What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 54
Rules name your favorite story, only one and can not be one of your own, and why. Also your least favorite, however, DO NOT name it or the writer just say why it was your least favorite, don't want this to become a flame.
For me my favorite would be Once and Future Taiyoukai. Well thought out story, original, no major plot holes and I loved the characterization of young Sesshoumaru and the fact that her going further into the past made changes to the future.
Reason I can't stand a certain fic was a really horrible characterization of Kagome. If you've ever read Akane bashing stories, which I normally don't cause I like her but a few got thrown in, imagine the worst ways to bash Akane and that is how Kagome was portrayed.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 10
My favorite that I have read a million times is DISCOVERIES by sesshys_jaded_samuri. It is smuterific. I also like the back story and plot that goes along with her lemons.
For least favorite their are a couple in mind, but they are all due to the same reason. Plotholes. I hate when an author obviously decides in the middle of the story to make Sesshoumaru a demon when it was obviously not that way before. I know some authors hide this in the beginning but there are clues along the way that make the youkai discover more realistic with the plot line. I don't know this bugs me as much as it does, but I can deal with just about anything else besides this.
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Lady Scheherazadea
Posts: 135
Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 6
Its so hard to pick just one, I have so many favorites and these are fics that I have read more than three times....how about I give you my top 5? 7? 10? Gah!! I can't do it, there are so many and there all my favorite for different reasons...its like I can't compare them to say which one I like more, their all really great in their own way. Okay here goes, I narrowed it down to my top 6:
Midsummer’s Eve by Nova Alexandria
A Cross of Blades by Striking Falcon
Unexpected Allies Trilogy by Striking Falcon
Hallowed Desire by DemonLordLover
Sentinel Mother by DemonLordLover
A Second Chance at Love by duchesscarml
I don't really have a least favorite because if I don't like the story or where its headed, I'll stop reading it. But I can tell you my turn offs, when a story becomes the proverbial circus and very bad grammar/spelling/punctuation/formatting errors. Some content turns me off but I don't want to mention it so as to not offend anyone.
“Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won\\\'t feel insecure around you.”
~Marianne Williamson
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
I loved to shed a light. And like 50 others. I love "She used to miss him ,but her aim improved." and like 50 others.
I hate when kagome is portrayed weak. Or vulgar and ditzy. It makes me nuts.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 11
All time favourite remains Temporal Sequence by Chaos and Serenity. I enjoyed the entire journey between these two and how they grew together as beings. It is a creative tours de force that was well paced and inordinately intricate, interesting, and so beautifully told. You felt for the characters. It was not just an exercise in writing, it was memorable.
It is literature.
My least favourite tend to follow along the lines where Kagome is excessively shrill, weak or mean of spirit. Equally when the ‘done-to’ theme is overplayed and she is devoid of personal power or intellect.
Her key strengths include a quick mind and an ability to adapt to any given circumstance. She never loses her humanity or sense of humour, regardless of the obstacles she faces.
Kagome is a heroine. An honourable, kind and an exceedingly brave soul. Like all human beings she has flaws but she remains a fine example of humanity when push comes to shove.
Last Edit: 2008/08/12 14:19 By ElegantPaws.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 16
Nobody wrote:
I loved to shed a light. And like 50 others. I love "She used to miss him ,but her aim improved." and like 50 others.
I hate when kagome is portrayed weak. Or vulgar and ditzy. It makes me nuts.
*gasps in complete astonishment* To have my story compared in the same breath as ANYTHING written by Rhiannonofthemoon? *bows in gratitude and humility*
Sheesh, I'd have to say my favorite fic would have to be, OH, anything by ShadowsWeaver1(Love.....has nothing to do with this, My Experiment, Tears of the Fallen, Vying for Dominance) and "This Sesshomaru Needs Not a Mate" by Elegant Paws.....and a recent favorite that I have somehow overlooked is "Temporal Sequence" by Chaos and Serenity....that one is phemomenal.
