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Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
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TOPIC: Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru?
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Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
So, I was reading the why Rin and Sesshoumaru thread, and I was just wondering why Kagome and Sesshoumaru, why not Rin and Sesshoumaru. In a lot of ways it'd be more 'logical' (not that I mind either way...) but why not Rin and Sesshoumaru? This is purely out of curiosity especially since this is a purely Sesshoumaru/Kagome site, so I don't think I'd get any flames because kag/sess is my life
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Synyster Star
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
I purely believe Sesshomaru and Rin have father daughter relationship... i cannot see them together at all xD but that's just me.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
Uh yeah, this topic is a hyper-sensitive one for many members. Some look at Sesshoumaru and Rin's relationship as that of a father and his daughter. If they were to get into a romantic relationship, it comes off as incestuous, which people have problems with.

That being said, I hope that everyone plays nice or else this thread will be deleted, and I will be talking to anyone who gets antagonistic.
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Miss Anna
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
Good question...

I could see Sesshoumaru and Rin together if you follow just a story line because in the anime it just seems to father/daughter between them. Though I could also see them together if they had continued the anime line until Rin was an adult...

I have read a few Rin/Sesshoumaru stories that I really like so that pairing is not that far fetched. ^-^ Anything involving Sesshoumaru is good in my book hehe
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 23
nn yeah. The Sesshoumaru/Rin pairing is one that I have never been fond of, mainly because I view their relationship as 'father and daughter' and it just doesn't feel right to me.

Sesshoumaru/Rin and Kagome/Shippo are just two pairings I have never given much thought to. I have tried reading a Sesshoumaru/Rin one once, but just couldn't get into it because my mind couldn't get out of the 'Sesshoumaru raised Rin since she was a little girl' even when one of the stories was AU and all of the characters were in high school it just made me feel uncomfortable.

With that being said though, I don't look down or think badly(or anything of the sort) at the people who do like the pairing, as I myself do like some bizarre pairings(mainly crossover ones *laughs*). So to each their own. That's what makes fan fiction so wonderful is that people can like a pairing they like(even if it's not canon) and can write or indulge themselves in that pairing C:
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Last Edit: 2010/12/31 17:44 By PRVN.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 216
for me, its not the father daughter/relationship. It's more or less b/c in my mind i cannot age Rin up to be with Sesshomaru in an intimate manner. I often have issues aging her up for anyone to be with, even the ever popular pairing of Rin/Shippo. Some how for IY characters i can age up in my mind for writing almost everyone but Shippo, Rin, Souta,and kohaku. Mostly i think this is b/c i wouldn't be interested in reading anything 'intimate' for any of them.

My mind just screams ew, PEDO!.

I once read this fic on MM, the summary was a bit misleading, i thought it was a SK and didn't really get a clear picture into the pairings until about chapter 8.

It was a Rin/Sesshomaru, Rin/Inuyasha, and Inuyasha/Kagome

sadly i read all of it, while i thought it was a good fic, i had to force myself to finish, and i wouldn't ever read it again because even now my mind is going EW PEDO at the thought of SessRin... @_@

the moral of this, is that if it doesn't say SK in the summary on MM then by all means don't assume it is one b/c the summary seems to imply it...

then again, i cant deal with overly tweenish love either. I write for IY/Naruto Xovers, and i read for them too... seriously i cant tell you how freaked out i get reading something about 12 year old Sasuke wanting to rebuild his clan with 12 year old Kagome b/c she looks like an Uchiha. @_@

In my mind, kids, are kids... they shouldn't be thinking about bring sexy back, or anything other then torturing siblings, Inuyasha, Jaken, or getting into prank like shenanigans, maybe being ninja with pervy sensei's reading ichiichi books but thats about it...

I'm not fond of kid-look-a-like's either... Rukia and Hitsugiya from bleach register as kids in my mind too, even Hiei, on a visual. which sadly marks them as un-pairable in my mind for lovishness. r0o's a very visual person, and b/c they look like kids, they kinda are stuck as kids in my mind.
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Last Edit: 2010/12/31 17:53 By sugar0o.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
I can't tell you how many fics I've read over the years, hundreds maybe and in all those fics I may have read a hand full that had Sesshomaru cheating on Kagome (or whoever he's with atm) with Rin or with Sess and Rin in a bf/gf relationship while Kags was occupied with someone else. I've always kinda favored the Rin and Kohaku pairing myself because when I read Sess/Rin pairings, it just didn't click with me.
Lady B's right, something about those two together just didn't seem right, it felt wrong. I don't think it matters that Rin is human and somewhat adopted...I just can't imagine their father/daughter relationship warping into a lover/mate relationship.

