Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
Youkai Romance by darkjewel Chapter 12
Kagome to Sesshoumaru: “Bad doggie. Drop it.”
Last Edit: 2010/08/27 22:05 By Lady Serianna.
Reason: mispelled word
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 1
A Restless Night's Dream by Aubrey ch 12
The neko was vain and conceited, and seemed to have the exact same god-complex that Sesshomaru had suffered from. Kagome wondered if she would have to dump an orphaned human into his lap to get him to see the errors of his ways.
Last Edit: 2010/08/27 23:45 By ladybattousai.
Reason: *evil laugh*
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
I'm loving this thread! So many fics I'd forgotten about being remembered and finding some good new ones, too! Couldn't resist giving a shout to A Sentinel Mother by Demonlordlover.
A fierce growl answered her, "No. Any chances you had to take another lover are in the past now. You belong to this Sesshoumaru."
Kagome growled back, surprising him. "Well, then, your youkai greatness belongs to me!" she declared hotly.
Anger at the thought of her with another flowing away swiftly, Sesshoumaru quirked a brow at her statement. He smirked, "Apparently you do have some admiration for this Sesshoumaru."
God I love that fic...
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
this is from a fanfic I'm currently re-reading (not sure I finished it the first time around, in fact I don't think it's complete yet...)
anyways, I thought this was an interesting quote
"It was baffling. And incredibly annoying, but not as incredibly annoying as he had thought it should be, which in itself was baffling... he did not like thinking about it."
XP it's at a point where he's becoming more interested than annoyed at kagome
(from 'Of Gods and Demons')
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hope is the Thing with Feathers by technoelfie (I wish she'd update this stunningly awesome fic!)
"Crete and Arcadia," Sesshoumaru said. "Congratulations on your divinity."
"Wait, what?"
Her exclamation was met with an irritated snort. "Really, miko, at least attempt to keep up," he demanded. "The jewel made you into a goddess. There was a chance you might have turned into something entirely different—if you had, it would have been my responsibility and my privilege to end your life before you could do any serious harm."
"So what, you laid out traps in here to find out whether I was one or the other?"
"Something like that," Sesshoumaru conceded. He had done no such thing, had not expected her to manifest so early. Still, it paid to leave people in awe of you, so he did not correct her.
AND from the same story
"That depends."
"On what?"
"On what you are a goddess of."
Okay, that made sense too. "Do you know?"
"Not at the moment, though I could hazard several guesses."
"Like what?"
"Inappropriate inquisitiveness maybe," he suggested. "Or immature snits. It is too early to say."
"So you're saying that I could be the goddess of lost socks for all you know."
"That would be amusing," Sesshoumaru conceded.
"That's very helpful. Inappropriate inquisitiveness? Really?"
"Inappropriate cheerfulness is also a contender," he said.
a kiss with a fist is better than none
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Last Edit: 2010/09/15 15:30 By artemis4eva.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 16
Sorry, sorry... another from Tales From the House of Moon...
Still, neither revelation number one nor revelation number two were nearly so exasperating as revelation number three, which was that he could almost hear his father informing him of his thoughts concerning this turn of events.
There was nothing in the world, Sesshoumaru decided, quite like hearing the voice of one's dead father gleefully chanting, "I told you so, I told you so!" over and over in one's head.
And this one comes illustrated!!!
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 57
'Bite Me' by Tallymark, is just brilliant, and here's my favourite piece from it. I mean seriously who wouldn't want to be in Kagome's situation?
“Well, ah…” Why did her voice sound so breathy? “…That…could work…but…” Her voice firmed. “But there’s a hole in your crazy plan. I have to bathe, you know.” Frustrated and confused by the madly darting butterflies in her stomach, she huffed, “Just what do you plan to do? Come back and lick me again every day?”
He didn’t answer.
“Sesshoumaru?” He was still holding up her wrist, and he was just…staring at it. Wearing the strangest look on his face. “Sesshoumaru?” she asked again. “Are you…are you okay?”
As she looked on, he carefully turned her hand over, and slowly, so slowly, brought it back up to his lips. They were warm and butterfly-soft against her skin, and the storm of butterflies inside her went wild, swirling about like some kind of crazed mating flight, and then he dragged his tongue over her palm and she nearly died.
He paused again, his eyes fixated on her skin with a look akin to wonder.
“S-sesshoumaru?” she somehow squeaked out.
“Hmm,” he said in answer, and then the wonder melted into a smirk and he resumed lapping at her arm with the fervor of…well, of a dog with a new treat. “I think,” he said in a rumbling voice as he nibbled down her forearm, “that this arrangement will work out very well.”
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
Strangely, I don't have a lot of quotes saved from Sess/Kag fics, which makes me sad since I know I've missed saving some awesome quotes! But I do have a couple gems.