And to name a LEAST favorite? I could never do that. There are many that I would NEVER read. Many that cause me to pass over them by their summary alone. The true gems in storytelling greatness come through sifting through the rabble and catching the greats.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
OMG i forgot "Yellow Brick Road" *bows in apology* and "This Sesshomaru Needs Not A Mate" (Thanks Mamasama) theres just soooooooo many.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 1
I think my favorite, completed story is Tales From the House of the Moon
- just so well played out -
My favorite, but not finished story is Thunderstorms and Sakura Blossoms - great action.
Both writers have made Kagome a real person, not one that needs to be saved all the time.
Like others have mentioned, if I don't like it I stop reading it. There have been a couple that started out great, but just ended up being words and not a story -
When life hands you lemons,
aim for the eyes!
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
Thank you, Nobody. The fact that you enjoy my story and say that the thing you hate most is a weak Kagome really means a lot. I have gotten a lot of flack for having her be weak. Really, it was never my intention to have her weak, but lost. Most of this story was built to bring herself back to herself, if that makes sense.
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Posts: 290
Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 18
Faves? I have so many! Let's see if I can narrow this down just a smidgebit.
Forget-Me-Not by Youkai Yume
This Sesshoumaru Needs Not A Mate by ElegantPaws
A Self Called Nowhere by Noacat fingers crossed for an update)
Making The Most of Purgatory by Resmiranda (Yes I do love her most popular story, but then again... who doesn't? Still this one is just awesome to me.)
Pure Evil by sesshou_lover
Visions by Mujitsu
Vying For Dominance by ShadowsWeaver1
There... that's my top seven (chose my fave number or else the list would have kept going). Man that had to be the toughest thing I ever had to do - kinda.
Things I don't like: Really makes no sense in me saying them, because it all really just depends. If I don't like it I lose interest and the exit button becomes my bestfriend. Simple as that.
Last Edit: 2008/08/13 16:54 By Akay.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I love Yellow Brick Road. I do NOT see Kagome as weak in that story. I read her as having to find the strength to answer to a higher calling, even though she knows it could mean her destruction. On top of that, she has to deal with Alpha Dog, Inuyasha and her own grief. I see her as incredibly strong. I also like Peace Treaty by piratequeen.
My least favorite fics portray Kagome as whiny, weak, helpless, and needy. Bleah!
I don't like Sess to be overly touchy-feely either. The fics that have him sharing ALL his thoughts and feelings don't sit right with me.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
A lot of my favorites have already been mentioned but there are some which haven't so...
I love:
'Through the Mirror' by Sidhe *incomplete*
'Second Chance' by Striking Falcon *still in the works*
'The Syndrome' and 'She Who the Prophecy Foretold' by Sunset Miko
'Violation of Honor' by Rinseternalsoul
'The Nameless Sword Saga' by Travelingeast
'The Pinkerton Girls' by Kagome357
All of these have Sess out of his element and are just very well written works. I enjoy the stories were you can see the different facets of the main characters.
'A Sad Lack on Consonants' by fiendish-muse *it's a parody*
This is the piece that got me stuck on humor stories for awhile. I read the first chapter and about died laughing.
I'm a big believer in the idea that if something is written well enough almost anything can be enjoyable and believable but there are some things that bug me right out of the gate. The fics I don't like generally either move too quickly with a 'love at first sight' kinda thing, or they feature an over emotional Sesshomaru. I don't like the fics that have Kagome as weak and constantly in 'damsel in distress mode' either. For some reason I also have a big problem with the fics that abuse the heck out of Kagome and she never gets true retribution.
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Lady Scheherazadea
Posts: 135
Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Oh thanks Possessed for reminding. I should have had Peace Treaty by piratequeen0405 on my list as well and also, Moving Forward by Twiknham. Those are some really great pieces. Oooh, one more, Vying for Dominance.
“Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won\\\'t feel insecure around you.”
~Marianne Williamson
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 16
emmaren wrote:
Thank you, Nobody. The fact that you enjoy my story and say that the thing you hate most is a weak Kagome really means a lot. I have gotten a lot of flack for having her be weak. Really, it was never my intention to have her weak, but lost. Most of this story was built to bring herself back to herself, if that makes sense.
If anyone has given you flack for making Kagome 'weak' in YBR, then they must not have been paying attention. Your portrayal of her is aching and complex. Stubborn. Loyal. Despondant and weary......but NEVER weak. She must overcome so much. Perhaps one of my favorite things about YBR is that YES...it is dark in places...alot of times it just AIN'T pretty. But it still expresses the love and devotion the main characters feel for each other, despite all the hardship.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
My favorite story I have read so far has to be The Western Bond by Aeries. What I love about it is all the twist and turns that happens throughout the story, it always has you guessing. This story is only in A single spark is has not yet being moved to dokuga wich I am waiting to happen so it can be completed.
Ive read a few of stories that in the first couple of paragraphs lose my interest.Some of them are just not well written and that makes me uninterested in the story.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 52
After staying up two hours past my self appointed bedtime getting caught up, I would have to say my fav alternate universe S/K fic would be Dancing with Scissors by PirateQueen, while my alltime fav canon S/K fic would be Sentinel Mother by Nicole/DLL.
And, although this is for S/K fics, I just have to add Journey to the City of Endless Nights for my fav Inu/Kag and fav Crossover fic, it was such a good story, but it's been so long since I've read it, I don't even know if it's been updated.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Emmarem- ::GASPS::  WHAT? your kagome is the best. You tell who ever gives you flack that they can message me and i will explain to them in full detail why she is strong bold smart compassionate and deffiant! She does seem lost and broken but reading her journey is the best part. They must not have read it right.
Last Edit: 2008/09/05 05:12 By .
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Posts: 259
Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
A few stories that I really enjoyed are:
When Everything Falls Apart by Irish Black Rose
The Diary, Dragons Prey, and Passion all by CiraArana
Do You Know How To Dance by SugarOo
Kinky Boots by Kagome357
Progression by Sidhe
Whoops, thats more than a few, but there are some really great stories out there!
I can't pick just one.
If the zombies chase us, I’m tripping you
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
My favorite fics that sucked me into this fandom:
Tales from the House of the Moon by Resmiranda. It was as complex plot and character-wise as a novel, with a perfect bittersweet ending I've only ever found in Tolkien's LOTR.
The Once and Future Taiyoukai by RosieB. Original concept, a romance without cliche.
Stolen Seasons by Ladymage Samiko on FFnet. A genuine friendship fic. Excellent development.
Unsung Silence by Draconic Ban-Sidhe, and Tears of the Fallen by ShadowsWeaver1. Hurray originality, among a host of other wonderful qualities!
All of these are chapter stories of serious length, which makes them even more noteworthy, because they maintain their creativity and plot throughout.
My least favorite fics are those utilizing overused plot devices, love at first sight, and a weak or unbelievably strong Kagome. A fic where Sesshoumaru wanders through the woods contemplating Kagome and how there's "just something about her that's different" and happens to find said wench crying alone yet looking beautiful spells disaster.
A weak Kagome, or a story in which she has no control over her life, are difficult for me to read because it is uncomfortable to relate to her. I would not want so little control in my own life. An extreme, badass Kagome can be interesting depending on plot but I generally consider it OOC.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 4
my favourites?
hum... anything written by the following authors:
Elegant Paws
Priestess Skye
Sunset Miko
Fluffy Lady
Indigo Miko
Youkai yume
And I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot. I never have 'preferences', as long as it is well written and with a good plot, I like it. I just can't decide on what story's better, even if I admit to being a sucker for looooong chaptered stories in CU setting.
