Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
Too bad about David. But I like the new guy voice. Look at all the shows he done, his voice isnt the same in every show he did. I think he will do great!! David just missing out.
~~~I claim Inu No Taisho\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\'s eyes~~~
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
JessiCeleste89 wrote:
Too bad about David. But I like the new guy voice. Look at all the shows he done, his voice isnt the same in every show he did. I think he will do great!! David just missing out.
what an amazing breath of optamism! (to go along with that million watt smile you've got goin' on, girl!) yay... I needed that! heheh 
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 5
are the new voice actors for the next new season of Inuyasha?
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
...bwut...but i loved megatron as sesshomaru ;-------;
Last Edit: 2010/09/11 00:41 By Steph.
Sesshomaru loves Kagome...
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
Katrina wrote:
are the new voice actors for the next new season of Inuyasha?
Its my understanding that only David Kaye (Sesshomaru) will be replaced, for the Final Act.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
MoxyMikki wrote:
JessiCeleste89 wrote:
Too bad about David. But I like the new guy voice. Look at all the shows he done, his voice isnt the same in every show he did. I think he will do great!! David just missing out.
what an amazing breath of optamism! (to go along with that million watt smile you've got goin' on, girl!) yay... I needed that! heheh
Glad my comment could be of help 
~~~I claim Inu No Taisho\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\'s eyes~~~
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
MoxyMikki wrote:
Katrina wrote:
are the new voice actors for the next new season of Inuyasha?
Its my understanding that only David Kaye (Sesshomaru) will be replaced, for the Final Act.
From what I heard, Kagome's voice actor was replaced also. Her name is Kira Tozer. I don't think she's ever done anime before. I don't mind that replacement tbh.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
FayeMegan wrote:
MoxyMikki wrote:
Katrina wrote:
are the new voice actors for the next new season of Inuyasha?
Its my understanding that only David Kaye (Sesshomaru) will be replaced, for the Final Act.
From what I heard, Kagome's voice actor was replaced also. Her name is Kira Tozer. I don't think she's ever done anime before. I don't mind that replacement tbh.
wha?! what did the voice actors run off together in protest over Inuyasha getting the girl or something?! sheesh. *pouting now. sulking AND pouting*
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
Hey well, InuYasha is still being voiced by Richard Cox and that's the one that counts right? lol.
I have high hopes for the new series and am highly anticipating it's English debut. =D
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
FayeMegan wrote:
Hey well, InuYasha is still being voiced by Richard Cox and that's the one that counts right? lol.
I have high hopes for the new series and am highly anticipating it's English debut. =D
Can't really change the main character's voice.
It would be like how they changed Ash's voice in the newer Pokemon series. It just sounds... wrong.
Status: Working on oneshots and fics
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
I can't believe David Kaye is not doing Sessho's voice. DX It's just not going to be the same now. And Kagome's got a new voice too?! WTF?!?! I usually can't watch when shows or movies change the voices I am used to. I will try for IY but I am in mourning for the original voices!
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 10
As long as the new guy doesn't voice sesshoamru like the english version of xellos (slayers) I think I'll manage. Though from a lot of those examples it seems like much of the time he tends to play the psycho/overhappy higher pitched sorts so I can see why people are being a little hesitate. Too bad they didn't find someone that already often did deeper voices for other things but maybe he'll do fine.
I prefer watching it in japanese anyway. Sesshomaru's japanese voice actor gives me goosebumps, rawr. 
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm a big fan of giving VA's a chance. I am super sad that David Kaye won't be back. I did love his performance as Sesshoumaru, he was a good counterpart to the fantastic Ken Narita.
If it really is atrocious I can always go back to listening to the sexy tones of Mr Narita
So I'm willing to give the new guy a chance, I liked the voice he did for Gundam 00, which is very different from the Ace Ventura voice. If he can change his voice that much, then hopefully he'll come up with a really good Sesshoumaru.
Although after hearing Narita's Ghost Hunt counterpart in Ghost Hunt J.Michael.Tatum. I wouldn't have minded him as Sesshoumaru. I only wish I could have enjoyed the other VA's for that show.
I still re-watch Ghost Hunt with the original track, I can't stand Todd Haberkorn as Naru. His voice just didn't fit the character to me
Besides I guess Tatum is busy, I was super excited to find out he'll be voicing Sebastian for Funi's release of Kuroshitsuji.
