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Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 12
From my favorite story by RosieB, chapter 8: Confessional

He pulled her tightly to his chest and brought his lips to her ear. "You are the most precious creature in the world to me, Kagome. I am no fool."

It's from this really heartwarming scenes, and it tugs so hard at my heartstrings. It makes my stomach do flip flops and my heart clench T ^ T

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 22
While there are so many lines from this wonderful work of art, I enjoyed this interaction so much that I laughed out loud at my desk at work while reading it. From "Dancing With Scissors" by piratequeen0405 Chapter 37 "Baby Makes Four"

He had a role other than a passive observer of his wife’s nutritional needs, midwife appointments, and changing body. Now he was an active participant, even if, for the moment, a mere chauffeur. “Are you okay?”

“Get out of cave man protection mode,” Kagome warned, recognizing his intensity. “I need to get home without a reckless driver behind the wheel.” Before he could retort, Kaogme closed her eyes and counted in her head. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand… “Eight seconds. And I think it was close to fifteen minutes since the last one. We’ve got plenty of time.”

Relief softened his features. He had been tormented by nightmarish scenarios from the moment she told him she was not at home, torments that had gotten worse when she stubbornly hung up on him. “No precipitous delivery on the side of the highway?”

“Nope. I’ve got over a hundred dollars worth of groceries in the cart right now. My main concern is getting them home and into the refrigerator.”

“You have warped priorities,” he said as they walked through the doors into the bright autumn sunshine. Once the bags were loaded into the trunk, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “So…baby today?”
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2
Daniella wrote:
While there are so many lines from this wonderful work of art, I enjoyed this interaction so much that I laughed out loud at my desk at work while reading it. From "Dancing With Scissors" by piratequeen0405 Chapter 37 "Baby Makes Four"

He had a role other than a passive observer of his wife’s nutritional needs, midwife appointments, and changing body. Now he was an active participant, even if, for the moment, a mere chauffeur. “Are you okay?”

“Get out of cave man protection mode,” Kagome warned, recognizing his intensity. “I need to get home without a reckless driver behind the wheel.” Before he could retort, Kaogme closed her eyes and counted in her head. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand… “Eight seconds. And I think it was close to fifteen minutes since the last one. We’ve got plenty of time.”

Relief softened his features. He had been tormented by nightmarish scenarios from the moment she told him she was not at home, torments that had gotten worse when she stubbornly hung up on him. “No precipitous delivery on the side of the highway?”

“Nope. I’ve got over a hundred dollars worth of groceries in the cart right now. My main concern is getting them home and into the refrigerator.”

“You have warped priorities,” he said as they walked through the doors into the bright autumn sunshine. Once the bags were loaded into the trunk, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “So…baby today?”

That story is genius! I can't remember how many times it's made me fall over laughing.

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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 9
Through the Mirror by Sidhe

Strange colors and sensations were slowly filtering into her fogged brain.

She never remembered her sleeping bag looking like a huge fur throw...or the ground being so warm.

‘Although just a bit lumpy‘, she thought with a frown.

She reached out and touched the fur.

Hmm… Felt real enough. Though she’d never felt anything so soft. She couldn’t help running her fingers through it again with a small shiver of appreciation as it tickled her palm and wrist.

She debated simply letting the strange dream continue its course, but something was nagging at her. She wasn’t altogether comfortable, her legs stiff. Something else was hurting and she blinked.

Then her eyes went wide and she abruptly joined the land of the living.

‘That’s not right.’ THAT had never hurt before…Why was it now?

Kagome carefully reached out and curled her fingers into the fur, giving it a small tug. Frigid air gushed into the tiny gap, her breath a thick vapor, before she hurriedly pushed the fur back into place. The swift movement, however, jarred her and she gasped in pain.

The ground suddenly shifted under her…

Kagome went stone still…and so did the arms looped about her waist.


I couldn't imagine!
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 18
From Beside You In Time (Calais Chapter)

He carefully extricated himself from her grasp and shook the grim thoughts off before they could infect his stolen moments with her. "Yes, of course," he agreed mildly. He crossed to the table and plucked an unused knife from the place setting. "Show me your swordsmanship."

