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Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
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TOPIC: Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
I definitely think of Sesshoumaru and Rin as a Father/ Daughter relationship. He raised her and took care of her like a father . So, in my mind it would be better to have Rin/ Shippou or Rin/ Kohaku pairing .
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
The first fanfiction of Inuyasha I ever read was a Rin/Sesshoumaru pairing, and it was written well. But I agree with a lot of reasons people have already stated - I just don't see them together.

1. They really do have a Father/Daughter relation.

2. Sesshoumaru would never mate a weak human. I don't see him with a weak Kagome either. She would have to be trained and be stronger - he needs someone who is just like him, powerful.

3. He also needs someone who can stand up to him, tone down his narcissic traits a bit. Rin is (in my opinion) too gentle. Kagome would be one of a kind in that time, being raised in our time. I do not think Sesshoumaru would like a girl that is as obedient as Rin. He'd want someone who can think for themselves, not someone without an opinion.

By the way, I still think Rin/Kohaku is the most likely pairing. Rin/Shippo has aging problems, b/c when Rin is 12, Shippo still looks like 7. Youkai age differently. Also, I think Rin would treat Ship-Dip more like a sibling.

And that is what brings me to the ultimate problem: aging. A human lifespan is nothing to demons who can live for thousand years and still look like they're 20. So that would have to be solved. You can't have your mate dying on you, can you?
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I think it's because the pairing seems a little pedophilish(sp?) I always thought of Rin and Sesshomaru as being in a father-daughter relationship considering the huge age differences and the fact that she's a minor and he's not. I personally like the SesshomaruxKagura pairing myself,but I do respect people that like other pairing such as SesshomaruxRin or SesshomaruxKagome like this site is for.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
I believe I mentioned that I originally was a Sess/Rin fan in another thread so I honestly don't have a problem with it. I can see where people are coming from with the parent/child thing but I always pictured it more of a Highlander thing. Not to mention we have no idea on how Inupapa and Izayoi's relationship started which I'm pretty sure he was hundreds if not at least a thousand years old where she was at most 18? I mean Sesshomaru is hundreds of years old but his mentality is more 19-20 and since he ages so slowly it wouldn't be hard for Rin to catch up. Also I believe as she gets older she'll lose some of that hero worship like most children do and start to notice his little imperfections. Also she does have a bit of a temper that peaks out every now and then so I think she'll grow more into it. That would be my thought on the matter though I will forever be loyal to Sess/Kag. :3
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
This is my perspective. Originally I was an Inu/kag fan. I was shocked at the idea of a sess/kag relationship. But for kicks and giggles one day, I tried a fanfic (couldn't tell you which one anymore lol), and fell in love.

With that thought in mind, there was a Inu/kag fiction that had a Sess/Rin relationship that I thought was done quite tastefully.

However, I do see Sess and Rin as more of a father/daughter, which is why I usually do not prefer to indulge in those kind of fics. In my opinion, it depends on how the relationship is established. If it comes of incestual, I am turned off from the story and stop reading. But if is both BELIEVABLE as well as TASTEFUL (ex: not incestual), then I may give it a shot.

Personally, I am a believer in the "don't knock it 'til you try it" idea. If I had not followed that motif, I would not be on this site with all the wonderful Dokugians.

Like I said, it just depends on perspective. Similar to the idea of Kagome being docile and helpless vs. being a strong warrior. Everyone likes different things. Just follow what your heart says is right for you. **shrugs**
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Time Traveler
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 57
That is interesting. Personally I prefer the father/daughter relationship between Sesshoumaru and Rin myself. It makes more sense to me since I see his adopting Rin as akin to a dog adopting kittens, or a cat adopting puppies. Takahashi-sensei was uber-close to the truth anyhow, since animals do adopt chitlings outside their own species. I've seen a baby fawn think it was a labrador XD.

Everyone's different. I'd like the pairing if it was done tastefully. If not it would turn me off fairly quick. o_O I get a bit squickity squick if it's a little over-the-top, or out of character.

~ Pyre
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
This thread piqued my interest. Thanks ;D

I've read a lot of Sess/Rin and I don't see how they can work as a romantic couple within the realm of the established Inuyasha universe. With what we were given by RT, Rin's most logical pairing would likely be Kohaku. They are equals, in a sense, and around the same age. Sesshomaru is her self-appointed guardian and I honestly don't think he'd give her up to anyone BUT Kohaku. Though perhaps this opinion stems from my inability as a writer to write them convincingly together.