I am happy they got Richard Cox back, it absolutely wouldn't have been right without him. Though I always told hubby he could audtion. He does a pretty accurate imitation of Cox as InuYasha when I'm having a bad brain day.
He would tap me on the head, put on InuYasha's voice and ask "Is your brain broken or something?"
Yes we are just that weird 
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 15
I have to wait and see for the new guy...at least give him a shot before I pass judgement on him lol. Sometimes I wish anime producers and what not would stick with the original va's or something...not changing them up all the time lol.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
I wish that all the time Miss Anna. VA changes hurt my brain sometimes. Especially when the tone of the new voice is drastically different from the original.
Last Edit: 2010/10/03 18:27 By creature of shadow.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 15
Creature of Shadow wrote:
I wish that all the time Miss Anna. VA changes hurt my brain sometimes. Especially when the tone of the new voice is drastically different from the original.
Agreed it's like you get used to something and then they switch it, and sometimes the switch doesn't go over to well with the fanbase. I remember watching earlier eps of Sailor Moon and really loved the VA for Serena, but in later eps they changed VA's and her character had a very deep tone instead of the soft happy one.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 3
I will reserve judgment until I hear the finished product. I have to admit I was not impressed with the examples of his animated work. And his actual anime credits are limited to minor characters and one shots. However, I am now prepared to give him a chance. For those who have only listened to him voice characters on the campy American cartoons, go to his website
Click on the demo tab. You will need quicktime to listen to them. Check out his other work. Especially the Discovery Channel examples. Here his voice is a little deeper, although still not as deep as David Kaye's. You will also hear the more sophisticated diction needed to portray Sesshoumaru.
While I am definitely on the side of those wishing David Kaye would reprise his role, he refused to do so. It was his decision, so we will have to endure. As for Monica Stori, I read somewhere, can't remember where now, that she intended to return. But that she had a scheduling conflict with a prior commitment and they would not wait for her to become available. Anime News Network has also added Scott McNeil and Willow Johnson to the cast list, so it looks like all of the main VA's are confirmed to be back except for Kagome and Sesshoumaru.
It'll be different, but if you find you just can't accept Sesshoumaru's new voice, you can always watch the subbed version again. Ken Narita has a great voice, especially his singing voice. If you haven't heard that yet, do a search on Youtube. It is well worth your time.
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Posts: 237
Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 10
Well, some of the other examples do help but I still think unless they augment his voice he won't be able to get the baritone of sesshy right. I'll hope it goes great but I'm a bit hesitant on it right now. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Speaking of the dub, does anyone know if there is a release date yet?
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 4
According to Anime News Network.com, Viz Media has english license, and Micheal Daingerfield is the voice of sesshoumaru.
I for one will wait to hear what he sounds like in the show before I choose to watch more. I have already watch the subtited version on Hulu, so I won't be missing much.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
Sesshomaru in Japan=
Sesshomaru in English(1st)=
Sesshomaru in English(2nd)=
yanno.... if the voice is anything going by looks.... I don't think i'll mind!
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 24
LOL r0o, I agree ^_^
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Posts: 237
Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 10
LOL could you have gotten a goofier pic for sesshy's japanese voice actor?
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 216
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 6
if that is true i am sorely dissapointed. i'll still watch cuz i love him and the show but, honestly they couldnt find some one with a more sinister sexy voice?
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Re:Sesshoumaru's new English voice actor is... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 8
I say give it a chance. David Kaye has his Sesshoumaru voice, he has his Megatron voice and he has his Optimus Prime voice(which is just a warmer Sesshoumaru voice, but I digress...)
Scott McNeil(Kouga) can change his voice too. (F***ing hilarious when he does, too. GO TO HIS PANELS at a con and you will die laughing).
Who is to say the new guy won't do just as nice a job? He might bring out another side of Sess we wouldn't otherwise get to see. Though I'll admit I will miss David Kaye's take on Sess going into Hell after Rin.
ETA: I'd probably miss Richard Ian Cox more if he stopped playing Inuyasha. He's got one of those voices you just can. not. replace.
Last Edit: 2011/01/01 19:00 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
Reason: forgot stuff
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