Plain and simple, it just feels so wrong when I read Sess/Rin pairings.
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Synyster Star
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
i agree with Morgan. its just Sess/Rin just doesnt feel right to me (especially with my view as their fahter/daughter relationship) and i'm more of a Rin/Kohaku shipper
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I can't grasp Sess/Rin no matter how hard i try, besides the fact that I view him as a father figure to Rin, I can't see him raising her and then mating her. But, just because it's not something I can read doesn't mean someone else can't enjoy it. One of the problems i do have with this pairing however is on many of the sites I have seen this on, Rin isn't an adult, and this I find sick and disturbing. If it's an adult Rin and Sess, that would be alright, I wouldn't read it, still a lil creepy for me, but that's better than the other type that seems to be written with that pairing.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
mine is the same as most here. he's like her heroic pappa and the thought of them doing it to me is icky. but then again i get jealous for kagome too. but hey i mean whatever floats your boat, right?
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 39
SessRin never really appealed to me, personally. Not to insult anyone that favors this pairing, but I'm with r0o on this one in that when I first heard it I kind of went ". . . . Ewww." I couldn't really see it, mostly because she is introduced to us as a child and we never see her mature much, physically, beyond this very young stage and Sesshomaru- really without intending to or even seeming to realize it- is raising her. Whether this creates a father-daughter dynamic is a matter of opinion as one can be a caregiver without ever really being seen as a parent figure.

Regardless, it feels wildly inappropriate to me because I can't get the notion of child-Rin out of my head and Sesshomaru is possibly the most mature of the 'younger' characters in the series. His maturity vs. her actual, human age reinforces this sense- in my mind- of such an interpretation of their relationship as being inappropriate.

I always kind of have it in my mind that in the years down the line, Rin would end up with Kohaku. Hmm, I never really saw her with Shippo, either, but I think that's just 'cause Shippo's so very teeny XD.
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Rurouni Jasmine
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
Sesshoumaru/Rin...She's too much like a daughter to him.
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Last Edit: 2010/12/31 23:25 By Rurouni Jasmine. Reason: ...
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
I'd appreciate it if people stopped talking about how wrong it is. Whether they speak up or not, there are members here who like this pairing. I know that none of us appreciate it when people say Sess/Kagome is wrong, so let's be a little bit more objective for their sakes.

Otherwise, I appreciate how civil this thread is thus far. Keep up the awesome job everyone.
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Anemone Dust
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
Okay, okay everyone. To tell the truth, i was Rin/Sessh before i was Kag/Sessh. I viewed the pairing as "Hey, he's raising her to be what he wants in a woman, like in 'the tale of Genji' Cool and all, since Sesshoumaru could easily wait 10 years for her to mature. Besides, inuyaha's how much older than Kagome?

New perception. Let's not look at age but the relationships. Rin is pretty loyal to him, and as far as i can see, she's the only female in the anime good enough for him. (With Kagome aside, of course Sango, Screw Kagura, don't even get me started in the claypot...). In time, she'll mature into a beautiful woman good for the picking , and rather than having her end up with some rough husband who won't value her, I'd pick Sesshoumaru.

As for Rin...
I could see her with Shippo, since, after they mature, their personalities make a good fit. Kohaku...too much is going on with him...
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
Hey guys, I'm really glad all of you replied (and kept it so civil ) So here's the follow up question, I've read a lot of grooming a child to be the perfect bride, did this type of occurrences happen often in the feudal era?