"With a butter knife?" she laughed.

"Considering my condition, I would not risk arming you with a fork," he replied dryly. His free hand ghosted over the two scars on his face as he put the knife into her hands.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 2
Just read this now, was so funny.
From 'Unsung Silence' on Kagome was explaining an American/English holiday to Sesshy. I really liked it cause I actually thought that once when I was contemplating the anomaly that is christmas.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. Right. This Santa Claus sounded like a youkai to him. Or a quaint story that wasn't real. He also sounded like he broke into houses…

And another one, same story:

Kagome finished tying up her sneakers with a flourish, and stood up. "Alright. Next stop, Tokyo. Hands and arms inside the vehicle, and please refrain from attacking fellow passengers on your way out."

OOOO! I found one more! lol.

"Go straight back to the shrine, please! I don't need to hear news that there's a giant dog fighting with Godzilla or something when I get home!"

Can you just picture that? Sesshy vs Godzilla! rofl
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Last Edit: 2010/12/26 19:05 By Elven_mistress.
To do homework or read fanfiction, that is the ultimate question...
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 19
After months of lurking around this thread - I decided to contribute my own... I actually have a huuugeee list of my favorite lines but... I don't want to post them all TT^TT At least not in one huuugeee list...


Feeling the same excited, adrenaline-induced elation that every battle brought him; he ran his eyes down the fang of his father, wrapped momentarily in memory.


“I’ll protect you, wench.”

“Friends stick together Inuyasha. We’ll always be here for you.”

“Your fine the way you are, Inuyasha.”

“Why did you betray me, Inuyasha?!”

Oops. Wrong memory. – Masquerade
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 216
totally off subject here, but again, why is it STILL Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction ?
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 19
sugar0o wrote:
totally off subject here, but again, why is it STILL Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction ?

'cause it's too awesome to be changed XXDDD
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 216
Golden eyes focused on a spot in the tall grass, tiny nose wiggling and white ears swiveling madly. The small figure froze for a long moment then pounced, one chubby infant hand reaching out and snagging something small and brown.

"Mama! Rin-neechan! Lookie I got!"

The little inu-youkai ran up the his mother and older sister, treasure grasped firmly in his grip. "Lookie I got!" he shouted again. He opened his hand to reveal the crushed remains of a large cricket. "Ohhh, smashed," he said sadly.

"Did you kill it, Sesshou-inu?" Sesshoumaru asked, gliding up.

"Smashed," the boy said, holding up the remains of the insect for the Demon Lord's inspection.

"So it is." The corners of his mouth twitched up. "It's your first kill, my son. You should eat it."

"Eat bug?" The boy frowned dubiously at the smear on his palm.

"Sesshoumaru," Kagome began.

"Do not interfere," he said, shooting a glance at her. Then he looked back to the boy. "Eat it quickly, before it becomes nasty."

The boy studied him for a long moment, then trustingly put the insect into his mouth, chewing and swallowing quickly. The face he made, however, indicated that he believed it was already too late. "Yuck!"

Same fic a bit later

"Sesshou-inu made his first kill that way," he related, offering his brother a flag of truce.

"Yeah? What was it?"

"Some bug he wanted to show Kagome."

Inu-Yasha laughed. "How'd he like it?"

"I think he lost faith that day in my ultimate goodness."

"Your ultimate goodness? What kind of fairy tales are you raising that boy on?"

"He knows only that Kagome and I would move heaven and earth for him. And that bugs taste bad."
Merely Human » by Sessho-kun'sgirl466
Kagome catches Inuyasha with Kikyo and runs . . . what into Sesshoumaru what happens next will love or hate take place in this palace
Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 51,344 - Reviews: 39 - Updated: 1-6-11 - Published: 4-19-07 - Sesshomaru & Kagome - Complete
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Last Edit: 2011/01/18 19:38 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
Naomi wrote:
From my favorite story by RosieB, chapter 8: Confessional

He pulled her tightly to his chest and brought his lips to her ear. "You are the most precious creature in the world to me, Kagome. I am no fool."

