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TOPIC: Kagome/Inuyasha
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Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I saw a Sesshoumaru/Kagura thread here, so I thought this would be interesting as well. What's your opinion on InuKag? What don't you like about it?
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Lilly Akame
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
That it's Canon I normally go for the non-canon ships because there is so much to be explored, while we know that Kagome and InuYasha get together and know how they feel about each other and their relationship, where as there wasn't too much interaction between JUST Sesshomaru and Kagome, and when something does happen, you get all these ideas and stuff
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
Yeah, that's true.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 12
I find that if sometimes, when you are looking for a more mature, and I don't mean rated M stuff, relationship between Kagome and another character, Sesshomaru is a good match. When I read KagomexInuyasha pairings, they seem a lot younger and their feelings are more immature. I love both pairings, but still prefer SessxKag.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
no offense to anyone that likes IK, but i just plain cant stand it at this point.

At one time i had started reading fanfiction before the end of the manga, and RT (Rumiko Takahashi) the creator of IY the manga, basically just threw them together, happily ever after, and kinda betrayed who Kagome is, and made Inuyasha into pretty much a user int he end.

The end of the manga left me very bitter to the idea of IK, and since then fanfiction as only fueled that 'not like' I wont go into details, but i just cant stand them together at this point. its in my mind that about 4 - 6 years after the manga, kagome would wake up one day sick of stepping in kikyo's shoes, and would just strangle him to death in his sleep.

Seriously, he's got to be at least 15 - 200 years old depending on what you go by and he's just not mature, doesn't ever look lik he will either. eventually one day cool calm kagome will snap and sit him 20 feet deep or until she breaks his spine. i for one will clap and do a happy dance.
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Last Edit: 2010/11/04 05:37 By sugar0o.
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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
sugar0o wrote:
no offense to anyone that likes IK, but i just plain cant stand it at this point.

At one time i had started reading fanfiction before the end of the manga, and RT (Rumiko Takahashi) the creator of IY the manga, basically just threw them together, happily ever after, and kinda betrayed who Kagome is, and made Inuyasha into pretty much a user int he end.

The end of the manga left me very bitter to the idea of IK, and since then fanfiction as only fueled that 'not like' I wont go into details, but i just cant stand them together at this point. its in my mind that about 4 - 6 years after the manga, kagome would wake up one day sick of stepping in kikyo's shoes, and would just strangle him to death in his sleep.

Seriously, he's got to be at least 15 - 200 years old depending on what you go by and he's just not mature, doesn't ever look lik he will either. eventually one day cool calm kagome will snap and sit him 20 feet deep or until she breaks his spine. i for one will clap and do a happy dance.

hahahahaha yes!!!!!! i feel the same way xD
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 66
Personally, there's much to explore for both Sess/Kag and Inu/Kag. When I read the manga, there was too much left out. You're not sure if Inuyasha has matured or not (for me, hopefully he did). For me with Sess/Kag, it's more like a 'what if this happened instead of that' kind of thing. There is a lot to explore with both relationships, more Sess/Kag than Inu/Kag. A lot can happen in a span of 3 years. To me, the end of the manga seemed rushed for some reason, like 'okay let me just put Kagome and Inuyasha together because that's what fans want and get it over with'. And besides in my mind, Inuyasha quit comparing Kagome to Kikyo a long time ago. Besides, the woman is DEAD and should stay that way. She already served her purpose. And yes, I love both pairings. It's just that I've been writing more Sess/Kag than Inu/Kag. IDK, Sesshy being paired with Kagome is more enjoyable to write about. In my imagination, Sesshy had that stick pulled out of his...arm? (LOL) Would I stop writing Sess/Kag fics? Heck, no. Would I write more Inu/Kag? Eventually, just not right now. Sess/Kag is way too much fun for me to even take a pause.
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Last Edit: 2010/11/04 13:26 By DemonQueen17.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 92
Let me say this before I go into anything else.... I do like the character and, with one exception that was a challengefic for me, I don't bash him. Also, I don't want to offend anyone with what I have to say, this is just my opinion on the topic.

Now, I do still stick Kagome and Inuyasha together in stories, usually it's a threesome pairing with Sesshomaru and I did write several Inuyasha/Kagome stories in the past. However, after doing research for Kryptonite, I just cannot see them together anymore. And, after looking into traits of abusive relationships for that story, I was very uncomfortable with Inuyasha's character and how he treats Kagome. Sango he never spouted anything abusive at all towards (probably because he knew what she would do it him), Miroku, the worst he called him was a pervert, Shippo he was abusive towards and Kagome got the worst of his tongue when it came to that. Wench is what he called her in the anime but that is not the word that he used in the manga, direct translation of it from Japan, something that put me off slightly in the beginning to start with.