And I suppose I should share my own thoughts on this subject since you guys have, I was a Rin/Sesshoumaru shipper when I first discovered how intriguing Sesshoumaru's character was. But slowly, I started shifting towards Kagome/Sesshoumaru because I see that Rin and Kagome share a lot of similarities in personality, besides this ONE aspect. Kagome will defy Sesshoumaru. I'd be the first one to cheer for some Kagome asswup of Sess, since sometimes he thinks he's TOO great. Rin, in my mind, will never defy Sesshoumaru, he'll always be this heroic figure in her life, saving her, her Sesshoumaru-sama. But Kagome on the other hand, will literally take him down a notch. I also sometimes feel like the entire Kikyo/Inuyasha thing is kind of disrespectful to Kagome, I mean he never actually made a choice, when Kikyo died, it was like ok, default, reincarnation, Kagome. And truthfully sometimes it pissed me off that she kinda just took him, I felt she could've done better. Alas, Sess/Kag was born in my mind, and now I've kinda inured myself to anything else. But obviously, this is only my interpretation... And I respect other people's ships

So, I'm glad we can have a nice healthy convo about this
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
Anemone Dust wrote:
New perception. Let's not look at age but the relationships. Rin is pretty loyal to him, and as far as i can see, she's the only female in the anime good enough for him. (With Kagome aside, of course Sango, Screw Kagura, don't even get me started in the claypot...). In time, she'll mature into a beautiful woman good for the picking , and rather than having her end up with some rough husband who won't value her, I'd pick Sesshoumaru.

No calling Kikyo a claypot. There are people who like Kikyo around here.

Carry on
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 216
Anna wrote:
Hey guys, I'm really glad all of you replied (and kept it so civil ) So here's the follow up question, I've read a lot of grooming a child to be the perfect bride, did this type of occurrences happen often in the feudal era?

In a way it was but not always with a specific bride groom in mind. Unlike now, we really jsut want our children to do well, the best they can, we dont make up life changing desicions about them like who they will marry. Back in that time, matchmakers were around, as well as betrothals. Young people were groomed to do not just the best, but, to be what they were so that they could take over rolls when they got older.

As to the Sess/ Rin and Sess/Kagome, and Sess/Anyfemale, lets just be honest, aside from who we all personally like aside, there's not a likelihood that Sesshomaru would actually end up with anyone in the Inuyasha series that we ever saw, canon or not. The reason behind this, i think boils down to something i said in another thread. Sesshomaru doesn't seem to hate human's for the fact that they are human, but more because they are unworthy and weak. He's more has more of a hatred for all things weak then just humans. He see's them as below him.

Raising Rin as a daughter or as a future bride i think it would all boil down to the fact that she would in the eyes of those that are in his real circle be just another Izayoi, he would be walking his father's footsteps, again canon or not, he would have to deal with people that didnt like that, and the fact that if they did have offspring they would be weakened by human blood, making it so that they too like inuyasha could go insane b/v they couldnt handel his blood taking over their mother's. as for demon females, really... he'd probably end up with non-canon ayame, b/c she's a princess or Abi, b/c she's a princess. POlitically, they would be the best matches for a lord. But if he could get over the who "naraku created me" thing, it would probably be Kagura, b/c at least RT alluded to the fact that sesshomaru felt SOMETHING for her, even if we have no real idea what that was.

Kagome, Sango, Kikyo (alive or clay version), and yus, even Rin are all mortal, and would still hold that same weakness. Honestly he'd probably never even look at our beloved Kagome either because she's NOT like women of his time, she's NOT the way a woman SHOULD be of that time frame. Sure her temper, mouth, and even intelligence might be a draw at first, but after time, Kagome would probably embarrass him by her ways, actions, or behaviors, and eventually anger him to the point that he would kill her. Inuyasha as a manga and an anime was pretty fluffy compared to the fact that it was "the warring states era", Men beat mouthy females! They didn't even value them as anything more then pretty things, and breeders in many cases. I cant see a know it all female-in a more real like situation- being valued more then that.

