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Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome?
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TOPIC: Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome?
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 7
Well, personally, I'd have to say the opposites attract thing for me as well. Also, if I wanted to see the Inu/Kag pairing, I would just read the manga. I actually used to read Inu/Kag fanfics, but they honestly didn't seem all that original to me. After all, they already have the basis for a relationship that is created in the manga.

However, when I started reading the Sess/Kag pairing, it totally rocked my world. All of a sudden the stories were all so imaginative (not to say that the Inu/Kag stories were bad, some were actually very good). The concept of having to come up with unique ways to build up this relationship from scratch within an author's writing intrigues me. It's not an option that's simply handed to you by the manga, it's one that you have to use writing skill and imagination to create.

Also, they just look so perfect together, dontcha think? lol
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I kinda started with it because it's kind of an opposites attract
but it also a thing of the fact that I think that she deserves better than what Inuyasha offers
I kinda felt that despite whatever inuyasha does say he feels, there will always be that sense of Kikyo when he sees Kagome
I would know. i had a boyfriend die and when I got a BF that slightly looked slightly like him. It was hell to put it in short terms.
I broke it off right away because I knew that i would never be able to be with the new BF and not see the other.
You just can't offer your whole heart with things like that.
No matter what anyone says, I still feel that it's almost impossible to forget or to separate things like that
And her having the first letter of her name being the same wouldn't help mentally either.
But thats just me
They also look good together too.
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
Ok, when I first started to watch/read Inuyasha my instant favorite character was Sesshomaru because I just adore anti-heros. So he became why I followed the series and it cemented when Rin came into the picture. Not to say I don't love the other characters but they were definitely my main reason.

So I started reading AU Sess/Rin pairings and found a lot of really well written pieces, I suddenly switched to Sess/Kag though once I saw the episode where Jaken gets sick and Rin tries to save him. Remember when Jinenji stated how Rin was like Kagome? After that I was sort of like 'Oh my god, he's right!'and I started to come up with other reasons on why it would work such as her being a human priestess with black hair and, depending, with blue gray eyes while he was a yokai with white/silver hair with amber eyes. It became a perfect yin yang couple to me. After that I was hooked on all Sess/Kag pairings, I can't even read Sess/Rin pairings anymore. Given the right circumstances I can see it happening.
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
Personally, I also believe in the whole opposites attract scenario. They're two people you'd never imagine could end up together, and that what makes it all the more enjoyable to read the hundreds of different ways writers can come up with to mesh the two together. Where Sesshoumaru is cold and distant, Kagome is warm and friendly. Sesshoumaru doesn't care about anyone, and Kagome makes friends with everyone she meets. Sess hardly ever says anything and Kagome can't seem to stop talking. Sess doesn't ever show feeling and Kagome wears her heart on her sleeve. The reasons can go on and on and on...They just tend to fit well together. Balance is the key ;3
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
*puts on honesty cap*

My preferred pairing is Inuyasha & Kagome. Way back in 2006 when I first started in the IY fandom I chose a Sess/Kag pairing for my first fic on a whim. What it boiled down to was I figured nothing would piss Inuyasha off more than thinking his brother had stolen his woman. Charming, I know.

*takes off honesty cap*

My views have developed a little more depth over time. After reading the manga again, I thought there was a lot of potential between Kagome and Sesshomaru. He protects her, numerous times, and takes interest in her well being. He respect her, or at the very least respects her power. He also listens to her, even when he's pretending to be indifferent, and seems have some regard for her opinion. Everything he does is subtle so it was easy for me to miss my first read through.

Apart from their earliest meetings, they ended up having a functional (if tense) working relationship. With Inuyasha out of the picture, I don't think it would be entirely implausible that they would end up spending more time together. Who knows what could develop between them then
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 2
To be completely honest I never liked the Inuyasha/Kagome pairing.
He was too fickle and she was too sweet to have to put up with it
and she never seemed "In love" to me. more of a close friend.
The close-friend type bond between them seemed to innocent to force into a "Love relationship" and just never felt right to me(No offense to Inu/Kag lovers)
I have read a few Inu/Kag that I do in fact love and follow as often as the Writer updates. It's just not my cup of tea you might say.