It's from this really heartwarming scenes, and it tugs so hard at my heartstrings. It makes my stomach do flip flops and my heart clench T ^ T


Which Story is this? I'm a big fan of her!
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 57
Well anything written by Forthright rocks, but I particularly adore 'Unspoiled', especially this scene from the latest chapter 84:

Kagome let out a strangled eep and stiffened, for all at once, Sesshoumaru's arm was around her waist, pulling her close as he nuzzled in the vicinity of her flip-flopping stomach. When he raised his gaze to hers, his expression was unusually open, and his voice was quite small. "Father?"

"That's right," she acknowledged softly. "He was good enough to help me get home... though, I think he was just glad to be rid of me."

Sesshoumaru hid his reaction by once more pressing his face to her shabby cardigan.

"You must miss him," she offered gently. "He was an amazing person."

His other arm came up, locking her in place while he took long breaths.

Scent. According to Hisoka-sensei, scent and touch were important to packmates, so while Sesshoumaru greedily reinforced his memories inu-youkai style, she cautiously touched the top of his head. When he didn't protest, she smoothed her hand over gleaming silver, belatedly offering comfort for a wrong she'd just committed... centuries ago. "I'm so sorry, Sesshoumaru-sama," she whispered.

Sesshy is so cute! Gah! *melts into gooey puddle*
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
Bright_Darkness wrote:
And also....

Masquerade by Sada

"But he had plans, and plans to back up those plans, and plans to back up the back-up plans! Why, he had so many plans he-

""Masao! Stop trying to produce ominous monologue!" His mother scolded."

These are some of my favorite quotes. They just made me laugh soooo hard when I read them.

Btw-Both stories are complete and definitely worth it to read both!!

Where can I find this story? I looked for it here in D and couldn't find it. =/
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 156
Lady Kirara wrote:
Bright_Darkness wrote:

Masquerade by Sada

Where can I find this story? I looked for it here in D and couldn't find it. =/

I believe it's on Spark. ^^
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
Chie wrote:
Lady Kirara wrote:
Bright_Darkness wrote:

Masquerade by Sada

Where can I find this story? I looked for it here in D and couldn't find it. =/

I believe it's on Spark. ^^

Yes! Thanks Chie! I don't think I've read this one and the quotes made me want to go find it. >.<
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
Mysticangeldust wrote:
Naomi wrote:
From my favorite story by RosieB, chapter 8: Confessional

He pulled her tightly to his chest and brought his lips to her ear. "You are the most precious creature in the world to me, Kagome. I am no fool."

It's from this really heartwarming scenes, and it tugs so hard at my heartstrings. It makes my stomach do flip flops and my heart clench T ^ T


Which Story is this? I'm a big fan of her!

It's Once and Future Taiyoukai:

Never read? Shame on you! It's one of the very best.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/20 15:52 By Allyonora.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
Allyonora wrote:
Mysticangeldust wrote:
Naomi wrote:
From my favorite story by RosieB, chapter 8: Confessional

He pulled her tightly to his chest and brought his lips to her ear. "You are the most precious creature in the world to me, Kagome. I am no fool."

It's from this really heartwarming scenes, and it tugs so hard at my heartstrings. It makes my stomach do flip flops and my heart clench T ^ T


Which Story is this? I'm a big fan of her!

It's Once and Future Taiyoukai:

Never read? Shame on you! It's one of the very best.

Actually, I feel rather silly right now as it is on the list of all time favorites... I just obviously haven't read it in a very long time... Time for a re-read!
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
Mysticangeldust wrote:
Allyonora wrote:
Mysticangeldust wrote:
Naomi wrote:
From my favorite story by RosieB, chapter 8: Confessional

He pulled her tightly to his chest and brought his lips to her ear. "You are the most precious creature in the world to me, Kagome. I am no fool."

It's from this really heartwarming scenes, and it tugs so hard at my heartstrings. It makes my stomach do flip flops and my heart clench T ^ T


Which Story is this? I'm a big fan of her!

It's Once and Future Taiyoukai:

Never read? Shame on you! It's one of the very best.

