First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Here's a bit of a challenge for you. Go back to your first fiction you wrote, re-read it and, if you dare, share it here.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: -666
Rereading my first fic, Seven Feudal Fairy Tales, would take far too long, but I can tell you that when I do read parts of it to reminisce, I cringe. I loved adverbs way too much. Other people love it anyway, so that's good enough 
Last Edit: 2010/05/26 09:38 By ladybattousai.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
No... just... no. Oh! Shoot! I just remembered, the fic I thought was my first wasn't really. My first ever fic never saw the internet. It was bad. My second and third might be hidden somewhere in the spark archives. I will not look for them. No. I have a perfectly fine memory, thank you, and I don't need anything to remind me of those. Unlike milady Battousai, I wouldn't cringe at just parts of it, I'd cringe the whole way through.
Now I wanna know if they really do still exist, so I'll go back on my word and look for them. If I find them I shall have to petition for their removal 
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm pretty pleased with my first fic, but I also just started last year and I hate my first chapter story.
The point of this thread is not just to have a bit of fun, but also to see how far you've come along. Plus I want to see if people were always amazing or if they've improved over time 
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 15
My first fic ever was a oneshot, so I don't really count it. But my first chapter story, Always (a KouKag) is... muy terrible! The worst part for me is that I'm ALWAYS getting compliments on it, and all I can think is "OMG, that story is CRAP!" I never even finished it! (long story short: all it needs is an epilogue, which I HAD written, but got lost on a computer I could never get back into)
As for technique: not to toot my own horn, but I have to say that my writing is at least ten times better. I've learned a lot through criticism and reading other fanfics. My biggest - and most resonant - lesson? You can't make everyone happy, so you should always write the story how it was originally intended.
Lemons and Reviews are love...
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 156
Same for me, I think I actually wrote a short oneshot first ( This one...) but I don't really count that as my first fanfic. My first fanfic was Faded Memories. I'm not going to re-read it, since I did that last year. I went through it and edited it, because frankly, it was rather horrible. Much of the horror had to do with that fanfic also being the longest story so far I had ever written in English, which is not my first language. It was so clumsy, lacking a good nice flow and it was littered with typos and minor mistakes and what not. >.>
Still, I can't ignore the fact that writing the fic did both help me with my writing skills as well as with becoming more fluent in English, so in that aspect, it was a very much valuable lesson for me. ^_^
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 67
My first fic I wrote was called The Power of the Full Moon. It was a collection of lemons from Dragon Ball Z with the usual pairings, when I was obsessed with the series. It started with Gohan/Videl and went on to Goku/Chichi. Until now, I haven't finished it. Too bad FF.net removed it because of the NC17 rating. You can still find it on MM and AFF.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
>.> The first fanfic I wrote was a one-shot songfic. I've lost count of how many times I've re-written it because I was unhappy with it. I think if i re-read it again, I might just re-write again~
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 92
You ready for this? This was the third story i attempted to write. The first one no longer exists and the 2nd i don't have the original of, just an outline. This was done during my senior year in high school, for my final no less (we had to write a fable) and no I'm not even going to mention the year that was, it makes me shudder to even think about it. Remember that because the style is far different than what i do now and much needs work. But here it is, with all its warts (including misspellings),
The Knight and the Purple Dragon....
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away lived a good and kind king. He was fair to all the people in his kingdom and well loved by all. He also had a beautiful daughter. She was a selfish and vain creature that cared about no one but herself and what she could get out of people. The time finally came for her to wed but the king could find no man who would wed her or that she would wed. Men came from far and wide, having heard tales of her great beauty but often left shaking their heads at the vain and selfish creature.
The king was greatly distressed by these turns of events and did everything in his power to find a mate for her. He offered a huge dowry to anyone who would wed her. The money attracted a lot of would be suitors to the kingdom but alas, none of them would marry the vain woman.
One day a large purple dragon was sighted in the forest next to the kings' castle. The dragon was the biggest ever seen. As we all know beautiful women attract dragons so it was no surprise to anyone that one day the kings' daughter came to be missing from her room in the castle. The king was greatly distressed and ordered that the person who rescued his beloved daughter would not only receive a large reward but also receive her hand in marriage.
Many young, brave knights took on the challenge and set out to slay the purple monster but none were ever heard from or seen again. One day a brave knight rode into the village. His hearts only wish was to marry a beautiful princess. The villagers told him of the dragon and the princess. He set out immediately to see the king.
"Sir Humphries, if you can slay the monster that stole my daughter I will reward you with her hand in marriage and half my kingdom." The distressed king told him.
Sir Humphries bowed and replied, "My king, I will either return with your daughter or die trying." He then headed out in search of the monsters' lair.
He found him in a cave not far from the castle. He called out a challenge to the dragon to come out and fight him, for we all know that dragons can not resist a challenge from a knight. Out of the cave stumbled the huge beast, who did not look so fearsome. Instead he looked tired and worn. With one stab of his lance the beast fell at his feet.
With his last gasp of air the dragon said, "Thank God! One more day in that cave with that woman and I would have killed myself. You can have her and good luck!" With that he died.
Sir Humphries walked to the cave to retrieve the princess. She stood there looking at him with her arms crossed over her chest, "It's about time that someone came and got me from that dreadful creature! What took you so long? This has been a horrible experience! I will have nightmares for years about it! All the steam from his breath has ruined my hair! I haven't slept since he took me from my room now I have dark circles under my eyes and I smell like dragon!"