I started reading the Sesshomaru/Inuyasha pairing to be completely honest.
(I do not not mean to offend anyone, I'm just telling the truth)
I loved those kinds stories/fics. Being as I like other guys and all it fit me better.
The stories tend to make me feel like they can feel like I do toward My boyfriend.
(Minus the Brotherly-Love, I'm not related to my BF, tho he paid to have my last name change to his as a form of a promise to each other ^_^ I <3 my BF!)

A few times I tried to read some Inuyasha/Kagome pairing for a change,
I will read anything and everything at least once, but back then I only preferred to read Yaoi.

I mostly just like to read anything now.

At some point a few years ago I read a few Sesshomaru/Kagome pairings and I loved it.

Sesshomaru/Kagome was the first "Straight" pairing I gave a good chance.
It was this pairing that got me to read more then what I did, and now I read all kinds of pairings. Since then Sesshomaru/Kagome is my all time top favorite for the Inuyasha fanfictions.

I don't have any cannon proof for you but to me Kagome's personality just screams to be protected, even though she is plenty strong and can stand on her own with a will and power to rival that of Sesshomaru's. She also would rather help people than ask for someone to help her and would rather prove herself than be weak or whiny.
I think her potential for being so powerful while still being balanced with her caring and forgiving heart makes her perfect for Sesshomaru, then you can add the fact that she is "Educated" Inuyasha might not be able to see the strength behind that side of her and truly respect it like Sesshomaru can. Being as she is all this plus very unique makes her even better for him, after all why would the great Lord of the West settle for anything ordinary or un-educated or powerless or clingy and whiny.. like I'm sure most Demoness's would act toward him. She doesn't act superior even when she is and she always tries her best, I'm sure Sesshomaru would respect and desire her more than any other preppy pampered woman of his time.

As for Sesshomaru, he can be a great strength for her, giving her the intelligent conversation's she needs for being from her time, giving her a challenge and a chance to prove herself making her even stronger. He wouldn't waste her power and strength by hiding her in the side lines yet he would be great enough to be by her side if she needed him. He would never jerk her around or beat around the bush, he would be honest and give her what she deserves and for all that she gives to others she could use someone that is observant enough and smart enough to give her what she wants and needs.
He can also teach her farther, give her a position that she can use to help the people of his lands, and knowing her she would do everything she can.

All in all i think it is a great pairing. I am open to others, and it is thanks to the
Sesshomaru/Kagome for that, `cause without taking that chance and really loving it
I might not be to inclined to try so many new stories and fan-fictions today.

I'll stop rambling now. I hope you can understand my babble lol!

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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I never felt the KagxInu pairing to be believable, IY is just to immature and he seems to never know what he wants (and if Kik wasn't dead he would prolly be a no good 2timer) beeing jealous and at the same time refusing to commit. He just does not deserve Kags and as she matures she would se that, theres no way it would last unless he does some serious growing up, and fast (and i can't see him pulling that of).

KagxSess felt right long before i even read my first fanfic.

Him being mature and responsible, strictly bound by honor he would never go back on he's word or betray those he has choosen to let into hes life. (Not to mention i have always loved the "anti-hero" type character over the classic "goodguy")

Her courage, honor, fierce loyalty and mothering instincts earning hes respect and her personality slowly chipping away on the walls he puts up against the world.
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Lily Noir
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 11
To tell the truth, I was googling Sesshomaru when I stumbled on a site that said Sesshomaru and Kagome fanfiction. And, as I had no idea what fanfiction was, I decided to check it out.

When I started reading stories about Sesshomaru and Kagome, I was like wtf?! Sessh and Kagome... never gonna work. But then, I saw the genious in it.

You see, like any good fangirl, I want Sesshy to myself. And, since there is absolutely no way for Kag and Sessh to get together in 'RL Inuyasha' (I know it sounds weird... bear with me.... I can be rather insane ), putting them together in fanfiction can't hurt. They'd look good together.

