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Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome?
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TOPIC: Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome?
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Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
So I am intensely curious about something...why pair Sesshoumaru and Kagome? I love the pairing don't get me wrong, and I will always read the fiction, but the reasoning eludes me. I've been re-watching the movies and anime (I've only ever read the manga once), and I can't find a basis for the thing. There is no mutual hatred (for the characters to overcome), there's not any dialogue between the two that could have started it, they don't spend really anytime in each other's presence, and these things have me confused. Did someone just wake up one day and say, "Wow, Sesshoumaru and Kagome totally belong together!" So I decided to put it out there, why did you originally decide that these two characters should be a pair, and do you have any canon evidence to support your claim? (If not that's cool) .
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 24
I've been reading InuYasha fanfiction since about 2004. I think my initial reaction to seeing the Sess/Kag pairing was like... taboo, or something. It was just something that I never would have thought of myself, and the excitement of it, of Kagome being with Sesshoumaru behind InuYasha's back. Or Sesshoumaru coming in, this dangerous almost cynical kind of demon, and sweeping Kagome off her feet.

I'm not sure if that makes sense. D=

Like "Kagome and Sesshoumaru? they aren't suppose to be together! That's bad... but soooo hot."
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 23
That's a good question.

For me, I think it was just the 'opposites attract' thing. That and they look good together physically(laughs). I honestly cannot explain why I think they go so well together, nor why I prefer them over any other 'Inuyasha' pairing. Their relationship just seems more natural to me, then pairing Kagome and Inuyasha together.

They have completely different personalities, views and values, but at the same time I think with those differences they can become one. Not having to rely on one another for emotional support, they can be their own people which is what I personally think makes any relationship work. Two individual beings that can join together and live peacefully with one another(with small disagreements) and function fine on their own, is kind what I see Kagome and Sesshoumaru being(or their relationship being).

I'm having trouble finding the right wording for my thoughts tonight,so hopefully this did make at least a bit of sense. Basically though, I don't have any evidence of them ever being romantic with one another in the manga(thank goodness for fan fiction) This pairing is just appealing to me for some reason and as I mentioned above it just seems to make more sense or seems natural, then pairing Kagome with any other Inuyasha character(Miroku would probably be my second choice though)
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Last Edit: 2010/12/30 22:54 By PRVN.
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 24
PRVN wrote:
I'm having trouble finding the right wording for my thoughts tonight,so hopefully this did make at least a bit of sense.

LOL, you explained it better than me PVRN :3
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I definately think its the "opposites attract" factor that gets most people's attention. They are perfect opposites and on no plane of exsitence should they be together.
So of course, true to Murphey's Law, they are put together lol.

I whole-heartedly agree with FayeMegan
"Kagome and Sesshoumaru? they aren't suppose to be together! That's bad... but soooo hot."
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
I don't know who started it, or how long ago, but after I read my first Sess/Kag fic, it just clicked for me. I loved the manga, but the end was just a little unsatisfying for me. Kagome got her happy ever after, but she won by default. I mean, think about it. Inuyasha never did choose between Kagome and Kikyo. Kikyo 'died' again. Kagome was what he was left with. So in the end, he never had to make the choice. She deserves better than that. So the idea that she ends up with someone who can see her for who she is and not have visions of his dead lover every time he looks at her just makes a better story in my mind. So, Sess/Kag it is.
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Hoshi Phoenix
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
When I first started reading Inuyasha fanfiction I was only reading Inuyasha/Kagome. But after a while it just seemed...all the same so I decided to try out other pairings. Then I started reading Sess/Kagome and BAM I've been hooked every since. I believe the whole opposites attract thing is what makes this pairing so interesting to read. I still read other pairings but I'm stuck on this one and I don't think it will change anytime soon!
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
I started off reading Inuyasha fanfics like everyone else did...with the Inuyasha/Kagome pairing.

But then I deviated into those Kags/Naraku or Kags/Koga pairings and those were ok and I still read a few of those from time to time...but then I got curious enough to give the Kags/Sess pairing a shot and from that day forth, I haven't looked back. Since 2004, I am unable to read a Inu/Kags pairing. Like everyone else said, you don't really know why you're hooked on Kags/ just are. Plus in the movies, manga, and anime I always found Inuyasha to be quite immature and it always bugged me and the way some authors portrayed Inuyasha would add to that ire. So I gave up on Kags/Inu.