My fav of the fav would perhaps be Forthright. I worship her writing and beam at my computer stupidly each time I have an update notification with her name on it. I just love subtelty, I suppose.
What I dislike... fangirl transfer syndrom (leading to plot unconsistencies and love at first sight) and OOC ness (the 'mushy Sesshomaru syndrome', the 'weak and stupid Kagome' syndrome, not to forget the 'Super Miko without a spandex suit' syndrome)
Last Edit: 2008/09/21 05:21 By hikari hime.
\"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.\"
A. Einstein
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Posts: 290
Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
hikari hime wrote:
What I dislike... fangirl transfer syndrom (leading to plot unconsistencies and love at first sight) and OOC ness (the 'mushy Sesshomaru syndrome', the 'weak and stupid Kagome' syndrome, not to forget the 'Super Miko without a spandex suit' syndrome)
Lol, nicely put. Couldn't have said that better myself.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 4
-blush- Thanks
My sharp tongue escapes me sometimes, but I always find it eventually. I just have to follow the corpses... -evil grin-
Ah, I forgot to mention that I hate it when people have the gall to put some barely readable fics online. I don't really say it out loud, as some of my worst mistakes slip out of my dearest betas' hawk eyes sometimes, and then I feel really ashamed at my poor mastery of the English language, but at least I feel like I try my best to update my chapters only when they are as correct as possible.
It irks me when I have to decode a story, just as if I was receiving it on my mobile phone like one of those SMS (how do you call those in English anyway? lol)
\"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.\"
A. Einstein
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 216
I'm so incredibly late to answering this one mostly because its been a LONG time since i got involved in forums at all, but i have far too many to pick from because well I just love a lot of fics. Its easier for me to name Authors of those fics then to name them all.
I'll have to say though, Tales from the house of the Moon, i dont think its on this site, but its the first one that got me into fanfiction and Sess/Kags pairings. from there the ones that have brought me a lot of joy in reading have been, wait for list:
Anything by RenEmma or EmmaRen, however she's listed on this site.
Anything by ElegantPaws.
Anything by OnyxIvyStone, i dont think she's on this sight but if you want drama and love, and have packaged without comprising the characters by changing them, then you really should find her, and review that you licked it.
Mrs MamaSama's, She used to miss him, but then her aim improved.
Mr 4Arrows's, Check One: YES NO MAYBE.
Miss Kagura's got a few too many to list, i rather like some of her rather dark and wonderful stories that she writes.
The one Formally known as ' Keva', i bow to her. She knows it too.
Ms ShadowsWeaver's, Vying for Dominance.
Ms Trinity3000's, End of Demons, i swear if you havent started reading this, find it.
Ms AuraDepth's, Spring Fever, and Midwinders Dream.
Ms Pirate Queen0405's, Peace Treaty.
Ms Tamai's, C o o t i e i t i s.
Ms Faust VII's, His Body Guard.
Ms twiknham's, Moving Forward.
okay those are all the ones i can think of right now, if i didnt mention one and you know i love it, dont feel bad those are just the ones right off the top of my head. If you cant find it here on this site, its out there, look. Their all great! - r0o
Last Edit: 2013/01/16 21:47 By sugar0o.
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Re:What is your fave kag/sess fic? 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 32
I can't really say that I have an absolute favorite when it comes to Sess/Kag fics, although right now I am seriously desperate for an update to 'Dancing with Scissors' by Piratequeen0405... and at the moment I have become seriously hooked on 'Fragile' by ConsistentlyInconsistent and 'Valadium' by Draconis_Lilium. I do have to say that Striking Falcon is one of my long time favorites - Cross of Blades is one of the few fics that I have ever sat and read straight through. There is an abundance of talent out there right now, and I tend to give every fic that is posted a chance.
As for turn-offs... I think that what irks me the most is an abundance of spelling and grammar errors, or when every single line is single spaced and there are no paragraph breaks... it hurts my eyes. (sorry... old age showing...hehe)
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