Tease by Resmiranda
Hair, she thought. Stupid hair! Why can't my hair look like this? She travels around with a dragon and an imp and is being raised by a guy whose major occupation is practicing his angry face, and she still manages to be adorable and well groomed and have great hair. This is so unfair! What am I doing wrong?
When Rin was at last out of sight, Kagome bit her lip and turned around. She took comfort in the fact that Sesshoumaru probably wasn't going to kill her, but that solace was pretty much voided by the dread of what he might do instead.
Awful things. Horrible things. Things too terrible to imagine, as evidenced by the fact that she couldn't imagine them.
Close Encounters of the Fluffy Kind by KogasAngel
Kagome nodded. She could understand his position. An heir that was produced between them would inherit its father’s strength and demon blood while inheriting her miko power. Hopefully, it would also inherit her personality. His personality sucked.
The Lucky Ones by Terri Botta (Inu/Kag)
I think I’m too young for this conversation.
Someday you’ll understand, Shippou.
I understand now.
With the advent of fertility treatments and advanced obstetrics, eyes once again turned to the hanyous as the hope of the youkai bloodlines, and Inuyasha was one of the first hanyous to present himself for study on why he was unable to father his own pup. As it turned out, while low sperm count was a problem, Inuyasha did possess sperm that should have been viable. The issue was that they had no sense of direction, or as the youkai fertility doctor put it: "The wigglies need a road map and some sex education."
When put in a Petri dish with a viable egg, the sperm just wandered around aimlessly, bumping into the egg every now and then but pretty much ignoring it. Kagome likened them to his sword style, "Just keep swinging it around and eventually you'll hit something."
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 57
Utter Doom by Tallymark. Here's another favourite piece:
“And with this Sesshoumaru, maximum pleasure is a given,” he tossed over his shoulder. His voice dropped a delicious octave. “Always.”
He then stalked off into the night, his pale, luminescent figure etched sharply against the dark trees. She watched him, transfixed, her heart pounding. It wasn’t until he had almost vanished from sight that he spoke again one more time, voice drifting back out of the darkness.
“No instructions required. Unless you wish to give them. Think about my offer, miko.”
And then she was alone.
Kagome sank to her knees and clutched the grass with her fingers. She could hardly breathe.
She felt strangely electric. Bizarrely, wildly, thrillingly alive. She had never felt like this before—no one had ever looked at her like that before. With eyes like a sultry summer night, filled with promises.
If all men looked at women like that, she thought, flushing, the world wouldn’t need vibrators anymore.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 2
Several of my favorite quotes have already been listed here in this thread.
Another one from the amazing "Of Gods and Demons" by the talented ToWriteLoveOnAPage:
"You're kind of a jerk," Kagome mumbled and subconsciously pulled her skirt down just a little farther, "even if you are really a god."
The man arched a brow, "You doubt me?"
"I once met a water god," she said, making air quotes around the word. "Turns out he was just some creepy snake with ambition problems. Excuse me for being a little skeptical."
And another one I just thought of, the entire fic had me rolling with laughter. "Illusions of Grandeur" by the incomparable LC Rose.
"Well, there's always next time. We can get him then," the voices said with glee in his mind.
"Never. This Sesshoumaru shall never indulge."
"HAHAHAHA!" they laughed uproariously. "Never is a long time, dog boy."
"Yeah and you're one horny puppy."
"Hey, can we kick the toad now? That'd be fun, too."
"Oh yeah! And then the miko will see and be impressed by our might…"
Last Edit: 2010/09/23 01:53 By Veritas.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
This is from the fanfic Unspoiled by forthright~
“Katashi said the dragons will be here.”
“Yes, along with representatives from the horses, the tanuki, one of the raptors....”
“Dinosaurs?” she gasped.
He frowned and replied, “Bird youkai; hawks if I am not mistaken.”
“Erm... right. I knew that,” she mumbled sheepishly. “Will your family be coming?”
Lol Dinosaurs!! Hisoka and Kagome have some very good quotes throughout that story XD
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 78
Sesshy: "You are a fool, human. One that demeans the very world by your mere existence."
Kagome: "Oh, nasty. Oddly flowery, but nasty."
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 78
Oops, that was from "Falling Stars" by Celyia
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 31
In The Way I Am by Serephina of the Kamis, Kagome is playing with an ipod, instead of paying attention to Sesshomaru.
Sesshoumaru was starting to get annoyed. She was paying so much attention to that "Moulin /David Archuleta". . . he froze. Was he getting. . . jealous? Of a box?
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
POP! Goes The Miko by LC Rose
But something was wrong! His miko was not crying out nor writhing her delectable body against his. Scooting back, Sesshoumaru looked down at her face and cursed.
(Insert F-bomb here). He’d killed his toy!