I don't know about anyone else, but that's the way I look at it.
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Last Edit: 2010/12/31 00:06 By morganeh0609.
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Synyster Star
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
Well, why sesshomaru and kagome fanfiction started I don't know who thought of the BRILLIANT idea LMAO. But for me, anyway, since Sesshomaru acquired Rin into his little... pack persay, he's become more approachable in a sense. And with Kagome unnoticeably attaching herself to orphaned children provides a bridge for such events to happen. And Kagome has that uncanny ability to make friends wherever she goes, I think it would be possible for her to break through his icy shell moreso with the little help of the tiny crack Rin put there. And I also think if Kikyo survived, Kagome would've grown tired of being pushed to the back and eventually feelings would be numbed for Inuyasha. I hope that better explains it ^-^.
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
I guess I just found a story summary that I liked one day, and have been in love with the pairing ever since. It's really not too much of a surprise for me because, for whatever reason, I'm a huge fan of the redeemed/honorable "bad guy"/antihero paired with the heroine. It shows in the books I read and my favorite pairings: Sess/Kag, Hiei/Kag and Dramione.
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Jade R. Rayne
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3

I think it might be the feeling of "That can be me in her shoes!" kind of thing... don't you think so? I mean come on!! Tall, fair and handsome (not to mention deadly) is at your service to fill your nights with fiery passion!

But I have to agree with Morgan 10000%!!
I started out loving Inu/Kags, but then I felt bad for Kikyou... so I explored some Inu/Kik (Some were surprisingly very good!) and found out I prefer Kikyou with Inuyasha than Inu with Kagome. Though Kouga/Kagome can have that sexy wolf thing going on... Lol!

My sister introduced me to dokuga and the Sessh/Kag fandom about a year or so ago when I caught her writing fanfics and I never ever looked at another pairing with Kagome. There's something about Sesshoumaru that has that "I'm a cold man with a heart of steel, but I can rock your world if you can melt the steel." I mean, that's the idea that nearly all authors use right?

V love that sentence! Lol!! V
"... you don't really know why you're hooked on Kags/ just are."
- Miss Morgan
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
I agree with darkmousey. There's something incredible appealing in the bad guy/antihero. I'm sorry, but I'm such a sucker for the redeemed - or not so redeemed - bad guy! (plus I love Dramione too!! )

Sesshoumaru is a classic case. When he first appear, he's a vilain, trying to kill Inuyasha and stealing the sword, and siding with Naraku. At the same time, he's mysterious, cunning, impassive, deadly - the guy steals the lights, don't you agree? And then, he slowly finds redemption - little Rin and such.

Sesshoumaru was the character who stole my attention on the anime/manga, so I went searching for fics with him. The first one was Sess/Rin, but that paring never really got my attention - in my mind, he's more a father/older brother to her. Sess/OC didn't caught my eyes either.

So, finally I found the first Sess/Kagome, and here I am till then. I like them togheter - he's silent, tradicional, controled and aparently without emotions, and Kagome is just the opposite! A perfect match!
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Rurouni Jasmine
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
I started out loving the InuYasha/Kagome pairing. It was the only one I would read besides Miroku/Sango. Then one day I decided to read other stories with Kagome and Sango paired with one of the other men in the anime. I moved onto Kagome/Miroku pairings and I still don't like it. It's alright but it's not...right. LOL Next, I moved to Kagome/Kouga and that is another pairing I approve of very much. Kagome/Naraku...I read one where he was actually in love with her and not trying to get back at InuYasha and it wasn't that bad, but I couldn't stomach it.

Then, I read Sesshoumaru/Kagome and I haven't turned back. There is just something about this pairing that's so magnetic. I have this feeling that is also has to do with the way the fanfiction is written and how much one can believe that this is something that could have happened. I read into all the aforementioned pairings and besides Kouga/Kagome, this is the one that stuck with me. It seemed that every fanfiction I read for them was beautifully written and so believable that I couldn't see otherwise. I still feel that way now. I watched Swords of An Honorable Ruler (for obvious *cough*SESSHOUMARU*cough*) the other day and I wanted Kagome so badly to just end up with Sesshoumaru knowing that it wouldn't happen.