Beyond that, there was the fact that Kagome had a fire about her and wasn't afraid to give him 'whatfor' or smack him upside the head with a rock if that was needed. But at the end of the manga (I haven't watched the end of the series, that would probably just reinforce the whole thing for me) she had caved in completely and became submissive, something she never was through the whole thing, basically she evolved into Kikyo, something very off-putting from my perspective.

All of that combined put me off the pairing, in the romantic sense, completely. However, I don't see them having no relationship at all. Above everything, they were friends and I do see them being that. In fact, that relationship would probably better suit them than something romantic. Kagome grew up after being thrown back to her time, Inuyasha didn't from what I saw. I don't see her finding him appealing in that way but still being the best friend that she ever had. That could work for me.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 4
I used to write Inu/Kag stories because it was the canon pairing and I thought that all other pairings were horrible and shouldn't even be considered. If it wasn't canon, it wasn't kosher. lol

How wrong was I!

A friend of mine adores Sess/Kag and got me hooked on it. And now, I'm here, reading all this non-canon fanfiction. Which suits me just fine. Personally, I like the dynamic between Sesshoumaru and Kagome a lot more than Inu/Kag. There's a lot of room to develop the characters and a lot more can happen in the stories than the usual canon ending of hero and heroine hooking up in the end. I never saw the relationship of Inuyasha and Kagome as abusive, until recently. He's actually... kinda of a jerk.

Though, I do have to say - that coming from a reader's point of view, I think the manga would have been more interesting if there had been a shift in romantic focus. If it hadn't been so cut and dry, maybe Sesshoumaru and Kagome could have hooked up. That would have been cool, in my opinion. Rumiko could have thrown her readers for a loop with that one.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 78
I've always seen the relationship between InuYasha and Kagome as disfunctional and abusive. Add to that the fact that Kagome is way too young to have to live with being InuYasha's "second love"... She just deserves more. When Danyealle's story "Kryptonite" came out, I was very touched by it, because I felt that someone else saw the danger signals in the Kagome/InuYasha relationship. I had been feeling that the anime especially was facilitating young women thinking that being verbally abused was cute, and that it was a sign of goodness to accept your boyfriend running after another woman. Kudos to Danyelle-Sama for writing that awesome story.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
I use to be a huge fan of Inuyasha and Kagome! Such a big fan I even got a tattoo of them kissing when I was 17. and Then I got into Sesshomaru and Kagome XD I agree when people say Inuyasha is inmature, because he is like really really immature. I just don't think Kagome and Inuyasha could ever have a lasting reltionship. I don't think it could work becasue he is so inmature pretty much Sesshomaru is so much more mature and more of like a stable person and that is why I think Kagome and Sesshomaru work well together!
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 12
Kagome wrote:
I use to be a huge fan of Inuyasha and Kagome! Such a big fan I even got a tattoo of them kissing when I was 17. and Then I got into Sesshomaru and Kagome XD I agree when people say Inuyasha is inmature, because he is like really really immature. I just don't think Kagome and Inuyasha could ever have a lasting reltionship. I don't think it could work becasue he is so inmature pretty much Sesshomaru is so much more mature and more of like a stable person and that is why I think Kagome and Sesshomaru work well together!

O.O Is the tattoo PERMANENT? XD
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 66
A tattoo?! Really?! Interesting. Another point I forgot to mention. In order for me to write Inu/Kag, he'd have to be aged several years, otherwise, it wouldn't work. I mean, if Sesshomaru can change by not being as cold as he was earlier, I'm sure Inu can change by maturing a bit, though maybe not as much Sesshomaru, who was probably raised by his mother after their father died and is several centuries older (in the third movie, he was a young adult youkai when he confronted his father). It could work under certain circumstances. IDK, that's just my opinion.
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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
I personally love this pairing (and I wonder if I'm the only person here who does, lol). Their relationship is a little hard to put into words, for me, anyway. Kagome, I think, had like a little crush or something, and Inuyasha first saw her as Kikyou, for the most part. Well, that's the feeling I got from the earlier part of the series (idek).But he went to her after Yura attacked the village, and they worked together for that common goal of protecting the jewel, so it was a lot like they were just allies united toward that one purpose. But she cared for him, because that's Kagome's nature, and even Inuyasha's humanity called for him to watch over her. It's just the way humans are, deep inside (unless other circumstances call for something else). She refused to abandon him, even when he was proud and wanted to fight on his own.

And Kikyou's, at first Kagome didn't really feel anything against her until her own love for Inuyasha had developed, but that was over time and the trials and battles on their journey together. And even then, she chose to stay by his side, even when he struggled to face his past with Kikyou.