Now i'm not saying this to cause issues, but its true. Females in the eyes of males didn't even start to really change until the 1900's and even today it's still not changed in some cultures. If Sesshomaru DID pick a human female it would sadly(as a die hard SK fan) probably be Rin, mostly b/c he could mold her best to fit him best, next would probably be Sango b/c she's strong, remember Sess is a demon, an animal that wants to pass the best gene's on to the next generation. Finally power-wise, he'd finally then probably pick Kagome, i don't think kikyo would ever have been in the running, as alive she would have tried to kill him, and dead... well there's no way to procreate, so she would hold no interest to him.

those are all logical answers to all of it.

but again, i don't think he'd pick human no matter what, if for no other reason then in less then 60 years she'd probably be dead. Now that i said that :3 I'm done i think with this one. neat idea. but in the end for me, Rin's always gunna be a kid when it comes to Sess. :3 in my mind Sess belongs with Kagome... (end of story)

kagome on the other hand... well

*is Kagome's fiction pimp*

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Last Edit: 2011/01/01 00:34 By sugar0o.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 23
sugar0o wrote:
kagome on the other hand... well *is Kagome's fiction pimp* **lovesranomdkagomepairings**

(laughs) me too~ my main type of writing is crossover stories and pairing Kagome with random crossover people(that fit with her of course), I honestly think she is the best person to write into a crossover/with other anime people, because even if one switches her to another world or what have you, she is the easiest character to keep in character(I really don't know how someone could possibly make her OOC)

I also agree with everything else you said, I just didn't want to quote all of it(laughs)
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 19
I think the main reason I do not like the Rin and Sesshomaru couple is because I fell in love with the Sesshomaru and Kagome couple first. To tell you the truth, SessRin or SessKagura are probably couples with "chemistry" that I would probably like. Especially Kagura with her "I want to be free like the wind" type of thing. I just love those stuff.

Despite that, I fell in love with the SessKag couple first. Right now SessKag is the only couple I can stand. Sesshomaru can't be with anyone else and neither can Kagome (that doesn't mean I flame other couples by the way).

As a matter of fact, I fan-girled so much that I created an OC for Sesshomaru when I was younger - this was before I fell in love with the SessKag couple. I still love my OC and I would draw some pictures of her but even if she is my OC, it's awkward for me to draw her with Sesshomaru... weird, I know but I guess that's how much of a die-hard SessKag shipper I am

They are my OTP - along with many others XXD

And also, to me, Rin seems like the type of person to grow up with gentle smiles and a soft-spoken voice (despite what she's like now) and I just hate relationships with a "princess" type of character. Or even a prince type.

You know those type that are all gentle or something... argh, they make me so angry. I want my character with backbone.


And despite me shipping SessKag, I personally cannot see Sesshomaru falling in love with anyone at all. Seriously. I can see him caring for others (ei: Jacken and Rin) but I cannot see him having feelings of love towards anyone.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Can I plug a cute fic that expands on their first meeting? NOT written by me, but by an author who writes Sess/Rin.

Personally, I think Sesshoumaru and Older!Rin can work if it's written well. The author of the fic I linked to wrote one where Sesshoumaru had a reason to wait for Rin to grow up. She kept him in character the whole time, which makes the story hit SO hard when it deals out those emotional punches. The story leaves you wondering if he loved her or not. It leaves you to your own conclusions. It has spots that make you downright uncomfortable, but I couldn't stop reading. To top it off it has a great childbirth scene XD

I can tell the author did research and that makes ALL the difference in anything.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/01 20:32 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I think that sesshomaru and rin can, in some really well written fanfiction, work together. It all depends on eho writes it and how its written. The same goes (for me!) with kagome/inuyasha fics, which are kind of hard to find good ones, because they are either so AU that they don't even click as "sesshomaru" or "kagome" or whichever character thet are supposed to be, or, the plot has been beaten to death with the cliche stick. The problem with rin/sesshomaru or inuyasha/kagome is there is no happy medium
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
I hat to beat a dead horse, but I'm just gonna throw my two cents in. I believe someone already mentioned it before, but the main reason I rarely support SessRin is because most of the time she is characterized as completely not the type to stand up to Sesshoumaru. That's just who she is, as far as we've seen her in canon. But she is still very young, and she has yet to mature, either physically, or into her personality. Eventually, I think she might overcome the innate awe she has for him, and become someone who could be his equal. Unfortunately, the comparison that came to mind was from Twilight. I hate quoting that book, but the idea of Sesshoumaru and Rin as a romantic pairing seems to me to be similar to the idea of a 17-year old falling "in love" with a 2 year old presented in that series. Completely different situations yes, but similar in some ways. That also kind of correlates witht he raising a bride from childhood deal. Enough on that though.