Actually, I feel rather silly right now as it is on the list of all time favorites... I just obviously haven't read it in a very long time... Time for a re-read!

Ooooh! I love that story..but I haven't read it in ages either. Better put it on my list of rereads. Still got quite a few more to go
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
Since I was just recently reading it, I will throw out this one which I found HILARIOUS; from Kanna37's In Death. Trust Me, As You Didn't In Life:

The half-demon jumped to his feet after setting Nyoko aside and pointed at his brother, his face red as he laughed his ass off. "Y-you're telling me, the fluffy bastard, Mr. I hate half-demons himself, will someday be much the same as a half-demon?!" he shouted. "This day is awesome! Take that, you iceberg!"

Sesshoumaru glowered, and stood to his feet, suddenly hovering over his brother menacingly. "This one will never be a half-human - have you forgotten that my mate is a goddess? Her power flows through me, as well. If that makes me half of anything, it makes me half of a god," he rumbled.

At that, the last voice anyone expected to speak piped up, as Rin, an adorable furrow of confusion between her brows, said, “Wouldn't that make you half of a goddess, Sesshoumaru-sama?”

Out of the mouths of babes. I LOL'ed all over my keyboard.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 56
From Vacation with the Boss by Ladyfifi

Sesshomaru glared down at the small form huddled on the bed. "You will not like what I do, should you not rise."

Two hands shot out from the blanket, pointer fingers crooked in his direction, waggling. "Try it buster. I have two miko fingers and I'm not afraid to use them. Come back at a decent hour." Her hands moved back into the warmth of the blanket.

I just keep picturing Sess looking at a pile of blankets with 2 arms hanging out of it and pointing at him. No body... just arms and hand.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
also from Vacation with the Boss by Ladyfifi

<i>"What the hell is your --" Sesshomaru slammed down the phone and began pacing. It was her! Fiji? She goes to some island in Fiji while he is stuck here with these wretched, good-for-nothings, unable to get any work done? And flirting with unknown men on a plane when she should be here working? Growling, he snatched up the new cellphone Kagome had given him before she had left. His fist clenched around it with killing intent. His eyes widened in surprise. Only the smallest impression of his fingers marred the metal casing. Damn her! She even dared to deny him this!?! He would not be bested by something so trivial. Glaring at the device, he called his poison. Satisfaction crawled across his face as slowly, the doomed contraption melted in his palm. </i>

i just love how ticked off he was about not being able to destroy the phone roflcopter!!!
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Last Edit: 2014/10/06 21:06 By sugar0o.

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Dokugasona by JeniNeji
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
Ha! The next one was posted omly a few hours ago, but let me grinning silly:

The demon lord stood for a long moment, his back to her, his hair waving innocently in the wind. She almost gave up hope that he would answer her, almost turned away…

“Those in this Sesshoumaru’s care may do as they please,” he told no one in particular. “And they are always welcome, no matter how far they stray.”

It's from An Unconventional Matchmaker, awesome new fic from ToWriteLoveOnAPage.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
From This Mess We're In by Volpa

Stop it!" Kagome bellowed, completely fed up. "I'm so sick of this ridiculous urge you two have to whip your swords out all the time!" She planted her hands on her hips, and glared at them alternately. "Fine. They're equally impressive! Inuyasha's is pathetic at first, but grows really big. And Sesshoumaru's brings people to life. Now stick them back in your waistbands, and shut the hell up!" she raged.

lmaoo swords indeed....
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
“For now, I will take my leave.”

“You don’t need to...”

Her voice trailed off when, instead of heading towards the front door, Sesshoumaru crossed to ‘their’ armoire. Opening it, he stepped inside, then pulled the door shut behind him.

I was reading Clutter by Forthright for the first time today, and when I read this I could not help but LOL out loud. xD
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 56
"Six o'clock." he repeated, before ending the call. Somehow tapping the touchscreen on his iPhone was not as satisfying as slamming down one of the old fashioned corded phones and for just a flash of a second, he missed the 1980'sAh, no doubt. Slamming down a phone on someone feels so much better, and the headache the other person can get from the loud bang is just an added bonus.
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