She began to mature there, because she was still a young girl (fifteen is not how you're going to be for the rest of you life) but she bore her heartache for him, and right there and then it was something that would last, even if Inuyasha never returned her feelings. And how could he not love the young, passionate girl at his side constantly, while his old love (who still loved him but struggled with her own heart and her sense of betrayal and heartache and duty) didn't need him and could hold her own against mostly anything? Kikyou was independent, moreso than before, and Inuyasha still needed companionship. He loved Kagome, and though the manga and anime are flawed(especially the anime, how could Kagome ever be a sit-crazy machine like that?! and she was whiny to boot!), I think they're relationship progressed from there, and in the final chapter, how he waited years for her without the promise of a return, and how she gave everything for him...I think that just proves the depth of their love.

My point: I love every character and pairing, even the ones people hate, and I'm a multi-shipper. I don't believe InuKag is wrong (I think it's right, and wonderful, and amazing) and I love SessKag as well.
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Last Edit: 2010/11/04 13:03 By nilla. Reason: readability
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
lesser.portrayed, you are not alone in liking this pair. I love them too!

I just like Kagome and Sesshoumaru better, because I love the fact that since we don't know enough about him, we can speculate and decide how we'd like them to interact together. It's easier to be non-cannon, I guess. (Plus, I love tsundere!!!)

On an entirely different note:

sugar0o wrote:
...eventually one day cool calm Kagome will snap and sit him 20 feet deep or until she breaks his spine...

This is something I've always wondered...WHY in the HELL didn't Kagome remove the subjugation beads after they restored the jewel and got married? I just don't understand the point of keeping them!
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
^_^ Non-canon is somewhat easier, but staying true to their personalities (which, as major characters, they do have, as opposed to obscure, minor characters like Ginta or Chiyo) is something I see a lack of on >.<;; I'm no good at the pairing either, so don't take my word for it. XD

As for why Inuyasha still wears the beads...well, it could be just a minor detail that Rumiko Takahashi didn't pay attention to (maybe she was ready to end this manga by that point), or we could speculate as to why Kagome didn't remove them (random theory#1: it is like a bond between the two-as only she can use them-and she doesn't want to lose that special spiritual connection, or maybe it's protection in the case that Inuyasha loses his grip on the Tessaiga and his demonic blood breaks loose again-see the battles with Goshinki and Kanna and the group of bandits).

Also, to address the back-breaking sits: Kagome is much more mature at the end of the manga and not a young, flighty girl, so it is highly unlikely, unless she developed some sort of psychosis or murderous intent, that the girl would ever kill Inuyasha or harm him like that. Even when it meant her life, she refused to attack him, ever. That doesn't mean she's submissive (growing up=docile and weak? that doesn't even make sense), because she came back on her own choice, for herself, and not because she was trying to please anyone, especially not Inuyasha.
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Last Edit: 2010/11/04 13:36 By nilla. Reason: to add
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 66
lesser.portrayed wrote:
^_^ Non-canon is somewhat easier, but staying true to their personalities (which, as major characters, they do have, as opposed to obscure, minor characters like Ginta or Chiyo) is something I see a lack of on >.<;; I'm no good at the pairing either, so don't take my word for it. XD

As for why Inuyasha still wears the beads...well, it could be just a minor detail that Rumiko Takahashi didn't pay attention to (maybe she was ready to end this manga by that point), or we could speculate as to why Kagome didn't remove them (random theory#1: it is like a bond between the two-as only she can use them-and she doesn't want to lose that special spiritual connection, or maybe it's protection in the case that Inuyasha loses his grip on the Tessaiga and his demonic blood breaks loose again-see the battles with Goshinki and Kanna and the group of bandits).

Also, to address the back-breaking sits: Kagome is much more mature at the end of the manga and not a young, flighty girl, so it is highly unlikely, unless she developed some sort of psychosis or murderous intent, that the girl would ever kill Inuyasha or harm him like that. Even when it meant her life, she refused to attack him, ever. That doesn't mean she's submissive (growing up=docile and weak? that doesn't even make sense), because she came back on her own choice, for herself, and not because she was trying to please anyone, especially not Inuyasha.

I couldn't agree more on this point.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
DemonQueen17 wrote:
To me, the end of the manga seemed rushed for some reason, like 'okay let me just put Kagome and Inuyasha together because that's what fans want and get it over with'.That's exactly what RT did. I found a site that did a Q&A abotu the ending with her, and her "next great manga" *rolls eyes dramatically* and thats exactly what she did, just to "make the readers happy" -_- totally ruined it for me!
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
Well, there's always fanfiction for us. The ending WAS rushed, and the romance wasn't satisfying to many people. But we can always explore it in our own writings,whether we're InuKag fans or SessKag fans or both, without bashing any of the characters.