Besides.... Inuyasha got on my nerves with his hopping from one gril to the other and then acting all puppy-like and innocent.... I want her with Sessh just to spite him. He doesn't deserve Kag, no matter what Rumiko-sama drew.

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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 38
Honestly? I'm a die hard Kagome x Inuyasha fan. I don't care what anyone says. They are so totally meant to be it is NOT even funny. It will always be my number one pairing. I can't remember how I stumbled upon a Sesshoumaru x Kagome pairing but it was probably the Red Hunger by xanthos. As a cross-over writer, I didn't find it odd to see the two together.

After all, if I can pair Kagome with Youko Kurama then I could definitely pair her with Sesshoumaru. I don't think Sesshoumaru and Kagome are meant to be per-say. The reason I write them is because it is highly unlikely that they would ever see each other in that light and it is a challenge to get them together and keep them in character, especially in canon.
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 4
I choose to read - and ship - Sess x Kagome because I enjoy the pairing. Yes, Inuyasha x Kagome is the canon, but it was so... expected. It was plain as day that the two were going to end up together in the end, and to me, that was just boring. There was no creativity in the canon pairing - nothing that made me want to keep them together. Inuyasha just upset me with his indecisiveness. Kagome upset me with her inability to realize that he wasn't ready to commit to anything.

A close friend of mine was a Sesshoumaru x Kagome fan and I never understood why she liked the pairing. This was back when I shipped IYxKagome like crazy. Then I read a Sess x Kagome story (I forget which one it was), but I was hooked. I was like, "SK WHERE HAVE U BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!" This pairing became so much more endearing to me because of the character differences and what they would go through (depending on the fanfiction).

But yeah, I find SessKagome a little more fulfilling (as far as reading goes) than InuKagome. Just my opinion.
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Lady Silq Ice
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I have to admit, I have a bad habit of picking alternate pairings in almost everything. For example... I don't know how many of you play games, but Bioware's Mass Effect series, I was a huge fan of female Commander Shepard and Jeff "Joker" Moreau and have been from the very first game... here's hoping in number three.

In the case of Sess/Kag, they're just such an interesting couple, the dynamics there are endless. I have always viewed InuYasha as (forgive me, I do not mean to offend any fans of his) flat and uninteresting. Though he is undeniably cute and he shows growth in the series he really seems to lack deep, compelling character qualities. Sesshomaru, though he is so quiet, changes so much. And Kagome is much the same, she evolves a great amount throughout the story.

Then there is the "opposites attract" aspect and the challenge of bringing them together that others above have mentioned. A story where it is too easy for the characters to have their "happy ending" if they have it at all, is in my mind difficult to immerse myself into.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 29
Kagome Yuki Niwa, I have to agree with you. I think K/I are very much meant for eachother (as portrayed by RT.) However, I like alternative pairings mostly, and I think there is an unexplored aspect to Kagome and Sesshomaru's personality in the manga and anime which RT and producers either didn't have the time or inclination to delve further in to. Fanfiction writers (especially here on dokuga) are FEARLESS when it comes to opening the possibilities and exploring many different aspects of their personalities. When that happens you can start to see how K/S is actually a feasable pairing, which most authors take great care in setting up situational happenstance to help them along.
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Wild Thicket
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 4
I just seem to fall for the emotionally challenged guys in any fandom x3 Draco, Tom Riddle Jr, Mr. Darcy, Sesshomaru, Gaara, Ulquiorra, etc... I just like putting the main girl with the guy people are supposed to hate. *shrug* ;D

I can't remember what my first SK fanfic was. {I know, I should be shunned >_>} I think it was by Forthright, though. /thumbs up
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 52
One of the more likely reasons that I would see Sesshomaru and Kagome together in a canon setting would be post-series Sesshomaru protecting a pregnant Kagome after Inuyasha dies defending her, and their relationship developing from there. I'm a mixed bag of opposites attract/alternative stuff, but as far as opposites attract goes, I could still see a Kaede/Jaken pairing work out.
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