Take them OUT of the established Inuyasha universe however, and you have a completely different story on your hands. I could easily see Rin's childish sense of awe towards Sesshomaru (he can do no wrong) evolving into genuine love over time. The best RL example I can think of is Celine Dion (I'm sure you guys have heard of her). She met her future husband when she was 12 and insists that she was absolutely infatuated with him. She pursued him. They started a relationship and now they've been married for ages and have kids together. Some outsiders said it was sick, but they insist they are absolutely sickeningly in love so who are we to judge?

Alternatively, taking Rin out of the established Inuyasha universe and ageing her several years forward does absolute wonders for their relationship dynamic. In that sense they absolutely can work together. She intrigues him and his past is so damn dark he needs her ray of light. In that sense, I adore them together. I think in the right hands they could have a beautiful, tragic and thoroughly perplexing love story.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 8
CarmMeldoll wrote:
I think Rin would have hero worship with Sesshomaru, he filled the space of her family, as her guardian. In the eyes of a little girl, our first hero is our Dad. Since she meets him when she is around 5 -7 years of me he would be her father figure. He protects and provides for her...Easy Daddy material.

That is exactly my train of thought on the subject. I think the relationship that Rin and Sesshoumaru have is really important (even if it you don't view it as exactly father-daughter like), but that doesn't mean it has to turn into romance when she hits puberty.

Never could get into that pairing (even when I was still into cannon pairings - Inu/Kag, been a long time since I wrote that XP).

Honestly, Rin is sort of a wild card I think. I've seen her paired with everybody (Kouga, Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippou, Kohaku, Souta, ...don't think I've seen her paired w/ Hojo but that's about it).
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years ago Karma: 0
I really liked Sess treating Rin like his daughter. I think it is better that way or else it makes him look like a pedo. Lol. But that's just my opinion. It's really sweet of him to care for her like a father to a child. Having Rin shows us that Sesshoumaru has feelings.

After I read the fic Trouble_In_Shangrila linked, I think I see another new point on SessRin. Normally I don't read them but that one was exceptional. It was a well written fic and it leaves me really emotional. XD

Although from the ending we saw in the show, most likely Rin will be going with someone else. Sesshoumaru will just remain as a guardian/father figure to her. I liked it better that way.
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Lucy Morningstar
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 14 Years ago Karma: 8
It's true that Rin and Sess shares a father/daughter relationship... There's so many lemon fics about him with an older Rin which I dislike, because I just don't see it happening, man. I think it would be more interesting if she just stays her age! LOL
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chris rosa-wood
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
sounds like you
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: -666
chris rosa-wood wrote:
sounds like you

I hope you don't mean that in some sort of sarcastic way.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
I'm just seeing this, so I thought I'd put my two cents in

I have to admit, before I discovered IY fanfiction, I assumed Rin and Sesshomaru would eventually get together. I never put much thought into Sesshomaru at all actually, so I just figured that's what the manga was hinting.

Then I discovered SK fanfiction, and saw things in a different light.

In a way, sugar0o is right - Sesshomaru most likely wouldn't end up with anyone in the IY canon world, for the reasons she said. However, I do think that out of all the girls there, Kagome is best suited. Why? Because it can be considered possible that her spirit and fire would...attract a personality like Sesshomaru's. Normally I am a huge canon shipper, but I easily fell for the SK fandom because of two main reasons, and one of them was that the two do seem right, in a way.

If you take any other young adult fiction and put characters whose personalities are like Sesshomaru's and Kagome's, I for one would be predicting their romance by the end of it. It's the typical opposites attract/they'd be good for each other.

Both Rin and Kagura would display too much hero worship to keep Sesshomaru's interest- he's used to hero's worship, and tolerates it (coughJakencough), dare I say even enjoys it, depending on your interpretation, but he doesn't care for it.

And that moves me on the my next point - Rin.

I can definitely imagine a situation of Rin growing up and longing for her lord. It's very easy to imagine that. But in my mind, would Sesshomaru ever receive and accept that type of affection? No. She would become just like any other courtesan. I think Sesshomaru cares for Rin, for her innocence, compassion, cheerfulness, etc (though he'd never admit it), but I don't think that's romance.

To me, romance has always held banter, and Rin and Sesshomaru would never banter.

So, to sum it up - I do think Rin and Sesshomaru's relationship is very father/daughter, protector/ward.

Also, someone's comment caught my eye, and I really wanted to add my piece to it

Someone said Inuyasha never even really chose Kagome. I wholeheartedly agree, I did even before I discovered SK, and have always been a little miffed at Inuyasha for that (that's the other reason why I fell so easily for SK). Don't get me wrong - I still love our adorable hanyou, and I still love it when fics have Kag and Inu as best friends. But, even my personal dislike for Kikyo aside (I'm not bashing her- I do respect anyone who likes her, and I don't hate her either), Inuyasha's indecision always annoyed me.