“Jaken!” he called loudly, knowing the imp would hear him. “Fetch Tenseiga. Now.”
He wasn’t done, damn it.
Impending Doom By Tally Mark
Dear Santa, Kagome scribbled desperately in her head, I know you don't really work this time of year, but I'm running out of people to ask, and I'm not asking much…I just want my sanity back. With a growl of frustration she crumpled up her mental letter and tossed it away. It was hopeless. No one could save her now. How could they? She was the damsel in distress, but her prince in shining armor was also the marauding demon.
Last Edit: 2014/10/06 21:08 By sugar0o.
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7
Himitsu by Aimee Blue.
"The mundane humdrum of the cheap tea shop was interspersed with the steady buzzing of a fly. Driven by boredom, he decided a little surveillance would be worthwhile. Not stalking, it was definitely not stalking."
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 78
Mundane humdrum of the cheap tea shop? Wow, that sounds like a poem by Sylvia Plath!
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 216
How a moon rock can lead to... well you know! by ~Nikkari~ aka Keva
Rated NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 02-06-07 - Chapters: 1 - Words 17,115
She was cut off when he leaned down next to her ear, and with a throaty sexual whisper "Miko, would you like to find out what it is like to have sex with this Sesshoumaru?"
Now you would think that embarrassment would have been the first thing to pop to the forefront of her emotions, but nope it didn't. You see she was a modern girl of modern times. She was an adult, she went through sex ed in school, seen the videos, educational and otherwise, and listened to her friends talk about it and they even explained to her the best positions to do it in. Even though she had never done it, it didn't necessarily mean she didn't know what was involved in actually doing it. So she decided to take what he said as a bluff and made the decision to call him on it. She was after all something he despised...A human.
Locking onto his golden orbs with her brown, and a mild smirk on her face. She jumped him.
He was taught his whole life to expect the unexpected. This was one rule he lived by, it was the kind of rule that made sure you always had a good chance of survival under any circumstances. He had always held firm in that belief, that way no one could ever catch him off guard. Well that whole philosophy just went right out the window in a matter of seconds. No thanks to certain unrestrained miko.
Sure he could blame himself for her actions, but hell he had never thought that she would actually take him up on what he said. And besides he only said it to get her flustered. Now here he was laying on the ground in a very undignified manner, with a sex crazed miko sitting on his chest. Eventually his body was going to have to catch up with his brain, but as it stands now his mind wants to throw her off him, and his body is being extremely defiant in doing what his mind wants.
Last Edit: 2010/10/12 19:59 By sugar0o.
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Posts: 293
Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 28
Off topic, but....
When did the title change from "lines" to "linens"? xD The most unforgettable linens I've seen in this fandom are indecent to discuss! >3>
Moo. We are a cow. Take us to China.
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: -666
I would have nothing to do with that weeks ago 
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
One that has always made me laugh.
Sesshoumaru tried several dragon slicing techniques, but all of them gave him the same result - airborne filet of dragon, flying dragon liver, dragon pate - so he eventually gave up and trudged miserably through the snow and the stench, slicing haphazardly in the direction of the corpse and walking on as it exploded behind him.
- Resmiranda, Tales from the House of the Moon
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 4
angelic memories wrote:
Cause I just love Lady Battousai's Seven Feudal Fairy Tales I had to add something from it. Actually there are many lines that I love but my all time favourite was:
'Sesshomarus do not bounce'
I was just so amusing when I first read it and I was picturing Sesshomaru jumping up and down much like the way Rin is described to bounce. Perhaps it is just me that loves this line so much but I can't help it.. That line should be on a shirt, I would never stop wearing it lmao
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Re:Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 27
Help Wanted by Velvet Sometimes Ch.58 - Thrust
Sesshoumaru was usually content to do just about anything if the end result had his lovely little miko curled up in his lap, but this was where he crossed the line.
He watched as the King of Goblins pelvic thrusted his way around his throne room in a pair of sinfully tight britches, tossing puppet goblins as he went. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh come on, please?” She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “You would totally win as best cosplay.”
“No way in-“ He stopped mid-sentence and all but leered at her. “And what will you be wearing?”
I about died laughing at the description of the scene from Labrythn... and then picturing a irratated Sessh in that get up.
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 27
~CherrySakuras~ wrote:
angelic memories wrote:
Cause I just love Lady Battousai's Seven Feudal Fairy Tales I had to add something from it. Actually there are many lines that I love but my all time favourite was:
'Sesshomarus do not bounce'
I was just so amusing when I first read it and I was picturing Sesshomaru jumping up and down much like the way Rin is described to bounce. Perhaps it is just me that loves this line so much but I can't help it.. That line should be on a shirt, I would never stop wearing it lmao
I would wear a shirt that said that too.
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