I love how everyone can find a story that develops those ideas and thoughts and beliefs on the series, and does it well, and how everyone is free to write what they want to see in the fandom without anyone accusing them of "heresy" or something, lol.
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Miss Anna
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 15
For me I couldn't see them together...
Purely for the fact that through the anime, Inuyasha always compared Kagome to Kikyou and really I take that has him never seeing Kagome for herself. I mean I could see her more with Kouga or Sesshoumaru since those seem to be two males who looked at her for her and not as a replacement for someone else.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
The only time that Inuyasha actually compares Kagome to Kikyou in the manga was when IY was hanging from the tree and Kagome said she was Kagome not Kikyou. IY snarked back that Kikyou was prettier and more intelligent.

The anime deleted the discussion between IY and Kagome after Kikyou tried to take him to hell. Kagome asked how he could reconcile his desire to have her(Kagome) with her with his statement to Kikyou that a day did not go by when he was thinking about her. IY tells Kagome that he feels responsible for Kikyou's death. Kagome asks him if he thinks she is a replacement for Kikyou that she calms him and has a pleasant scent.

The anime directors also deleted the discussion between Kagome and IY after the Illusionary Death. He has just saved her from the pit of miasma which first Naraku and then Kikyou tried to drop her in to kill her. She assumes that he is siding with Kikyou who just left with the jewel after denying that she tried to kill Kagome. She refuses to tell him that Kikyou tried to kill her because she does not think he will believe her. IY asks Kagome to trust him because it was the vision of her telling him that he was not alone that saved him from the vision of Kikyou and the illusionary death. He chose to go with her and not join Kikyou in death.

The anime directors did show the discussion by the well when Kagome comes back. IY tells Kagome he even though he would prefer to stay with her because of the way she makes him feel, he feels that he owes Kikyou his life because she died following after him. Knowing how he feels,Kagome still asks to stay and they walk off hand in hand. IY never went to protect Kikyou. At the time IY and Kagome were going through their angst about Kikyou, Kikyou was rolling in the dirt in Onigumo's cave and storming Naraku's castle to show him that he could not hurt her. That incident sparked Naraku's building of Mt. Hakurei to get rid of his heart so that he could kill her.

Never rely on the anime Their words are not RT's. The anime directors have their own agendas and their own story to tell not RT's.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: -666
landofthekwt, thank you for citing such excellent examples to match your points. I think you addressed many of the misgivings people have of the pairing. It was very enlightening.

After reading this thread, I believe that most are forgetting some vital aspects of the story. For example, that these aren't calm and rational times. The characters are under a tremendous amount of psychological stress and emotional pain. Everyone, but Kagome has a tragic story. These are their lives, past present and future. They've all lost loved ones, because of Naraku. If you expect everyone to be kind and even-tempered to each other all of the time, then you might want to think about that again.

Another point is that Inuyasha's love and betrayal with regard to Kikyou is super fresh. Fifty years may have passed, but it feels like yesterday to him. If you've ever been in a relationship with someone you completely love and then have them betray at the deepest level, are you emotionally all right a week later? A month later? A year later? I know some very mature people who have been messed up for years, because of a very bad relationship.

Don't forget that everything that takes place in the manga did so over the course of a year. And also don't forget that Inuyasha waited for "Kagome" by the well for another three before she came back. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

I feel like some are trying to justify the S/K pairing by spiting the canon one. Please remember that you don't have to justify your tastes here. Everyone likes what they like, so let us be understanding to all possible pairings without arguing over which one is better.

I like me some Shippo/Jaken myself, Mm-Hmm
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
Very good points everyone made here. ^_^

Shippou/Jaken sounds like fun. I'm very intrigued now.
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
Naomi wrote:
Kagome wrote:
I use to be a huge fan of Inuyasha and Kagome! Such a big fan I even got a tattoo of them kissing when I was 17. and Then I got into Sesshomaru and Kagome XD I agree when people say Inuyasha is inmature, because he is like really really immature. I just don't think Kagome and Inuyasha could ever have a lasting reltionship. I don't think it could work becasue he is so inmature pretty much Sesshomaru is so much more mature and more of like a stable person and that is why I think Kagome and Sesshomaru work well together!

O.O Is the tattoo PERMANENT? XD

-LOL yes is is permanent
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Re:Kagome/Inuyasha 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 12
OMGGG!!! cool! I'm too scared to do something like that XD
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