Anyway that's just my two cents I love that I can express stuff like this on dokuga
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
Rin and Sesshomaru kind of put me in the mind of Gibbs and Abby from NCIS (which im a big fan of >.<) They have that kinda 'unspoken father/daughter relationship' going on. Though I will admit I did read Rin/Sesshomaru fics but those were AU mostly, only because it made more sense to me. But thats just my thoughts on it...I always thought that at most she would be with Shippo or even Kohaku, or even find a lord's son that resided on Sesshomaru's land.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
I personally have no issue with Rin/Sess, though I do not ship it. To me, Rin is far too....submissive, in a sense, when it comes to him. She's always singing him praises, and clearly adores him, but personality wise she seems far too tame to be with the DaiYoukai. Hence, why I adore S/K -- Kagome is all about the fire, about passion, and about life. I think they balance each other out really well. Rin may help keep him grounded, but Kagome keeps him passionate. (:
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Lily Noir
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 11
I don't know.... I just don't want him with Rin. Despite being the one to thaw his frigid heart, and her kindness, innocence and acceptance... despite all those things that make her outstanding in his eyes, she's just too plain for him. Just doesn't have the depth of character.

She doesn't strike me as the type willing to train and grow stronger, it's not in her personality. And while having no greed for power is a good thing, having absolutely no ambition or wish to be able to protect herself is a thing that will most likely drag him down.

Don't get me wrong, he will protect her, and do it gladly. He is powerful, extremely so, and as such the ones around him become targets, but he's not omnipotent. If she can't protect herself until he arrives (or will just stand there defenseless and wait for him), then she will worry him too much, and, as I said, drag him down.

I just can't see him with her (Too hooked on SessKag if you will ). Objectively, he would most likely end up with her (if he were to end up with anyone). No matter their father/daughter relationship, it just seems to go in that direction.

But, I think that's why Rumiko Takahashi left it at that. To leave it to our imaginations and preferences. You see, at first I couldn't imagine Sesshomaru being with anyone, period. He will most likely be a loner till the end of his days, and he seems content that way (not having any romantic love in his life). Remember, he's youkai, and I think those don't have a need to be loved(they are different from humans). They might have a wish for love (some), but not all. But most of us (humans... females to be specific ) can't stomach that, so we want that kind of happiness for him. That's why I think Rumiko-sensei left it to our imaginations.

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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
When I originally fell in love with fanfiction, I was a InuKag, SessRin, MirSang, fan. I never thought about the SessKag relationship too much because they were not the main characters. It wasn't until I was introduced to SessKag, which I was a bit skeptical about trying that I fell in love with the pairing of Sesshoumaru and Kagome. It could have been the author's wonderful job or the fact that with many of the stories I had read, I just didn't feel like Sesshoumaru and Rin truly connected as a pairing in my head. I think at this point, even going back and trying to read, I cannot make Rin grow up personality wise. There are some stories, where she ages so much that she almost seems to be a completely different person. But, in most the stories I've read, she may grow up, but she's still extremely childish personality-wise, so when I try to read and it says he "touches her lovingly" or kisses her, I cringe.
I think if the right person were to write it, it could be done.
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Last Edit: 2011/11/19 20:28 By Kaminoko.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
If someone looks at it this way: Rin is a child, Sesshomaru an older man/demon.
It would seem to some people he is robbing the cradle, but of course she will grow up but, it would give some viewers a uncomfortable feeling if their relationship became a romantic one. It just seems like it's more of a brother/sister relationship or a dad/daughter relationship.
Now anyone feel free to like what you like, this is my own opinion and I don't want anyone to feel like they have to defend their own opinion.
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This is probably always going to be random when the mood strikes.
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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 38
In all honesty, the fact that Sesshoumaru is centuries older doesn't bother me and the fact that he met Rin as a young child. When you put into perspective, there really is no difference between Kagome and Rin in that aspect. After all, Kagome is just fifteen years old whereas Sesshoumaru is what? Five hundred+ or so? Even Inuyasha has a century on Kagome. So technically, wouldn’t he be robbing the cradle as well? The Sesshoumaru/Rin pairing, I think is just overrated. I can see it, honestly I can, but I am selfish and greedy and I think everyone belongs to Kagome. Don’t ask why – but as a crossover writer mostly, I see Kagome with any male… always.