:3 I don't know. That's what I think/how I became the addict I am now. lol
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Well, I can't speak for everyone here, but, I always had a fondness for the anti-hero and the reluctant hero. Even during the Outlaw star days ( harry/ mel) and the Buffy days ( spike/buffy). I believe there is so much more character development, and plots more indepth. I will read any pairing if it is well written and somewhat original but, s/k will always be my fav. To me one of Kagome's biggest strengths is her compassion, who better to guide and teach Sess how to love and trust? For them to be together, he would have to let go of his hatred for humans to take her as his mate, proving she is more important to him than power. But, that's just my views.
~*the darkness within*~
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Discontent Winter
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 23
The opposites attract idea is part of it for me, but I think more of it has to do with being attracted to the bad boy- the antihero as stated before. Sesshoumaru certainly qualifies for this archetype- he's handsome, smooth, graceful, deadly, and just a hint of a heart shines through in his relationship with Rin to give us hope. His taciturnity also gives authors a wide canvas on which his character can be interpreted. He’s a closed book that authors have portrayed in a varied number of ways, each no less valid than the last.

In my opinion, Kagome, for all her priestess powers is rather ordinary. By ordinary I mean, she appears to be a typical teenager with her friends, her hearts mainly in the right place, she's not perfect at everything, and though she studies, she has trouble with some of her lessons. She also has a strength of character that I'm sure many of us try to emulate in life. In a way, she's almost a reader’s perfect Mary Sue that many readers can identify with on some level and live vicariously through.

Put them together and we have ourselves in the ultimate fantasy of the handsome bad boy falling in love/changing just for us and handing us the world. While in real life no one should ever expect a person's character or personality to change just for them; in a fantasy, it's positively swoon-worthy to think of someone loving us so much that they'd do just that...
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
Oh, and just to add...

I don't usually read fanfiction with the canon pairings - you know, you have the official story for that. (The exception maybe goes to Jareth and Sarah, but they're not exactly canon, since they're never really a pair on Labyrinth - the shame! - btw, another bad boy...)

I don't see much fun in reading a Inu/Kag story, or a Sango/Miroku one, or any with official pairings... I already know how that goes, Ms Takahashi already told that story, there's no apeal in an alternative one, at least for me.
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 19
Like mostly everyone else I started out with Inuyasha and Kagome. My first real Inuyasha FanFiction was written by Queen of Swords (or something like that). One of my friends shared my love of Inuyasha during that time and we would share FanFictions that we find.

There was this one FanFiction - despite it being a InuKag one - had one scene with the interaction of Sesshomaru and Kagome. Reading back it wasn't a really good FanFiction (that's why I never mentioned the name) and most of the characters acted OOC but the interaction between Sesshomaru and Kagome were so dark and... sexy.

So, influenced by that scene I went to search for more SessKag fics and have been hooked since then.


Another reason is because I usually love AU / Crack pairings. For me, writing good canon couples fanfiction is really hard to do since you really want to stay in their already-formed relationship. I dislike OOC and it's also really hard to stray from the norm in canon couples. Sure you can have a high school Inuyasha and Kagome fic but if they're relationship is different then the one in the manga, then it's weird for me to read.

However, with AU couples - especially SessKag, who doesn't have a real relationship at all - it's easy and you have so many different ways you can start a relationship for them.


Don't get me wrong though, I still like some other canon couples like Sango and Miroku but I don't really love them enought to read / write fics for them. As a matter of fact, SessKag is the only nuyasha couple that I try and find fics for. That and SessInuDaddy and SessMommy
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 12
The instant I saw Sesshomaru on the anime I was hooked because of the arrogant voice. Back then it was the German dub, mind you. However, I had to switch to the English version. Good thing, I did! In the English dub his voice has such a dark timbre.

Well, it is the voice of a male that attracts me the most. Therefore I worship Alan “the voice” Rickman. ^^

Now there is an aristocratic villain who eventually fights with the heroes (Reminds me of: “Part of that Power, not understood, /Which always wills the Bad, and always works the Good.” -English translation of Goethe’s Faust provided by Project Gutenberg). He does bad things and good things alike. He is strong, smart and handsome to boot. He has Rin.

And he definitely has too less screen time or chapters in the manga.

Thus, I needed more. So I started to read fan fiction about him. However, most of them contain romance. Now I had to choose: Kagome, Rin, Kagura or OC. For Sesshomaru I did not try OC, for other fandoms I do, but not for him. Rin, I read a share of those, but: The more I read or watched the original work of Takahashi, the less I considered Rin to become Sesshomaru’s mate. However, I still fell in love with little Rin.

