the switch from A Single Spark to Dokuga, but I've ended up very happy with the whole thing. The quality of the work hasn't gone down at all.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
The Violation of Honor by Rinseternalsoul
*admin edit, MA fic. no YIMs
Last Edit: 2011/10/09 03:17 By sugar0o.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Rachel wrote:
Tales From the House of the Moon for me.
But beware to anyone who has not read it, it is HUGE. It takes days to read, even if you only take breaks for food and the bathroom.
That was mine as well. Before that I had tried writing my own Inu/Kag fics...but although I had several in the works, I dropped them all and began reading purely Sess/Kag, shortly thereafter I began writing for this wonderful pair.  I'll NEVER go back. LOL!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
The fic that turned me into a SessKag fan was "A Demon's Heart and Ultimate Sacrifice," by Kilala81. It was a hauntingly beautiful story.
Aha, and "A Simple Legacy," by Elle6778 came out right about the time I started reading, That story - and its sequels - were AMAZING.
And they just kept coming! From the early days:
"Tears of the Fallen," by ShadowsWeaver1 is beautiful, I just re-read it.
"Trust," by Demonlordlover, which is unfortunately no longer on any of the sites, was a great story.
And everybody's perennial favorite, "Tales from the House of the Moon," by Resmiranda. I stayed up for days reading it, on like 3 hours of sleep and almost no food
These fics turned me into a SessKag addict.
Oh, and the fic that turned me into a SessKag hentai was "Passion," by CiraArana. I've read it a billion times, and it's still wonderful and still makes me blush. You have to make sure to read it on Spark, though, because all the good stuff is cut out on FF.net - it was written during that M-rating crackdown.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 92
Actually, Tiegrsi, mine was your fic, Just Another Lemon. I read it on AFF and was hooked from there on out!
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 10
I read Tales From the House of the Moon by accident. I clicked on the wrong link and was about to leave the page, when I read the first few lines and was kind of like... 'Well, what the heck'. Two days with no sleep later, I finished it and was hooked.
Dokugas very own certified fairy princess, granting wishes with my wish-granting tiara since 2010!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
For me, I think it was Danyealle's Supreme Conquest. Ironic, when you consider it isn't quite SK. I had tried reading some SK fics before that, but she got me hooked, she gets all the blame. *shakes fist*
Edit: Actually, it might have been Pound Puppy. I'm going through her catalog trying to trip my brain. I still blame her!
Last Edit: 2011/01/15 07:13 By Shatt.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 10
I was into Inuyasha/Kagome pairing initially and it was pure chance that I read a Sesshomaru/Kagome one. I can't remember for the life of me which one it was now, but what me got reading again after taking a long break was Seven Feudal Fairytales. It just has it all really! Romance, originality, hot villains etc. I quite enjoyed Tales From the House of the Moon even if it did take a while to read. I like lengthy stories 
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Broken am I, be as it may.
I see not the blood that flows in depth with my own.
I will defeat you with all the demons I call.
Darkness will reign and you will fall.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 2
criticat wrote:
I like lengthy stories
So do I! I can blast through so many book, stories, and fanfictions..
Its nice to have the long ones to hold onto the story longer than most.
Kinda gives you a warm fuzzy feeling know you can keep going back for awhile.
Broken am I, be as it may.
I see not the blood that flows in depth with my own.
I will defeat you with all the demons I call.
Darkness will reign and you will fall.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
The first fic I read was The Once and Future Taiyoukai by RoseiB on A Single Spark. I loved it so much that I actually printed out the chapters and read them over and over in real life... After reading it over 7 or 8 times, I moved onto other fics and I've been reading ever since. 
\\\"I am a good reader and know my stuff when it comes to fanfiction but one thing I\\\'m not is a writer!\\\"
Contact me for reviews! I will gladly read any fics!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
I don't remember the name of it, and I'm not even sure if it was ever finished. From what I can remember it was about Sesshoumaru striking some kind of deal with Naraku and his job was to make Kagome fall in love with him and then turn her over to naraku for some reason I've long forgotten. Once he did he regretted it....and that's where my memory fades out completely lol.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
I can't say which was my first fav fic with sess and kags because i read so many i don't remember i do remember it was done by accident I read most of the inu and kags. But after my first sess and kags i realize they were a better fit. beside me and sess of course lol .
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
nope i haven't read it but gonna add to my list
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Danyealle-sama wrote:
Actually, Tiegrsi, mine was your fic, Just Another Lemon. I read it on AFF and was hooked from there on out!
Awe; I'm glad you liked it so much! Maybe some day I will write my own 'adult' novel, lol. Hearing that other people actually like what I write gives me confidence. 
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
The first one that got me hooked was A sentinel mother. I ran into on accident and ever since I've been a big fan on the pairing...of course if I wasn't I wouldn't be a memeber of the site. 
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
easy I picked the longest first which was tales from the house of the moon
then I read on about kagome sesshoumaru leather and a subjugation necklace with the command "b*tch"
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 55
resmiranda. friend of mine suggested HotM and two days of hard reading later I was hooked.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 19
I first read Tears of the Fallen by ShadowsWeaver1 on fanfiction.net. I don't remember why I clicked on it but I am happy I did.
Cause I need all the help I can get
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 9
Before I even started reading Sess/Kags fics I was a stickler for "the odd" couples stories in other fics - whether it was some HP, Inuyasha, Ayashi No Ceres, etc... - I don't exactly remember which one was my very first fic for Inuyasha but I remember reading Tales From the House of the Moon, Tears of the Fallen, and some Striking Falcon stories...
There was also a fic tittle Chance - it was on Spark if I remember correctly - the story was about Sesshomaru that had been cursed into a dog until he would find someone who would love him for him in the feudal time and in the modern time, kagome ran over him with her car... from there my memory is foggy of what happened next but I remember loving that fic...
There was also this other fic - this time I don't remember on which site or the name or the author - in which kagome learned how to wheel a katana that had a spirit in it ... I don't remember all the details but I do remember that there was this song - Evertime We Touch from Cascada - that Kagome sang to herself ... It was the first time I heard of Cascada but not the last time ... now a days everytime I hear that song I remember that fic.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 2
pure evil on aff.net idr who it was by but it was my first sess/kag eeekkkk
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 0
Wow its been such a long time I'm not even sure I remember. I remember that one of the first ones I read was "Thunderstorms and Sakura Blossoms" by Lady Silq Ice. This could have very well been the first one, and the one to get my started in the sess/kag pairing fandom. Its really good story; sadly the author has discontinued the story.
Last Edit: 2011/02/25 16:16 By konekotsukino.
Reason: spelling error
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 22
FallenTenchi wrote:
There was also a fic tittle Chance - it was on Spark if I remember correctly - the story was about Sesshomaru that had been cursed into a dog until he would find someone who would love him for him in the feudal time and in the modern time, kagome ran over him with her car... from there my memory is foggy of what happened next but I remember loving that fic...
That's Striking Falcon's 'Second Chance' Also one of my first stories I read. I started with her Unexpected Allies series on SS. And Rinseternalsoul's 'My sister's Gift' and 'The Unknown Warrior'
I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game. ~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 14 Years ago
Karma: 0
A Mere Digression by elle6778.
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