I do think the father/daughter relationship could very well be just something that we like to see. If we dig deeper, and I mean deep, and not just on the surface, we could definitely turn that relationship into something else. It is very common in folklore all over the world where demons/fae/etc. spirit away children and keep them as their own to devour/love/keep/enslave. If we went in that direction then we could very well say that Sesshoumaru did just that. Saved her because he was curious or obligated to help her considering she helped him. His obligation turned into something else befitting a demon. The fact of the matter is – we could watch anime and read manga all we want but we will never really know what the world of “demons” is because Rumiko never really went into detail so the rest is left up to our imagination. It could be natural for him to want her romantically in the future.

However, I dislike Sesshoumaru with pretty much anyone. I like him to be single and asexual forever or with Kagome. That is just me. It’s not that Rin is a child or that there is a father/daughter relationship [I have never seen anything that indicates the father/daughter thing, really. Everything could also be interpreted at romantically] I just don’t like the Rin/Sesshoumaru pairing. It’s irrational and just a matter of preference.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 3
I kinda view it as a step father/step daughter relationship in which I kinda wince at the thought of either lusting after the other. It just strikes me in a kinda...I don't mean this to be offensive, its just my personal view and I can't describe my feeling on it any other way: creepy.

It would be, for me, as if someone who raised me suddenly came onto me as I matured. It would be confusing, terrifying, and I would feel...trapped. Especially in Rin's case, where he is pretty much THE person she really trusts and relies on.

On the other hand, if Rin developed a crush on him I feel it would mostly be founded on hero worship, and he would not truly form a relationship based on that.

Again, that's only my personal opinion, I'm so much with r0o and the random Kagome pairings >>
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
well i think They have like a father daughter relationship
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Bird That Flies At Dawn
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years ago Karma: 12
Well, I was originally a Sess/Rin and Inu/Kag fan, and I really enjoyed the pairings. I never really saw it as father/daughter relationship, I only saw it in a caretaker kind of way. In most of the fics I read, Rin and Sesshomaru were separated before they actually fell in love, so she was older. In some she was even a miko. InuYasha and Kagome seemed like a good fit to me, and I still read fics where they end up together, but the Sess/Kag pairing comes off as more challenging and mysterious. I even enjoy reading fics where Kikyo and InuYasha get together. Pairings don't matter to me so much. As long as the story is good, then it's okay.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 19
I can see a relationship of some sort there. Especially after he goes into hell for her (Not worth the cost of Rin's life) and you can tell that he is shaken by her death. As she aged and matured, I could see him possibly being with her. After all he did offer her the chance to return to him after living with the humans. There is also the fact that lords in those times did take child wives (they never touched them until they were of age, howver) so it is plausible.

But for me, Rin is just his ward. Albeit a well cared for ward, but a ward just the same. He is honor and duty bound to protect her and provide for her. Plus in the series, he is all about power and supreme conquest. Rin cannot aid him in that aspect. I think he is more amused by her than anything else and she feeds his ego. She does not fear him, she obeys implicitly, and she adores him. I seriously doubt that she would return to him after her stay in Edo. She would make friends and more than likely find love w/ Kohaku or another village boy as she got older.

*shrugs* To each his own, but it's just not for me.
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Eppu Nuotio
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying especially Sugar0o… I don’t have the same issue with age as most of the response’s do. Mostly, because there’s a 19 year age gap between my grandparent and somewhat smaller age gap between my parents. And I was raised with the mentality that age doesn’t matter if you love someone (obviously both parties need to be legal before MA things). Therefore, I like SessXRin if it’s really well written and Rin is older.

Even though I’m okay with sessrin, I still like sesskag better. For those of you who can’t imagine a relationship between Sesshoumaru and Rin because Sesshoumaru is pretty much raising Rin. I would recommend reading the manga Hana to Akuma by Oto Hisamu. The manga’s about a demon who finds a baby, human, girl and decides to keep her.

Those are just my opinions... btw my favorite Kagome pairings, in order, are HieixKagome, SesshoumaruxKagome, and InuyashaxKagome....
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 17
Okay after reading this I had to say something.

I really do see where every comes from and I guess it just depens on your upbringing whether or not you find this wrong. I have never once cared about how big an age gap someone has between them and the on they love, hey my parents had an eight year gap between them and then my moms boyfriend after she divorced my dad was a 10 year gap(the male being the oldest). And in my opinion it doesn't matter if she knew him as a child.

Adressing the whole does he want someone submissive or aggresive; from what I know of this time period, males tended be more dominent and females more submissive. Sesshomaru growing up farther in the past makes me thing he would want someone who would submit to him instead of challenge him.

Anyways I had to through this out there since my favorite pairing is actually
Sesshomaru x Rin with Sesshomaru x Kagome a close second.
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