So, there were Kagome and Kagura left.

I thought: “We know about Kagura’s feelings about Sesshomaru, there are hints about his feelings towards her. We have a love-sick puppy Kagome who follows Inuyasha around all the time. Why would anyone pair her with Sesshomaru?”

So I went straight forward for a Sess/Kag fic. It was a good one, don’t know which, though, but I did understand then. Kagome should become more independent and Sesshomaru is eccentric. That pairing works so well. And besides: Kagome and Rin are adorable together, I love fiction that deals with the three of them on a father/mother/daughter triangle.

Sorry for the long post.^^"
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Miss Anna
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
I always go for the "weird" couple I guess you could say...

Like miss sunshine/dark emo boy sortof thing, Kagome and Sesshoumaru just seemed to click for me.

Sesshoumaru is the Killing Perfection, youkai lord, who supposedly hates humans.
While Kagome is a cheery human girl from the future who has a crush on his half-brother, sooo plus the fact that Sesshy has white/silverish hair lol...have a thing for anime guys with white/silverish hair lol (Inuyasha included).
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
I love Dramione too, and Zutara! wooohooo!
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
well i originally started reading inuxkag but it was always the same exact thing, then i became a kogaxkag lover it didnt stick too long becuz again it was always the same thing that when i figured hey why not inu bro? and after i read an angsty fic i fell completely in looooove. but with this i also cant stand it if sesshoumaru is too ooc. myself i try hard to keep him to char. even now and then ill reak a random kag pairing such as bankxkag or hitxkag. im a very versatile person ^_^ but my fav shall always remain sessxkag cuz its very hot/steamy/ angsty and some times fatal attraction pairing.
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Time Traveler
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 57
Personally, they'd make a dynamic duo, seriously. Sesshoumaru is lordly, gorgeous, and arrogant, while Kagome is peppy, punky, and full of a modern-day girl's pride, fortitude, and dedication.

Sparks would fly seriously.

Plus I think it'd be hilarious for them to but-heads, in an arguement. Yups thus Sess/Kag, truly rocks. Seriously, or I wouldn't like be a Dokugan-addict. *worships the pairing of Sess & Kag*
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm not really sure about personality-wise,but it does kind of make since phyically. I mean, if she's attracted to Inuyasha, then why not be attracted to Sesshomaru since they look a little a like(the white hair,etc.)? Also, if she ever stayed around him long enough in the series to get to know what he's really like, I could see her developing feelings for him. In someways, he is similiar to his brother. Both put on a sort of tough guy act(just in different ways. i.e. Inuyasha by being vocal. Sesshomaru by being silent and giving the cold shoulder) but are really just big softies. I think Shesshy is just as much of a softie as Inu if not more so. I don't remember Sesshomaru ever killing an innocent human, he had mercy on Inuyasha when Inuyasha was unable to fight in his demon form, he takes care of and "adopts" Rin, and I'm sure there's probably other numerous kind things he's done that I'm forgetting. Oh, he also helps that human women who had a crush on him in that one episode find peace when she dies. Kagome would probably admire him and maybe even develop feelings for him if she found out about those things. So, in that way, the pairing makes sense.

Plus, unlike, Inuyasha he only dates one girl at a time. Lol. XD
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Re:Why Sesshoumaru and Kagome? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 78
I've always thought Kouga was way hot, and when Twilight came out, I found Jacob by far more attractive than Edward. My husband is so amusing about this, he says if a girl got together with Kouga, she'd have to live in a cave that smells like wet dog, and if a girl got together with Jacob, she'd wind up on the rez. A smart girl, in his opinion, would set her sights on the lordly one! Remember "Titanic"? He thought the girl should stay with her rich, snobbish fiance, as well! My reasoning is not the same as his, to me the trappings of wealth and station would be a "royal" pain. To me, Sesshomaru's untouched heart is very attractive. I would not want Kikyo's leftovers, and Kouga is, well, just too "easy". I can see him getting some on the side after the shine wears off, if you know what I mean. Sesshy would fight falling in love, especially with a human. And if it happened, it would mean the earth really shook. And he wouldn't be the type to just change his mind, either. He would be "doggedly" loyal to the woman he fell in love with. Snort.
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