Sir Humphries helped her onto the back of his horse and headed back to the castle. The whole ride back the princess complained about anything and everything. When he presented her to the king he was overjoyed at the return of his daughter. He immediately started planning their wedding.
They were married a short time later and Sir Humphries became a good and benevolent king as the one before him. But he did not live happily ever after. The princess never changed and if possible grew worse over the years.
Moral: listen to dying dragons or watch what you wish for you just might get it!
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 279
Even then, our Danyealle had the same acerbic wit that she continues to share so unstintingly with the rest of us... I LOVED IT!!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
Eegad. The first fanfic I ever wrote never saw the light of the internet. I was when I was fresh out of High School and just got into The Slayers series. I was 30 some chapters long and passable.
I still find a page of it from time to time when I spring clean. I just don't have the heart to throw it away. 
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
God, I've tried to write my own original stories but never really attempted fanfiction until recently.
My first chapter story was, Two Souls, One Heart, a Bleach fanfic but I decided to discontinue it for the moment to concentrate on The Legacy of the Inu, my first Inuyasha fanfic and my all time second one.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 32
My initial foray into fandom was with Miroku, and he's stood me in good stead. I'm sure it'll be a shock to reveal that my very first piece of fanfiction was a drabble (gasp!) in which the incorrigible monk plays the starring role. It's called My Hero! As far as chaptered stories go, my first is a tale called Unsought, in which 'happily ever after' takes its time to arrive for Miroku and Kagome. It's complete if you care to give another alternate pairing a go. ::twinkle::
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
kami my first fic now thats scary i think i reread it once and say to my niece "what was i thinking?" it saw the internet for a short time but i deleted it soon after rereading it. i think i might have a copy on spark or a disk.
I have an alter ego and it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a pain in my butt....
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
Wow, my first fanfiction was called "The White Miko". It was a Kagome piece that went on for thirty chapters. I had her with so many guys except for Inuyasha! Lol. I rather enjoyed it. I made her into this complex character. I never finished it because my computer crashed. I saved everything on floppy disks (that's right, floppy disks) AND SOMEHOW they disappeared. *sigh* It was orginally posted on AFF under Staindblek. That was the good ol' days!
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
oh lord...
Only a couple other people on the PLANET know I've written fanfic (well, and now you guys), and only one person has ever read any of it.
The first one I ever wrote was over a decade ago - it was a Labyrinth fic and ended up being almost 100K words long and I actually recently re-read it. It isn't terrible, but there's a reason I'm an artist and not a writer. 
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
Let's see...my first fanfic was actually written for Anne McCaffrey's Pern series. I had read her short story "The Smallest Dragonboy" in a collection I found at school, and was inspired. Had no clue it was part of a larger world. My story was about a young girl who impresses a dragon...a WHITE dragon. Imagine my surprise when, several years later, I find a copy of THE WHITE DRAGON sitting on the shelf at my local bookstore.
As for re-reading it, I have no clue where it went after I left home. Considering it was written around 1974, it's probably compost by now. And my vague memories of the contents say that is more than likely a good thing.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Embarrasing, oh my god...
The first fic I ever did is probably lost in the world of DustBunnies. The fandom was Inuyasha, I was either fourteen or fifteen years old (as unit time measure, I'm twenty-two now), wrote four or five chapters and forgot about it. All I can remember is it featured a water thingie/being/mary sue using clay to give Sesshoumaru a new arm. Possibly to seduce him, too. I was your estereotypical fangirl back then.
Now, the first fic I ever published was called Angel of the Past and its fandom was Rurouni Kenshin. It has five chapters, it's completed and it's so full of crap I was banging my head on the keyboard as I re-read the first chapter. Couldn't read more, it was painful. I was fifteen. The fic was about yet another enemy of Kenshin's and the ghost of a past teammate appeared to warn him. It's full of fantastical trash, including a fight of ghosts in the ghost realm. Ugh.
Fortunately for my ego and unfortunately for your badfic-bitching side, the only english I had back then was the little I learned from playing the Pokemon Yellow Edition game.
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 8
My first?
Everybody saw it on Spark.
"Flowers on the Moon."
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
The first fic I wrote... you can't even call it a fic. It was an Inuyasha story written in script style and I was... 15, I think. Fortunately for me, the site that it was on no longer exists! Hahahaha! And I think the original files were either deleted, or are currently stuck in the hard drive that was damaged on the plane trip over here to America. Either way, I can't read it... and good riddance, I say! Still, it's embarrassing to know that some people actually read it. My spelling and grammar was horrible back then.
There are a few fanfics I have on the internet that I wrote quite recently (within a year) but they're only one-shots. Kagome's Diary Entry (I can't remember what I called it... "Dear Diary", I think. I really don't want to go looking at it. >_>) and that's posted at my livejournal account. I also posted two Eyeshield 21 stories: "Making a Pass" (don't look for it, please. XD) and "Pleasing a Demon", both of which I posted at the Hirumamo Community.
Sorry I didn't offer any links... I'm too embarrassed to. 
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Re:First Fic you wrote 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 16
The first fanfic I wrote was a Sailor Moon one, All My Brothers. It's still the 2nd most popular one I have over at Fanfiction.Net. The first Inuyasha fic I did was a Sess/Kag parody, Third Rate Romance (the most popular fic I have at FFN), which is also in the Spark section here. These days, what little writing I do is on the novel by daugther & I have in work, except for the occasional poem or drabble.
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