I will admit it, I quite often ship SessRin. I've read some excellent stories that featured that pairing. I even found a fansite dedicated to them that was pretty decent. But the pairing has never been quite as interesting to me as SessKag. There's just not the spark that makes things fiery and fascinating. But some authors write SessRin really well. Such as Fenikkusuken. I'm just saying. Not too much pimpage intended, but that lady can write, and do it well. And the only two IY pairings she writes are InuKag and SessRin. She is one of the only authors that can write those two pairings so I enjoy them as much as any SessKag.

Another confession. I also heartily ship SesshoumauxKagura on occasion. When I first started watching the series, Kagura was my favorite character. She just was. I cried at her death scene in the manga. And as far as canon pairings go, she and Sesshoumaru had always seemed the most likely, and were a pairing that I would have been overjoyed to see emerge.

Despite all the reasons for or against other pairings, SessKag is still the OTP. Nothing beats these two, ever!!! XD
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Time Traveler
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 29
I would say, why not.

I mean personally I see them very much as daughter/father relationship, but I think well written, it could be possible for me to like it. I remember when I was reading a Kagome/Kouga story, it suddenly turned into a Kagome/Sesshomaru story, with no warning. It wasn't well written at all, and put me off immediately. I literally went eww. But, about less than a year later, I gave it another shoot with another story I found on the Dokuga Awards list, and I was hooked.

I agree with the many reasons that she's like a daughter, and what not, but Rin/Sesshomaru is probably more likely than Kagome/Sesshomaru, yet it doesn't stop any of us. I'm not disgusted by the pairing, I just don't really see it. But once in a while, if I happen to come across one which is good, (just like with any other pairing), I will read it, and I'm fine with it.

I mean at that point, since Kagome and Sesshomaru are not canon at all, you could ask why not Inuyasha and Kagome? Why not Sesshomaru and Kagura? It's just a matter of opinion and preferences, but I'm pretty sure there's almost as much fan of Rin/Sesshomaru then Sesshomaru/Kagome. To some people, it might just seem just as weird.

To me a good fic is a good fic, doesn't matter the pairing really.
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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
Well, when I was searching fanfictions about my favorite fluffly character, the first few I found were Sess/Rin. Some of them were very interesting, I must say. But the pair never really strike me as true, for some of the reasons people above already mentioned.

First there's the age difference. I cannot really picture someone falling in love with somebody else you knew as a child - and had a close relationship with, watching this person grow and mature. And to say - as some fics says - that Sesshoumaru fell in love with Rin when she was a little girl and then waited for her to grow in adulthood seems to me just plain... wrong. Same goes for the argument of raising "the perfect bride" - oooh, sounds so wrong and twisted for soooo many reasons!! I just won't go there.

Second, there's again the age difference, but now in character development context. In the anime/manga, Rin is a child. When you put her as an adult on a fic, although you strive for keep the personality and traits, you change the character - may as well have a Sess/OC fic (at least, in my point of view). I can't really see Rin - or Shippo, for the matter - as adults.

Third, there's the aforementioned fact of Rin never stand up to Sesshoumaru, she just idolize him so much, obeying without question... And that's not a favorable thing, to me, when the subject is a relationship.

And at last, but not least, we're talking about fanfiction, that delicious realm where everything is possible... So, if a love story between Sess/Kagome seems more (or less) improbable than a relationship between Sess/Rin, who cares! It's a wonderful land of dreams.

But that's my view. Of course, there are many wonderful stories out there, for the many tastes and many ships. I have a lot of fun, and I'm eternally grateful to the lovely writers who feed my addiction.

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Re:Why NOT Rin and Sesshoumaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I think Rin would have hero worship with Sesshomaru, he filled the space of her family, as her guardian. In the eyes of a little girl, our first hero is our Dad. Since she meets him when she is around 5 -7 years of me he would be her father figure. He protects and provides for her...Easy Daddy material.

Also I believe that if Sesshomaru were to follow his father's would stand to reason that it would initially be for power and glory of his bloodline. Being the Shikon Miko gives you a little of both...power and glory.

It was always my impression that Rin would marry Kohaku since she asked Sesshomaru to allow him to travel with them.
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